Capítulo sem título 42

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The story continues from the moment when Dan left Bakugan City. And now, he and Drago
will be able to take a break from all the noise that was during the battle with Mechtavius
Destroyer, but it becomes not so simple, when, arriving into the unknown island, Dan and
Drago meet a stranger who gives them another unforgettable adventure, which becomes a
truly new series of tests for the main characters and a meet of their former enemies...
WARNING: the following fanfic contains yaoi content, blood scenes, adult moments and etc.
If you don't like it, don't read it.
See the end of the work for more notes
Episode 1. Echo of the Past.
When Dan Kuso and Dragonoid defeated their last enemy, Mechtavius Destroyer and won
Gunz Lazar and his bagukan Reptak, they understood one thing: they need a rest. They are
the strongest brawlers ever and no one cannot defeat them. They have nothing left to prove
their strength, so this was a reason for Dan and Drago's new journey on the speedboat, what
has issued by a loyal butler Kato and let the others to prove their strength.
Dan and Drago have left bakugan City right during the party in their honor and only one
person who could noticed that is Shun, for a ninja, this is not surprising, because they are
learning since from the birth such things which usual human can't do. And that was the
reason why he needed to follow Dan and Drago, silently leaving the party to ask him what's
going on. But it was too late, Dan and Drago are already sailed and set off on a journey
towards new adventures. So, when Shun has come to the pier and found Kato, he asked the
old butler:
- Kato, where did Dan and Drago go?
Then Kato answered:
- Master Dan and Drago have already left the city, because they need a rest after all of those
battles. Let me know, if you need to follow them, Master Shun.
After these words Shun nodded his head and answer.
- Yes. Can you take for me a speedboat? I should keep an eye on him. Dan always acts in a
rush and maybe he can get to the trouble.
While Shun was getting the speedboat, Dan and Drago spent the whole day, sailing on the
sea, watching water beauties and enjoying the travelling. When they finally reached the
unknown island, Dan prefers to stop there for food, water and also satisfying his curious
about this island. He hasn't seen this place before, so when Dan and Drago stopped on the
shore, they started searching for much comfortable place to relax in such an attractive place.
But their investigation was interrupted by Drago's feeling. He was surprised, because he felt
the presence of those whom he had not seen for so long. It was more powerful than he sensed
it the last time. Then Drago says to Dan:
- Dan! We should stay focused. Something's wrong...
Dan was puzzled and wanted to know more, and he asked Drago:
- Huh? What do you mean, buddy? Have you sensed someone's presence here?
Drago answered, but Dan could hear how Drago gets nervous:
- Yes. That feel... I don't understand...
- What is? W-What do you mean you don't understand?
Asked him Dan. Drago didn't have time to finish his speech when someone has appeared
behind them. It was an unknown person in the black cloak with a hood and bandages on the
legs and arms. The person didn't even try to hide his face, so Dan and Drago could take a
closer look at him: that was a guy aged 25 years with a snow-white skin, the same color on
his long and silky hair. His expression was apathetic and also a stranger has an athletic body,
which meant he can fight not with Bakugan only. When Dan and Drago looked at the silent
guy, the first one who broke the silence was Dan, deciding to ask a completely logical
- Who are you? Are you one of residents of this island?
And Drago says too, feeling that familiar energy more after meeting with this unknown guy:
- Are you... Bakugan Brawler?
An answer on their questions were received after they saw three bakugan spheres on
Stranger's stretched hand, which colors were familiar to Drago too. It explains everything;
that's why Drago sensed such an unforgettable energy! All Drago's fears were confirmed
when he saw one of the opened spheres, which said
- Long time no see, Drago! Looks like I'm back for another rematch!
It was Dharak. But... Drago sensed this had to be a bluff. Dharak is not Razenoid anymore.
Looks like there Unknown saved him even from that curse, which transformed Dharak into
Razenoid. Especially when Dharak was evolved too, judging by his changed forms, which
were the same as Drago's. But the most important thing is how this guy resurrected these
three Bakugans, and this Drago tried to figure out.
- Dharak!? You died when I gave you a fatal blow!
Drago was too shocked to keep his mind calm and Dan couldn't say anything. His old
enemies are back to life, but this is not the worst thing. When the other spheres opened up,
Dan and Drago recognize in them Naga and Wavern. When they see these too are evolved
like Dharak, Dan says:
- Impossible! How could you three evolve after the death?!
But Stranger didn't say anything to them, and only Drago, seeing Wavern, was tried to warn
- Wavern! It's me, Drago! How this guy gave to you and those two the second life?!
Wavern didn't answered to Drago. Or she was under control, or she didn't remember her old
love. Naga explained to Drago:
- Wavern is no longer the same you knew, Drago. Our human partner let me and Dharak be
free, and he just erased her memory and we all have the common goal – to make you pay for
our suffering in the afterlife!
Dharak completed the Naga's words:
- Even your favourite mechtogan destroyer won't save you from "Ghosts of the Past!"
Dan and Drago were so angry at Stranger who defiled the soul of Drago's beloved that they
were ready to permanently destroy him for what he's done. Now, when everyone exchanged
words, Stranger finally spoke, saying only one phrase with his calm and confident voice:
- Let's see how your friendship strength great is.
Since Dan is considered on the strongest brawlers, Stranger preferred to use all three of them,
testing Drago's and his sworn enemies new strength. The fight did not take long to wait, so
Dan and Stranger threw their bakugans, saying that usual phrase before the bakugan fight.
First was Dan
- Bakugan brawl! Baku Sky Raider up! Let's put on their places our past enemies again,
Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid!!!
The second was Stranger
- Bakugan brawl! Baku Sky Raider up! Go, Darkus Eternal Dharak, Haos Angel Wavern and
Darkus Ghost Naga!
The power levels were equal to drago, 1200 G. And although Dharak has the same power
level as he was Razenoid, but it was his true strength. What about changes in appearance, so
there it is;
Wavern: she has more humanized forms, blue eyes with white color whites of the eyes, a pink
crystal on her chest and wings on her back. She was improved in healing and buffing that she
can save from death other bakugans and humans.
Naga: he was buffed up in muscles, just like Dharak, and his wings, scales are much darker
than it were. His nerfing abilities became more dangerous
Dharak: More anthropomorphic form, as Drago and much muscles. he has the dark armor in
his chest and sharper tail. Brawl has been started and first attack was from Stranger, using
Dharak's ability
- Dharak, ability activate: Dark Flash!
Dharak covered with a dark purple aura and his power level increases on 500 G. When Dan's
turn has come, he uses this:
- Ability activate: Dragon Spur!
Drago has red aura in this ability and his strength and speed were equals to Dharak, +500 G.
After this they started to fight and only what Dan and Stranger could see is only red and
purple flashes because of Drago and Dharak's high speed. While they are fighting,
exchanging in almighty punches and kicks, Drago says to Dharak, feeling that strong hatred
in his hits:
- Tell me, you'll never stop, won't you? We haven't reason to fight again!! You're just
wasting your time!!!
But Dharak answered unpredictable enough for Drago:
- You don't have it! But I do, Drago!! You will pay for sending me in the afterlife!!!
Says Dharak and after frequent blows and blocks he finally hit Drago in the stomach and
grabbed him for the neck, looking at Drago's eyes with furious anger. Then Dan, seeing his
buddy needs help, screamed to him
- Drago, hang on!
But Drago tried to calm him down, using words, he is with painful moans and the subsequent
groaning from the compression of the throat says:
- Dharak, I know you were completely defeated two times, but you don't need to repeat that
mistake again! You have a third chance to change your life before your anger kills you once
more, just let me help you to get rid of this pain of hatred. It's the only reason of your
It seems Dharak was beginning to understand that the thirst for revenge twice killed him and
he even stopped choking Drago, just looking at his eyes, like he would try to change his
priorities... but the doubt was dispelled at the moment when Stranger used on Dharak, Naga
and Wavern his unique ability of hypnotizing Bakugans, only by stretching out his hand to
their side, and then their eyes became purple, like Stranger's. Now, controlling three of them,
he said
- How predictable. Wavern, ability activate: Moonshine Blessing!
Wavern uses her Haos power to increase all Darkus bakugans. Power level of Dharak was
2000 and Naga has 1500, +300 G. Then it was his turn, don't letting Dan to use his abilities.
- Dharak, ability activate: Terrible Torture!
It was an unique skill of Dharak; black and purple lightning flashed and struck at Drago with
might and main, giving him unbearable pain, because of it Drago painfully and loudly
screamed. It adds +500 G to Dharak's power level. Together it was 2500 G. Then Dan, being
angry and worry for his friend, saved him
- Don't touch him! Ability activate: Dragon Tornado!
That was a good card, because it saved Drago from such a powerful strike. If he could slow
on few seconds, Drago could be defeated. Tornado throws Dharak away and cancelled his
ability, and then Dharak's power fell to 2000 G. Don't wasting the time, Dan has started
- Let's do it, Drago! Ability activate: Hyper drive!!
Dan thought to use that ability later, but his opponent was strong enough to play with him.
When Drago has invulnerability thanks to ability "Hyper drive", he crushed for few seconds
Dharak and Naga, but Stranger wasn't surprised a lot, so unknown one uses next Wavern
- Wavern, ability activate: Cold sunset!
Then sky in within a radius of 50 kilometers covered in the colors of the sunset, increasing
Dharak and Naga's power levels on 400. Dharak's power level was 2400 and Naga 2200 G.
Finally, it was Naga's turn to show his new skills
- Naga, ability activate: Optical darkness!
Sending on Drago dark waves, it fully blinded him, disorienting him. This ability surprised
Dan and he said:
- Grrh... how many tricks do you have?!
- For you it's more than enough to make you brawl serious, Daniel. Naga, ability activate:
Withering touch!
Naga's hands and feet covered in crimson aura, then he ran into Drago and with one strong
punch he took him down, making Drago transform into a sphere and falling before Dan.
Wavern, Dharak and Naga were back into spheres too. Dan ran to Drago and picked up him,
asking him
- Drago! Are you okay!? Those guys beat you hard!
- Ah... yes... they have become stronger. But... there is something wrong. When I fought
Dharak, I saw a doubt into his eyes... and in this moment he had changed. His eyes were like
Stranger's. It was the same with others, looks like he cannot control them with manipulations
only. And Wavern... she...
Drago paused in a moment and Dan, trying to calm down his buddy, cheered him up
- Drago, I know we can bring her memories back, but we need to fight serious. How about to
use Dragonoid Destroyer?
Dan was preparing for the next round, but someone has tried to attack Stranger from the
back. It was Shun, acting like a ninja, he was the one who prefers to act much effective than
talk. Unfortunately for him, Stranger wasn't as simple as he seemed; he blocked the blow,
grabbing Shun for his hand and kicking him right in the stomach.
His moves are too fast to react on them, so Shun was counterattacked, falling down next to
- Shun! Are you alright?!
Asked Dan, helping his friend to stand up. Then Shun answered
- Yes, he is much better than I expected. I was watching you, because thought you can get
into the trouble.
- As usual you have no equal in foresight, buddy. Let's take that guy down and bring Wavern
Shun nodded approvingly and Stranger says:
- Hm... then I should demonstrate to you my fourth bakugan. Show me what you made of.
- Victory will be ours!
Said Dan and when second round has begun, three brawlers throws their bakugans, saying
concurrently those words
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
Dan said first
- Go, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid!
Shun was the second
- Let's get this over with, Ventus Jaakar!
And the last one was Stranger
- Time for much interesting playtime, Darkus Eternal Dharak, Haos Angel Wavern, Darkus
Silent Naga and Darkus Galaxy Helios!
This was a true shock for Drago, Dan and Shun, to see Helios with that company. His eyes
just like others, they all have purple irises of the eyes and he was evolved too. He has wings
back, his scale was darker and more spikes on his body. Drago asked him first, feeling more
- What have you done with Helios and Spectra?!
All what Stranger answered was:
- You don't need to know everything now. If you win, I'll explain everything.
Then Dan says to Shun, realizing that Drago's power and Jaakar won't be enough against
THIS opponent
- Shun, you've seen already what that guy can do. Let's summon our friends!
Shun only he nodded his head and answered
- Yes, we must stop him. But it's strange...
Again puzzled Dan asked Shun, trying to understand what he wanted to say by this
- What are you talking about, Shun?
- We are being attacked by strong enemies, one after another. Isn't it weird?
But Stranger prefers to fight and not talk a lot or wait when his opponents over their chatting,
so he starts first, using this time Naga
- Naga, ability activate: Soul Corruption!
Naga created black orbs to throw it into Drago and Jaakar, but Dan protected them, using the
- Ability activate: Fusion Shield!
Shun this time was acting fast and after when Jaakar dodged the orb, he used the first card,
appearing behind... Wavern and Helios!
- Ability activate: Dragon Spinning Storm!
Of course, Stranger predicted Shun's tactic and he was ready for that, using a shield for
Wavern and counterattack from Helios and Dharak
- Wavern, ability activate: Karmic Protection!
This light shield not only protected Wavern from a sudden attack, but also repelled the attack
by redirecting it, what caused the tornado to hit Jaakar. When Shun tried to use ability,
Stranger suddenly attacked him. He moves so fast that even young ninja couldn't keep up
with him. Dan he shouted desperately
- Shun, no!!
Stranger uses pretty good his advantage of not being aware of the enemy, that's why Shun
didn't stand so long. After this, without giving a time for talking, he used the next ability
- Naga, ability activate: Winter Torpor!
It paralyzed Jaakar by only one dark colored arrow, draining slowly his power level, trying to
move, he was saying
- Shun! Damn it... I can't move...
And Dan, filled with anger, said to Stranger
- How dare you to attack brawlers during the fight?! Ability activate: Dragon eternal force!!
When Drago was charged with the energy of Perfect Core, preparing to release a stream of
energy, he was interrupted by Naga's ability
- Naga, ability activate: Optical Darkness!
Then Naga sends those blinding waves on Drago again, making him fall back. Next attack
was from evolved Helios
- Helios, ability activate: Blade of Sirius!
Helios concentrated purple energy with sparkling lightning bolts and shot it in Drago. While
Drago dodged his attack, Stranger used another ability from Naga to finish paralyzed Jaakar
- Naga, ability activate: Withering touch!
Naga's hands covered with crimson energy, then he just hit Jaakar in his face, making him
transform into the sphere. Only Drago and Dan were left and when was an opportunity, they
summoned mechtogan, Dragonoid Destroyer. Then Stranger, looking at him, said.
- Finally, you have started to fight in full force. Naga, Dharak, Helios: bakugan combo!
Helios, Naga and Dharak flew up to each other and hit each other with their fists, starting a
merge under the purple shine. When it was over, before Drago and Dragonoid Destroyer
appeared bakugan with a white scale, black gem into the chest, Dharak's head with Helios's
horn and Dharak's own, armor with spikes from Helios, wings from Dharak and tail from
Naga. Power level of this creature was in 3600 G and Drago with his golden mechtogan
destroyer has 14000 G. Then Stranger, thinking what to do, said
- Wow, isn't that strongest mechtogan destroyer? He is even bigger than I expected.
Dan, being angry at him, answered
- He can be much bigger. Drago, let's do it!
Drago picked up Dan, but Stranger didn't let them get into, and he used combo ability:
- Combo ability activate: Light of oblivion!
This ray was focused on Drago, preparing for final blow. Dan tried to use a shield, but
Stranger attacked him too as fast as he punched Shun, hitting him into the stomach and a
head, in result Dan lost consciousness, and Drago, getting to Dan, screamed
- Dan!!! You will pay for this!!
Drago, who was distracted by Stranger's maneuvers and was almost defeated by black and
purple ray from three bakugans. But Dragonoid Destroyer protected him by himself and said
to Drago
- Drago, save Dan, and I'll take care of these.
Stranger just jumped back to Wavern's shoulder. Fortunately, she was coming to him and then
he used her unique ability against Mechtogans
-Wavern, ability activate: Inorganic absorption!
Wavern, stretching out one hand to Dragonoid Destroyer and in other hand creating a light
orb, starts absorbing mechtogan's power and focusing it in her orb. Feeling weakness,
Dragonoid Destroyer tried to attack her, but Stranger used some special card
- Forbidden ability activate: Quintessence: level one: Power reset
This ability makes Dragonoid Destroyer disappear in one minute, but this card immediately
took away most of the power from the bakugans who used it. That's why after him Dharak,
Naga and Helios are disconnected from each other and transformed back into the spheres.
Now only Wavern, still having a big orb from mechtogan's power and Drago are left. Drago,
understanding his hard position, tried another time to talk with his love
- Wavern, please, wake up! I know you're mentally strong, you always are!! Don't let that
boy take your mind under full control!!!
But it was too late. With this orb Wavern has 5000 G, so she easily took Drago down with
only one strike, making him with painful moan fall into the sand and back to his sphere form,
what just did the same Wavern after defeating two strongest brawlers in the universe.
Landing near Drago, Stranger picked him, and others bakugan, leaving only Jaakar with Shun
and Dan alone because of unnecessary, he only said to them
- Those guys are pretty strong. However, it's not enough to make me fight serious.
After these words Stranger has disappeared, teleporting with his bakugans to the hideout,
which was around the snow and ice, during a snowstorm. They came to the Ice Temple,
which looks ancient. Passing down through the secret doors and rooms, which were
illuminated by colored lights or glowing lakes, or even shining crystals. Releasing bakugans
from the control, Stranger put them on the table in his room and let them to rest, while he sits
near them on the throne and starts meditating.
Episode 2. Rescue Operation.
Chapter Summary
After a sudden attack on Dan and Drago, the Stranger disappeared in an unknown
direction, taking Drago with him, he left Dan and Shun, who came to his aid,
unconscious on the shore of an unknown island. However, their friends notice the loss
and decide to search for them and possibly rescue them.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
While Dan and Shun were disappeared, Brawler's celebration was in full swing. It passed
only 10 minutes before Dan's arriving at the unknown island. Everyone had fun, someone
told interesting stories from life, someone showed funny tricks. all this would have continued
like this until Marucho got worried about Dan and Shun only when the party ends. He was
used to constant disappearances from Shun because of his ninja nature, but not from his noisy
friend Dan Kuso. When he was thinking about it, he decided to ask first his Bakugan,
Radizen, wondering what he thinks about it
- It's too weird. Firstly Dan is gone with Drago, and now Shun. We should search them. What
do you think, Radizen?
Funny bakugan, who likes to talk a lot, started to guess what happened to them
- Hm... Shun could get to the headquarters or go for training. What about Dan... oh, that's
something new! Maybe we should ask anybody who sees him the last time?
But Marucho answered, adjusting his glasses
- Yes, but what if nobody knows about it? Let's ask Mira first. Together we can find them,
using their BakuMeters's signals!
Radizen said, being fully of happy
- That's a wonderful idea! Let's do it!
Fortunately, Mira was in the party too. She was talking to Runo, but Marucho interrupted her,
- I am sorry for interrupting you, but I need to talk to Mira. Have you some free minutes?
Mira looked at Marucho and asked him back
- Of course, Marucho. What's wrong? Is it about Dan?
Runo nodded her head and added
- Yes, I know Dan can do spontaneous acts, but nevertheless, no. Let's check this out!
- Then let's go to the headquarters back. We can track his and Shun's locations by their
Marucho called up to Kato and a butler has arrived to their place in a black limousine. By the
way, he told Marucho what happened, saying, feeling guilty
- Master Marucho, I must warn you, Master Dan with Master Shun are left the city on the
speedboats. If Master Dan said he wants to get a rest, Shun answered he will keep watching
for him, fearing for his safety. My apologies, Master Marucho. I should say it much earlier
about it.
Then Marucho accepted his apologies and said, being a little nervous
- Don't worry, Kato. All what we need to do is to track BakuMeters of Dan and Shun. I don't
know why, but I have a bad feeling about this...
- We should hurry up, if that's a true. But we don't know yet what happened. They could just
have a rest...
Trying to calm Marucho down, said Mira, hoping that Marucho's fears will not be justified.
Arriving to Marucho's house and headquarters of the Brawlers in one form, they immediately
went straight to the command center, where they could see that the light bulbs in the portraits
of Dan and Shun were lit, which means they are fighting right now. Being surprised by this,
Marucho said
- Just as I thought, they will be in a trouble. We need to track their locations and come to their
aid. Kato!
Calling up the butler again, he comes to Marucho, waiting for his orders
- Yes, Master Marucho?
Marucho gave him an assignment
- Prepare the airship. We are going for Dan and Shun, they're brawling!
- Understood, Master Marucho.
Kato already ran to the airship, preparing it for fly. While Mira, Runo and Marucho are
calculating Dan's and Shun's location by their BakuMeters, they found their signals. After
this, saving the coordinates, Marucho said
- They are in some island, it's located north of here, we should fly 20 minutes. I hope we
won't be late.
- Just as I am. Let's go, Marucho, Runo!
Mira agreed with him and Runo, feeling nervous, answered
- Yes! the sooner we get there, the better!
They three ran into the roof to their airship, which Kato prepared for takeoff. Getting into the
plane, the flight has been started. It took them a short time to arrive into the coast of the
unknown island. When Marucho, Mira, Runo and Kato are preparing to land, they saw a
terrifying picture: lying unconscious Dan and Shun, pits from blows near them. It made
everyone in the plane seriously scared and Kato said
- We are landing, Master Marucho!
Marucho nodded approvingly, hoping that his friends are still alive, as an airship was landed
near Dan and Shun, so everyone immediately ran to them, only Kato ran up last, along with
the first-aid kit; Runo set down next to Dan and Mira to Shun. Runo said
- Dan! Wake up!
Just as Mira said the same, but to Shun
- Shun, what happened to you both?
Marucho turned to Kato
- Kato, we need to deliver them to the hospital!
Kato answered, picking Shun up on his shoulder, while Mira and Runo took Dan by the
shoulders and lifted him up. But, fortunately, Jaakar woke up, opened up and flew up to the
- You guys? Thankfully you are here to save us!
Then Mira asked him
- Jaakar, what just happened here? How did you get here with Dan?
But Jaakar's response was interrupted by Runo's shock, in the rush of which she said, looking
- Wait a minute! Where's Drago?!
Everybody were starting search Drago, but Jaakar answered on her question, feeling the pain
after that brawl
- Uh... he took Drago away... even mechtogan didn't help us to defeat... him... you should
focus on the place where he teleported with him.
Runo asked Jaakar
- Who? Who would have enough strength to bring the two strongest to unconsciousness? And
where's that guy teleported?
Jaakar answered this question
- It was an unknown man in black clothes. His distinctive feature is using three resurrected
dragons and Spectra's bakugan... Helios, I guess...
