Capítulo sem título 112

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It had happened earlier that day. Toothless had been skirting through the village, a bit
bored as he sniffed around for fish or fellow Berkian dragons, but came up short. At one point he
saw several Nadders and Thunderdrums darting around the sky, but when he called out to them
they flew off, unable to hear him over their own roars. Ears flat, he continued on.
Strangely, Toothless had always been a bit of a viking dragon. He didn't know why but
vikings and him just got along better; it helped that they were always so eager to see him about
the village and that anything a viking could do he could do better. But with his fellow dragons he
wasn't able to chase them through the sky or play in the clouds with them, as so he often found
himself left behind when they decided they got bored on the ground.
His tail slithered through the packed dirt of the streets, as he spotted a barrel of freshly
caught fish. Approaching it with a grin he plucked a large mackerel up with his teeth and bolted
it down. Enjoying the rich flavor of ocean salt and the smooth wetness as it slid down his throat.
While he licked his lips his ears perked up at the sound of someone calling his name.
He turned and saw that a few hundred feet away was Astrid. She beckoned him over
with an insistent wave of her hand and another call of his name. Not seeing anything better to
do he bounded up and over the hill, and slowed to a prance when he neared the viking woman.
Toothless liked Astrid. Back when they first met he had no love for her, as the rowdy,
battle hungry viking who often tripped and harassed Hiccup. However, as time had it he started
to grow fond of her, and even grew a deep bond with her and her Stormfly. It was well known
that his rider Hiccup had a deep love connection with her, but what most vikings didn't know was
that Astrid had developed an attraction to Toothless.
It seemed that's what she was planning for them now.
"Hey, do you- are you doing anything right now?" She asked once he slowed to a stop
beside her.
Toothless gave a shake of his head, and when she asked if he knew where Hiccup was
he responded with a tilt of his head and a shrug of his dark wings.
"Well what do you say to some alone time between just us? I haven't had sex in a while
so I'm nice and sensitive." She trailed a finger down his snout and to the nubs on his chin.
It was true for Toothless, that he too hadn't been able to bed a dragon or a viking in a
while. Just at the thought he could feel his cock nudging out from his slit and the neediness his
dragonhood was feeling. With an eager nod and smile, he nuzzled Astrid and followed her into
her house.
It didn't take long before Toothless coaxed his cock out and mounted Astrid from behind.
Slowly easing inside of her wet, eager folds and thrusting in and out, all the while bracing
himself over her back with his front talons gripping her waist.
Their loud moans and growls could be heard just outside the ajar door.
Hiccup had been caught up in his meetings and training, spurred on by Stoick, his father
and chief as both of their aging was a sign for the young viking to soon take on the role as chief
of Berk. Despite his own personal reasons for not wanting the role, Hiccup had to admit that his
father was getting older and deserved the option to step down, while mentoring his son.
Honestly though he couldn't imagine another chief after Stoick. It felt weird and wrong in a way.
He sighed and began his way through the village. Several people waved to him as he
walked by, all of them engaged in their own activities. Gobber organizing his freshly cleaned
tools and stoking his forge, while another viking pulled a cart of produce, followed by an eager
Nadder who thought she could snag a treat.
Turning he ascended the stairs leading up to Astrid's house. Besides Toothless she was
the only one who had the ability to console him and he hadn't seen either of them today. He
needed time to relax and someone to talk to about his troubles. Someone who could help but
also bring some fun into his day.
Suddenly he stopped at the last step, caught off by a faint sound. Hiccup narrowed his
eyes in confusion and took another quiet step forward to listen, going completely still. It sounded
like struggling, maybe? Definitely some small gasps and some. . . growling?
His heart sank as his mind reeled from the possibility that Astrid was hurt, or someone
dangerous had attacked her. Maybe someone broke in!
Hiccup burst through the door, poised to help Astrid or fight off an intruder. He gasped as
he came face to face with what was actually happening.
Astrid was sprawled on the floor, with her ass in the air and a pleasured look on her face.
All the while Toothless, large and dark was curled over her back, talons around her waist and
his large cock pumping in and out of the viking woman. His movement had them both in a
rhythmic motion, grinding her into the floor as Toothless's tongue lolled from his jaws and
produced happy growls from his throat.
There was a moment where Hiccup watched what was happening, then the next
moment Astrid gasped and began to struggle away from Toothless. Confused, the dragon held
her hips firm to his own and continued from a different angle. She wrestled away, striking the
dragon across the face and shouting at him to get off.
Toothless let her go, his dragonhood pulling out of her pussy, while being revealed to the
air. He stood back on his hind legs before he shifted back on all fours, his wings out in confusion
and concern from both his rider and Astrid.
Struggling to her feet Astrid said. "Oh Hiccup! It was awful! Your dragon there broke into
my house and jumped me! I tried to get away but he pinned me down and started having sex
with me. I didn't want it, but Toothless wouldn't stop even when I called for help." She pressed
herself to Hiccup, upset and scared looking.
With a desperate roar Toothless took a step forward, but Astrid let out a cry and pushed
further into her boyfriend. The dragon looked around, pleading to Hiccup with his green eyes
and sharp roars, but nothing came of it.
