Capítulo sem título 142

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He arrived at the building he lived in which was a twenty story skyscraper. His father was relatively wealthy so Liam lived in the penthouse apartment. As the elevator reached the top floor and the door opened, Liam entered the apartment. The moment the elevator closed behind him, he was enveloped in blue flames. The first thing to happen was his clothes were burned off. Next, his entire body was covered in midnight blue scales and his pinky and big toes retracted into his feet as his three remaining toes grew much larger, a large black claw forming on the end of each of them. The same transformation happened to his arms except he kept all five of his fingers, although each now had a large black claw on its end. His muscles also enlarged and his whole body grew bigger.

His face stretched out into a draconic muzzle, his normal human teeth morphing into sharp, predatory ones as his hair burned off from the fire. His pupils turned to slits while his piercing blue eyes got even more vibrant as they moved to the side of his head, though still angled forward enough to give him binocular vision. His ears disappeared as well as his ear holes and in place of them was ear fins that were much more sensitive to sound than human ears, while his tongue got longer and forked at the end. From his tail bone, a large appendage sprouted. It grew until it was five feet long and was a fully formed tail. Two large arms sprouted from his back, each growing incredibly long fingers. A thin membrane of the same midnight colour formed between them, giving him fully fledged wings. Spikes grew out of his back, starting from the back of his head and going all the way to the tip of his tail. The spikes glowed a bright blue. Finally, two horns sprouted from his head, coloured the same black as his claws at the base and transitioning to the glowing blue of his spikes at the tip. The fire then dissipated.

Liam was actually a dragon! Within a few seconds, he had gone from a tall, but normal teenager to a seven foot tall, midnight blue, anthropomorphic dragon. He was strong enough to lift a metric ton, his scales were tough enough to easily stop bullets, he could see everything much more clearly than humans could, and colours were a lot more vibrant. He could also hear and smell everything within miles as well as hearing and smelling them far better and in much more detail than a human ever could. He also had one more ability: fire magic. He could control his blue flames and make them do practically whatever he wanted. This went beyond just breathing fire, he could emanate them from practically any part of his body and control them easily.

The entire transformation process was completely painless, and things like his clothes and hair simply burned away when he transformed into his dragon form and just came back when he transitioned back to a human. Liam never was a human in the first place. He simply had the ability to transform into one, but it was just a disguise. Technically, he could keep the disguise up indefinitely, but he couldn't stand to. His real form was a massive, twenty foot tall quadrupedal dragon but since he didn't like destroying the house and he liked being able to hold things, he took on an anthropomorphic form. He found his human form limiting and his full dragon form too large so his anthropomorphic form to him was the best of the three.

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