And now Mira was shocked, hearing these words. She never thought Spectra, Keith, could be
beaten up by Stranger too. She was starting to be much worried because of her brother.
Judging by current circumstances, Gus was defeated the same as Spectra. That is why
Brawlers didn't get a message from them. Marucho even in such an extreme situation, he
tried to remain calm, to have time to help Shun, Dan and find Drago with Spectra. So he
stopped them, making a plan on their actions
- Runo, firstly we must help Shun and Dan! You and Kato must fly back to the city, me and
Mira will continue searching of Drago and one, who defeated our friends!
Runo and Kato are nodded to Marucho and he turned to Mira, asking her
- Mira, please, could you stay with me in this island? We can take some devices from my
plane and investigate this place to find that one who have done this to Dan and Shun!
Mira agreed with him
- Alright! We'll take searching devices and let you know, if we will find Drago or that guy.
And we must send messages to our friend on New Vestroia and Vestal.
Kato, bringing Shun to the plane, answered to Marucho
- I will send the message to our allies, Master Marucho. Be careful here!
- I will, Kato! We need to hurry. Who knows when this unknown will strike us again!
Answered to him Marucho, going with Mira to the plane and taking the searching devices.
When they got off the airship with devices, Kato with Runo and Jaakar, who preferred to stay
with Shun, flew back to Bakugan city. Then Marucho and Mira started investigating with a
hope to find something. Mira suddenly remembered about resurrected dragons and asked
- Marucho, how do you think who could be these reborn dragons whom Jaakar talked about?
In this moment, while he was investigating the island, Marucho tried to remember who are
they and what's their connection to Stranger. It took a little time for it and he remembered
about Wavern, Naga and Dharak. They're most relevant candidates for this role as Unknown
guy's weapon. It was only a suggestion, but all converge: three resurrected dragons + Helios,
their strength enough to defeat Drago. But even together they should have much energy
against golden Dragonoid Destroyer, because he's the strongest mechtogan. So, "What's the
secret?" Thinks Marucho. Here were many questions and few answers, as always. After those
thoughts he said to Mira
- I have some ideas who could it be. It is our defeated main enemies and Drago's love. Their
names are Naga, Dharak. These two were our opponents. And Wavern, who helped us in the
war for Infinity Core. It is a long story before meeting with you, Baron and Ace, but I'll tell
you in short.
- Please, tell me about it.
Answered Mira and Marucho started from the very beginning. He told Mira about anomaly
with opened portal into Vestroia and cards from the sky, how they resisted to Masquerade and
Naga, who stole the Silent Core to become a perfect bakugan, how they after defeating
Zenoheld meet gundalians and neathians and help the last race to win the war and stop
Barodius twice, when he was Mag Mel.
Meanwhile, in the middle of the forest in New Vestroia, were lying unconscious Keith
without a mask and near him Gus together with landed Vestal Destroyer. The first one who
woke up was Gus. As soon as he got to his feet and saw his master lying down, he's with
chest pain after powerful blow from Stranger, holding his hand on it, came to Keith and tried
to wake him up.
- Master Spectra... Master Spectra!
When Keith, as he called himself without a mask, opened his eyes and came to himself, he
realized that they were beaten up by Stranger and Helios was stolen. He remembered that
painful moment and through resentment and anger, he spoke in a whisper
- Helios... I am sorry. I swear, I will bring you back...
Gus, feeling Keith's despair, tried to cheer him up
- Master Spectra... are you alright? I am sure we will win next time that guy and get Helios
back. We will make him pay for this!
Keith, wearing up his mask, became Spectra again and said
- Yes, but first we need to get an assistance from our old friends, Brawlers. We need to
contact with Mira first, she's still in Bakugan city.
- Yes, Master Spectra. I'll take care of this.
When Spectra and Gus went to the Vestal Destroyer to communicate with Brawlers, the
whole time Stranger, sitting in his Ice temple, restored his power after fights with Dan, Shun,
Spectra and Gus. Opening his eyes, he looked at unconscious bakugans after hypnotism and
using forbidden ability. Taking them all, Dharak, Naga, Wavern, Drago and Helios, Stranger
folded them in a special box and went to another room, which looked like a throne hall with a
ritual circle. Putting them all on the circle and standing before the circle, he started
concentrate his powers, because of it this magical circle was covered by dark colored teal and
purple with black aura, only what he said with eyes's shine, was
- Now, let the battles begin!
Chapter End Notes
If you're wish to see more chapters of this story, let me know.
Episode 3. Old Bonds.
Chapter Summary
This episode tells about the fate of Drago and Helios, who found themselves in the
hands of a Stranger. Will he let them go? Or will he force you to pass some tests, having
previously put experiments on them? Only one thing is known; Drago's fate is in his
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
With the restored strength Stranger was ready to go out for Brawlers, but he was interested in
something bigger, than just bragging about the difference in strength between him and
Brawlers. Actually, this restoring ritual took one day, because Stranger should be
concentrated on five bakugans at the same time to not hit them during such an unusual ritual.
While bakugans were sleeping, he went to his library, which seemed quite modest in
appearance, judging by the doorway. But it was worth opening the door and going inside to
understand that everything is exactly the opposite: the library looked much bigger than it
expected. Actually this library was an ancient storage with well-groomed and clean furniture,
floor and ceiling from white oak. it was amazing that such a huge place was so clean and
where the knowledge collected from different worlds has been accumulated for centuries,
almost for millennia. In terms of the number of manuscripts, devices containing information,
it surpassed all kinds of attractions, in the form of the greatest libraries in any other existing
worlds, for example, the library of Alexandria. Ice Temple's library was 10 times higher in
terms of information content than this. There's only one question: how did Stranger get it all
and most importantly, how does it maintain the efficiency and safety of this place in ideal
conditions, when the coldest blizzards are raging outside? Stranger, as a person, was covered
with a darkness that is darker than any ominous night and most scariest thing inside him it's
an uncertainty. Nobody knowns what should wait from him, unpredictability and freedom of
action are his strongest and reliable weapons. The only one person who knows about his
goals is himself.
So, what did he need in his library? The answer lay on the surface, to read, to explore. But
what specifically he wants to know? Passing through the library labyrinth, turning into
inconspicuous book corners, he found right in the table a big scroll. Unfolding it, Stranger
started to read it, saying to himself
- Hm... if I don't make a mistake, it must be here...
He was searching for some special knowledge and it didn't take long to find what he needs.
Wrapping the scroll back and removing it under the cloak, he went to the next room, which
looked like a meditation hall and was hidden near the center of the library. The hall the hall
was no less spacious and beautiful than a library with endless keepers of information because
of the presence of fountains, both icy and boiling. Before him was and at all a waterfall. The
narrow road to the little island before the waterfall was covered by a fire, a soothing wind
was blowing through the hall and a little lights, which were bright and dark and flying near
the rock island. When he passed to this place, he sat down on the little island and continued
his meditation, but not for restoration, but for thinking.
Meanwhile, bakugans, which were sleeping the whole time after the brawl, started waking
up. The first one was Drago, who opened up and started looking around. All what he sees, it's
a dark room with a magical things. When he sees Helios, Wavern, Naga and Dharak, he came
to Helios and Wavern and began to wake them up, pushing them by his head and whispering
- Wavern! Helios! Wake up!!..
The second one from them was Helios, opening up, being by himself and not hypnotized,
said, being surprised
- Drago? How did we get here?
Seeing that only Helios reacted on his tried to wake him up, Drago with relief answered him
- It is a good question. You were hypnotized by unknown guy and fought against me with
these three. When Wavern will wake up, we can get out, because others are our mortal
enemies and they have evolved, just like you.
Helios, interrupting Drago, asked him
- Wait! What... heh, now I see. That's why I'm feeling myself so weird, being without
Vestal's modifies inside me. Now it looks like I've become stronger! I fought those guys, but
I don't know nothing them. Who are they?
Then Drago, nodding in the sides to bakugans, which names he said, started explaining
- The white one is Naga, Wavern's brother who stole the Silent Core and tried to destroy
Vestroia by fusion with Earth. And a dark one is Dharak, my antipode. He was Razenoid, but
how he could avoid that corruption and evolved, just like the others?..
Unfortunately for them, the next one who were woke up are Dharak and Naga, opening up,
they flew to Drago and Helios and Dharak said
- I've been waited this moment for so long... finally we can fight again, but without
- Just as I am!
Said Naga and then Wavern woke up too, flying to them, asked
- What is going on here?
Naga answered to Wavern, trying to get Drago only
- Sister, that is our with Dharak business. Let us deal with this.
Dharak, feeling excited from upcoming battle with Drago, said
- I won't let you win so easily this time!
- And all of you will have a chance to escape.
Said to them Stranger, coming to bakugans. But... how he can be in the meditation hall and
here at the same time? A clone? Or is it a projection of him? They understood that it was a
clone, when he took them all, Drago, suspecting Stranger that he prepared a trap for him.
Then he flew to Stranger's face and asked him
- If you're letting us to go so easily, why did you bring me, Helios and beat our human
partners? What is your goal? And who are you? Is it was really necessary to fight us? Tell
Helios turned to Stranger too and asked the same
- And what do you need from us all? We have many questions to you
Then Wavern said to Stranger, feeling she saw Drago earlier, but she can't remember who is
he. That was making her curious about it, so she said
- I could ask you too. You don't tell us anything and all what can we do it's just guessing.
Dharak added and Naga was first
- So tell us. When you said you want to get bigger strength, I believed to you the first time.
- But, seeing how strong you are, however, your words are beginning to be questioned more
and more. Speak what do you really need!
Smiling at them slightly, sincerely, oddly enough, Stranger answered them, keeping calm in
his voice, as usual
- You have no necessary to know everything about me. But, if you insist so much, I'll tell you
some details before I'll explain the conditions of the challenge by which you'll be able to
back home. So listen to me carefully and don't interrupt me. That's all what I'm asking to
you. Let me know if you're ready for listening.
With a doubt, but everyone agreed, and Stranger, seeing their answer by their silence, said,
until his speech he went with bakugans to the surface.
- Good. The first which I should is my name. I'm Stygius. Everything coincided so well, it's
not every day that some of the strongest bakugans gather in one place and do not fight, yet.
All what I need from you it's fight to each other. Drago, you task is to fight Dharak and Naga.
They need to settle old scores with you, so Helios and Wavern will watch for it and help them
after fighting. Here's conditions of this brawl: this battle is not for death. If Drago wins, I'll
bring you all back to the Earth and release you from my control, bring back Wavern's
memories and answer on some questions. But if he loses, you will all help me with my
researches no matter what. Are you ready to the final battle with your old enemies, Drago?
Being tired of those fights, he hadn't a choice, because it could the last chance to get back
home, to Dan. All what he said was
- Yes. If you'll keep your word, I'm ready.
- Actually, I don't keep any words or promises, but as a guarantee, I'll make an exception to
When they went out of the temple, the snowstorm was over and Stygius throwed Drago,
Naga and Dharak
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! Finish your enmity, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid,
Darkus Eternal Naga and Darkus Ghost Naga!
When Drago, Naga and Dharak were appeared, the whole temple was covered by a
transparent shield. There were Helios, Wavern and Stygius. Helios said to Drago
- Make them regret that they still remember about revenge on you, Drago! I'd wish to be with
you... grrh...
Drago answered, looking at him
- I will, Helios. And don't worry, you will enjoy this fight, I promise!
While Wavern tried to remember who is Drago, Dharak asked him
- Enough talk! Shall we begin?
- Let's do it.
Answered to him Drago, being ready to get over with. Sometimes, when Naga and Dharak
were alive, he thought they could brawl not as enemies, but as friends. Drago already
avenged for his love, Wavern, and stopped Dharak twice, when he tried to get Code Eve.
Now there wasn't a point to fight, however, their hate is so strong that only this fight can
make them free from the pain of hatred. In the one side, they'll be able to find a harmony into
their souls and relationships with other bakugans. But in the other side, there was one
question brewing that bothered him very much; why Stygius let them fight? Is that kind of his
plan? What is he trying to achieve? He's acting so strange and unpredictable that Drago can't
understand his motivation. In any case, he needs to be focused on the fight. Looking at Naga
and Dharak, who looked at Drago the same, they stood motionless, as if expecting something.
This calm before the coming storm suggested that this battle would be one of the most
destructive. When the snowstorm stopped, three bakugans started the battle; they ran at each
other, prepared to strike and so, when they were already preparing to exchange blows in
flight, they only bumped their fists with all their might, which caused a shock wave to form.
Seeing such a fascinating moment, Stygius said
- How interesting... I wish to know who will win this fight
Pushing off from each other, Drago started fight with Dharak and Naga, hitting both of them
and getting punches and kicks from they. Fortunately, they were equals, 1200 G, using only a
physical strength. But Drago took most of the blows, because he fought two opponents, and
thanks to his battle experience he could stand Dharak's and Naga's attacks. However, there
was one question: how long he will stand it? That's why they started use abilities:
- Dragon Crasher!
Drago concentrated in his mouth red energy and fired into Naga and Dharak. These two
answered him their own abilities. The first was Dharak
- Arrow of hatred!!
His ability was created from purple and black energy and aimed at Drago's ray. Then it was
Naga's turn
- Ghostly Impulse!!!
Screamed Naga, activating his ability, which was created from purple and white ray and
shooting into Drago's beam. Of course, thanks to this ability, together Naga and Dharak has
3100 G, while Drago has only 1800 G. That's why he used another ability
- Dragon Over Cannon!!
It was an adding attack to his Dragon Crasher to increase his attack. It adds to his power level
1500 G and now Drago's power level was 3300, which helped him to push off from him
impending energy of Dharak and Naga. Then Dharak used his speed increasing ability
- Dark Flash!
He was just disappeared and Drago thought he can attack from behind. Just as happened, but
Dharak, being into his dark purple aura, kicked Drago from the side, flying with him, he
continued to beat him, enjoying his painful moans. However, Drago didn't let Dharak defeat
himself so easily, so he just used his another ability
- Dragon Spur!
Then Drago was covered by red aura, grabbed Dharak for his foot, when Naga was above
them to use his ability, he threw Dharak to Naga with such a high speed he couldn't dodge
that throw, thanks to which he shot down both of them. When Dharak and Naga fell down,
Drago landed before them and asked
- Is that for you two enough?
- Don't make me laugh!
Being full of anger, answered to him Naga, standing up, he applied his another ability
- Now let's see, how you'll have fun! Withering Touch!
Naga's hands and feet were covered by red energy and then he started attack Drago, using all
of his hatred to hit him. It was truly hard to dodge all of them and then Dharak was incoming
for help, attacking Drago from his back. Feeling pretty strong punch from behind and how he
flew directly in Naga's fist, Drago with screaming flew away from a strong blow to his face
and together with pain sensed how his strength's leaving him. Then he understood he should
be careful with Naga, but they didn't wait for his counterattack, so Dharak and Naga stepped
on Drago's chest and used their strongest abilities, draining from him all of his energy.
- Terrible Torture!
- Winter Torpor!
Drago was under Dharak's electric torture and paralyzed by Naga's ability. Screaming louder
from increasing pain, Helios screamed to him, with indignation spectating the fight
- Drago! Stand up!!
But Stygius said to Helios
- He can't. This ability paralyzing everyone who has lower power energy. But I think, Drago
won't let himself to lose.
Then Wavern asked Stygius
- Tell me, Stygius. You want just let us get away, but why are you doing this? What is your
motivation to such a strange from you act?
Then white haired guy finally answered to her
- To reach my goal, I must let you all leave this place and back to brawlers. I got from you
already all what I need, so it's pointless to hold you here.
- What's your goal are you talking about?
Asked him Helios, but Stygius just said
- You'll find out the answer in due time. So let's see how end this confrontation.
When Stygius, Helios and Wavern continued to spectate the battle, all what was left for
Drago is use only one ability, when he was nearly to lose, Drago screamed from the remnants
of his forces
- Dragon Tornado!!!
Pushing Naga and Dharak away, Drago's power level was in the same level and he got +500
G. Now, when abilities of Dharak and Naga were cancelled, Drago finally can move and he
has power level 3800 G. Standing up, he was starting counterattack, when Naga and Dharak
stood up
- Dragon Exploder!
Then he threw on them fireball and they used their shields
- Twilight Attraction!
The first shield was from Dharak. It was a dark purple and shining shield, absorbing Drago's
explosion. And Naga added his own shield, increasing him and Dharak on 500 G, and now
they were in 3600 G
- Otherworldly mirror!
Now, feeling more strength, Dharak and Naga finally used Bakugan-combo, becoming one.
Being a gray and purple dragon with Dharak's horns, eyes and Naga's patterns, they activated
their combo ability
- Spear of despair!!
Then Drago, using his special ability, collected his energy from Perfect Core, focused his
energy and let it out, faced with Dharak's and Naga's energy, they started apply the maximum
of their strength, what Drago, what Darkus Duo.
It took 2 minutes to tear the nearest land to shreds and melt the snow because of huge
concentrate of power, during their energy confrontation, between Drago, Naga and Dharak
was a huge explosion, the force of which was enough to sweep away everything in its path
within a radius of 50 kilometers and the shock wave swept away the snow which was lying
within in affected radius. The only who the only survivors of this explosion were Stygius
with Wavern and Helios. That's why Stygius created the shield, for cases like this. It was
such a strong explosion that Dharak and Naga were exited from fusion and fell down, just
like Drago, feeling how hard was it and how much energy they spent on this blow. When
these three stood up with a certain heaviness due to fatigue, hard breathing, Drago heared to
his address Dharak's call
- Hey, Drago!
Said Dharak to Drago, starting... smile in a friendly way. Is it was Dharak? But... what
caused him to do such a strange from him motion. Maybe that dialogue began to influence
- Hey, Drago! Do you know how this fight will be different from all the others?
Drago, seeing Dharak smile, which didn't hint at bloodlust, was surprised, but he asked him
- Is this fight will be the last between us?
- Not only. This brawl will be the beginning of something new. What do you think, Naga?
- Yes, now only our wish is just to find out who's the strongest bakugan!
Added Naga, starting with Dharak gradually free themselves from the hatred that has fueled
them for so long. During the fight they understood that friendship is much stronger than their
wish to become the strongest. They both finally understood their mistakes and Drago, feeling
that he was still able to see something good in them, was glad for them. Now only what they
need it's just finish the fight. Stygius, watching for them, said
- Here is the decisive moment. Now we'll see who will win.
While they stand on the Using their last abilities, Naga and Dharak ran on Drago and
screamed to him
- Get ready! Soul Blade!
Said to him Naga and Dharak added
- Sword of Melmak! This ends here!!
Seeing that this is the last minutes of fighting, when Naga used white and purple energy
sword and Dharak created black and purple blade, Drago used his own red blade, running on
- Let's put an end to our differences! Dragon Blade!
When Drago, Naga and Dharak swung their blades, they stopped, standing on each other's
places where they were standing. And the winner of this battle is... Drago! He wins the
battle, because at this moment Dharak and Naga fell on the earth and Drago was the last one
standing. When the battle is over, Stygius turned off his shield, throw Helios and Wavern to
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! Go, Darkus Galaxy Helios, Haos Angel Wavern!
Then Helios appeared near Drago and ran to him, helping to hold on his feet
- You won, Drago! I knew you can defeat them!
- Thank you, Helios...
Answered to him Drago, while Wavern started restoring them all from wounds and hits after
the fight. When she healed Drago, Naga and Dharak, the last two stood up and Dharak said to
- This is the end, Drago. Since Barodius's irrevocable death and my last lose to you I have no
reason to fight you anymore. It is time to help you hold the balance as our apologize for what
we have done before.
Naga nodded to Drago and added from himself
- When I lost my goal, only what I can to do is join you.
- I'm glad to hear and see you're finally stopped following for revenge.
As a sign of forgiveness, shaking hands with each other. When Stygius came to them, he said
to Drago
- Hmph. You better than I expected. It's time to complete my part of deal. I'll reveal
Wavern's memories and bring you back to the Earth.
Then Drago, looking at Stygius, said
- No matter what you did with Dan and Shun with Jaakar, you can keep your word. You
could work with us.
- Don't think I'm doing it just because I'm a kind person. Next time I'll play with you all.
We'll see each other soon.
All he had to do was snap his fingers and Wavern, feeling herself strange, froze in surprise
with wide eyes, seeing Drago, she asked him, sensing a pain in her head
- D... Dragoruny, is that you?..
Being shocked and blushed that she recognized him, Drago couldn't hold his feelings, just
the same as Wavern, and they hugged each other for a whole minute. When they finished
with hugs, Helios said
- Hehe, Drago, you never told me that you have a girlfriend
Looking at Helios, he answered
- I haven't a time to tell you about Wavern. But now...
- I'll see you soon.
Said at last Stygius, interrupting Drago's speech, and teleported them all back to the Earth,
transforming bakugans into the spheres as they appeared near the Bakugan city. It seemed
Drago has new friends, but what should expect the next time from Stygius? He is still
dangerous and who knows, will he be the most powerful opponents that Drago ever faced?..
Chapter End Notes
Let me know, if you wish to know what will happen in the next episodes.
Episode 4. A Gift of Fate.
Chapter Summary
While Drago were fighting against his old enemies, meanwhile Mira, Spectra, Gus and
Marucho were searching for him and Helios. However, there will happen something that
makes their life easier in this situation.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
The day, before the last fight of Drago, Dharak and Naga, while Stygius's resting with
captured by him bakugans, Mira and Marucho were searching for his trail and sent messages
about help in the fight against a new enemy. Dan and Shun were still unconscious, so
brawlers should act without their strongest leaders and while Marucho substituted for both of
them, Kato delivered Dan and Shun to the hospital, he contacted with Marucho, appearing in
his screen on the device
- Master Marucho, Miss Mira, Master Dan and Master Shun were successfully delivered to
the hospital. I will let you know which ward number will they located.
- Excellent work, Kato! Look after them, we'll arrive to them as fast as we're done here.
Answered to him Marucho and Kato before disconnecting said
- Understood, Master Marucho.
Ten minutes later, they finally found some Stygius's teleport trail and unknown's footprints,
following to nowhere. Then Marucho said to Mira
- Mira! Look what I found!
- Huh? Did you find something?
- Yes! Look at these footprints and on the screen!
Then she looked on the screen where he showed and explained
- Thanks to Dr. Michael we improved our teleportation trail detectors and it won't waste too
much time for searching. All what we need to do is to gather allies and bring Drago with
Helios back. It didn't take long for appearing of Vestal Destroyer near Marucho and Mira,
from which Spectra and Gus teleported to them. Seeing her brother who still can stand after
this beating up, she ran to him and hugged her brother
- Oh, Keith! Gus! I'm glad you two alive!