Not knowing who to believe Hiccup turned on Toothless. "How could you? I don't know
what I saw or what exactly happened, but the little I did see was you on top of Astrid." He looked
to her. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry that happened to you. I. . ."
Toothless spun with a frustrated growl. His dick had softened and slid back into his slit.
He beat his wings, trying to communicate and plead his case but getting nowhere. He finally
stopped and sat, slumped over and dejected.
A part of Hiccup wanted to believe his dragon. He couldn't think of why his best friend
would do something like this and be, seemingly, just as upset about it as Astrid was.
Looking between his scared girlfriend and defeated dragon he had an idea. "I don't know
what happened but I'm going to find out. Toothless come with me and Astrid you stay here until I
can figure out his side of the story. I want to be fair to both sides."
"You can't tell what a dragon is thinking or what they're saying. Just believe me." Astrid
Motioning Toothless outside he said. "I do believe you, but I also believe that he wouldn't
do this to anyone, especially you. I need to hear his side before I can do anything to fix this. I'll
be back." He kissed her, then moved to mount his dragon. With one last look at Astrid he took
off into the sky.
Hiccup remembered seeing a potion in the Book of Dragons, one where Bork the Bold
had been able to speak to dragons and hear their words in turn. It was made of a mixture of
ingredients and brewed in a specific mixture. But with it he could get Toothless's story and find
out what had really happened between them.
It took only a moment for Hiccup to find the page in the Book of Dragons and scribble
down the list of ingredients. They were back in the air again, ready to find the items that could
make this potion. He was lucky that Nightfuries were the fastest dragons around.
Over the course of two days Hiccup and Toothless raced to several islands in search of
rare plants and materials. After gathering those they hunted for the dragons that contained the
last of the ingredients. Nothing came to harm these dragons, even when Hiccup needed a scale
from a Speedstinger and the gel from a Monstrous Nightmare. The last item they needed was
the saliva of any given dragon for it to be boiled in.
With that Toothless spent the next while salivating in a bowl and trying to collect enough
saliva before his throat ran dry. That was the most time consuming even when they collected it
between runs to the islands and other dragons.
Finally they had enough to begin simmering it.
At his house, Hiccup stewed the Nightfury spit and slowly mixed in the other ingredients.
However, unbeknownst to either viking or dragon Hiccup had misread the final step. Don't let
the potion cool before drinking.
With everything well mixed and ready, he set it aside to cool for several hours. Once it
had stopped bubbling, he pressed a hand to the side of the bowl, feeling the heat dwindle. With
that he dipped a finger in, before dipping a bottle in.
He turned to Toothless, holding the potion. "Once I drink this I should be able to talk to
you, bud. Then I want to know what happened with Astrid."
Toothless resisted the urge to complain or roar out again, and instead sat to watch his
rider. He hoped that Hiccup would believe him if this worked.
Taking the mixed and refined potion, Hiccup lifted it to his lips and drank, shivering as the
cool drink ran down his throat and filled his belly with a warm fuzzy feeling. The aftertaste was
odd and left his tongue tingling and slightly numb.
After smacking his lips, he suddenly felt the overwhelming feeling of his throat changing.
At first it was just a stretching, sore sensation, however that quickly escalated into a powerful
pull deep in his neck. He realized, now being able to feel each change and individual muscle,
tendon and organ in his upper body that his vocal cords were widening, lifting and twisting into
new shapes.
He coughed and clutched at his neck trying to soothe the odd and sore inducing feeling
in his throat. Then he reached for his head, as his ears exploded in sensation. Sensation that
tickled and itched slightly, but felt as though his ear canal and eardrums were firm putty being
stretched and pulled into new shapes. They vibrated all along their surfaces, pulling apart along
his eardrums and refusing into a much more bulbous shape.
Hiccup didn't fully realize what was happening, being so distracted by this strange
transformation, until Toothless roared, then spoke.
"What's happening to you? I don't know how to help! I need to find someone!" The black
dragon spun in a circle, almost knocking him over with his tail, before he buffeted his wings and
prepared to take off through the skylight.
"No! Don't go anywhere! I'm fine, this is all going to be fine. I just need a minute." Hiccup
saw no issue in his own speech.
Toothless did, however. The Nightfury's ears went up in alarm as he heard his rider not
speak like a viking, but rather a dragon. Although what caught his attention even more so was
the light tone it had, an almost soft lilt that seemed familiar and yet all the more strange coming
from Hiccup.
"Bud it's alright, I'm going to be okay. Just stay here with me. Please." He still gripped his
head, which shivered with energy and slight shifting.
Toothless took a step forward, sniffing Hiccup tentatively and wanting nothing more than
to pull him close and keep him bundled in his wings. He said. "Are you sure you're okay? You
sound different and you can understand me. . . It worked, you can understand me!"
Hiccup had been so distracted with the pain and dizziness that he hadn't fully realized
that he had heard Toothless speak and then responded to him. With the changes subsiding, he
could hear that his dragon's voice was deep and bassy. With a slight growled tone to certain
words and even a slight hiss on others. It was amazing to hear a dragon's speech!
He rolled over to grab at the dragon's face. "I-I can understand you! Finally, yes! I'm
speaking dragon too, right? You can fully understand what I'm saying?"
Again, Hiccup's voice sounded familiar yet new. It was odd but it soothed him in a way
he hadn't felt in a long time. The Nightfury tried to think where he'd heard this voice, or
something similar to it. Then it hit him. Hiccup sounded like a female Nightfury.
A long time ago before he'd been shot down by Hiccup or lived with the Red Death,
Toothless had been far off in the archipelago with another Nightfury. Back then there had been
much more of them, although not nearly enough as there should have been.
A female Nightfury, his mate, had the same lilting voice that Hiccup had now. She was
swift and beautiful and they spent their days diving into the ocean for fish and soaring over
islands, clouds and pods of whales. However, the hunters who'd shot down the Nightfuries
before them, came to claim new kills and she was quickly shot down and dragged away to be
sold for parts.
She had cried to him to fly away, to fly so far away that the hunters would never find him.
He did and spent the next several nights straight flying from one island to the next, staying
hidden and isolated until he was found at the volcano of the Red Death.
He closed his eyes in sorrow. Bitter and sharp in his chest as he remembered her words
to him and the moment he dove away into the distant sky. Despite knowing it was useless, he
still felt he should have fought the hunters. Maybe he could have rescued his mate, and
together they could have fled further than they ever thought possible. Together.
But then he wouldn't have met Hiccup. They would have stayed separated for their
future. . .
Hiccup snapped him out of his sad memories. "Hey are you okay? You seem distant."
Toothless wrapped a wing around him, and gently nudged his friend's face with his nose.
"No it's nothing. . . just remembering some things. I don't want to talk about it. It's nothing. I
They stayed like that for several long moments, with Hiccup listening to the thunderous
heart of his dragon and Toothless listening to the breathing of his viking. It didn't take long
before Hiccup pulled away and looked the Nightfury dead in the eyes.
"You need to tell me the truth." He said. "Did you really take advantage of Astrid? She
says you followed her into her house and overpowered her and had your way with her. That you
didn't stop even when she started fighting."
Toothless's wings first flared in disbelief and then drooped to the ground, leathery wings
awash across the floor boards. His ears back and his expression pleading. "I swear I didn't, I
promise! I was out in the village and Astrid called me over. She asked if I would mount her and I
wanted to, so I followed her to her house. She was enjoying it until you walked in, then she
started struggling."
Hiccup was angry and in shock.
"She's been having sex with me for a while now. Astrid I think likes dragons more than
she likes viking, or at the very least she likes me. I don't know if she sees any others beside you
and me." He grimaced in both embarrassment and in pity at the reveal to Hiccup. "But at least
she's being mounted by dragon and rider and not someone random."
It didn't lighten the mood much, although Toothless had tried his best. Instead Hiccup
seemed to be lost in thought, a bit sad and slowly more rescinded. His gaze drifted from
Toothless, to the floor, to his hands and back to the floor.
Toothless slung a wing around him. "I wouldn't ever force myself onto Astrid or anybody,
viking or dragon. It's not really something dragons do. We go into heat and we go in and out of
season, but it's mostly an instinctual action. Although sometimes we, or I for example just get in
the mood. But not so much so that I or any dragon would decide to rape someone. That's just
not really a thing dragons do."
Hiccup sighed, but cracked a sad smile. "Well then that makes you better than humans."
His voice still light and feminine.
The Nightfury couldn't deny that his slit was starting to ache with a growing need. His
long, curved cock was itching to emerge and bury itself into something soft and warm. It was
just his voice. It sounded so much like a female Nightfury, and even the tenor made him primed
to breed.
Suddenly Hiccup shook his hands out, waving them in the air and staring intently at
them. He shivered all over and rubbed his fingers together as if he'd ran them through
something sticky and invisible.
"What was that?" Toothless asked.
"I don't know, it's just my hands. They feel . . . tingly?" Said the viking, who went back to
inspecting his wrists and arms, however now his hands were trembling. "Why are they shaking?
I don't get it. They feel weird and my chest . . . it's starting to feel weird too."
It didn't take long before Hiccup doubled over with a cry. Toothless rushed to his side,
crouching beside him and drawing him in with his wings. He left him trembling on the wooden
floor, too frightened to move him and risk injuring his friend, but instead hovered over him with
wings outstretched. When he nudged his shaking form, he felt just how hot his body was and
the dragon pulled back with shock.
"You're burning up! Humans don't do this right? This isn't a good thing!?"
Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, but no words formed. Rather he shook his head and
cradled himself through the growing heat and discomfort. It had started in his chest with a slight
racing or skipping to his heart, then his fingers had felt tingly, as if they had fallen asleep. The
pain then exploded from his chest, something hot and fiery. Now it spread across his body in an
initial rolling wave of fire, settling in a powerful aching feeling all over.
"I don't know, bud. This all . . ." He groaned. "Doesn't feel right. Maybe it's that potion.
Maybe I messed up the ingredients or something."