Hugging the sister back, Spectra let her feelings be free a little, but they all have a common
goal, so after some greetings he said
- I'm glad you weren't hurt too, Mira. Where is Dan?
Giving a heavy look at Spectra, Marucho answered
- He's in a hospital with Shun. Someone attacked them, took Drago and beat them hard...
Jaakar, Shun's bakugan, said that guy has a lot of strength, like he's bakugan in human
Surprising to this news, Spectra asked him more
- Is he using resurrected bakugans as his puppets? He defeated us and took Helios too. As we
woke up, we got here. We need to develop a plan to follow for that guy and rescue our
bakugans. Do we any plan?
Marucho, thinking about it, said
- Yes. We found the place where he was teleported to the another dimension, so we can detect
him. But first we must send one little scout robot to check this place out, because we don't
know certain where he could be.
- Well, caution with an opponent of this level will not hurt us.
Answered Spectra at last and all what they all should to do is opening the portal to the
dimension where Stygius was escaped and investigating this place. Meanwhile, Dan and
Shun were finally woke up. Kato was near them, so, being happy for their awakening, butler
- Master Dan, Master Shun! I am glad that you come to your senses...
- Huh? Where am I? And...
Remembering what happened on the island, Dan realized that he was beaten up by a strange
man who used his old enemies in that fight. Trying to find Drago, Dan called him
- Drago? Are you here?
Seeing hopeless searching for Drago by Dan, Kato with full understanding of the case, chose
not to conceal it and said everything as it is
- Master Dan, Drago... was captured by enemy. My regret...
Trying to realize it, Dan's heart started to shrink from the pain caused by anger for his
weakness and for the fact that he could not save his best friend, with whom they have been
through so much. It was the same feeling when Spectra took Drago for his experiments, but
this time these feelings were stronger, because Stygius beat personally Dan as fast as he
couldn't do anything against his tricks. That was one of those things which makes him angry.
That's why, when he understood Drago was stolen, he tried to stand up from the bed,
overcoming the pain of blows, but awoken Shun asked him
- Dan, it's pointless to fight in our condition. If he defeated us so easily when were before the
fight, what can you do to him now?
Gritting his teeth against the anger filling him, he soon answered
- I know, I know! But I can't stay here where Drago's alone, being with our old enemies who
wants to revenge him with all of their hatred! He won't stay too long with them!!
Shun firmly and calmly, sitting more comfortable on his bed
- Calm down, Dan. If we are here and judging by Kato's presence, Marucho found us and
delivered here while he's trying to find our new "friend". Am I right, Kato?
To which Kato replied, confirming his guesses
- Yes, Master Shun. We detected you were fighting and tracked you by your BakuMeter's
signals. I will connect you with Master Marucho.
Having barely gathered the strength to calm down and collect his thoughts, Dan said, sitting
back in his bunk
- Alright... I need to know did he find some of that guy's trail or something...
When Kato set the connection with Marucho and put the notebook to Dan and Shun, he left
them alone, waiting them from the outside of ward. When they saw Marucho before the
screen, Dan and shun said "hello" to him
- Hey, Marucho! How's the searching going?
Then he answered, adjusting his glasses
- Dan! Shun! You are really woke up and we found the trail of that stranger! We have Spectra
and Gus with us and we are investigation the dimension where he went with Drago
- Cool! Now we can have a chance for counterattack!!
Being happy to these news, said Dan. But Mira interrupted him, explaining
- Not so fast, Dan. We don't know yet, what is this dimension. So we need more time for a
penetration to his territory. I promise, we will find him and Drago!
Empathizing to his loss, Mira gave to Dan such a promise while he will rest in the hospital.
He could only agree with it and lay back to his bed, understanding that he is no match to
Stygius in this situation
- Okay, Mira. I'm counting on you all, but if you will get into the trouble, call us with Shun,
Mira nodded to him and said
- We will, Dan, Shun, You both need a rest, while we are developing the plan of
After completing the conversation, they continued to go about their business further. But
because of such unpleasant events Dan was full of thoughts about Drago, thinking about him,
where he could be now, what happened to him... Spectra felt the same, but in his case he
cared about Helios, because he never was in the case like this. Spectra never was so much
worried about his bakugan because of the unknown. He didn't know how is Helios now, is he
alive or not... it was something new in his life. Even Gus was even more worried about
Spectra's feelings after he lost his best friend. Only what he can do is to support his master.
That's why he told him these words;
- Master Spectra... Helios must be still alive, just like Drago. They won't let themselves to
die without a fight!
- I know, Gus. I know. And the best way to save them is to search the hideout where Drago
and Helios are captured. And also, we need to hold this portal as long as we can activated. So
we must focus on the investigating.
- Yes, Master Spectra.
Said Gus, after this continue helping with detecting bakugans and Stygius in the other
dimension. When scout robot has arrived there, his camera was enabled and now brawlers
can see what is this place. They've seen only a terrible blizzard, which did not allow you to
see anything because of the abundant amount of snow. Watching for the screen, Marucho,
Mira, Spectra and Gus only could to guess how they can find Drago and Helios in such a
climate. Marucho gave to scout-robot a command to him measure the temperature to
understand, will be able they to move in conditions like these. When brawlers saw that the
temperature in this dimension was -70°С, they were shocked by the fact of existence in such
a cold place. Thinking about how to survive there, Mira began to reason
- Never thought he can hide in a place with such extremely low temperature. Now all what
we need to do is to get extra thermal suit. Keith, do you have such suits or do you know
where we can get it in our planet?
Spectra only shook his head, saying
- No. But I know which materials we need to create them. The creation for all of us will
waste one day, as I know. Me and Gus will get the materials, while you will continue
investigation. Agree?
When Mira and Marucho nodded and Mira said
- We need to do our best. Who knows what that guy want to do with Drago and Helios.
When Spectra and Gus went to the Vestal for materials for thermal suits, Mira and Marucho
found the Ice Temple, where Stygius was hiding. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't come
closer to the temple because of the trap, in which one of them scout robot was caught, falling
directly to the pit with huge ice spikes, where he was destroyed. They already have all what
they need to attack Stygius, so brawlers were started to prepare for assault.
One day later, after Drago's final fight, brawlers were ready to start the rescue operation. But
Marucho's monitoring system detected near the Bakugan city someone's opening the portal.
Judging by location and who was it, Kato notified Marucho
- Master Marucho! Our system has detected opening of the portal near the city! I am sending
the coordinates
- Huh? What could it be?
Asked Marucho and Mira said
- Maybe, it is Stranger. We should go there and check it out!
When Kato sent the coordinates, brawlers saw where the portal was opened. It was Easter, in
the forest. Then Mira, Marucho, Spectra and Gus went on the Vestal Destroyer to find out
what's there. And what they saw shocked them. The first one who was surprised, it's Spectra,
who said
- W... What? How could they...
- Yes!! I knew they won't let themselves hold for long!
But Mira interrupted them, seeing another bakugans with Drago and Helios and looking at
them in a puzzled way
- Wait! Who are those bakugans with Drago and Helios?
There were Drago, Helios and their new friends, Naga, Dharak and Wavern. Bakugans,
seeing the familiar airship, flew to him, during the fly they were teleported on board, where
they met brawlers with full of happy. Helios, flying to Spectra, the last one said
- Helios! How did you manage to escape?
Then Helios explained in short to his partner and best friend
- Drago defeated our new friends and Stygius let us go as a reward for win
Being more surprised, Marucho asked him
- Wait! Is that guy's name Stygius?
And Drago confirmed his words
- Yes. The stranger name who fought us is Stygius. We don't know certainly who truly he is,
but we should be prepared to his another tricks. Looks like we don't need to him anymore,
because he let us escape without any traps and his last words were "Next time I will play with
all. We will see each other soon..."
- ...which means he will come back. We need to prepare for a battle, but first we should visit
Dan and Shun. They must see that you're okay.
Said to Drago Marucho. Drago was agreed to him
- Of course. And how is he and Shun with Jaakar?
- Those hits were hard for them, but it's more than enough to let them rest for 2 days!
And when brawlers with bakugans were arrived into the hospital and went to the ward of Dan
and Shun, while these two were sleeping Marucho, cheering up his friends, ran to them and
happily said
- Guys! You will not believe!! Drago and Helios were escaped and we found them!!!
Then Dan with Shun immediately woke up, seeing Drago, flying to Dan, screamed from
- Dan!!
- Drago!!! How I'm glad you're back!!
Dan screamed to him back, catching Drago to his hands and looking at him with eyes, filled
with joy that his friend was unharmed and saved. It was a big luck he was alive and not under
the control. After this moment of happy reunion, Dan finally noticed that Drago was not
alone and he saw Dharak with Naga and Wavern. Then he scared a little and he pointed at
them with his finger, asking
- Woah!! Drago, isn't that what I think?
- Yes, Dan. As Stygius's reward, he released them from his control and we were able to get
Guessing what he was getting at, Dan clarified
- Stygius? Is it that guy's name? And it means...
- We are your new allies and we will brawl with you and Drago, Dan Kuso.
Said to him Dharak. Dan, being surprised to his words, now didn't know what to say at all.
Chapter End Notes
let me know if you wish to see more of this story. the more kudos, the more often
episodes will be posted, there's nothing original or difficult
Episode 5. Preparation.
Chapter Summary
Brawlers, cooperating with each other and especially with the new friends, finally found
Stygius's hideout and main protagonists are preparing for the counterattack, no matter
how strong defence he has.
Not only Dan was shocked to hear such words from his old enemies. The other brawlers
didn't expect that Dharak and Naga will help them in this confrontation. It only showed how
dangerous is Stygius... Dan asked Dharak and Naga
- But hey, what about Barodius? Naga, you always wanted a power, just like you, Dharak.
What caused you two to help us and renounce evil?
Then, looking at Dan, Naga answered to him first
- When Drago in the last fight defeated me, I lost the sense to become stronger alone because
it is pointless now. He proved me even when you two are apart from each other, you're
fighting like one. This friendship power is much almighty than I thought before my death. I
thought I could revenge Drago once more, and even now he saved my soul from eternal
And Dharak said the same, telling about his feelings, so that they will make sure that neither
he, nor Naga, makes no sense to turn against Brawlers
- Being humiliated the second time, then I was Razenoid, I died with only one thing in my
heart: "Drago, no matter how much you won me, I won't stop until you die!" Stygius gave
me the third chance and just like Naga, I understood everything only in the final battle.
Revenge blinded me and clouded my mind and the last way to live without the pain that tears
my soul is helping Drago. When Barodius, my former partner, died forever, I understood that
my point of life is to help Drago and kill Stygius for manipulating us. Even for villains, if
there is anyone to obey, it is better for you than for him. It's time for even us, your main past
villains, to work with you, Brawlers. And the best way to fix everything that we have done,
being on the side of evil is to help Drago as our savior.
Drago was flattered and grateful for their words, answered to Dharak and Naga
- I am grateful for your words and wish to help us. It will a new battle for us, fighting not
against each other, but together with one common enemy, with Stygius
Then Dan, trying to stand up from his bed, feels the pain from his bruises and then he only
sat down. Seeing how it hurt him, Wavern flew to Dan and with her radiance, she began to
heal bruises and scratches Dan, Shun and Jaakar, who was near with his partner, saying
- That is much better for you. Now you can move normally
Said Wavern and then Dan remembered her, saying
- Glad you were released from the control, Wavern!
- Say thanks to our hero Dragoruny. He was the one who saved us all.
Embarrassing more from that name, Drago said
- Oh, Wavern...
Giggling at Drago, Helios added
- Heehee, "Salamander", now you should get used to it and not to this.
From Helios's joke Drago only said, even starting to blush
- Ugh! I should be stricter with you!
Then everyone, even Naga and Dharak starts laughing at Drago's reaction. But Dan, calming
up, cheered up his buddy
- Don't be shy, Drago!
But Kato, giving his apologizes for interrupting their talking, appeared in Marucho's monitor
screen, letting him know about their thermal suits
- Excuse me, Master Marucho. We have done thermal suits for traveling into the Stygius's
- Good work, Kato! Dan, Shun, while you were here, we investigated the dimension where
Stygius is hiding.
Dan immediately asked Marucho about this, being worried
- Really? And where is he?!
Mira answered on Dan's question
- He is hiding into the place with extremely low temperature and, judging by our lost scout
robot, he set the traps near his temple.
Radizen, flying around Marucho, said
- And there's too cold! Because of the strong snowstorm we can't see anything and move
That's why Gus added
- By the way, we can go through the snowstorm because of Drago's pyrus strength as a
Drago confirmed his words
- Yes, and also it can make for us as an extra heater.
Then Brawlers and their bakugans went to Marucho's headquarters for testing thermal suits.
They were made by Vestal's technology under Mira's control. They all made with the
different colors of the element which belongs to every Brawlers, sizes and some attributes to
the suit. While they're wearing up the suits and Spectra should wear off his mask to wear on
the glasses and half-mask, Dan suggested to friends
- Hey, guys? How about before the traveling we should test them in the simulator?
Shun added
- It will let us know how long we can stand there in it.
Marucho agreed with their words and said to Kato
- I thought about it! Kato, when we all be ready, send us to the simulator of the extremely low
temperature place!
- Understood, Master Marucho.
Said Kato, preparing to send Brawlers to the simulator. It is a necessary procedure to find out
how these suits will work on such conditions. When all brawlers were ready, Dan asked
- Now, everybody ready?
Spectra, Gus, Marucho, Shun and Mira nodded to him and Marucho gave to Kato command
to send them to the simulator
- Kato, start! Everyone, get ready!
Then simulation has been started and Brawlers with bakugans were sent to the same land
with the temperature which was -70°C, just like in Stygius's dimension. Thermal suits were
automatically activated as they appeared into this location. As they noticed, Brawlers can
move without problems with this weather and without any inconveniences. This test several
hours to understand what how long it will stand in such an extremal climate. When test was
over, it was already night outside, everyone's decided to attack Stygius's hideout tomorrow in
the early morning and all Brawlers fell asleep as they arrived to their rooms. But Drago was
the one who cannot just get to sleep because his head was full of thoughts about who is
Stygius actually. He doesn't look like an ordinary human. Drago sure he's hiding his true
power, after all, why would he play with them like this if he wasn't just a self-confident
villain and had such an opportunity to finish them all at once? No, it's not just that. It's as if
it's an ancient creature that has lived much longer than Drago or even he was born when the
first two bakugans were appeared by Code Eve. What's his secret? Who is it? These question
are not leaving Drago, sitting on the roof of Marucho's house and being into his thoughts. But
his thinking was interrupted by flying up to Drago his old and new friends, Naga, Helios,
Dharak and Wavern. Then Helios pushed a little Drago, saying
- Something's wrong?
When Drago was pushed, he looked up and turned to Helios first
- Huh? You all can't sleep too?
- We noticed you are worried about something. Is it Stygius?
Asked him Wavern and Drago confirmed her words
- Yes. He made me think about his strength. He's likely doesn't want to show full power,
holding it all. You noticed that?
Dharak answered to him
- At least, he could take our strength while we were unconscious. That is why he said we
don't need him.
- Or Stygius is more than just a human with bakugan's power, or he is a bakugan inside a
human body. I remember Kazarina's hypnotizing or Barodius's lightning and nothing from
what I saw can't compare to his abilities. He is the one who can bring back someone's soul to
the world of livings. I know only 6 ancient warriors who can do such things, but it depends
on are they still alive or dead.
Said Naga and Drago clarified about them
- Unfortunately, they are already gone after battle against our one of main enemies, King
Zenoheld, who was close enough to rule the university. But... I have a feeling that Stygius
holds the power much terrible than Alternative Weapon System...
Wavern, thinking about these all, only said
- At least, we are alive and if we will work together, we have a chance to stand against him.
However, Stygius has provided for such a variant of events. In the other situation he couldn't
give us a freedom so easily.
Drago, puzzling the picture, began to think out her idea
- If it's true, then we are all in his control, no matter what we will do. I am worried about Dan
and the others... Stygius is just playing with us and making us do what he need even if we
don't notice it.
Helios, trying to cheer up Drago, said
- But still, it's not a reason to let him mock us!
Naga supported Helios's words
- Even if it is our fate to die once and for all, we will fight until the last breath. No matter
how powerful is our opponent.
Then Wavern has an idea and shared it with bakugans
- Listen. If he is so strong, why we shouldn't try Bakugan Combo with all of us? It will
increase our power by 5 times...
- ...and with Dragonoid Destroyer we can crush Stygius. The only condition is synchronizing
with each other.
Drago ended the speech and Dharak asked him
- Then we need to strengthen our bonds, right?
Drago nodded to him and answered
- Of course. We need to begin feel our thoughts, feelings and make our hearts beat in unison
for complete combo.
Wavern even knows how to make it faster and he voiced his thought
- Firstly, we need to feel our hearts. So... we need to hug together
Everyone were embarrassed, hearing these words. But, thinking about it, they understood
that's a good method to mix light and dark in one combo, Drago, blushing from that, said
- Y-Yeah... we must try it, if we want to defeat an enemy of this level...
It was strange that they all were embarrassed from hugs. Maybe, they have such a reaction,
because they not used to it for such a close contact. It wasn't surprising a lot, remembering
their past. But better late than never, so Drago, Helios, Wavern, Naga and Dharak, standing in
a circle, they embraced each other, only the shape of the sphere did not allow them to fully
feel the whole essence of such a pleasant, warming feeling when there are those who will
support all of them in a difficult moment. This feeling was experienced by each of them,
because of which bakugans didn't even think of pulling away from each other. And Drago
suggested to try this into the New Vestroia, because there they can be in the true form, saying
that with a soft voice.
- I never thought it can be so pleasant. If you wish, I can send us in a short time to the New
Vestroia for full effect.
- That's a good idea, Drago. Let's do it!
Said Helios, and the next one was Dharak
- We should try it. I like that!
- Sure!
Added Wavern and Naga said
- Let's go!
After this Drago created a portal to the New Vestroia and bakugans went there to feel full
effect from hugs. It is a primitive move, but for most it's more than just hugs. It is support, a
sign giving to humans or another living creature to understand that they're not alone. That's
why, coming to the New Vestroia, teleporting to the forest, the company continue hugs each
other, having felt to the full what they probably wanted for a long time. Beyond all the passed
battles this moment was the best in lives for everyone. Now, Drago, Helios, Wavern, Naga
and Dharak can finally sense each other's hearts, souls and emotions at this moment. They
even began careless laughing like old friends. Like nothing bad between them never was.
Nobody even wanted to break the embrace, and then Dharak said, kindly smiling
- You know, I am glad that we all met like this!
- Just like me. I regret we haven't done this before.
Added from himself Naga and Helios, releasing his feels, said too
- Now I see how can these things be more wonderful than even fights!
- Then we can call ourselves friends. Don't you think, Dragoruny?
Blushing a lot, Drago smiled and said
- Sure, Wavy!
Now it was Wavern's turn to blush, everyone's laughing from this moment, finally decided to
get back to Dan with new and fresh thoughts, now realizing that they are no more enemies.
They are all can call each other friends and fight not just for human's and bakugan's
friendship, and brawl for their OWN friendship, or it is something more... now, getting back
to the Earth, to Marucho's house, they flew back to Dan's room, laying in a pillow near him
and finally fell asleep.
Episode 6. The Trap.
Chapter Summary
Following to the Stygius's hideout, Brawlers, being ready for the battle, noticed that
Stygius's more prudent, than they expected and set the trap for them. Now it's time for
the second challenge that unknown bakugan brawler.
Early morning, when Brawlers and bakugans woke up, prepared to the penetration in
Stygius's dimension, they put on them thermal suits and before the portal activation,
Marucho asked Brawlers
- Everybody ready?
Then Dan, Shun, Spectra, Gus, Mira and their bakugans nodded to Marucho, the last one
commanded to Kato
- Kato, open the portal!
- Understood, Master Marucho.
Answered to him butler and then portal was activated. Don't wasting the time, Brawlers
entered the dimension where was hiding Stygius, their new enemy. But only when they came
directly to the snowstorm, near the Ice Temple, Shun said to the others
- Be careful. Maybe Stygius set the traps and he is just waiting us. We must be ready for that,
if it's true
- I know, Shun. Stygius won't be attacking us in the forehead and scream about it.
Answered Dan and Marucho suggested
- Hey! What if bakugans will help us cross all the traps?
Spectra agreed with him and said
- We should try it. It's the safe way to get to this temple and investigate it.
Then, throwing bakugans on the snow, all brawlers said
- Bakugan, brawl!
Dan, Shun, Spectra said
- Baku Sky Raider Jump!
And Marucho wih Gus added
- Bakugan stand!
The first one was Dan
- Go, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid, Darkus Eternal Dharak, Darkus Ghost Naga, Angel Wavern!
The second was Shun
- Go, Ventus Jaakar!
The third was Marucho
- Let's go, Aquos Radizen and Subterra Rockstar!
- Go, Darkus Galaxy Helios!
Said the fourth Spectra, and the fifth was Gus
- Let's cross the traps, Subterra Rex Vulcan!
When all bakugans were in their true form, before them and Brawlers appeared out of the
snow ice guardians, which were looking like knights in ice armor with weapons made of the
appropriate material. Then Shun said
- As I thought, he will prepare for us a surprise
But it wasn't all of them, because around the temple and behind Brawlers more and more
appeared ice knights. All this ice army was taking them in its claws, not giving them a way to
retreat, Drago commented their actions
- Looks like these guys are fighting like true soldiers.
- Yeah, we just need to unfreeze these frozen semi-finished products! Let's go! Wavern,
ability activate: Rising Sunrise!
Wavern's ability increased for every friendly bakugan a power level. Every Brawlers used
their own abilities and the first one was Spectra
- Let's see which presents Stygius left... ability activate: Supernova blow!
Helios concentrated in his body huge energy and pushed it on the ice knights, sweeping away
everyone in its path within a radius of 10 kilometers. Then it was Gus's turn
- Ability activate: Hammer Knuckle!
Vulcan's hands were disconnected from his and they began in flying smash ice warriors to
pieces. Then it was turn for Shun and Marucho
- Ability activate: Sparkly Shadow - Cross Storm!
- Ability activate: Luster Drain!
When Shun with Marucho used their attacks, Dan continue attacks, while ice army started
shooting in them, using icicle arrows.
- Drago, ability activate: Dragon Energy! And I won't stop on this. Dharak, ability activate:
Burning Darkness!
Then Drago and Dharak, focusing their energy to throw it on the big square of enemies to
burn them out, before that Dan added another ability from Naga
- Naga! Ability activate: Echo of Doom!