Toothless watched with horror. Was his rider going to die? What was happening with
him? He bent to sniff and gently prod his prone body, and though he knew deep down that this
wouldn't solve anything it made him feel just the tiniest bit better. Like being able to touch him
would make all of his pains and sensations better.
When he looked down at his grasping fingers, he noticed something that immediately
brought his attention. His nails had become claws. They were the same color as before,
however it seemed as though his nails had narrowed and grown outward until that tapered into
While Toothless racked his brain for answers, Hiccup starred in growing awe at his best
friend. He'd never paid attention to just how handsome and beautiful the Nightfury was, with his
perfect jaw and plump ear numbs. The way his black scales shown with subtle grey markings
when the light cascaded over his muscular, well built body.
It wasn't like he hadn't taken long moments to inspect his friend and his glorious body.
Hiccup had spent many hours sketching and recording Toothless's various probable and
obvious anatomy for the book of dragons, and in turn had taken great lengths to get accurate
measurements and information. He'd even recorded Toothless's barbed, knotted member on the
several occasions he'd caught him with it out. Although before he hadn't wanted to think why it
had been erect in the first place. Dragons were dragons afterall.
However now his mind wandered back to those times and back to every angle he'd seen
that glorious dragonhood. The soft, dark purple color it had, married with splatters of black skin.
The thick plates that ran up its length on one side and the twin trails of small spines that sailed
down the other. The slight curve it had would serve perfectly to hit his g-spot.
Wait? He didn't have a g-spot! Why had he thought of that? He tried to drive the images
from his mind, trying to banish the new picture in his mind of Toothless towering over him, cock
out and slick with pre. Why was he so turned on by his own dragon? Even now his own dick
was at full mast, and did his best to bury it in the floor, hoping Toothless hadn't seen it before he
It didn't help when the dragon continued to poke and nuzzle him. "Toothless, go . . ." His
voice crescendoed into a roar, vanished his human voice and replaced it with the tongue of a
At that moment he could physically feel his vocal cords, shrink and shift. Once again
they changed, but this time they shriveled and shrank away until nothing but a ridged hole was
left. Small nubs formed over and around the opening, creating something entirely un-human. A
voice box perfect for creating shrieks and roars, maybe even whimpering moans but not the
words of a viking.
He grabbed his throat with one hand and felt claws digging into his skin. A small prick
from the sharp point caused a trickle of blood to cascade down his skin and this only served to
frighten him further. Wrenching backward he stared in disbelief, before trying to voice to
Toothless to go get help, however only the pleading roar of Nightfury left his lips. Somehow the
slight pain was elevating him into a fervor he'd never felt.
Looking back and forth Toothless couldn't tell if he was pleading for help or pleading for
relief. Even though he was horrified at the sounds, sounds exactly like a needy female Nightfury,
his rider was making, which should be impossible, his body and instinct still told him that this
was the cry of a Nightfury in heat. This was the call of someone who needed breeding and
quick. Even with his rational mind telling him that this was Hiccup and not a potential mate, he
still felt his cock head slide out and gaze into the world. Toothless could only watch as Hiccup
clutched at his throat, before rolling to his side, shivering and shaking with new energy. He
squeezed his eyes shut, trying with all his might to focus his mind somewhere else. Anything
else, beside his cock or the echos around him.
When his next roar tore through the room, Hiccup felt a numbing, ache in his teeth, then
they shifted downward. They turned inward, spirling into points and erupting from his gums
which too stretched like warm putty. Somehow the roots thickened beyond what they were, until
they were large, dense cones. They were too big for his mouth and at first he couldn't manage
to close it until another pain swam through his jaws. He roared again and with a crack his lower
jaw thrust forward, expanding and growing. As they emerged forward, it was clear beneath his
skin that the bones were becoming powerful bands of dragon-like anatomy.
The rest of his head soon followed with his very skull popping outward and swelling far
bigger than a human head. At first it was bulbous and awkward, with his forehead jutting forward
and his cheekbones uneven. Slowly they rightened themselves. The top half of his head pulled
back and his cranium smoothed over in large swaths of strong bone. Bit by bit his skull was
tapering into a triangle shape.
Frozen Toothless watched as his jaws yawned to the air, teeth extending and pointed
like a Nightfury's and Hiccups skull reshaping itself to look more and more like said dragon. His
cheekbones smoothed and rounded out, while the hair of his eyebrows sank away to give view
of his prominent, but still soft eye sockets. When his once scrunched eyes opened they had
been flooded with shining yellow and his pupils widened out to give a rectangle shape. Small
details like crossing marks and splashes of green and orange colors decorated his sclera,
staring back at the dragon with his own species' enormous eyes.
Hiccup skin was still that of a viking, however as his bones bubbled bethneath, it was
almost done with the complete makeover of his skull anatomy, his skin began to darken and
hardened in some places. At first it was patchy and odd looking, like someone lightly and
messily textured his skin. When Toothless looked closer he realized that some patches of small
scales were emerging and dotting his face and neck.
His neck of which was so much thicker and stockier, built to support the powerful head of
a dragon. The prominent muscles of his once human neck and shoulders, shot forward to
connect to the back of his head. All the while his skull rotated back on his spine, shifting until
they were once again connected from behind. The tendons and muscles swarmed his vertebrae
and unsupported head in swelling shapes as flexible as silk but as strong has iron.
Clambering forward, Hiccup couldn't feel much of what was happening to his body
anymore, the different, persistent sensations and aches all blended together into one glorious
sense. It was all encompassing with no end to it in sight.
He looked at his hands as he crawled forward and watched with fear and fascination as
his finger snapped away. It felt as though the bones inside had retreated into the structures
behind them, filling them in and reinforcing them. Shrinking and breaking backwards into his
expanding wrist. Once only his second knuckle remained they halted, before the claw tipping
each finger suddenly slithered backward down and across his shortened finger tips. The hard
surface coated each digit and inside the shell his bones and flesh melted away to be filled in
with one long quick and hard talon.
His fingers were now claws, true claws like Toothless's and they flexed along his stumpy
wrist, which too lost some bones and were cradled in new stronger muscles. Patches of gray
skin darkened into jet black along his limbs and like a growing cloud on inky night those patches
flooded his skin until each patch bleed into one another. From his new claws to his thicker
elbows were dark dragon-like skin.
The flesh of his arms shifted and writhed beneath until they too were changed and better
suited for a dragon. He could feel their strength returning, even though it was in-complete. It felt
like bliss with muscles that yearned to stretch, even when they twitched from the assaulting
sensations along them.
It only got more dragon-like from there as small bumps raised along his paws, wrist and
arms; at first just little goosebumps but quickly many of them widened or flattened out to create
patterns of Nighfury scales. They were irregular in some places, almost random in their
formations. However, when he looked closer he saw that along the curves of his new limbs their
were shapes, spirals and splashes of beautiful scales. They were black on black, but the mere
texture of the scales were enough to notice that he'd have his own pattern, than that of
Toothless's. The word Nightfury only barely graced his mind as he watched, so quick that he
almost didn't notice the connections. He was too taken with watching the scales growing and
decorating his arms.
Then suddenly when he looked up to glance at Toothless a new kind of pain, a need
erupted from his form. Hiccup cried out in urgency as his lower body flooded with heat and
aching want. This feeling was similar to when he had been aroused by Astrid, however this was
so much stronger and hotter. This was a raging inferno to a campfire. All his mind could think
was Toothless. He needed Toothless.
Toothless himself, immediately knew the needy, desperate call. Though his rider was
transitioned between part man, part dragon, his own body still responded to the heated cry with
his cock fully emerging from his slit. It started incredibly thick at the base and tapered into a
pointed head much like an arrow. It hung low but attentive between his legs and Toothless could
already feel his internal balls yearning to be emptied. Dragons had amazing stamina and a near
endless supply of fertile cum.
Hiccup was the one to make his move, stalking forward on all fours in an odd mix
between crawling and limping, until he was right up against Toothless. He reached up and
pushed the dragon to the floor on his back. With a shocked but accepting move Toothless rolled
backward, leaning back. His midnight wings kept his balance as he rested against the foot of the
viking bed stand, while his hips twisted up to hoist his dragon hood into the air.
The Nighfury knew he should've done something, he shouldn't have let Hiccup push him
back like that. They both knew that if Toothless didn't want something even the strongest vikings
found it hard to get the dragon to budge, so no doubt he could have remained firm and stayed
However, as much as his mind wheeled in terror and borderline disgust at Hiccup's
sudden transformation, still stuck in between completion he had to admit that somewhere in
him, closer to the surface than he thought he was turned on by his friend's calls of heat. It was in
his instincts to respond to a female's breeding call and those instincts didn't care if that was his
viking friend or another dragon. Clearly his cock wasn't picky.
It didn't take long for Hiccup to crawl his way across the floor, still trembling, and bow
over Toothless's cock with a needy whimper. He pulled up to rest between his hind legs, batting
them apart with his dragon paws. His arms pinned the dragon's hips on either side and with a
head that resembled a split between Nightfury and man he sank downward to take the arrow
cock head in his lips.
The last bit of growth to his jaws and face stretched to completion, finally becoming a
muzzle with a small flared nose and dainty lips. His plush brows showed pure devotion and
contentment as they arched to stare up at him. Black scales formed like a tapestry of night,
lacing through and growing with irregular textures that started at his round nose and flooded
over his eye brows, head and neck. The thickest cluster of which dappled his nose and lined his
Hiccup's eyes slowly closed as he took the dragon cock into his mouth. The tapered
head eased into his jaws, brushing gently past the cone shaped teeth, before being embraced
by a forked tongue. The now dexterous muscle wrapped, twisted and lapped at the head before
continuing downward, letting the lengthening shaft ride along the warm tongue. Saliva and
smooth muscle guided the member gloriously in. It fit so perfectly in his mouth.
Toothless couldn't help but buck his hips once, then twice as more of his dragonhood
was taken in by Hiccup. He was halfway down, with the ridges scrapping the roof of his mouth
and the widening base pushing his lips apart. The viking sucked and licked gently still working
on getting the whole member in. With the occasional sideways swaying of his head the girthy
shaft eased ever inward. There was no doubt that Toothless wouldn't be going soft anytime
soon. With new breeding hormones flowing through the both of them, Hiccup wasn't escaping
until he was well on his way to producing the Nightfury's eggs.