With this one of powerful abilities Naga summoned white thunderstorms, making the clouds
absolutely black as an effect from ability, which drained the army and gave their strength to
Naga and other allied bakugans. And then, using much energy for blowing up everything,
Drago and Dharak released their power and finished with the strong explosions survived ice
soldiers. Fortunately, Wavern used protective ability, so no one and a temple weren't affected
by the explosions. Radizen, laughing at them, said
- Haha! That was too easy!!
But Marucho interrupted his bakugan's fun
- Don't be happy ahead of time, Radizen. We shouldn't lose our attention.
Then finally they could pass after several minutes of flying there and Shun said, noticing a
curious detals
- You noticed that the temple wasn't destroyed from those blows, although it was near it?
- Yeah, and even Stygius didn't appear. He must be here somewhere...
And while Brawlers with bakugans were searching and observing Stygius's temple, Drago
feels that someone gets on his shoulder and says
- Hello. Don't you want to talk, Bakugan Brawlers?
Asked someone's familiar voice and when everyone looked on his source, they say Stygius,
preparing to attack him, Drago didn't waste a time and tried to grab him, screaming from
filling his soul up anger
But Stygius only jumped right on Drago's head, mocking him, he said
- I'm impressed with your new friends's cooperating. I knew there's no point to keep you all
here. You came to me by yourself, which makes me happy by your gratitude. I hope you can
already do a combo, because as I said, I will play with you all this time.
Dan, trying to push Stygius out, used Drago's ability
- Ability activate: Dragon tornado!
Drago used fire tornado to banish that creature from his head, making Stygius for less than 1
second appear near Brawlers, like he's teleporting to them. When he was near them, Dan
asked him
- Tell us, why are you doing this? What do you want!?
Without betraying any emotions, still with the same calm face, giving a cold look, he decided
to answer this question
- If you are so interested in this thing, I will open your eyes on the one thing of my full
picture is collecting knowledge about everything.
Being puzzled, Brawlers didn't know what to say and Spectra asked him
- Is that a reason to attack us and capture our bakugans?
Stygius answered to him
- Let's say... I was afraid that you both won't give them to me just because I said "please". I
got all what I need from them and that's why I let them go. Now you will show me your true
power in combo. Especially you and your bakugans, Daniel Kuso and Keith Fermin.
Surprising to this answer, now it was Drago's turn to ask Stygius
- Then tell us: who are you?
- Why I must answer a question whose answer lies on a surface? You will find it out when the
time comes. Now let the battle begin!
Without giving them time to attack, Stygius struck the first blow to the Drago's muzzle with
such a wild power which throws him right to the nearest mountain, from a strong pain and
coming blackout he transformed back to the sphere, falling somewhere. Dan didn't have time
to understand what had happened and just shouted
- Drago!!!
- Drago!! Hold on!
Said Wavern and when she tried to fly to Drago, Stygius had already bumped into her from
above and kicked her straight to the ground, as a result, she soon lost consciousness from a
second blow to the head, which makes her back to the sphere form. Being angry for hitting
their friends, Dan activated Dharak's ability
- That's it!! Dharak, ability activate: Dark Flash!!
Covering by a purple energy, Dharak shouted to Stygius
- You're going down for this! Naga, Helios, let's go!
Then Naga said
- You will suffer, when we will catch you!!
- Time for big roast a little human!!!
And the last one words Helios. Then these three attacked him with a desire to kill for what he
done with Drago and Wavern. But even to this Stygius was ready. He jumped to Dharak first
and hit him right to the head, second kick was addressed to Helios, who tried to shot Stygius
out with his dark energy, but his attack was stopped by his almighty hits. And third one was
Naga, who tried to capture him, but only got more hits, knocking him out, because of such
strength sending Naga, Helios and Dharak to Drago and making them get back to the sphere
form. Brawlers were shocked by this power and only could to guess who is he, where he got
THIS power. Radizen, Rockstar, Jaakar and Vulcan couldn't stay and watch how their
comrades beating up one for one and they all attacked Stygius. Unfortunately for them, he
was too fast and gave to them strong punches to their heads back, because of it falling into
the snow. After this fly all bakugans were back into the spheres and all brawlers, looking with
an anger at Stygius for what he done with their friends, who was absorbed by the abundant
purple-black auras, only said to Brawlers, which were near to each other, before the
teleportation to the other dimension, they, like Shun, Gus, Marucho and Mira could see how
Stygius is coming to them and how his wings with a tails got out, which looked like dragons,
said to them, showing a little his unfinished true form of bakugan
- Hm... I shouldn't use too much energy. However, you have a huge potential, just like your
bakugans. I have no reason to kill you all. I wish to know how strong you will become as
strong as my old friends. You should take some lessons from Genesis Dragonoid and Genesis
Dharaknoid. And when you will have the same strength as me, come and fight me again!
Then he sent them all to the another world to test their strength how strong they will become
after this travelling. From this moment Brawlers and their bakugans are starting their new
adventures. That's a true trap which they should be more prepared before entering this place.
Episode 7. One-Way Ticket.
Chapter Summary
When Stygius sent Brawlers to the unknown place, Dan and his friends tried to
understand where they are. And while they were looking around, they came across
another stranger...
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
However, they found themselves in a dense forest filled with vegetation. This world was like
Earth, but it has some differences. For example, the air here's much fresher and much cleaner,
which could be inexpressibly surprised, despite the fact that this is just a forest. The only
feels what Brawlers could sense is humiliating and anger because of such a quick loss to
Stygius. He didn't let even use any ability or summon mechtogan. All what he did is
attacking bakugans with his own strength. When they saw his wings and tails, shocked Dan
- So... it's true. He's a bakugan with a human's body! Isn't he using the same trick as
Coredegon with Gunz?..
But before the answer of someone Dan remembered that the most hits got his and Brawler's
bakugans, because of them they all were unconscious, and because of high grass, where are
no problems getting lost, he ran away to search them
- Drago! Wavern! Dharak! Naga!! Please respond!!!
And Keith began searching for Helios, remembering painful punches which he got
- Helios!! Where are you?!
- Radizen! Rockstar! Are you there?
Screamed Marucho after Keith and then Gus tried to call his bakugan
- Vulcan!!
The last one was Shun
- Jaakar!
While they are searching their bakugans, Shun noticed that someone's watching them all.
After this he said to everyone
- Be careful. We are not alone in this forest.
- Huh? Did you notice something?
Asked him Mira and Marucho, thinking about a contact with Kato, tried to connect with him,
telling everyone about it
- Hey! We can try to contact with Kato. If we'll be lucky, we'll be able to send for us some
detecting devices. And also, we need to remove from ourselves the suits because of
unnecessary before continue our searching.
- Yeah, they're good, but no use in the conditions like these.
While Brawlers took off their suit, Marucho tried to send the signal to the Earth, but he saw
his signals were blocked in this planet, so it was useless this time. So all what they can do is
continue for searching. And in one moment, when passed three minutes, Dan found Helios,
picking him up, he asked him and called Keith
- Keith! I found Helios!
And Keith, running to Dan, found lying on the grass Dharak, picking him up and coming to
Dan, giving to each other their bakugans.
- Helios! Are you alright?!
When Keith asked him, Helios didn't respond and Dan did the same
- Dharak? Come on, buddy, wake up!
Fortunately, Dharak was the one who woke up and answered to Dan, opening up from his
- Oh... he is... too strong. I am sorry, Dan...
- It's no matter, Dharak. Now we need to find the others. Can you help us?
Asked him Dan, counting on Dharak's assistance. Then he said
- I will. When we've become friends, I cannot let them be lost so easy!
Dharak began search for bakugans and after more minutes Gus found Drago and said to Dan
- Dan! I found Drago!
Running to him, Dan took Drago and tried to speak with him, before thanked Keith's
- Thanks, Gus! Now we need to find the others and...
- ...and your path ends here, if you don't pass the test.
An unfamiliar voice was heard to Brawlers and right in front of them appeared another
stranger, but this time it wasn't Stygius, although he was in the cloak too. The only
differences between them was a green colored cloak with a hood, covering his hair and a
green balaclava as his mask. Also, this guy looked older than Stygius, judging by his voice.
Holding in his one hand a wood stave, Shun asked him and Brawlers ran to each other to not
let him defeat them one by one
- Looks like you're the one of the locals. Who are you? And what's the test are you talking
- My name is Alaron. Are you searching for them?
He showed to Brawlers their bakugans: they were Naga, Wavern, Radizen, Vulcan and
Jaakar, which were in a glass box. They were surprised about how he could take them so fast
and without any noises, but Dan said
- Yes... and you don't give them back until we beat you, right?
- And you know what's what. So why we don't see what can we do. I cannot let you pass
through this forest, because you're unknown people which were teleported here. All words
leave for a later. Are you ready?
Dan only nodded with his head and looked at Drago with Dharak, asking them
- Are you two can fight right now?
When Drago opened up, he said
- Yes... Those hits were too strong, but this time we can show our true strength.
- We will show him why we are one of the strongest bakugans.
Added and Helios flew to them
- I am going to fight too. Keith, let's do it!
When Keith could finally put on himself his favourite mask and become Spectra. Dan with
Spectra accepted the challenge and the legendary duo with Alaron threw their bakugans
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider Jump!
- Go, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid, Darkus Eternal Dharak!
- Let's get him, Darkus Galaxy Helios!
- Let the battle begin, Ventus Funojin!
Before dragon trio was a fourth dragon, who belongs to Ventus. He looks like Plitheon, but
his feathers in the wings were smaller in size and larger in number, his armor was lighter, but
there were some spikes. And the most unique thing was a primal power level, composing
1500 G. When Keith wih Dan checked their screens on the BakuMeters and surprised Dan
- 1500 G right on the start? How could it be!? That's impossible!!
Spectra only could suggest in this case and he said
- Tsk. Judging by him and a place where we were sent, we have new unknown evolution
forms and rules. Dan, we need to be faster than Alaron, so I'll attack him first and you follow
me! Ability activate: Blade of Sirius!
First attack from Helios increased him on 400 G and decreased Funojin's power strength the
same, lifting the power level of Helios to 1600 G and omitting Funojin's to 1100 G. Then
Dan choose Drago for the second attack and left Dharak for protection or counterattack
- Let's go, Drago! Ability activate: Dragon Crasher!
Drago used his red ray, aiming in Ventus bakugan. But Alaron has many tricks in his arsenal
and the first ability was protective and offensive in one view
- Ability activate! Cyclone Devastator!
This ability let Funojin throw a wind flow, dissecting everything in its path. It increased his
power level on 700 G, lifting Funojin power level right to 1800 G. On top of everything else,
all the splinters from the trees and dirt flew straight at the Brawlers and then Dan used
Dharak's defensive ability
- Hurry up, Dharak! Ability activate: Devouring Shadow!
Dharak used black and purple shield to protect Brawlers with Drago and Helios, absorbing
Funojin's attack and dirt with splinters, converting organic and inorganic matter into energy,
transferring it to yourself and allied bakugans, increasing their power on 400 G, and then Trio
has singly 1600 G. Alaron appreciated their ingenuity and praised Dan
- Not bad, strangers. But what will do with this? Ability activate: Ten Wind Swords!
When Alaron used this ability, on Funojin's back appeared ten blades which were covered
with a concentrated air for increasing the damage to his opponents. Throwing them all up,
Funojin caught them in flight and took a special stand, in which he holds every one of his
swords in the hands, in the mouth, in his elbow bends, surprising Brawlers by his sword
skills, Shun noticed that and said
- Yes... this bakugan is fighting like a ninja too. However, he can use more unknown abilities
and with every of them he took us by surprise. Dan, this one is more than just a strong
opponent. He is using unpredictable in his side!
- Yeah, like Stygius. We should defeat him as fast as we can!
But Alaron with astonishment looked at Brawlers and asked them
- Stygius? Have you ever met him?
And Dan answered to him
- Yep, and is he one of your friends? If it is, you should know that we need to stop him!
- And he was the one who sent us here.
Ended the speech Spectra. Alaron was even covered in sweat, judging by his look, he knew
what Stygius was capable of. But, hiding his surprised look, he said
- I will tell you something about Stygius, when you win. Now, ability activate: Vacuum
It was one of his strongest abilities, which increased power level of Funojin on 1000 G. Now,
when his power level reached 2800 G, Funojin before his attack said
- Prepare for losing!
And then he attacked Dharak, Drago and Helios, crushing them with the power of
concentrated air and making them all three to fall down to the ground with painful moan.
- Helios!
- Drago! Dharak!!
Shouted Spectra and Dan to them, while their bakugans transformed into the spheres, what
Funojin did the same and came back to Alaron. Dan's and Spectra's power level fell to the
20%. When they picked their bakugans, Dan asked Drago
- Are you okay, buddy?
- Yes... he just caught us off guard. I am sorry
- You have no reason to apologize. Let's show him what we've got!
Cheered him up Dan and said
- We're ready to continue! Let's go!
Alaron nodded to Dan and Spectra and they started the battle again.
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider Jump!
- Let's take them down, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid, Darkus Eternal Dharak!
- March, Darkus Galaxy Helios!
- Go, Ventus Funojin!
Now it was Alaron's turn for the first strike
- Ability activate: Ten Wind swords!
Using the same trick, Alaron this time didn't let the Brawlers for counterattack, so Funojin,
flying right to dragons, began a dance with blades, forcing Dan's and Spectra's bakugans to
dodge his attacks and get away from him. Spectra used his new ability
- Hold on, Helios! Ability activate: Pulsar Flow!
Thanks to Pulsar Flow Helios stopped Funojin and even paralyzed him, draining from him
500 G and giving 250 G to himself and Drago. Now it was Dan's turn
- That's more I like it! Drago, ability activate: Dragon Exploder!
Dragon Exploder pushed away paralyzed Funojin with painful scream said
- Argh! They are better than I thought! Alaron!
- I know. Ability activate: Revitalizing Coolness!
The cold wind was started surrounding Funojin and release him from the paralyze. But it was
too late because of Dharak and Dan used another his ability
- Dharak, your turn; ability activate: Sword of Melmak!
With this ability Dharak finished Funojin, Alaron's power level fell to the 60%. When he
picked his bakugan up, he asked him
- It is time for a final round. Let's finish this!
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider Jump!
- Brawl, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid, Darkus Eternal Dharak!
- Let's end this, Darkus Galaxy Helios!
- Show them your true strength, Ventus Funojin!
This time Alaron was serious and he used his another tricks
- Ability activate: Feathers dance!
When Funojin flew above his opponents, his wings were covered by a green energy and with
every swing from his wing fell out green feathers, which flew to them and in one moment
Alaron said, hitting the ground with his staff
- Release!
After this command the feather began to explode and it divided into needles, counting to take
those three down by a quantity. This ability decreased Dharak, Helios and Drago's power
level to 800 G. And when Dan tried to use a protective ability, he noticed that he can't use
any ability.
- Damn it! We need to do something fast or we'll stuck here forever!
Then Spectra had an idea how to defeat him, so he said to Dan
- What about bakugan combo?
When he suggested this idea, Dan nodded to Spectra and answered with a smile
- Hm, it will give us a chance. Let's do it! Drago, Dharak, Helios, bakugan combo!
When those three retired from the feather's explosion radius, they bumbed their fists and only
what Alaron could see is their shining. When the transformation was finished, in front of
Funojin appeared hybrid with a red and purple scale, in some places the scale was black,
there were Helios's wings, tail and hands, Dharak's torso and feet and Drago's head with
golden and silver horns with purple shade, bigger wings, sharper and larger claws appeared,
and fangs like those of Dharak with some spikes on their fusion body from Helios. Thanks to
this fusion, Drago, Helios and Dharak not only gained tremendous power, but also physically
began to surpass Funojin, as evidenced by the grown muscles and veins bulging out of the
arms and legs, also with orange eyes, he said
- Good idea in this case. Let's end it: ability activate: Vacuum Blast!
Landing before the Trio, Funojin focused in his mouth and hand green energy, mixing it with
a vacuum, he was prepared to finish them. This ability lifted Funojin's power level to 3300
G. And Dan with Spectra used at the same time a strengthening the ability power and the
attack itself. The first one was Spectra, who increased their combo ability
- Combo ability activate: Lonely Fire!
It covers their bakugans by red and purple aura, thanks for that with the power of bakugan
combo, which gave to them 2400 because of weakness from needles. But this ability not only
increased them, it cancelled an effect from the previous attack, and now power of Dan and
Spectra's combo was on 5100 G. And the final blow was from Dan
- Let's go, guys! Combo ability activate: Bright Twilight Flame!!
There was no chance to defeat THIS combo attack; Funojin's vacuum ray didn't last and five
seconds, so he was transformed into a sphere with a full of pain screaming when he got hit
from purple and red concentrated flame with a sparkling lightning. Alaron's power level was
on zero, so he, picking up Funojin, asked him with all calm in his voice
- Are you alright, Funojin?
When Funojin's sphere opened up, he answered
- Ah... it was pretty painful. But I personally recognize their power. What do you think,
When Drago, Helios and Dharak came back to Dan and Spectra as in sphere form, Brawlers
went to Alaron and asked him
- Now give us our friends and let us go, as you promised
Alaron, nodding with his head, opened the glass box, he gave to them bakugans back. After
when Brawlers changed with their bakugans words a little, Dan asked him
- Thank you, but what was your true motivation for this fight?
Then Alaron answered to him
- I am a guardian of this forest my work is to keep this place safe from strangers. But, when
you won, I couldn't hold you here anymore. I am impressed by your strength, Brawlers. That
was a good match.
Spectra, taking off his mask, said to him
- It was a nice test of our new abilities. But, we have many things we need to ask you. Why
won't you answer on them, while we're going to your place?
After Keith's words Alaron agreed with him and said to everyone
- Alright. Now, listen! I will accompany you to our city and all that required of you is not to
pose a threat to us. Understood?
Brawlers were agreed with him and happy from Dan and Keith's victory. Now they can
finally pass further through the forest. It was a tough fight, but along with this, even bigger
secrets and secrets have appeared that are waiting in the wings when they are finally
Chapter End Notes
let me know if you wish to see more episodes. also, remember: the more kudos, the
more often episodes will be published
Episode 8. The Original Source.
Chapter Summary
After an unexpected acquaintance and a test of strength, Alaron begins to introduce the
fighters to the local places, along the way telling who he is and who he serves. In
addition, they have an ideal opportunity to get into the city, where they will have an
ideal opportunity to get acquainted with new technologies and other guardians.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
While Alaron escorted Brawlers to the city, Ventus guardian asked them
- So, before I will tell you about Stygius, tell me, what do you know about him?
Dan firstly answered to him, because he was the first one who fought him
- We know his name and he's impossibly strong for a human, who can fight with his hands.
He's looking like a bakugan inside human's body and it's very likely that he lives longer than
any of us. So who is he? How did he manage to resurrect the long-dead bakugans?
Alaron, keeping silence for few seconds, answered to Dan, slowly explaining to him and
Brawlers what he knows
- The man you had to fight and who threw you here, our former leader of our group
"Guardians of the Balance", which exists already one millennia and all members of this
group change generations, which means only someone from our bloodlines will be able to
become a new guardian. Our mission is to keep our ancient city in the peace and protect from
everyone who wants to harm us or civils of Aelira. Stygius was the first from all of us who
was able to create a bakugan from vital energy on his own, and also pick up any element that
he wants. As he told us, he lives for more than one millennium, so personally I didn't surprise
he keeps in himself so much power and secrets. It's true, Stygius is bakugan inside human's
body and he should be a decrepit old man, however, it doesn't look like he is tired or can't
fight anymore. If you all are still alive after meeting him, it means Stygius has plans on you
all. I cannot imagine what is his true motivation, but, asking about him sometimes, when we
were in one team, Stygius answered only one thing "I want to know everything". It explains
how he can give a life to everything what he need.
Brawlers were truly shocked, hearing so much information about his strongest enemy ever.
Dan just wanted to know more and immediately asked him the following question
- And how Stygius can absorb mechtogan destroyer's power and defeat him with the only one
forbidden card?
- It is his another secret of his abilities. Stygius never told us about his true abilities, but he
showed us two levels of the forbidden cards when we fought with the army of invaders who
is trying to destroy our oldest heritage. With Stygius's strength we could not only destroy
mechtogans without any problem, but also absorb their strength and evolve even more. By
the way, did Stygius say anything to you before he sent you all here? he usually leaves a kind
of message for his defeated enemies.
Shun, listening Alaron carefully, waitedfor him to finish talking and answered to him, at the
same time immediately asking the following question
- When he took our bakugans down, he showed us some parts of his true bakugan form and
said: "you have a huge potential, just like your bakugans. I have no reason to kill you all. I
wish to know how strong you will become as strong as my old friends. You should take some
lessons from Genesis Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid. And when you will have the same
strength as me, come and fight me again". Does it mean that we would meet the first
bakugans born by Code Eve?
Alaron, thinking about his words, tried to answer
- For as long as I can remember, Stygius never does anything for nothing. Hm... maybe, he
needs you all to become much stronger than you are now. I can't say for sure, but he may
come for you again in the future and will be able to fully experiment with you. And even
then, he may not need you when he gets what he wanted. That's when he kills his victims like
used material. To be honest, even if we will protect you all, we have no chance against him,
considering that he didn't even fight you with half his strength. Judging by your words, he
used only 20% from his true power.
Hearing this, in only shocked Brawlers more, because they couldn't even image what an
opponent of such a level can do in his full power. And Wavern, without losing hope, asked
Alaron, opening up in Dan's shoulder
- Then, if we are here, we can become stronger than Stygius. Although he only needs to make
us much stronger, we can in one moment challenge him, when we will evolve. That is what
we need. Right, Alaron?
When they came to the ancient temple with a portal, Alaron said to Wavern
- Actually we have a plan how to help you to become stronger. But you need to fight the
other members of "Guardians of the Balance" to deserve this right and prove your strength.
All what you need is to win the battle with them and make them sure you won't use this
power against us. And it looks like you all prefer to stop Stygius than destroy us. Am I right?
Brawlers only nodded to Alaron and Radizen, laughing at his phrase, said
- Haha! What are you talking about? We have no interested to make a destruction! Of course,
if it won't be Stygius!
Rockstar, flying to him, said to Radizen, as always making grunts instead of words, at the
same time so that anyone can understand his thought
- "If you won't crush anything else or anyone else with your water blast"
- Huh? Are you saying that I miss my opponents during the battle?
When Radizen began to get a little angry from Rockstar's notice, Marucho calmed them
- Whoa, whoa, guys! You should not to take it so close to heart! You're friends!
- Alright...
Said Radizen and Rockstar answered
- "Okay, Marucho. But what's next?"