The last couple inches disappeared past Hiccup's lips and finally Toothless could feel the
head rubbing against the back of his quivering throat. His cock twitched against the surface of
his wet, warm flesh and though he tried to keep his humping to a minimum, he couldn't help it
entirely. After holding that position for a few moments, with lips kissed around pelvic scales
Hiccup began to move.
His head bobbed up and down on the dragon's cock, quickly building rhythm. Toothless
growled as he felt the entire length of his of cock sliding across his best friend's tongue, to the
back of his throat and out again. Again and again.
The smell of Hiccup's arousal clouded his mind, until all thoughts were focused on
breeding the other Nighfury. No! Wait! This was Hiccup, not a female dragon. He shouldn't be
doing this! He needed to stop, to help him!
But when he opened his eyes to gaze down at the hybrid sucking him off, he looked
close enough to be a dragon in his mind. At least his head and arms. Now, even while Hiccup
was so solely distracted, although Toothless couldn't tell if his submissive whimpers or growls
were from the continuing transformation or his speeding mouth, he continued to change, slowly.
His human ears had vanished, shriveled away to reveal new swelling nubs. Six of them were
starting along his jawline and back of his head. They swelled and grew, however the first pair on
either side of his head stopped early, just tiny, plump, little nubs. The second pair atop his head
were lengthening and pulling out until they were long, expressive ears.
Matching Toothless's own, complete with midnight scales and soft ridges. Finally
completing with the last pair that very much looked like the first. Small and dainty nubs that
bounced with each bob of Hiccup's eager head. The large set pinned back in excitement, only
twitching forward when Toothless couldn't keep in a blissful growl.
He tried to fight his own arousal, maybe push Hiccup away but he was too caught up in
the feeling of his dick pumping in and out of his soft warm jaws. Even the sight of a Nightfury, or
what was close enough to one, needing release and so eager to please him was enough to
push the thought of resisting away from his mind.
Toothless couldn't look anymore, partly because he was reaching climax and the rest
being him not wanting to admit or see that this was indeed Hiccup sucking on his cock. A
pressure was building in his hips, and while at first he was able to resist humping against his
muzzle he could no longer do so. Thrusting in time with Hiccup's movements he quickly tipped
that buildup over the edge. He threw his head back against the bed and roared out a desperate
need for release. Hiccup's ear perked up at the sound and suddenly he sped faster. Greedily
pumping his cock with his mouth and licking his shaft with such vigor the dragon shuddered
from pleasure.
A roar crescendoed out from Toothless, saliva flicking from his bared teeth. He gave one
final thrust of his hips and his cock throbbed, then exploded. Pleasure consumed him, seeping
into every muscle to seize them while his internal balls desperately emptied themselves. White
hot dragon seed spurted from him and right down Hiccup's throat, however instinct took over
and the viking relaxed his muscles and let the wonderful liquid pour down his throat.
Greedily drinking up the dragon cum, Hiccup continued lazily stimulating Toothless's
dragonhood with his tongue. Making sure the pleasure his dragon was riding was backed up
with the steady, but soft movement of his mouth.
It almost seemed to slow down for a moment until one more powerful lurch sprayed the
last bit of cum past his lips. Toothless's muscles finally let him go and he slumped back, relaxed
and full of pure, heavy bliss. He was masked in the warm feeling, however realized that his cock
was still at full mast and his tank not empty. Dragon's had impeccable stamina and they quickly
replaced all fluids that were lost. Even if he had expelled an incredible amount into Hiccup's
waiting belly, his body was quickly making more for round two.
Done, Hiccup pulled back to give an awkward dragon smile to Toothless, however he
quickly rolled back with a cry. His body wasn't done transforming. He pulled himself up so he
was on his hands and feet, shaking his head and growling. His eyes stared at the floor, but
quickly rolled back in the wake of his continuing transformation.
His legs were busy reshaping themselves. The muscles stretching and lengthening with
just enough fat to soften them, cracked and bent into a more suitable dragon build. With thighs
increasing in size, his calves stretched and slithered with powerful plump muscles, while his
ankles pulled backward off the ground, leaving his weight supported on just his toes. The
scales didn't wait this time to quickly cover the unfinished limbs, simply waiting for the toes to
disappear before they swarmed them as well.
The bones in his feet melted and fused together to become more round. Humans had so
many bones in their feet and dragons didn't need such. They melted together, reshaping
themselves into bones that could comfortably support his weight. Hardening until they were rigid
but flexible enough to grasp the floor.
The end most toe bones suddenly jutted out of his skin, causing Hiccup to whimper as
the bones and nails melded together. They formed into long claws, of which curved and
lengthed to a sizable degree. A small quick ran through their structure, supplying the new claws
with fresh blood. They scraped into the wooded floor as the final touches were added to his
anatomy, leaving splinters in the wood.
It was far from finished. Toothless watched as Hiccup arched his back like a scared cat
and roared out. His own pleasure had dissipated however his friend's heated cries were still
present. Clearly he still needed attention and Toothless's arousal awoke again.
He went to move, but stopped when he saw the viking's back ripple. It rippled from neck
to tailbone, with strange new muscles and tendons sprouting to fill in the gaps of cracking
bones. His ribs jutted out, until they were perfectly cradled with muscle and sinew, round and
expanding with bigger, stronger lungs.
The last bone of his spine quivered and thrust forward in a purposeful curve. In rapid
succession new vertebrae were popped and grown into place with pale skin stretching quickly to
accommodate the sudden changes. At first it was long and thin, like a cat's furless tail, until
powerful muscles shot out to thicken the base of the tail; rounding it and gradually tapering
along the appendage. More and more bones split apart, and took their place, until finally a long
graceful tail was left.
The tail swayed and flicked in the air as scales peppered across the skin like rolling
storm clouds covering a pale sky. The skin at the end of the tail creased, with a thick line of
tissue. It swelled until finally it fanned outward little by little. Tiny bones and delicate muscles
sprouting outward in lone spideley fingers that ultimately formed a fin shape. This was much
easier for the scaly skin to weave itself between each series of bones to form a tail fin suited for
a Nightfury.
Finally along his hips and tail base, dual ropes of bundled skin and flesh erupted
outward in an arching shape. Bones once again slithered along the swathes of dark skin,
supporting them and pulling them taught along each edge. Another set of flight fins were
complete, twitching curiously as the fresh muscles responded to Hiccup's brain.
Hiccup stepped toward Toothless, his back now changed, allowing him to walk on all
fours. His new tail flipped nervously across the floor, scraping along with little flicks of the
twisting tail fins. Hiccup had so many new muscles, tendons and body parts that he would have
to take time to learn each one.
He looked at Toothless with desperate eyes, and completed the look with a needy roar of
dragon heat. Hiccup looked so perfectly submissive with his large pleading eyes and nervous
posture. The way his body gently quivered with aching want had Toothless ready to go again.
Rolling to his feet he advanced over and nuzzled Hiccup's head. They grumbled and
growled small assurances to each other as he walked the length of his body, rubbing it the
whole way down until he reached him from behind. Even though Hiccup was still new, he
dutifully moved his tail to the side to reveal his hard cock and balls.
Toothless tilted his head, unsure of what to do. However, before he tried to voice
anything, the cock jerked back and trembled. Hiccup roared out again.
Right before his eyes his friend's equipment began to change. The cock pulled in on
itself, growing thin, before shrinking down. The head folded inside itself even as the shaft
retreated backwards. In just a few moments the member had dug itself backwards so much that
it left a little indent of where it had been.
Toothless leaned forward, brushing Hiccup's tail up with an arm, staring curiously at the
divet. It widened out, pulling apart until it was a sizable sphere, then it began to sink back,
forming into an actual hole. I grew with little rings of muscle that unfolded and expanded as it
went, creating a burrowed tunnel of warmth. It quivered to life, with new folds sprouting forward
and an alluring smell attracting Toothless.
Although the Nightfury couldn't see that far in, Hiccup could feel the ever lengthening
canal branching out to form organs he'd never had. It swelled into a sensitive cervix that came
with the aching need to be filled with dragon seed, and after that the organ responsible for
producing eggs. He could only imagine what it would be like to hold an egg inside of him,
knowing it was half Toothless. He hoped that he would know that soon.
With the new reproductive organ forming inside of him new hormones flooded his
system. Toothless thought that Hiccup being in heat was one thing, but now the various
breeding chemicals assaulted his nose and clouded his mind in a haze of horny dragon. He
needed to breed Hiccup. He was in need and only a male Nighfury could quell the borderline
painful desire. Even just looking at his friend's new pussy he could see that it was slick and
dripping with fresh juices, primed and ready to be mounted.
Hiccup still wasn't done with his transformation yet. Everything was complete with his
shiny black tail draped over Toothless's shoulder, his perfect muzzle bent and panting, all four
taloned paws planted on the ground, except for his lack of wings. Where his shoulder blades
were was a mostly bare patch lacking solid scales, and starting to swell a medium sized bump
beneath the skin.
They were both done waiting and Toothless, with his cock fully erect and dripping with
fresh pre, slid into Hiccup's wet entrance. He was tight and new to this sensation, and he could
the muscles quivering and clenching around his throbbing cock. The female Nightfury roared
with a mix of pleasure and discomfort at the new sensation, but Toothless was an expert and he
slowly rocked back and forth, loosening the taut muscles and lubing up the canal. Hiccup
whimpered, but sighed as he felt himself getting less friction and more pleasant sliding from the
dragon's dick.
"Don't worry." He said in a deep growl. "Just let me take care of you. I'll make sure you're
nice and satisfied when I'm done."
Hiccup couldn't find the words, but nodded and lifted his hips higher in response. His
body language and flowing hormones were all that Toothless needed to get going with his
service to his best friend.