Mira tried to answer, analyzing Alaron's answers about Stygius
- It is all good, but what is the secret of your evolution? I've noticed that no one bakugans
from our worlds could exceed the initial power level to 1500 G.
- It's better to show you than just to tell about it.
Answered Alaron and when they passed through the forest and came to the ancient gates, he,
whispering a spell, he began to spin the staff and then released the green energy that opened
the portal and said to Brawlers
- Now pass through the portal, it sends you right to our city. Go!
Brawlers nodded to him and ran to the portal, passing through it and appearing right in
Aelira. This city was full of magical energy, and in terms of highly developed technologies,
he was not inferior to Vestal. And thanks to the combination of high technology and magic,
this civilization was able to move several steps forward. For example, transports did not emit
harmful substances, like exhaust gases from ordinary cars. Or there were small teleportation
booths everywhere, as well as all the ancient and ancient sights had their original appearance
and were as clean as if they had just been built. Just like on Earth, humans and bakugans live
together. It was noteworthy how the compatibility of antiquity and modernity was
competently selected here on the example of buildings, going further and further, one could
see how with each advance to the city center, houses and buildings turned out to be more and
more developed, and also there was a high concentration of energy that fed both bakugans
and improved the well-being of people living here. Brawlers couldn't even image that the
combination of two opposite in meaning and in nature can lead to such a push in
development. As it was before, there is not only fresh and clean air from pollution, but also a
clear sky, at night in which could see the stars. To say that they were impressed is to say
nothing. And most impressed were Marucho and Mira as scientists and developers. First
question was from Marucho
- Oh... I... I can't convey all my admiration in words. How could you combine magical
energy and high technologies? It's awesome! I wish to investigate everything!!
- Just like me, Marucho! It's hard to believe that there are such geniuses! Alaron, we can do
everything with these developments. Will you share with us after we prove our strength?
- If our king finds it necessary to do this, he will provide you with everything you need.
Before the next fight you should have a rest.
Said Alaron to Marucho and Mira, following to the free hi tech house, which was near the
center. Giving to Brawlers the keys from the house, he said to them
- I am responsible for you all, so you are under my supervision for the duration of your stay
in this city. If you have any questions, please contact me. And you can do this with the help
of a computer through which you can call me. I need to go. Please, make yourself at home.
After this a little briefing Alaron disappeared in his green aura. Then Brawlers with
interesting began to investigate their new house. It was big and built by the last word of
technic. But they were interested about Alaron's answers about Stygius, so they didn't waste
their time and started to discuss this question to understand what is his true motivation.
Sitting in the living room, the first who started the discussion was Dan
- Now, when we are safe, what do you think about Alaron and his words?
Keith put his theory first
- It looks like Alaron has no sense to lie us. The reason why Stygius, judging by his words,
betrayed them, are simple: he has his own goals and this group was just an instrument for
achieving his goals. Otherwise, he would not have mentioned that he is a FORMER leader.
Shun answered to Keith and added from himself
- Yes, and he looks like he wants to see what Stygius will do in his next step. I suspected that
he needs something from us and I think the deal in our friendship strength. He is testing us at
the moment, to understand what will we do now or how will we act in this case...
Marucho, thinking on their theories, tried to combine it in one picture and said
- Hm... Stygius sent us here for a reason, mentioning that we need to learn from the ancestors
of Drago and Dharak, he sent us here to Alaron, who knows about the existence of Stygius.
He really wants us to become stronger, but what he wants is the most important question.
Perhaps he wants to take away our forces at one moment for his own purposes. However, he
may have other reasons, although this theory is more than close to the truth, if you take the
place of Stygius.
Dan, nodding to Marucho, answered to him
- It turns out that he arranged everything so that we would give him all our strength in a
moment of need. So the only thing left for us is to become so strong that he couldn't touch us
with a finger!
And Mira supported Dan, explaining
- Dan's right. The more time it takes for us to develop, the faster Stygius is developing his
plans, controlling us like dolls. Sooner or later we'll have to fight him anyway, no matter how
powerful he is. Everyone has their weaknesses.
While Brawlers are discussing this theme, Dharak was looking at Drago, holding near to him.
Helios, like Naga and Wavern just sat next to each other in silence. The dragon five was
thinking about how they will confront to Stygius, but Dharak, pushing a little Drago,
whispered to him
- Drago, how about to meet in the night?
- Sure, Dharak. The others will be too.
Answered to him Drago, looking at Helios, Naga and Wavern, they nodded to him, waiting
when Brawlers will go to sleep for their another meeting. When the night came, they gathered
on the room and Drago, being in thought, said
- What do you think about what Brawlers said?
Helios was the first who answered to Drago
- We will have much fun, when we will evolve. And no one from those guardians won't stop
Dharak added from himself about this
- So, Drago, we must fight with all what we have, because our enemies won't go easy on us.
- I know, however, I don't like what is going on and what Stygius is planning.
Naga said then
- Maybe, he wants to create another bakugan, using our new strength. That is why he let us
go so easily.
While Drago was wondering why Stygius needs this, Wavern nodded to Naga and added
another thing
- He is collecting our power. That is what he need.
And now Drago answered
- And that is why we must not let him take us and we all must keep together. Do you
remember the last night what we promised to each other?
- How can I forget?
Asked him Wavern and Helios said
- I will always remember it.
- Just as me.
Said Naga and Dharak agreed to him, explaining what's the promise they gave to each other
- We will always stick together now and we won't become enemies to each other. We will be
able to defeat Stygius only fighting him like one!
Putting out a fist, Dharak showed to them he will hold this promise forever. Then alternately,
the others put out their fists, and the last was Drago, putting out his fist to others and said
- I am glad that we have put an end to all our differences and are confronting our common
enemy. Together no one can't stop us, for that I am sure!
- Yes!
Answered to Drago everyone from dragons and they started feeling that with every meeting
they're understanding each other more and more, which makes them stronger. However, they
should do something more than just a chatting. That's why they're planning to take a little
rest before the coming storm.
Chapter End Notes
my apologies for waiting so long. just let me know if you want to see how will end this
Episode 9. Another test.
Chapter Summary
When Alaron took them to Aelira, the king, having learned about potential recruits with
vast experience in battles, decided to send his best warriors to find out what they were
capable of...
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
That's why Dan and Keith, which were already in t-shirt and shorts, realizing that they could
not sleep, they saw where their bakugans flew, meeting each other in the living room, Dan
whispered to Keith
- Are you here to check out what our bakugans are doing in the night, aren't ya?
- Yes. This could be interesting to watch.
Answered in a whisper Keith, and when they went to the balcony and heard voices of
Wavern, Dharak, Helios, Naga and Drago, they climbed the stairs to their roof and asked their
- Hey, guys! What are you doin' here?
Dan and Keith could see how their friends are making a friendship among themselves, and
Drago, being embarrassed a little, answered to Dan, while other bakugans turned to him and
Keith and waited when Drago will say to them what's going on here
- Uh... well... we are trying to synchronize our hearts for bakugan combo. It let us to
advance in our power level and work in a team.
Dharak continued Drago's thought
- You know, we were earlier as enemies and we need to get each other better. But as friends...
- So that is why you are leaving us on this night, huh?
Asked them Keith and Helios answered to him
- Yes, and we are coming back as we finished our deals.
And then Dan suggested
- Hm... how about in the morning going out somewhere? I'm sure in this town we can have
fun on the rides or somewhere else. What do you think, Keith?
- We should try it. But we must remember that other members of "Guardians of the Balance"
will be waiting for us.
Said Keith and when he and Dan picked their bakugans up and went down to their rooms,
they agreed with the morning walking. Meanwhile, Alaron came to the throne hall, where
was sitting the king of Aelira, which name is Elnath. The throne room itself was like a
cosmic hall, because it was filled at night with stars and everywhere they illuminated one or
another corner of the hall. When Alaron got down on one knee, he said
- Your highness, I have met several bakugan brawlers, who has on their sides descendants of
Genesis Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid. As I expected, together they are pretty strong
and I let them live near the center of the city.
Elnath, who was a king at the age of 40, dressed in black royal cloak, jacket, trousers with a
loincloth and leather boots of the same color. He has a white skin, brown short hair, while he
listened to Alaron, the kings asked him
- Good work, Ventus. Have you some news about our old friend, Stygius who was Darkus
before his betrayal?
Someone in a red hat with a cloak in the same color said with a male voice
- Stygius? I'd like to hear something about him, too.
- Yes, sir. The traitor has sent these brawlers right in the forest, where I personally was
patrolling. I cannot say certainly, but he wants to make them stronger with our hands to take
them once and for all. What shall I do?
Thinking on Alaron's theory, Elnath asked another one, but in a blue cloak, who answered
with a male voice, too
- Have we any information about the renegades?
- Sir, they are gathering troops in the west to attack our nearest fortress. We can send Subterra
and Ventus to take the renegades down, but we have another problem; who will be the next
one to test our guests?
- Let me test those brawlers. I always wanted to go head to head with the current generation
of Dragonoid and Dharaknoid. I'm sure I'll be able to surprise them a lot. And with Ventus
can go Haos or Pyrus. What do you think, my lord?
Said another unknown male person, but this time it was in the brown cloak and then king
gave to everyone orders
- Now listen! Aquos, Pyrus, you will stay here and test another brawlers, which came with
Dragonoid and Dharaknoid. Subterra, you will take care about Genesis's descendants, Ventus
will go to the defense of the fortress, leading to the path with the gates to our city and Haos,
follow the trail of Stygius. Maybe, this time we can detect him in one of his dimensions. But
if you find the traitor personally, don't even try to fight him. We have no chance against him
in such conditions.
- Understood, my lord.
Answered all of Elnath's warriors and they went on their missions. Aquos, Pyrus and
Subterra, finding a home where Brawlers were sleeping, began to conduct surveillance by
hiding their presence with devices that muffle the noise of their movements and make them
invisible. When the morning came, Brawlers woke up, had breakfast, cleaned themselves up,
changed into their casual clothes, each of them decided to explore the city, then sit at home.
Keith and Dan just decided to fulfill the request of their bakugans and began to look for an
amusement park while exploring the city in order to relax before the upcoming battles with
"Guardians of the Balance". While Pyrus guardian was watching for Shun, Gus, Mira and
Marucho, and Subterra with Aquos, hiding himself the same method, looked after Dan and
Keith. Naga, looking around, said
- It is an interesting place. I would like to know how the civils could make such a beautiful
Wavern, sitting on Dan's shoulder, added in response
- I never thought that anyone could build such a harmonic city. I can't image what kind of
motivations can be for Stygius so strong to leave this place...
- We can only to guess what is his true ambition... but we should relax a little, as we wanted
and prepare for the next battle.
Answered to them Dan and when they finally found a park, before them appeared a man in a
brown cloak, orange wide trousers, brown boots and an orange mask with tan eyes and next
to him was standing another man in a teal mask, blue cloak with a white leather clothes under
the cloak. And with his appearance Dan, Keith and their bakugans were transferred right to
the empty arena, where they could fight without any fears for the destruction of the city.
Introducing himself, he said
- Greetings, dear guests. So you are the one who has Dragonoid and Dharaknoid, aren't you?
Dan and Keith became alert and were already ready for the fight, only specifying, and Dan
asked him
- And you are another brawler from "Guardians of the Balance", huh?
When Subterra warrior nodded to him, he said
- I am Coroth. Defend yourself!
- And I am Dilan. Show your strength!
Said the first Subterra guardian and the second one was Aquos
- Okay, Drago! Let's-
- Wait! We will go!
Interrupted Dan looked on Naga, who didn't let Dan to end his phrase. And Naga explained
his decision
- It is our turn to prove our strength and our wish to protect Drago.
And Wavern joined to her brother
- We have become stronger, too. So, Dan, let us fight this time.
Dan didn't know what to say, but he without thinking twice, asked Drago
- What do you think, buddy?
- Very well. But be careful. We don't know what he can do.
- Don't worry, Drago. We will take care of him.
Answered to him Wavern and Coroth commented this situation like;
- Actually I need to test Dragonoid and Dharaknoid. But if you wish to fight, I won't insist
and if you win, I will let you pass.
- Keith, will you join the battle?
Keith, wearing up his mask and becoming Spectra, answered
- We always ready to have fun with our friends! Let's go, Helios!
- Yeah!!
When the brawlers took in their hands bakugans, they threw them with words
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
Spectra said first
- Let's go, Darkus Galaxy Helios!
Dan shouted second
- Brawl, Darkus Ghost Naga and Haos Angel Wavern!
- Let the battle begin, Subterra Arenius!
- Let's see what you've got, Aquos Neon!
As in the previous battle, bakugan of the guardian has 1500 G. Meanwhile, Pyrus guardian,
leaving an invitation to other Brawlers, knocked in the door and, turning off the invisibility,
they called Marucho, Shun, Gus and Mira
- Open up! You have a message!
The door was opened by Shun and near him was Marucho. They didn't have time to say
anything, so they immediately found themselves in an empty arena, which, apparently, was a
simulation hall. Shun and Marucho, looking around, Marucho asked in surprise
- What the... where are we? What happened?
And Shun, looking at Pyrus brawler, he answered to his friend
- Looks like these two sent us here. What do you need from us and who are you?
Then Pyrus guy in the red hat, taking off his blade, said to them
- You guys are smarter than I expected. I am here to test your strength as a chosen by the king
of Aelira. How about to let's get over with? And, oh, I don't like to introduce myself, but I
can't break our traditions, so you can call me Balter.
Marucho answered to him
- You're just reading my thoughts! Let's do it, Shun!
Saying the same during the throw of bakugans, Balter defiantly sheathed his blade with one
hand, and threw his bakugan with the other
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
- Go, Aquos Radizen!
- We must show him what we've got, Ventus Jaakar!
- Yes, you have. And my companion is Pyrus Antares!
At the same time, demonstrating their dragon bakugans of Aquos and Subterra, while Antares
was half dragon and half demon, judging by his wild armor with spikes, which were burning
by crimson flame. What about Neon and Arenaceus, so Neon has a blue scale, gills near his
ears, blue eyes, wings, designed so that he can swim faster and a light armor, while
Arenaceus has a brown scale, eyes of the same color, muscular body with wings and a heavy
armor. It was looking so harmonically that at first glance, it seemed that they got rid of their
natural weaknesses. The first who started the battle was Dan
- Naga, ability activate: Ghostly Impulse!
Shooting in Arenius with a purple and white ray, increasing his power level to 1700 G and
decreasing power level of his opponent on 1100 G, Helios took care about Neon, when
Spectra used with ability
- Ability activate: Blade of Sirius!
Helios focused his purple energy and shot at Neon, but he counterattacked this ability, while
Coroth prepared to attack next
- Ability activate: Waters of Uranus!
This ability increased Neon's power level to 2000 and erased Helios's attack with 1600 G,
taking him down, Helios fall right before Spectra, then Drago and Spectra shouted to him
- Helios!
- Ability activate: Stone Grave!
This ability was sent on Helios, which tied him with the rock, which began to grow and
acquire the appearance of a coffin, draining from Helios 400 G and raising on the same
power level for 1500 G. Grinning from anger, Dan used Wavern's ability
- Enough! Wavern, ability activate: Moonshine Blessing!
It saved Helios from defeating and gave to him +300 G, lifting his power level to 1500 G.
And now it was Naga's turn
- Naga, ability activate: Winter Torpor!
Paralyzing Arenius, Spectra finished him
- Our turn! Ability activate: Almighty Quasar!
A special ability of Helios, which increased his power level to 2000 G and finished Arenius,
decreasing power level of Coroth to 40%. However, Dilan used his another ability
- What will you do with it? Ability activate: Five Shark Shower!
- Beware, guys!
Shouted to them Drago. Using this ability, Neon threw water bombs with the shark's
silhouette increasing his power level to 2700 G right on Helios and Naga, but Dan blocked
that ability
- Too fast! Wavern, ability activate: Karmic Protection!
Wavern created the shield before herself and allied bakugans, equalizing her power level to
2800 G, making Neon's attack turn agaist him, crushing him without any problem, and now
Dilan has 80% of his power level. Now, it was turn of Shun and Marucho to take down Pyrus
guardian, and Shun attacked him first
- Ability activate: Sparkly Shadow - Cross Storm!
- Ability activate: Luster Drain!
When Shun and Marucho used their attacks, Balter blocked their offence, while their
bakugans has 1700 G power level
- Ability activate: Unquenchable Flame!
Concentrating in his hands crimson fire, Antares exploded in with his clap, forming a shock
wave that repelled the attack of Radizen and Jaakar, increasing his power level to 2000 G.
Don't wasting the time, Balter said to Brawlers
- You need something bigger than this! Ability activate: Dancing Infernal Flame!
Сreating a fiery whirlwind from his hands and directing it towards Radizen, he shouted
- Oh-oh! Marucho, he's going to make from us a roasted fish!
- Ability activate: Zap Screen!
Dodging the fire and lifting his power level to 2000 G, Shun, jumping above Antares, used
another his ability:
- Ability activate: Moonlight Shadow Slash!
Thanks to this ability Jaakar had already 2100 G, defeating him, Balter has 80% of his power
level. But now, being a little serious, he said
- Hmph. Not bad for you all, but it's time to come in the next level!
- We'll see how will you do this!
Answered to him Shun, throwing their bakugans again
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
- Go, Aquos Radizen!
- Brawl, Ventus Jaakar!
- Show them your true power, Pyrus Antares!
Balter used his one of the strongest abilities in his arsenal
- Ability activate: Volcanic Destruction!
Then, concentrating in his hands a lava, forming from it a sphere, increasing his power level
to 2200 G, Marucho prepared for this case
- Don't let them attack, Radizen! Ability activate: Slam Reef!
Shooting from his fingers, Radizen interrupted Antares's concentration, giving to Radizen
+400 G, 1600 G and -300 G to Antares, 1800 G, but it didn't stop him from throwing the
sphere, aiming in Radizen. And then Shun used his protective ability
- Ability activate: Sonic Reflector!
Blocking Antares's attack, Jaakar's power level became 1500 G and drained power level of
Antares to 1500 G. But Balter wasn't looking like defeated, so he used his another strong
- Let's go, Antares! Ability activate: Flame Suffering!
It creates a flame, which began to burn Radizen and Shun. When they tried to save them, it
was useless, because this ability cancelled the next activates for this moment, And now,
beating them up, power level of Marucho and Shun were the same, on the 80%. The final
round must decide everything! Throwing bakugans, they said
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
- Go, Aquos Radizen!
- Brawl, Ventus Jaakar!
- Brawl, Pyrus Antares!
And now Shun attacked him first
- Ability activate: Moonlight Shadow Breaker!
However, although Jaakar's power level lifted to 1600 G, Antares blocked his hit, because of
his another ability
- Ability activate: Unquenchable Flame!
And when Antares blocked Jaakar's attack, he exploded near him a fireball which couldn't
fade from his stomach, because of it making Jaakar painfully moan.
- Jaakar! Hold on!
To stop his suffering, Marucho tried to interrupt the action of this ability, attacking Antares
- Ability activate: Abyss Blade!
Increasing Radizen's power level to 1700 G, he did another hit to Antares, making his power
level fall to 1500 G. Thanks for this attack Jaakar was free from the crimson flame
- Thank you, my friend!
- You're welcome, buddy. Now let's finish this!
Marucho nodded to him and answered
- Yes! Ability activate: Slam Reef!
But he dodged and this attack too
- Too slow!
- And the slowest is you!
Said Jaakar, appearing behind the back of Antares so the last one was surprised
- He is fast!
- Ability activate: Jet Shot!
Shooting in his back, Marucho added his another attack, making Antares's power strength to
1200 G
- Ability activate: Luster Drain!
Finishing Antares, aiming right to his head, Radizen threw his ball and knocked him out,
making him transform into a sphere. Picking up bakugans, Shun noticed that Balter wasn't
serious and that was a reason why they defeated him like that, as he confirmed, bringing them
back to their house
- Now I see. You two will have a good use for us, if our king will be agree to teach you.
- Wait, Balter! What are you-
But Marucho didn't have a time to end his question, because Batler was just disappeared,
leaving Brawlers with their thoughts alone. And now it was a turn to end the battle for Dan
and Spectra, throwing their bakugans against Coroth and Dilan, Coloth used his special
attack, which gave to him +700 G to his 1500 G.
- Let's begin! Ability activate: Iron Sand!
The sand under Naga's and Helios's feets for the few seconds began to dive into the ground.
Drago, shouting to them, said
- Naga! Helios! Get out of here!
- Wait, Drago! Ability activate: Mercy of Haos!
This ability made Wavern's power level the same as Arenius has. Unfortunately, this time she
was caught by Neon's ability, which was activated by Dilan
- Ability activate: Frozen Arrows!
This ability made appear the ice bow in Neon's hands, increasing his power level to 2000 and
with this ability it was 2700 G, shooting in Wavern, he knocked her out and Dan's power
level fell to 40%. Drago and Dharak shouted to her
- Wavern!
- Sister!
Said Naga, being angry for his sister, Dan used for Naga his one of his strongest abilities
- Ability activate: Soul Corruption!
Using on their side an unpredictable, just as guardians do, these white a purple shots drained
to 1700 G from Neon and 1400 was left for Arenius, lifting power level for Helios and Naga
to 1700 G Spectra counterattacked Neon, releasing from the iron sand, which absorbed them
into the ground and drained from them power level. Being surprised a little, as Balter,
because all what they need to do is to test them.
- Let's go, Helios! Ability activate: Fury of Darkus!
It made Helios to get covered with a purple aura and Naga, releasing themselves from the
trap, their power level increased to 2000 G and Dan used a final blow
- Finish them, Naga! Ability activate: Ghostly Impulse!
The white and purple energy made Guardians's bakugans transform into a sphere, which
means they lost. As they nodded their head, Coroth said
- You two can be more than just bakugan brawlers. We will play with you later.
When these two disappeared, Drago flew to Wavern and asked her, while Naga and Helios
with Dharak surrounded her, waiting for the respond
- Wavern! Are you alright?
When she opened up, she answered
- Yes... I was just caught off guard. Don't worry about me.
- I will, Wavern, you know this.
Said to her Naga and Wavern, giggling, answered
- Well, otherwise there is no way.
When Spectra took off his mask, becoming Keith, he said
- Now, when we fought another guards, we can finally have a rest
- Sure! Let's go, guys! I wish to eat something tasty!
Said happily Dan, being satisfied to this win. But There only one left who must test them...
and this one is now in the midst of a battle, defending the fortress from intruders, while
Brawlers and their bakugans are resting from the battles.
Chapter End Notes
if you wish to see more of these chapters, let me know. the more activity from you, the
more episodes from me
Episode 10. The Fog Lifted.