As Toothless bared over Hiccup's back he was too caught up in sating the needy female
to notice the lumps growing on his back. Hiccup's shoulder blades were swelling, followed by a
series of cracks that snapped the bony protrusions into more pliable shapes. Each section
lengthened, forming into thin bones that stretched upward. Before any other bones emerged
they were quickly swathed in powerful muscles and ropes of tendons; all flexing and twitching in
need of use. These were the start of flight limbs.
Toothless either not noticing or simply not caring was busy warming the once viking up.
Using his cock to stroke in and out, while slowly gaining momentum and speed. It didn't take
long for him to ram a speedy, powerful thrust into Hiccup that sent him growling and moaning in
pure dragon pleasure. The new dragon rocked back, trying to meet his thrusts and fill himself
further with the member. With his large cock, he thrusted in and out, pumping into the entrance
of his lover's cervix, sensing that not only did he like it but that soon his seed would be spilling
inside of it.
With increasing moans and whimpers, Hiccup's body was speedily finishing up the
remaining change. The long bones snapped almost halfway up, bending and re-shaping into an
elbow, then the long bow of the of the wing. Many small bones splintered out from the end of the
bow, forming into the starts of fingers that grasped the air with interest. With an explosion of
energy they swelled, popped and jutted out into flexible fingers that twisted and flapped above
them. New and a bit clumsy they smacked Toothless across the head, startling him and causing
him to look up at the proto-wings.
They grew sinew and muscle coiled around the skeletal fingers, covering them and
giving them the strength to cup the air and soar through the sky. While flexible and thin, they
were strong and not easily changed or broken. The bare muscles grew hard on the very
surface, sprouting black scales that linked together to form a quilt of matching bumps and
textures that laid over the entirety of the limbs.
Toothless was still pumping away even as he watched. With his hips in auto-pilot, just
pounding and humping away at Hiccup's quivering slit. With the added flowing juices of himself
and Hiccup his once discomfort was now a wet pleasure filled ride from Toothless. His walls
inside were slick, hot and they vibrated with energy as he rocked back on his member trying
in-experiencedly to match the dragon's movements.
At last Toothless was the one riding Hiccup and both were loving every moment of it.
Hiccup semi-completed wings fluttered and beat the air excitedly, seemingly in a mix
between pent up energy and not knowing how to use these new limbs. At the first joints in the
wing fingers a little thin membrane fanned out, shooting strands across like spider webs before
filling in the gaps in between. This spread with thicker swathes of skins stretching out and
weaving between muscles to fill in the missing wing parts. They waved and rippled along, as
they finally anchored into the fingertips, scaling over and becoming strong but flexible. The last
piece dropped down like a sail, shooting across to the shoulder joint, weaving itself in and
covering the expanse. It lined the side of Hiccup's ribs, sewing to his scales and becoming a
ridge of membrane that stretched to fill out the final moments of his transformation.
He roared in a mix of climax, heat and finality. The final throes of his pleasure was of
completing his transformation and it was only built upon by Toothless. Hiccup came then,
shuddering with his walls clenching around Toothless's cock. With the tightening walls around
his member, sliding across wetly and stimulating every nerve he came too.
Toothless growled in bliss, humping with his last energy as his cock head nailed into
Hiccup's cervix and exploded seed. White hot cum spurted into the organ, causing Hiccup to cry
in pleasure as he knew deep down that his ovaries would fill with his dragon's eggs. It splashed
inside of his reproductive organ, making them feel full and hot. The fluid filled him completely,
soaking into his pussy and spilling what couldn't be contained anymore. Cum dribbled down his
legs and onto the wood floor.
For several long beautiful moments they were both locked in climax, growling and
roaring to each other and anyone who might hear. Each of their hips lazily humping against
each other, milking the last sensations from their bodies until they slowed and basked in
Toothless collapsed against the female dragon's back, panting. He stayed like that,
enjoying Hiccup's wonderful scales and body beneath his own. He could have stayed like that
forever, but he pulled himself up and slid his member out. It dripped a few last drops, before
making it clear that Hiccup had milked him dry, then crept backward into his slit, waiting for next
Still out of breath Hiccup turned to Toothless and gave him a dragon's attempt at a smile.
His slit had dragon sperm dribbling from it and onto the floor, but neither cared as they stepped
toward each other. His legs were a bit wobbly, but neither could tell if it was Toothless's doing or
the newness to each appendage.
Hiccup purred and nudged the Nightfury with his head. "I didn't plan for that potion to
lead to this." He said in a soft feminine trill. "But I'm glad it did. I'll need you to help with this new
body, but I'm sure I can trade you by carrying your eggs."
The male Nightfury lit up, looking at his best friend's, now best lover's abdomen. He had
thoroughly bred him after all. "Really? Do you think it was enough?"
"Well you did get it all in the right spot." He purred. "And if it turns out it's not enough
then I'll gladly try again." He nuzzled Toothless's chest and neck, giving his warm scales a lick.
Leaning back, Toothless wrapped his wings around Hiccup, basking in the afterglow and
happiness it brought him, knowing that he was no longer alone and his best friend would be the
one to give him that. They would be a family and there was no one else in the world viking or
dragon that he wanted to be with.

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