Chapter Summary
Passing the test, Brawlers have a wonderful opportunity to meet Aelira's king personally.
Seeing what Brawlers can do, like them, like Guardians, can be allies for each other in
this blood war.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
When test was over and Guardians went back to the king to report the results, Brawlers
contacted to each other to make sure whether Guardians came to them by their BakuMeters,
Dan contacted with Shun and asked him
- Shun! did the same masked brawlers like Alaron come to you by any chance?
Shun answered to him
- Yes, we just won one of them. He was Pyrus brawler by the name of Balter. What about
- Keith and I have met two brawlers: there were Coroth, Subterra brawler, and Dilan, who has
Aquos bakugan. Was anyone hurt?
- No. Before the fight he sent us into the arena. I guess, you two are alright, aren't you?
Dan with a smile and a chuckle said
- Yeah. I think we should speak about Alaron's friends later, because I have a busy a little.
See ya!
When Dan finished talking, he switched to Naga and Wavern
- You two have fought well! It was cool!
Naga answered to him
- We won thanks to you, Dan. We couldn't stay and watch while Drago, Helios and Dharak
were fighting such strong brawlers and we wanted to show what can we do. That is our
gratitude for salvation from eternal imprisonment to Drago and you.
Drago even was embarrassed from Naga's words, but he cheered him up
- Naga, Dharak, you don't need to be my guardians, because we are friends.
But Dharak answered to Drago
- Drago, you know I... no matter. Dan, when we won the battle, how about going back to
- Sure! Let's go, guys!
Said to him Dan and he and Keith with their bakugans went to the park, where they could
finally spend their time at pleasure which they wanted. They had no money to travel, because
other currency was accepted in this place, but they managed to climb trees, to walk along an
obstacle course leading to a 30-meter hill. In addition to everything else, they came across a
curious kind of air tube that lifts them up with the help of air. Oddly enough, but it was a free
pleasure, since all the other attractions worked on magic and more advanced technologies, as
a result of which it cost some money. Like, for example, roller coasters, which had more
complex and even scary tracks, but were more reliable and a higher speed developed here,
which only gave more extreme and adrenaline rush, which affected the brain. Next to the
entrance there is a special device in which a health check is mandatory in order to avoid
accidents. The most remarkable thing was that, just like in Bakugan City, all kinds of services
are provided here for both people and bakugans, regardless of whether they have the shape of
a sphere or a true form. For the real ones, another part of the city is allocated, located in the
sky. While exploring the city, Dan, Keith and their bakugans noticed on the map of the city
that it is divided into 3 parts: underground, ground and air. For them, it was a curious
discovery that gave them a reason to explore this city even more, in which they arrived.
During the city walk, Drago, Helios, Dharak, Wavern and Naga are truly enjoying the fun,
sensing that they never have fun like this: in a calm place with usual entertainments and
without any battles. Dan and Keith were glad for their bakugans, because even with their
enemies they have a true and strong friendship. Maybe, even more than just a friendship,
because they're often close to Drago, not wanting to leave him a single step, as if he was the
main link of these ties, which in general he is. After all, if it weren't for him, none of these
four would have known the essence of true friendship. In addition, Drago had time to think
while Stygius did not manifest himself in any way; despite the fact that the future is unclear,
because, for sure, there is something more behind this whole story than just a chess game
played by one of the most dangerous and ancient bakugans in history. All Drago wanted was
for him and his friends, brothers and sisters, to be able to live in peace. However, he noticed
that during all this fun, he began to feel something more than just a strong friendship for the
four dragons. These thoughts made Drago sit silently on Dan's shoulder and think about it
while he and Keith went down to the underground part of the city. Unfortunately, their city
investigation and Drago thinking were over, when someone in a gray raincoat appeared in
front of them, who, apparently, was the messenger, told Dan and Keith
- Please forgive me for interrupting you from your vacation, but you and your friends at home
received a message.
Being puzzled, Dan decided to clarify
- Huh? A message? From Whom?
Messenger answered his question
- From the King of Aelira Elnath! He is waiting for you all right now. I will transport you to
his palace and bring you back to your house, because you went too far and you will late,
coming to him from this place.
Keith from his curiosity asked him, too
- How will you do this?
All what messenger did was take the port computer out from under his bag, enter the code he
needed and thanks to this, he was transported along with their bakugans. Brawlers straight to
their home. When he delivered them straight to the entrance of the palace, where Marucho,
Gus and Shun were waiting for them, along with their bakugans, too.
- Dan!
Called him Marucho and Dan with Keith came to their friends, asking
- Hey! I hope that guy in a mask didn't deliver for you a lotta problems.
- Master Spectra, are you alright?
Asked Gus to Keith, to which he replied
- Nothing serious, Gus. Now, what about his highness, will you show us the road to him?
- Of course, that is my duty.
After the answer messenger led them straight into the throne room, passing through the
barrier, devices that recognize and analyze the data of those who entered, fixing them in the
system. The palace itself was, like many other buildings, a combination of high technology
and magic in one form, and the corridors were made in the style of all 6 elements. In the
corridors with Darkus there were dark streams and appropriate lighting of purple flowers and
dark plants that grew without problems in such conditions, in the corridors with the element
of Chaos, a bright radiance reigned with might and main, which did not harm anyone's
eyesight. As for the corridors of Pyrus, there Brawlers saw burning colored lights around and
lava flowing around the walls and fixed so that it did not flow outside the walls. In the
corridors, where the Subterra element prevailed, it was a continuous desert with cliffs and
oases, in which one could see obelisks, pyramids in miniature forms. But the corridors of the
Ventus were one of the ventilated ones, because it was not difficult to feel a light, cool wind
walking within the corridor of its element, and the hum of the wind was heard in the walls at
all, the strength of which was designed not to frighten visitors and servants living here. And
finally, the Aquos corridors. Here you can see both swimming fish inside the walls, and
waterfalls from two passages. Moreover, there were miniature icebergs in the middle of the
waters, and steam was coming from above, which was inside the ceiling and arranged in such
a way that it, like lava, was fixed in one place and did not spread along the corridor. The most
interesting thing was that in each corridor, depending on the elements, each of the bakugans
seemed to be charged with energy. And it's not surprising, because the palace itself was a
concentration of magical powers and, in addition, with technology, everything could be kept
under control. The most impressed from Brawlers were Mira and Marucho, because as for
scientists, it was a perfect excursion for high technologies with magic combination. Everyone
of Brawlers, including their bakugans, even hadn't any words to describe how perfectly is
this palace made. Arriving at the throne room, which was a space hall, the envoy bowed to
the king and reported to him about the execution of the order
- Your highness, as you ordered, I brought our visitors.
Looking at the messenger, king ordered to him
- Thank you. Now leave us alone.
Nodding to him, messenger went away and only surrounding the king Guardians, which
tested Brawlers, were here. They were keeping silence near Elnath, while he said to Brawlers,
standing up from his throne
- Greetings, my dear visitors! It is an honor to meet the strongest brawlers of the Earth and
descendants of the first bakugans, born by the Code Eve! I know your names, but I should
introduce myself. My name is Elnath. I guess, our common enemy, Stygius, sent you here.
Am I right?
Brawlers after the king's greetings, smiled to him and surprised by his knowledge about who
are they and Dan was the first one who answered to his question
- It's more honor for us, your majesty. And yeah, he did. We have so many questions for you,
could you please to answer on them?
Elnath, nodding to him, sat down and said back
- I will give you the answers, however, getting down to business, tell me, what did Stygius
say to you, sending you here? He was the former leader of my guardians and my right hand,
so I must know such thing to predict his actions.
Now it was Shun's turn to speak
- Stygius after he defeated our bakugans, said "You should take some lessons from Genesis
Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid". We fought him in the snow dimension and he had there
some ice temple, where he kept Drago and another resurrected bakugans. Judging by his acts,
he wants to make us stronger, but what's the reason of his actions?
And Keith asked him the another question
- And by the way, how did you know about who are we, even if you are too far away from
our planets?
Listening to Shun and Keith, Elnath, analyzing all what he said, thinking about Stygius's
actions, he gave them the answer
- Hm. I am a curious person and I have my own informants. That is my work to know
everything. Before I give you the answer, let me tell you about him. As you know, in the
ancient times the first ruler of my kingdom created his elite squad by the name of "Guardians
of the Balance". They have two main missions; it is protecting the civils and the king of our
kingdom and keeping the balance of this world. The title of guardian is passed down from
generation to generation, from the original bearers, and only those who have proven
dedication to the mission, strength, intelligence and courage deserve this title. However, the
former ruler made an exception for one guardian of Darkus and it turned out to be Stygius.
He has saved the life of the king and his comrades more than once from renegades who want
to destroy the balance for the sake of their own whim and elementals who conflict with each
other. I have told you the essence of what it means to be a guardian of balance, so that you
understand how respectful we are of our traditions and the maintenance of peace. Stygius is
considered the most dangerous criminal not only because of his enormous strength, which
none of us can understand.
In that moment Elnath wilted somewhat, still feeling the pain of loss. And he continued his
speech, changing in his voice
- Because of him, the kingdom lost its king, and I lost my father. In addition, he had the
strength and audacity to steal our library, built before the founding of Aelira, depriving us of
an ancient source of knowledge. After learning that you have descendants of the first-born
bakugans, and our third mission was to maintain peace between these two, I ordered my
guards to test your strength. From what I have observed, I have concluded that you all have
the potential for much greater power than you have now. I don't know exactly what purpose
Stygius pursues, but as long as I know him, he is searching forbidden and ancient source of
power. He is kind of person, who loves to investigate the unknown things and who calculates
different variants of events several steps ahead. And, judging by the fact that you are still
alive after meeting him, he has plans on you, too.
Brawlers, hearing such information about Stygius, despite their worries about what their
enemy really is, they never stumbled from the brewing danger. And therefore, having gained
determination, and Dan answered to Elnath
- Like before, we'll accept this challenge and stop Stygius! He'll pay for what he done! And I
promise, we'll do it. Right, Drago?
- We will, Dan!
Answered to him Drago and Wavern said
- I believe we can stop him from another atrocities.
And Marucho asked the king
- But how we can fight Stygius, when we can defeat us so easily?
To this logical question Elnath answered with a hope in his voice
- Fortunately for us, we have a special place, where your bakugans can advance their strength
more and even evolve on the several steps. Guardians will help you to control your new
strength and evolve. But, you need all to fully complete the test of your power, because you
still haven't fought Haos guardian. As she come back, we can organize the final stage for
your strongest brawler, Dan Kuso...
Chapter End Notes
Thanks for kudos and bookmarks, my respectful readers. My apologies for delays with
the book, so only what I need from you is your wish to see more of my chapters, so I'll
be able to work much faster not only for myself, but for you as well.
Episode 11. Final Test.
Chapter Summary
Having won over four of the Guardians, there was only one left who Brawlers must
defeat. Will Brawlers be able to fight the last one Guardian, who won't give the victory
so easily? Soon they'll find it out!
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
And Drago, thinking about what they should to expect, asked Elnath
- However, your highness, what should we do now? And I am worried about Stygius's
strange forbidden abilities... when we summoned against him mechtogan destroyer, he just
absorbed his power and made Dragonoid Destroyer leave the battlefield, using one of his
forbidden ability cards. Have you seen something like this?
To which the king was very wary, as soon as he heard about the forbidden ability. Apparently,
he knew what they were capable of and asked for clarification
- Dragonoid, can you say the name of this forbidden ability which Stygius used against your
Remembering that moment, in several seconds he said
- It is "Quintessence: Level one: Power Reset".
When he heard the name of the ability, the king's gaze changed from longing for the loss of
his father to fright and anger. From his expression alone, it was clear that this forbidden
ability had a dangerous effect, which is why, clenching his hands into a fist, he said, even
hissing from the anger filling him. Even Guardians were worried about it
- Stygius, the bastard... where did he get them from?
Judging by Elnath's reaction and his guardians, Brawlers became more alert and Mira
clarified, wanting to find out what kind of power it was that caused fear in the king
- Excuse me, my lord, but could you, please, tell us about this forbidden ability?
Trying to calm down, Elnath sighed heavily and tried to explain everything about the power
of THESE forbidden abilities
- Those abilities are created since the foundation of Aelira. I guess, you've met forbidden
abilities earlier, haven't you?
Keith, nodding to him, answered
- Yes. Once I used it against Drago to increase Helios. It looks like Stygius has more power
than we can expect?
The king told him the next thing
- True. Once my father could see, Stygius's peak for the power of Quintessence was level
two, when he summoned terrible monsters to protect my father from the legions of renegades.
Their power level was on 2000 as they were summoned. I don't know how many levels his
forbidden ability has, but I know exactly: the higher the level of the quintessence card, the
more dangerous and stronger the effect will be. And since the human form of Stygius is
nothing more than his cover, and he himself is a bakugan, whose strength lies in huge
reserves of both vital and magical energy. However, he never showed up his real power and
that is nerves me even more than his existence. No one from mechtogans can't fight him, he
is absorbing their power. And the best way to fight Stygius is just to make your mechtogan's
strength as yours and become one with your bakugan and mechtogan.
Brawlers were puzzled by Elnath's words about absorbing mechtogans. Then Marucho asked
- But, your majesty, how can bakugan absorb a separate source of power that he releases from
excess energy?
- Before I tell you, there is a final test with Haos Guardian. I will send Pyrus and Aquos for
Stygius's searches and tell Haos to come back here. We cannot lose his trail. Pyrus, Aquos!
You heard me!
- Yes, my king.
Answered to him Dilan, Aquos Guardian, after the answer he and Balter were disappeared in
fire and steam. When Elnath stood up from his throne, he said to Brawlers
- Follow me, you need to prepare for the battle, Daniel Kuso. The other will spectate the
brawl. And... Subterra, make sure Ventus hasn't any problems in defence of the fortress.
- Understood.
Coroth, teleporting to Alaron, in 3 seconds dissolved in the sands. All what they need is just
to wait for her appearance. Meanwhile, teleporting to the place where Haos Guardian went
and where Brawlers were teleported by Stygius, they found opened portal, shielded by a force
field, through which only Guardians. Balter, looking at this, said
- Heh, Konan did well, letting us to find her.
- Let's go.
Said to him Dilan and then, passing through the portal, they were teleported into the snow
dimension, landing into the extremely cold temperature, Dilan used his nature immune and
ice shield and Balter covered himself into a thermal aura, warming and saving from the
frostbite. In front of them was the sunshine, from which a girl with a snow-white skin, orange
eyes and white and long hair, as Stygius has, in a white cloak, mask and hood appeared. At
the same time, she had snow-white wings, and her appearance was like an angel descended
from heaven. When her wings disappeared, she asked them
- Are you here by Elnath's order?
Then Balter answered to her
- Yeah, it's final step before giving to our new friends a power and it's your turn to fight
them. We'll take care of Stygius.
- By the way, did you find something here?
Asked her Dilan, looking around, Konan answered to him
- Nothing. Stygius was here, I can feel it, but he erased all of his traces of teleportation. What
about Earth Brawlers and Dragonoid with his friends?
Balter clarified this case and answered
- Coroth said they're tough, just as Alaron thought. His friends can do something, too, but
they don't have enough strength for the true battle. This time you'll fight Dragonoid and
Dharaknoid with the other dragons. Your opponent is Dan Kuso, leader of Battle Brawlers.
He's most dangerous of them.
Konan said to him calmly and prepared for teleportation
- As you say. Good luck to you here.
When she disappeared in the sunshine, she showed up near the king's throne, looking around
and understanding that he went with Brawlers to the arena, Konan contacted with Elnath by
modified BakuMeter
- Your majesty, I've arrived by your order. Where are you?
Answering to her, Elnath, being already in the arena, said
- We are in the Arena Zone number 1. Come here.
Teleporting to the king, Konan bowed to him and looked at Dan, who stands near Elnath. All
what she did, was dropping on Dan and his bakugans an indifferent look and she said
- My lord, can I brawl with two brawlers?
Dan surprised by her confidence in her strength and asked her
- Hey, are you sure you can stand against five bakugans and two of us, brawlers?
On what she answered
- Yes. Take whoever you want, I want to see how strong your power of friendship, which you
all are appreciate.
And then Keith shouted to Dan
- I'll go, Dan. Let's show her what we can do!
- Alright, Keith! Let's go!
When Keith with Helios came to the battlefield, he stands near to Dan, waiting for the
beginning of the battle. Elnath also said
- By the way, Konan will test you as Haos and Darkus Guardian. If you win, I will give you
what you need to fight Stygius.
When Keith wears his mask and becomes Spectra, he and Dan picked their bakugans up,
Elnath teleported to Brawlers, which were on the tribunes, sat near them and an
announcement was made
- Let the battle begin!
Taking bakugans, Dan, Keith and Konan threw them on the field, saying
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
The first was Dan
- Go, Pyrus Fusion Dragonoid, Darkus Eternal Dharak, Darkus Ghost Naga and Haos Angel
The second was Spectra
- March, Darkus Galaxy Helios!
And the third was Konan, using two bakugans
- For the name of king, show your power, Haos Sky Anrael and Darkus Crimson Hela!
Every bakugans of Dan and Spectra has 1200 G and Konan's has 1500. Her bakugans were
looking like dragonoids, but only with hoods and cloaks. Anrael has angel's wings, blue eyes,
white scale with golden horns on his eyebrows and Hela has dragon's usual wings, red eyes,
black and purple with red scale, spikes on her shoulders and black long hair. This duo
surprised Drago, saying
- Wow... I never thought I could meet such a similar to me bakugans...
Then Dan asked Konan
- Konan, right? Where'd you get them?
Answering to him, Konan said
- Just like the other Guardians, we chose each other as our partners. But, we here to fight. Go
on, Brawlers.
Spectating the match, Shun whispered to himself, analyzing the situation
- Hm... there is something wrong. Dan and Spectra should be careful with her.
- You're right, Shun. She is so calm and confidence in her strength, although all of our
opponents are acting like they're so cool.
Said to him Marucho and Gus told to himself in his thoughts
- "Master Spectra... I believe that you and Dan will defeat her"
Even Mira couldn't sit down the whole day without any words, so she added to Marucho
- Right. But SHE is truly looking like she already won the battle. Let's see what she can do.
Meanwhile, Drago has got the answer from Anrael, bowing to him and another dragons
- Greetings, my respectful opponents. It is an honor to meet you as my rivals. My name is
Anrael, what is yours?
Puzzled by such polite behavior, Dan's bakugans and Spectra, although they were on guard,
still answered him
- I am Drago. I thought Aranaut is full of courtesy.
- I am Dharak. You are the one who don't like to fight, do you?
Asked him Dharak, on what Anrael answered
- Truly, yes. I don't any wish to harm you...
Wavern said to him
- My name is Wavern, and don't worry. We don't fight on a death, it is only a test...
Naga added to Anrael
- Call me Naga. I could speak with you more, but we need to finish the test first.
- I'll say the same! I'm Helios and let's get this over with! Spectra!!
Ended the sweet talking Helios and Spectra used one of his abilities
- Ability activate: Blade of Sirius!
Attacking with a purple concentrated ray with lightning Anrael, Helios's power level
increased to 1600 and Anrael's fell to 1100 G. Dan added his attacks from Drago and Dharak
- Drago, ability activate: Dragon Crasher!
Lifting up Drago's power level to 1700 G, he used red ray on Anrael, while was following
the next attack
- Dharak, ability activate: Arrow of Hatred!
This ability increased power level of Dharak right to 1700 G and decreased power level of
Hela on 1000 G. And now it was Konan's turn to use abilities
- Anrael, ability activate: Angelic Steadfastness
Anrael covered him and Hela with a light shield, increasing his and ally bakugan on 1000 G,
which means all attacks from Dan and Spectra were refrected. And now Hela has 2000 G,
and Anrael's power level increased to 2100. Surprising from that trick, Dan asked
- What?! He reflected all of our attacks?
- Tsk...
Spectra muttered out of indignation and then Dan used Wavern's ability
- Wavern, ability activate: Rising Sunshine!
Then Wavern used her Haos power, summoning the light on the battlefield, adding +500 G to
every ally bakugan and herself. Wavern's power level was 1700 G, Naga had the same level,
but Dharak and Drago were increased on 2200 G, and Helios was 2100 G, dominating at their
opponents. Dan didn't stop and used Naga's ability
- And... Naga: ability activate: Spear of Despair!
Naga, using purple and white energy, released it as a ray and directed it on the Anrael's
shield, increasing his power level to 2200 G and slowly destroying it. However, it was
pointless against the next ability
- Hela, ability activate: Fading Energy
This ability was accompanied by a purple-bloody shock wave towards Dan and Spectra's
bakugans, which not only made them fall, but also took 700 G from each Brawler's
bakugans. Now Drago and Dharak has only 1500 G, Helios 1400, Naga and Wavern only
1000 G. Taking the initiative in her own hands, Konan used one special ability of Anrael
- Anrael, ability activate: Dreamworld!
It was an illusion ability, which worked on opponent's bakugans, who has lower power level.
This ability covered with a sunshine Drago, Dharak, Helios, Naga and Wavern, paralyzing
them, seeing that, Marucho asked Elnath
- Wow! They just reversed the force of Dan and Spectra against them. What did she do with
Drago and the others?
Then Elnath answered to him
- It is an illusion ability, paralyzing the enemy and making him helpless. They can lose in one
moment, but if Dragonoid will use his power of Perfect Core, which I can see inside him,
they would have a chance to release. Hm... however, although he can control everyone of
enemy's bakugans, this ability has one weakness: after this Anrael is becoming motionless
and too vulnerable. That is why Konan used Hela for this battle.
Dan and Spectra, running to their bakugans, began trying to wake them up
- Drago! Guys!! Wake up!!!
- Helios!! Get up!
But Konan answered to them
- It is pointless. I will explain to you what is the reason after the battle, but all what I can say
to you is the one thing: only exceeding Anrael's power level can release them all from
illusion. If it was a real battle, you all would be dead.
Dan, feeling anger and worrying about his friends, firstly started to wake up Drago, because
he has the power of the Perfect Core, going to his ear and shouting to him
- Drago!! Draaagoo!!!
Meanwhile, Drago, Helios, Dharak, Naga and Wavern, feeling they were appeared in an
empty dimension, judging by what is happened, they could control their moves. It was
collective illusion, so every one of them can feel and see what sense the same. Their thoughts
were free from the battle and only about what dragon five could think is about their own
dreams, coming true in this place. That's why, whispering the names of each other, Drago
came to Dharak and Helios to hug them, just what they did the same, changing the warmth
between them, he said, being blushed
- I never thought that the day when we can be by ourselves, has come. No matter what you
did, Dharak, Helios, Naga, Wavern... even when we've been through so much, despite all our
past disagreements, I am glad that we can consider each other more than just friends.
On what Wavern said first
- Dragoruny, you were always someone bigger than just a friend and my feels never fade
Then Naga answered to Drago
- Drago... I know you've accepted my apologies for all evil I caused to you and my sister,
but I want you to hear something important from us...
Helios said to Drago, too
- ...whatever we did, being on the different sides, and now, being friends, let us all...
Dharak ended the phrase, like he read his thoughts
- more than your friends.
Saying this, every one of them began to blush, feeling how hard is to say about their true
feelings to their lovely savior from the eternal darkness. The most one who was embarrassed
with such heartfelt, touching words, making it clear that everything that was done during the
salvation of the worlds gave more meaning to Drago's spiritual kindness. Drago has never
heard such words addressed to him, full of love and desire to be near him, no matter what.
But the most pleasant thing was that all these words were sincere, as evidenced by their
good-natured smile that shone on their faces, and in the looks waiting for reciprocity.
Covered with a blush, Drago, being full of excitement, said
- I... I cannot say anything more... I wish it will never end. I can say only one thing... no
matter what, I will always love you, Helios, Dharak, Naga, Wavern... once and for all we are
- Once and for all
Answered to him every one of them, preparing for kissing... but the moment was interrupted
by Dan's voice, like from the ice water, Drago stopped and listened his voice carefully, just
what did the others
- Drago!! Can you hear me?! Use The Perfect Core to release yourself and everybody from
- Helios! Wake up!!
Hearing voice of Dan and Spectra, Drago, realizing that they were under the strong influence
of the Anrael's ability, shook his head, driving away love thoughts, said
- Yes, Dan! I am hearing you! Sorry, but before that we need to win the battle first! Helios,
Dharak, Naga, Wavern, give me your power for bakugan combo! With our combo and Perfect
Core's strength they have no chance against us!!
On what Helios answered to Drago and Spectra
- Let's crush them all! I'm on, Spectra!
- In this form no one can't stop us!
Said immediately Dharak and then Naga added
- Victory is ours and even Stygius won't be able to defeat us all!!
And Wavern ended their shouts
- Let's do it, everyone!!!
Shining with the red, purple and yellow aura, they began to make bakugan-combo, adding the
Perfect Core power, it was something bigger now, than another combo ever. Seeing the
shining of their bakugans, Dan happily looked at Drago, and Spectra, watching on Helios,
- Looks like they finally woke up.
- Just in time, 'cause they're preparing to end the match!
When Konan and her bakugans saw that dragon five were awoken from the illusion, Anrael
jerked back from the breakdown of control, seeing that they were able to break out of his
shackles of illusions, he said in surprise
- Who would have thought, they broke my control! Hela, let's do bakugan combo!
On what shocked Hela answered, taking Anrael for his hand and saying
- Let's go!
In that moment Anrael and Hela used bakugan-combo, while Konan was watching for her
and Brawler's bakugans fusions. When the shine was over, on the battlefield appeared two
combinated bakugans; on the Brawler's side was a huge dragon with a white, purple, black
and red colors on the scale, Drago's head and a golden horn, Helios's eyes, neck and feet,
Naga's hands, Dharak's torso and horns on the eyebrows, and wings and tail of Wavern. And
with a power of Perfect Core they have 7000 G power level. What about the another combo,
so their power level has 4200 G only, gray cloak with a hood, Anrael's white scale, eyes,
wings and Hela's hair and another parts of the body. Observing the sudden development of
events, Shun said
- It was close... now it is the final attack.
Gus, looking without any words for happening in the match and worrying about Spectra and
Helios, said
- Right. Soon Dan and Master Spectra will take their victory. Look at the scores of their
power levels.
Brawlers could see on the screens the power levels of Dan, Spectra and Konan. When they
saw how huge their power levels were, they didn't know what to say. And Mira confirmed
Gus's words
- Yes, Gus. Even if she has some tricks, it won't help her to win.
Activating their abilities at the same time, Dan and Spectra shouted
- Combo ability activate: Indestructible Dragon!
Konan used her combo ability, too, preparing for the final blow. She even was surprised that
they would be able to release from Anrael's control.
- Combo ability activate: Light and Darkness: Eternal Emptiness!
Using their combo abilities, the black and purple with red and white ray, colliding with a
purple-black, purple-white, light yellow and red with a rainbow shining and lightning,
overpowering each other, every one of Brawlers shouted to Dan, Spectra and their bakugans
- Don't surrender, Dan! Spectra!!
Shouted the first Marucho and Shun did the same
- You can do it!
Gus added
- You will win, Master Spectra, Dan!
And Mira screamed to them
- Victory is yours!!!
Rooting for their friends, with the power of friendship and even love, watching how beam of
Brawlers began to overpower Konan's ray and how her bakugans were defeated in one
moment, her own power level fell to the zero, which means totally victory for Dan and
Spectra. Picking up her bakugans, transformed into the sphere, she asked them
- Are you alright, Anrael, Hela?
On what they answered with a pain
- Yeah, they were... pretty strong...
Said Hela and Anrael added
- They won... but I know one little secret of them, heheh... grh... we need a rest.
Picking their bakugans up, Dan asked Drago and the others
- Phew, you scared us, Drago... it was really cool what you did together!
Then he opened up and answered
- It is thanks to you, Dan. If you were not here, we could lose... however...
Turning his look on Helios, Dharak, Naga and Wavern with a little blush, what they did the
same, he finished
- ...however, we won.
When Elnath with Brawlers teleported to Dan and Spectra, who took his mask off and
became Keith, Brawlers congratulated them with a victory, and Konan, coming to the king,
- They passed the test. These two and their bakugans are stronger than I thought. The power
of Perfect Core is letting know that they are not some simple fighters.
On what Elnath answered to her
- You have done well, Haos. Now take a rest and come to check out about Subterra and
- As you command, my king.
Before she disappeared, Konan came to Dan and Keith and said
- My congratulations, Brawlers. Now I see your true power of friendship. Thanks for the
Dan, smiling to her, asked
- Thanks, Konan... but, are your bakugans alright? I hope we didn't hurt them a lot.
On what she answered
- They will be fine. And, Drago, don't forget what you have seen in that illusion. Maybe, it is
important for you.
Drago, blushing more, only nodded with his head and said back
- O-Of course... Now what we must to do?
Elnath immediately answered
- Now you should have a rest before the new evolution. It will be a long process and there are
waiting for you hard trainings. So be prepared, Brawlers! Because the battles on which you
will appear, won't be the same that you ever faced. And the reason you will find out later. We
will see each other soon, so have a nice day!
When Brawlers and their bakugans were teleported right from the arena to their house, they
could finally rest. But that battle took a trail on dragon five's relationship. It made them much
closer to each other and let them understand that now everything will be differently. Not only
friendship will they make stronger, but love gives them a power, which they still don't
Chapter End Notes
I hope you'll like this story. Let me know if you wish to see more of it.
Episode 12. Dark Deeds.
Chapter Summary
When Brawlers finished the test of their strength, soon Dragon Five (Drago, Dharak,
Helios, Naga and Wavern) after that strange ability of Anrael tries to understand what
was that. Was that true? Or is this just a trick? There will be a lot of surprises...
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
When the match was over, Brawlers decided to celebrate their victory in their house,
Marucho raised a toast, saying
- I propose a toast to the victory in the trials of the Guardians! I must say, these victories were
not easy for us. But we will be able to advance to a new level!
- Yeah! Now we will have a chance to take Stygius down!
Answered to him Dan and other Brawlers with him said
- For the victory!
Bumping glasses with juice, they began to drink it and eat sandwiches, which they have in
their fridge. It was a nice moment, when Brawlers and their bakugans can relax for a
moment, because they passed the test, Stygius is hiding and as Elnath said, an evolution will
take a lot of time. And there were some questions about this situation, what about Mira asked
- When we passed the test, we need to understand two things: what is this evolution that king
talked about and why Stygius still didn't show himself.
Then Keith suggested
- Such person like him can spectate for our actions and wait much comfortable for him a
moment to attack us. Or...
Marucho added, thinking about the reason why Stygius is hiding
- ...or he is creating one of his bakugans to fight us. We better be ready for his another
entrance. What do you think?
The Dan asked Marucho
- But how we can protect ourselves? We don't know how the technologies are workin' here,
and Stygius was a former leader of Guardians, so he can back as he wishes. I don't think he'll
let us or Elnath to block the way right here somehow.
Starting to ponder over the plan, Marucho answered
- Then we must to observe the city to find some devices for detecting appearance of Stygius.
Of course, we can ask Elnath for the protection, but I think, there is no necessary, because he
is watching for our safety. Also, he must explain evolution of our bakugans and absorption
mechtogan's power. However, we better to get some sleep because we're going to have a hard
day tomorrow. What do you think, guys?
Brawlers nodded to him and Mira added to his words
- Sure. Tomorrow we will have plenty of time to explore the city and develop a plan to detect
Stygius. So, goodnight?
- Goodnight!
Said brawlers and bakugans to each other and then they went to their rooms for sleeping. But
Drago didn't even think to sleep, because he was worried about what happened between him
and his four friends. He wanted to find out something and that's why, when Dan and Keith
fall asleep, he called Helios, Dharak, Naga and Wavern on the roof again, flying there, he
asked them about a moment into the Dreamworld, starting to blush
- I am sorry if I interrupted to you, but it is very important...
Helios answered to him
- No worries, Drago. What is it?
And Wavern said before Drago tried to say that, blushing from that moment, too
- I guess, you want to talk about what happened into the Dreamworld where Anrael sent us,
At these suggestion every one of the blushed, judging by this reaction, they really saw and
felt that, too. And then Drago asked them
- So... I wanted to ask you all. At that moment, our confession to each other... in love... was
it sincere?
They didn't know how to say, because it was quite an awkward situation in which they need
to be extremely honest and accurate in their answer. The first one who answered to Drago,
was Dharak, with embarrassment in his voice, which could be observed in the others during
the answer
- I can exactly say that MY confession was truly. Since when you saved us, I... I understand
that I love you, Drago...
Wavern was second who said that, blushing more
- Dragoruny, you heard what I said to you in that dimension. My feels will never weaken to
you and I will love you forever...
In this case Helios felt himself truly uncomfortable because of his complex nature, and that's
why Naga said next to Drago
- I am thankfully to you for forgiving us and my heart belongs to you. That is why... I can
say I love you, Drago. Just as I said in that illusion, I was maximum honest with my own
feelings... I know it's too fast to say such strong words, however, when we can be together,
we can be honest to each other and see our real feelings.
Growling from shyness, Helios finally found in himself a determination to confess in his
feelings, saying with blushes in his cheeks
- Grh, never thought it would be so hard to say, but, Drago... we were sworn enemies, then
friends, and now... we're more than friends, that's why I... love you with all my heart! Even
earlier I felt something strange, seeing you every time before brawl. But... what about you?
Were your words true just as ours?
Then it was Drago's turn to confess. He was the one whom was really hard to say, but he
- When we know what is going on in our hearts, let me say it once more... no matter what
happened earlier, what will be further... I will always love you all, Dharak, Wavern, Naga,
Helios... but, please... we don't need to tell anyone about that moment and what is going on
between us, except that our friendship is only getting stronger. Now we know that a new,
stronger feeling is emerging between us, which we have never felt before... this is called love.
I would never have thought that I would live to see the days when I could feel this feeling
again, despite the fact that we have formed a "love pentagon". But after all, we love each
other even after so many years, when we have been through so much... That's why I'm sure
nothing will be able to break THIS connection. Now, our hearts are beating in unison and we
are united. That is why Stygius will lose in the end!
Being full of hope and love, Drago stood closer to his beloveds for lovely hugs. When they
began to hug Drago and each other, they sensed how their hearts were beating louder and all
of them started feeling the heat, not only from blushing. And now, after several minutes of
hugs, even little kisses, they went back to sleep near Dan and Keith. However, the idyll
couldn't last forever, and the reason was Dan's night thoughts about Stygius. Even because of
it he woke up, but he realized that there was something wrong here. It was as if someone else
was here, and all his fears were justified in one moment when he heard a familiar voice
- Hey. Don't you want to chat, Daniel Kuso?
Asked him Stygius, who was sitting on the windowsill, right near Dan. Dan froze in place
with a shocked expression on his face, not understanding how Stygius had appeared right in
his room so silently and imperceptibly. After a couple of seconds, abruptly getting out of bed,
he took a fighting stance and asked him
- You?!.. What do you need, Stygius?!!
He asked that so loud that woke his bakugans and Brawlers with their bakugans up and in
one moment they ran to Dan's room. Seeing that Stygius as if nothing had happened, stood
up before them, waiting for the answer, Keith was surprised and asked Stygius
- How did you come so easy?
- Keep in mind, we won't give you our bakugans for your experiments, even if you have
forbidden cards in your hands!
Said to him Shun, being ready for a battle. However, Stygius wasn't in a mood to fight, on
what he answered
- Actually, I am here to talk and give you some presents. If you let me to tell about it, you
will see.
Gus stood before Stygius, looking at his eyes full of cold indifference, said to him
- Don't even think about hurting Master Spectra or his friends!
Chuckling from that brave act, Stygius said
- Calm down. I will fight you next time, but now I want to give you something in gratitude
for borrowing Drago and his Perfect Core's power. You have done well, defeating my old
friends, Guardians of the Balance, although they even didn't try to fight you serious.
- What? So you want to say they were just playing with us and they're actually stronger than
we could expect? And what do you mean about borrowing Drago and Perfect Core's power?!
Asked him surprised Dan. He could feel in this test that there was something's wrong, but he
didn't think about this. Then Stygius nodded to him and continued his speech
- That is why I am here. Shun, you could miss them, so take this souvenir from the Earth
Throwing to Shun a little black box, he caught it and looked it carefully. And then he added,
answering on Dan's last question
- Let's just say, I took a little piece of his strength. That was all what I need for my
experiments. Thank you, even if I just beat you all up back then.
Feeling anger for that, Marucho asked him, being prepared for telling lies from Stygius
- Tell us, Stygius, are you using the same power which Elnath talked about?
On what he answered, even smiling a little
- So, that boy told you about your future evolution or my forbidden cards? Unfortunately for
you, I can say about only one of those things. As a reward for passing the test, I will let you
hear something new. What do you want to hear? And don't worry, in these themes I haven't
reason for telling lies. So go on, Brawlers.
With a little thinking Brawlers voted for one of the answers and a result was an answer about
their next evolution, Dan said
- Tell us 'bout those forbidden cards. How many levels they have and what they can do?
Then Stygius answered
- Hmph, you're smarter than I thought, if you asked me about them. They have ten levels of
Quintessence and they can do, I can say, everything. It is truly scary power that Genesis
Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid in one day sealed them, because they cannot be
destroyed. However, it was useless, because I was the one who created them, so I released
them and I can use any card I want. But, as you noticed, the most powerful forbidden ability,
the more dangerous the consequences. I don't need to explain details, you will see what they
can do once again, when you will become stronger.
When Stygius was going to leave, Dan stopped him, saying
- Hey, Stygius! Will you tell us why are you doin' this all?
Only what he said, was
- You will find the answer in due time. Goodnight, Brawlers
And then Stygius disappeared like he never was here before. Dan didn't know what to say
and then Drago told to everyone
- Stygius is more dangerous than we thought. It is our luck that he didn't attack us right here
Jaakar commented his words
- Yes, he is even acting like a ninja with such silence appearances. We should be more
carefull and say to the king about what happened.
And then Shun suggested how they should act in the morning
- I think we should follow such a plan: someone from us will observe the city for faster
moving and others will contact with Elnath. What do you think?
Marucho added then
- Also, we need to set the shield in the next house, when we'll remove to the next place. We
can't stay here any longer, because it's too dangerous.
Radizen even said
- Yeah! If you could see his scary look, He even creeps me out with it! We can't fight him,
being in our current state!
And Dan said
- Good plan, Shun. Now we can sleep, I hope... too bad, we don't know where's the king's
palace, so we better stay here until the morning, so we can move. So, let's sleep?
But, before that Shun opened the box, which there were his old friends since the battle with
Mechtavius Destroyer. There were Orbeum and Skytruss, whom Shun and Jaakar were very
- Orbeum! Skytruss! Who could think Stygius would bring you both here...
They flew to him and opened up, while Brawlers were watching for their dialogue. Then
Skytruss said
- Shun! Sensei! We're glad we found you!
And Orbeum added
- Yes! Since of your disappearance everyone from Bakugan City got worries about you all.
Jaakar said then
- I see... so, how Stygius did bring you here?
Then Orbeum said, explaining what was happened on the Earth after they've met Stygius
- While we're searching you for several days, that guy found us in the forest...
Skytruss continued the speech
- ...he just made us fall asleep and we appeared right here.
Nodding to them, Shun said
- So he can appear on the Earth in any second... what a problem guy. But, judging by his
acts, he is not one who wants to destroy everything. He is following the specific goals and he
doesn't need to attack without any reason. He is clever one.
Then Dan, feeling that his eyes are closing by themselves, said
- Yeah, but we should be careful more than we thought. But first... we need to sleep a little,
because we won't do anything, if we won't be able to stand from the bed even.
- I agree with you, Dan.
Nodding to Dan, now they could to wish each other a sweet and calm dreams and get back to
their rooms. When Brawlers went to sleep once more, but this time every one of them were
on the alert and they couldn't sleep for a long time. But, when they woke up, they started the
realizing of their plan: Keith, Dan and Shun went to explore the city and also check out the
another its parts, while Marucho and Mira contacted with the king Elnath, telling him what
happened this night. He was shocked by such news and he was warned about invading the
city by unknown person, but the signal came from the another part of the city, so that was
another Stygius's ability to hide his presence and fast moves from one point to the next,
which created much problems. While Elnath prepared the devices for evolution, Brawlers
managed to visit all parts of the cities all day and ride public transport, fortunately, for free.
The underground city was full of dark shining and growing precious stones. There were
buildings from colorable crystals and cold wind was walking though the underground.
Surprising from such a view, Brawlers could watch it for hours. But they cannot stay here for
long, so they took a ride to the next part of the city, which was in the sky. If they got to the
underground part of the city on a high-speed train, then they had to fly to the heavenly part of
the city on a high-tech plane with a quick takeoff and landing. Of course, they could use the
teleport, but it was paid for moving to different parts of the city. So, heavenly part of the city
introduced itself as a flying island with a view on the atmosphere and with some special
building, which were made from clouds and fixed by a magical material. The exploring of the
city took the whole day, so Dan, Keith and Shun were back tonight and they heard news from
Marucho, saying
- Guys! We told to Elnath about what happened the last night, so we can remove to the
Dan happily answered
- Cool! Now we can forget about unexpected attacks while we're sleeping!
Keith nodded to him and confirmed his words
- Truly, yes. Because it couldn't worry, and we need to prepare for evolution.
And Mira said a thing about it
- By the way, Keith, King Elnath said that we can tomorrow start it. So all what we need to
do is just to wait for a messenger who will send us right to the palace. Everyone ready?
Without any doubt Brawlers and bakugans answered to Mira
- Yes!
When the messenger has come to Brawlers, he took them all to the palace, where they could
finally take a good and calm sleep. And now, they had only one unresolved issue. It was an
evolution, and fortunately, the devices were ready for work and only a few hours remained
until the new power was reached. And the more Battle Brawlers learn about Stygius, the
more questions they have about how to stop him so that his affairs do not lead to dangerous
Chapter End Notes
let me know, if you're interested in my story and you wish to read more this story. 20
kudos and i'll publish the next episode
Episode 13. New Evolution.
Chapter Summary
After the unexpected visit of Stygius Brawlers understood how dangerous he is and they
must to advance in their power levels. Fortunately for them, King Elnath knows the
answers how to help his new allies to get a new power.
Chapter Notes
Just as I said, 20 kudos and here's the 13-th episode. I hope you'll enjoy the reading and
I won't make you disappoint.
See the end of the chapter for more notes
After this night, when Brawlers could sleep without any worries about another Stygius's
appearance, because Elnath's palace has several barriers, which are blocking the way for
unregistered teleportations or who was in a black list. King Elnath thought that Stygius
couldn't do that, but now, while Brawlers were sleeping, he ordered to his engineers to wire
the barrier on the whole city. They couldn't risk that much, so from this moment they have
become much careful. When the morning has come, Brawlers woke up, washed and dressed
up, and in one moment they heard a knock in the door, where their rooms were located. The
door opened Dan and he asked the servant, who came to Brawlers
- Morning! What do you need?
Then he answered, bowing to Dan
- Good morning, dear guests! King Elnath is waiting you for a breakfast.
- Awesome! I've already managed to starve!
Said happily Dan and then he called Drago
- Hey, buddy! How about to have a breakfast?
Drago answered to his partner, flying to Dan's shoulder and later asked other dragons
- Of course. What about you?
Nodding to him, Wavern, Naga and Dharak followed for Dan, then Keith with Helios and
Gus left the room, which did the same other Brawlers. When they arrived to the royal dining
room, they were surprised, seeing Earth's and Vestal's dishes from the different countries and
lands, and not only from the variety, but also the knowledge of what kind of food their guests
consume is impressive. After greeting the king, Marucho, being surprised, said
- Greetings, your highness! How did you know about our meal in our planets?
On what Elnath with a little smile answered
- Good morning to you, Brawlers and their respectful bakugans. Please, come in. We need to
discuss about your evolution and what should we do.
Brawlers could see that Guardians in full force. When they saw Brawlers, Alaron, who was
an adult person with green eyes, white skin and light brown short hair greeted them
- Nice to see you all since our first meet! My congratulations with passing the test!
The other Guardians without words nodded to Brawlers, letting them know that they can
come in. And Dan answered
- Thanks and hi, Alaron! Where you were?
- You will find out as we will start the discussion.
Then Brawlers went to the table and sat down at their seats, and their bakugans sat on their
shoulders. What about other Guardians without masks, so they looked like this: Coroth was a
twenty-five years old person with brown eyes, tan skin and a bald head. He looked like a civil
from the times of Ancient Egypt. What about Balter, so he had a short black beard, red eyes
and black long hair, which length were to the neck and a white skin, just like Dilan, who had
blue eyes, orange long hair to the neck, too. And Konan, who was very similar to Stygius,
like they're twins. However, they have only one difference: Konan has orange eyes. And
because of this similarity Dan even surprised, looking at her. However, he was interrupted by
the smell of roast beef, sitting with his friends down at the table, while everyone's eating,
Elnath started to explain
- While we have a breakfast, let me to say about the next step of evolution. Firstly, Marucho,
you asked me about mechtogans; we are absorbing their energy, transforming it into the
power for evolution. And... before I will tell you more, let me show you some results of the
test with bakugans of Daniel Kuso and Keith Fermin.
Dan and Keith interested in this moment, looking at the screen behind Elnath, which showed
to Brawlers analyzes of Drago, Helios, Dharak, Naga and Wavern with diagrams, figures and
explanations. In a short the king said
- Your bakugans has a high level of their life energy. This evolution requires huge reserves of
life force, otherwise, with such an evolution, death occurs. By other words, only these five
will be able to stand during the advantage.
Showing analyzes of the other bakugans, Marucho and Mira are watching and listening
Elnath carefully and then Mira commented his words
- It is explaining why only they can survive. Maybe, Stygius made them not only stronger,
but also he gave to them a little present, sharing with his bakugans his strength.
On what Dharak answered, confirming Mira's theory
- Yes. When he brought us back to life, he gave us a lot of his power, because of it we have
evolved... he said then "Now, you cannot die so easily". I didn't think about this phrase so
And Drago added
- After the first meeting with Stygius and when he took me down, it was a moment, when I
could see how he is giving us some strange, but strong enough to heal our wounds and fill us
up with that energy. However, I could have a feeling of that, but I couldn't wake up.
The other dragons nodded to him as a confirmation of his words, that they felt the same.
Then Elnath continued his speech
- Daniel, you asked Ventus, where he was, wasn't you?
Dan nodded to him and the king answered
- I ordered to him and Subterra to keep an eye on the renegades and elementals, which were
summoned by one of them and they successfully defended one of the fortresses near the
entrance to the city. Aquos, Pyrus and Haos didn't find any Stygius's trails, but found a
message from him.
Then on the screen appeared a message, on which was wrote: "It is pointless to search me or
the library in the snow dimension. I will find you by myself". It was a scary message,
considering what he's capable of. Then Elnath said, then asking the question
- Even if Stygius planned to make you stronger, we must to use this opportunity. In the other
case you will die without a brawl. Are you ready to become stronger? We will do our best to
release all of your potential as for saviors of our worlds and together stop Stygius. We don't
know about his next target, but we better be ready.
Fortunately, Brawlers and Guardians were finished the breakfast and then Drago said
- So it is time for new evolution... I am ready for that. And you?
Helios answered first, even growling a little from the feeling that he will become even
stronger than now
- Let's take Stygius down with the new power. He'll pay for using us as his puppets!
- We will protect you and fight for our friendship. We won't retire, Drago!
Continued Dharak and Naga said
- I am on, too.
- Together we will have much chances to defeat him. Let's do it.
Ended the answers Wavern and then Dan said
- So we can start it! It'll be cool! Imagine, guys, how strong we can become to defeat that
mystique warlock!
Brawlers nodded to him and Keith added
- Especially if we will be able to protect ourselves. Stygius is the one who can fight without
his bakugan. Is that what you mean, talking about releasing our potential, king Elnath?
The king said then
- Of course. That is why one of my Guardians will take care about you. Ventus, you will be
their coach.
On what Alaron answered
- Understood, your majesty.
Elnath continued
- And one of the main professors will teach you how to use our technologies. You will meet
him later, because he is busy with developing new battle suits for us and my warriors.
Then it was Marucho's turn to surprise
- Cool! I'm dying of curiosity! It will be really interesting to meet with the new technologies!
- Then let me take you right to the "Heart of Advance". Do me a favor and stand up.
When everyone stood up from the chairs, Elnath teleported himself and Guardians with
Brawlers and bakugans to the bright and huge forest, where was concentrated power of all six
natures. Before them were on a view ancient gates since bakugan's true form size. In this
place bakugans transformed just in their original forms. Elnath began to explain for dragon
five what they need to do and how this evolution will work
- First, what you need to remember is; while you are being into the dimension of "Heart of
Advance", mechtogan's power will be increasing your life and magical energy, filling you up
with its strength. The more and powerful mechtogans you possess then more mighty you will
become. But I must to warn you... they will sacrifice to you their lives to make you stronger.
I know you will say that you cannot scatter so easily with lives of your friends, but it is
necessary for advancing of your own power. Trust me, we cannot lose such an opportunity to
defeat Stygius, however, you must know the true price of THIS evolution.
Brawlers, especially Dan, didn't know what to say about that, because with their mechtogan,
Dragonoid Destroyer, they threw the changes up and Dan, thinking about what they need to
do, asked Drago
- Hey, bud... are you sure what we need to do?
On what Drago answered, thinking about, should he sacrifice with his mechtogan. There
weren't such problems with Helios, but Drago's thoughts were interrupted by Dragonoid
Destroyer, who said
- My creator! I am not the one you should worry about! My mission is always to help and
defend you. And the best way to help you is give you my power. No matter what, my soul
belongs to you, my creator!
After such a little difficult moment, Drago sighed loud and answered, stopped thinking about
that sacrifice
- Alright... your sacrifice won't be in vain, I swear... shall we begin?
Drago asked this question to everyone, throwing out interrupting him thoughts and focusing
on the evolution, which is much harder than they could expect. When other dragons came to
him, they were ready and Elnath said to them
- Now, pass through the gates to begin the evolution. Too bad, you five, must to do it alone,
because in that dimension can entrance only bakugans.
Dan, who didn't know how to help there to his best friend, said
- Then I can say good luck to ya, Drago... too bad, I can't be there with you.
Drago looked at Dan and nodded to him, cheering his partner up
- You have my word, Dan; I will come back. Even more... WE will come to you back.
He looked on the other bakugans, who confirmed by their smiling a little to him. Keith said
to Helios then
- Be careful out there, Helios.
On what he answered
- You know me, there won't be someone who can stop up! Let's do it!
So then dragon five passed through the gates of another dimension, entering right to the
flying island. From this moment they all began to shine by their nature. Drago was in a red
aura, Dharak, Naga and Helios in a purple, and only Wavern was in a yellow. It was a light
shining, the reason of its appearance no one knows about it, and they went further the path
that stretched before them and leaded them in a rather chaotic way. The sky was glowing
from the fusion of the six elements, and every minute the road became more and more
winding and complicated, to which Helios commented
- Hmph. This place's not only as strange as could be expected, but suspiciously quiet.
Dharak, thinking about what could it be, suggested
- Maybe, it is a trap as a calm before the storm. If it is true, we should be more careful. Who
knows, what we can meet here.
Nodding to them, Drago said then
- Maybe, we should to fly some? It could make our way short and all what we need to do is
not to lose the road. Although, even like that, we don't know where we must go to make our
evolution to come true.
Then Wavern agreed with Drago and checked the presence of some potential barriers, which
could be near of them to limit their freedom of their moving, using her detecting power.
Fortunately, as she saw, there weren't any barriers, so she said
- Yes. We can fly wherever we want. However, we better follow the path, if we don't want to
waste more time here.
Then everyone of dragons they left the ground and calmly began to fly, not flying far from
the path to see where they were flying. As it turned out, the further they went, the stronger
they felt that they seemed to be filled with power, and additional reserves were opening up
inside them to contain such enormous energy. Thanks to the mechtogans who sacrificed
themselves for the sake of moving to the next level of evolution, Drago, Helios, Dharak,
Naga and Wavern noticed that surrounding them land began to become more and more
beautiful because of the interesting landscapes, in the form of huge waterfalls, in which a
rainbow shone with might and main, or fountains, as if created by nature itself, which, one
might say, was the case. When they flew up to a certain altar, they saw a colored glow, in
which a painfully familiar silhouette could be seen, which Drago saw. Seeing that, he said
- There is someone. Stay alert and close to me
Then Dharak, smiling a little, tried to joke
- How much closer? Maybe, we should hold each other and fly together
Chuckling from that, Helios added
- Hehehe. Salamander, that's a good idea. Or, maybe, we'll just pick you up as our princess.
When everyone was laughing a little from this moment to relax before the potential fight,
Drago blushed and answered
- Oh, you will, my sweet dark guards. But we better to check out first what is there before we
continue our flirting.
Then Wavern with a smile agreed with Drago, saying
- I agree with Dragoruny. We better stay focused
Then Drago only smiled to other's chuckling and said with a sly smile
- Alright, Wavy, Heli, Dhary and Nagi... I promise we will have much time after the
evolution to test how attractive we will become for each other. So, here we are.
When they landed before the silhouette, which was into that strange shining, it appeared
before dragon five. There showed up a second figure and then they've seen... Genesis
Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid. Finally, they could speak with their ancestors and learn
more about Stygius as his enemy. However, they were no less filled with surprise, because at
first Drago said
- Genesis... how...
Then without any emotions, being glad that they could contact to their descendants, said
- I know what you want to say, but we need to talk about the main things. My apologies, we
don't have much time for sweetalking, so let's get right to the point; I guess, you all are here
to get the strength for fighting with the one of the Code Eve's first guardians, or how he is
calling himself Stygius.
Helios, being shocked by the similarity of Drago and Dharak with their ancestors in their
forms, looking like between final fight between Drago and Dharak for the Code Eve, whom
differed only in small details in the body. Then he asked
- Tell us, who the hell is that Stygius and where did he get such a crazy power? And how we
can defeat him?
On what Genesis Dharaknoid with a smile answered
- So you still don't get it, do you?
Then Naga immediately asked
- What do you mean?
Genesis Dragonoid explained Dharaknoid's question
- He means that you all, even with an evolution have no chance to stop him and it is
pointless. He calculated everything and he wanted you all to become stronger for searching
one of his targets. Even we don't know what is he purposing, but we know how you can
surprise him.
Wavern asked from her curiousity
- It explains why did he let us go without any traps. Please, tell us about it and how did you
fought him.
Then Genesis Dharaknoid, licking his lips like he was hungry, answered
- Oh, he even said to you about our confrontation? Never thought that he can be so talkative.
But, judging how long he lives, he can share with you some story about himself as hints how
to fight him. So then... we should start from how long it was ago, right, Dragonoid?
This question he addressed to Genesis Dragonoid, on what he said
- Of course. But before the beginning we should say about us. I presume that you all are
interested why we are together staying here and we are not fighting.
On what Drago nodded, remembering the tales about them
- Yes... what caused you to stop brawling each other? Was it Stygius or your personal
Then Genesis Dragonoid answered, smiling to his descendant
- You can find the answer by your own relationship between you and your lovely friends. We
were tired from the eternal fightings, so in one moment we ended our conflicts once and for
all, because we hadn't any reason to continue pointless brawls, even in the afterlife.
And Genesis Dharaknoid continued his thought, trying to remember every what he is going
to say, putting his hand on Genesis Dragonoid's shoulder, from what he hugged him with his
hand, too
- Just as you are, we found something much better than just trying to kill each other. That is
why we fought Stygius together. He was the strongest enemy who we ever faced. Fortunately,
before the end of that brawl we took him together to the afterlife. However...
- ...however, he was reincarnated into the snow-white skin boy, whom you were faced. They
accepted each other and have a special bond, which gave to them unique ability to merge
with each other. Human and bakugan in one body-that is which kind of ability King Elnath
wants to teach you and your human partners. To defeat an enemy of such level as Stygius's,
you need to become extremely strong and calculate his moves.
Listening to their ancestors carefully, dragon five were surprised that these two have the same
bond between each other, which means they're feeling lovely feelings to each other. But after
their words Drago asked them, and in his voice was a kind of despair because of such a
helpless situation
- But how we can predict his moves, if we don't even know what he need? He is just
mocking and playing us, judging by his reaction, he doesn't even use a half of his strength to
take us all down!
- To be honest, we don't know what should we do to even make one little hit to him... and
that is annoying thing ever.
Added Naga about this case. But then Genesis Dragonoid came to Drago, putting his hand on
Drago's chest, he looked at his eyes and said
- Even if it seems that there is no hope of winning, there are always certain loopholes that
will help to win up. That's why, when the time comes, we will appear in the world of the
living and help in the battle with him. Even we, who have died long ago, are beginning to
worry about his influence on the world around us. However, as I told you at our first meeting,
"as long as you are together, nothing will stop you." Now that love has been added to
friendship, your ties have strengthened, which means that you will be able to awaken a force
that even Stygius cannot understand. Even he will not be able to withstand the influence of
light, no matter how powerful or skillful a manipulator he may be. Everyone has their
weaknesses, remember this, my dear descendant.
When Genesis Dragonoid put away his hand from Drago, he said to others
- I can say the same to you all; only together with the power of friendship and love with a
knowledge that everyone has a weakness, you can defeat Code Eve guardian.
Genesis Dharaknoid, coming to them, said
- That is why we will help you to reach a new level of your power level. Do us a favor and
stand close to each other. Even I, Genesis Dharaknoid, the dark child of Code Eve, united
with my former sworn enemy to fight that guy!
When dragon five came closer to each other, they began to wait when they'll start the
evolution. When Genesis Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid put their hands to the side
where were Drago, Helios, Dharak, Naga and Wavern, they started to concentrate their
energy with a multicolored aura and transfer their power right to them all, making them all
scream and moan from the pain because of their body changes. Because they were going to
the initial power level 1500 G, this evolution wasted more time. They knew that an evolution
will be very painful, but not like this. The process of transformation and endowment with
much greater power took about an hour, and at this moment from that huge power dragon
five finally evolved, changing their view. Drago, like Helios, Dharak and Naga, become
muscular, on their chest stones become a bit bigger, armor with their elemental's symbols,
Drago's wings changed on his natural and faster, just what had the others. Drago's scale
hadn't change, only become light colored. Dharak had more changes; his green color on the
wings came back and his scale became more dark, almost black, but with the purple shades.
His and Helios's armor had less spikes, but looked darker and more tough. Helios's scale
become only a bit darker than it was, but his spikes on his legs were a little less, but with the
parts of the armor on his and other's bodies he looked more dangerous. Naga's red patterns
disappeared and on their place was darker scale, only a little purple patterns on his hands and
feet and his claws were a little longer. What about Wavern, so she became a true angel
because of her snow-white scale, wider tail, rainbow stones on her chest as an element of her
armor. And now, when their evolution was over, Drago with a light breathing said happily
- Phew... it was very painful, but... I feel myself like I can do everything! This feeling... I
never felt that in the other evolutions!
His words supported Helios, saying with a pleasure
- Haha! Now Stygius will be harder to knock us out!
Dharak, looking at himself, said, too
- I need to adapt for these changes, but it's no matter, when I feel the same; much power and
more humiliated enemies.
Naga commented one little thought, which came to him accidentally
- If we all are feeling how the power if filling us, imagine how powerful we can become,
using combo!
On what Wavern, flying around, said, noticing that she was flying even faster, dreaming
about the test of their skills
- So that is how the evolution works... what an amazing feeling. Oh, I wish to see later our
new abilities!
However, Genesis Dragonoid interrupted their joy and said
- When you will come back, you will see your advantage. Let me to give you new names...
now, you will call yourself Heat Dragonoid, Blazar Helios, Dusk Dharak, Lunar Naga and
Solar Wavern! It is time to bring you back to the world where you came. Enjoy the rest and
prepare for the battles!
Then Genesis Dharaknoid added to them, with Genesis Dragonoid teleporting dragon five
right to the place they came from
- We will see you soon!
When dragon five was appeared before Brawlers and Guardians, which were standing the
whole hour here, hoping they will be fine after the evolution and that they will actually come
back. Seeing how they evolved, Dan shouted to Drago
- Drago!!!
- Dan!!
Shouted to him Drago, too, while happily Dan ran to his buddy, he picked him up let him to
look at himself closer and more attentively. Every one of them came to dragon five, and
Helios picked Keith in his hand up, saying about their new evolution.
- You've become much better, Helios. I I've never doubted your strength!
- Just what I wanted to hear from you, partner!
Then Dan, looking at Drago, said
- Now... together, we have chances to stop Stygius and protect everybody! You've become
even cooler than you were! I love your new armor!!
On what Drago answered
- And now we will be able to protect ourselves. I am truly glad for that...
When everyone looked at evolved bakugans and Dan with Keith were brought back to the
ground, Elnath transferred back to his palace, where bakugans became spheres, he asked
- I am glad that your evolution passed without problems. Now, I am sorry, but I have to do
my usual work as a king, to rule my kingdom. Would you like to come at the dinner? I need
to ask you about what happened to you in that dimension...
Then Dan answered with a smile
- Why not? Also, we need to know something more 'bout evolution!
- Then you can have a rest and walk around the city. Don't worry, Stygius won't appear here
After that Brawlers with a happiness on their faces went with their bakugans from the palace
for a walk, as Elnath said. They wanted to know so much about what had happened that they
could hardly restrain themselves from flooding dragon five with a mountain of accumulated
questions. However, they were not afraid of it, because now they have more than enough time
to tell everything.
Chapter End Notes
Let me know if you wish to see more my activity and see how continues this story.
Episode 14. Shadow Fight.
Chapter Summary
Getting new powers, while Dan and Keith were discussing what's next, Aelira's security
was tightened up to stop Stygius or Renegades from infiltrating. However, somehow the
enemy finds a gap in the defense, and, without wasting a minute, decides to check how
strong the Brawlers are.
Chapter Notes
My apologies for not publishing new episodes the last months. No, I'm still alive, but I
have a difficult situation. However, I'll try to be more active for you, my readers, and,
enjoy the reading!
See the end of the chapter for more notes
And then, when Brawlers are walking around the city, talking about what happened with
dragon five during the visiting a dimension of "Heart of Advance". Dan tried not to think
about Dragonoid Destroyer's disappear, because he knew his sacrifice won't be in vain and
that he will always be with them. However, they still have a problem with Stygius. His
unpredictable actions created so much trouble that the king of Aelira was worried, which
affected the situation in the city. After all, not only the range of the barrier was expanded to
the main part of the city, but security was also strengthened, which is why Brawlers noticed
lots of patrolmen. Someone had only an electric stick or even a plasma gun. Local police had
black overalls with illuminated patterns, depending on the colors and uniforms, they could
see a policeman of different ranks. For example, privates were highlighted in bright green,
sergeants had a darker shade of green. As for the officers with a higher rank, the lieutenants
were highlighted with lilac flowers. But the captains had a dark red color. And the rarest of
them came across only the major, glowing orange. However, highlighting for operations that
require a minimum of noise, the backlight was removed, which was very convenient. They
couldn't help but pay attention to it and Dan said, walking around the Bakugan Park, which
was counted on their true forms and even brawls at the arenas and even one of them was
empty, which were right in the park
- Yeah, Elnath has more worries about these tricks of Stygius. This acting like he's so wise
really annoys me, but with the new power we have more chances to stand against him. Right,
Drago, sitting on Dan's shoulder, while Wavern, Naga and Dharak were near with him and,
answered on his question
- Actually, when we met Genesis Dragonoid and even Genesis Dharaknoid, said we need
more power to fight him. So, what shall we do now? It could be better to test our strength.
Helios with a certain thirst for battle said
- I'd like to smash those renegades which Elnath talked about! How about to go and take
them down there?
Keith then said
- Unfortunately, we can't just leave the city because we want it. So we can just ask one of the
Guardians to check out our new power. Maybe in this case will help us...
And in front of them stood a guy, which, one might say, was a complete copy of Dan Kuso,
but that guy had black hair and dressed in the same clothes as Dan, but with the red and black
colors. A distinctive feature between them was also the facial expression; if the real Dan was
worried that he met his clone, like everyone else, so Dan's clone was not just calm, but in his
look, voice, smile, they could catch the thirst for blood, and after this he and Dan with Keith
appeared right into the empty arena. While Brawlers tried to understand what's happened,
Dan's clone said in the voice of the real Dan, distinguished by a slight rudeness in his voice
- What's the matter, Dan? Did you really think I'll give you a break?
Then Dan with anger asked him, while Keith looked at him and began to analyze Dan's
clone, real Dan was angrier than surprised by such a stunt, because these tricks were truly
annoying him.
- Grr! Are you one of Stygius's pets?!
On what he answered with a chuckling
- I'm impressed by your shrewdness for a slow-witted like you. Only Guardians can enter
here, but they need a time to unlock the shield which I reprogrammed and adjusted this arena
to my own needs. And don't be afraid, I know that you are not strong enough yet, because
especially for you I will fight with only one finger. Use whatever you want!
Helios was filling up the rage inside him because of that clone's behavior like he's so cool
and he said to Keith
- Come on, Keith! Let me smash this upstart so much that he will have only one wish; to
Grinning from Helios's zeal to fight, Keith, wearing his mask and becoming Spectra, asked
- Let's teach him a lesson, Dan! Are you ready?
- I'm ready when you are! And you, Drago?
Drago along with the desire to find out what he is now capable of and put the impostor in his
place, replied
- Sure, I am. Let's-
But Dharak interrupted him, asking Dan
- Dan! Will you let us test our new strength?
And Wavern explained his question
- Since the evolution I can sense the power of Since the moment of evolution, I can sense the
enemy's power level and even see his aura. This guy is more dangerous than he looks, and we
should attack him seriously if we want to win.
That's why Naga ended her explanation and said
- So, please, we can't miss this opportunity to see our new power and let Stygius to
understand that he cannot defeat us so easily!
Dan, being happy from Naga's words and warned with Wavern about his clone's power, said,
picking his bakugans in his hand and throwing them on the field
- Then let's get to work! Bakugan, Brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! Go, Pyrus Heat Dragonoid,
Darkus Dusk Dharak, Darkus Lunar Naga and Haos Solar Wavern!!
Spectra threw Helios at the same time as Dan, shouting
- Bakugan, Brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! Rise, Darkus Blazar Helios!!
- Finally, you two are going to fight.
Said to them Fake Dan and he was the last one who threw on the field his own bakugan,
- Bakugan, Brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! Show your strength, Pyrus Demonic Dragonoid!
Just as Spectra thought, if this one's a complete copy of Dan, so his bakugan will be the same
as Drago. But this Drago's clone had crimson spikes on his shoulders and legs, just like
Helios's, red eyes and crimson horns with a red stone on his chest. As Wavern was afraid,
power level of Drago's clone was on 2000 G. Dan's clone didn't waste the time, so he
attacked first
- Ability activate: Bloody Flame!
With a laughing Drago's clone said
- You better burn out before I'll start attack you serious!
Then Drago's fake threw the huge crimson fire into dragon five, covering with it them all.
This attack increased Drago's fake power level right to 3000 G, because of such an almighty
attack Dan was shocked, but acted fast
- Not so fast! Wavern, ability activate: Non-Extinguishing Absorber!
After when Wavern used this ability, she saved all ally bakugans from the knockout,
increasing to herself and the others power level to 2200 G and draining from Drago's fake
700 G, because of it he had 2300 G. However, it was enough to break the absorbing shield
and give a hit to them. But it was already Spectra's turn to attack
- Let's see what can we do. Ability activate: Quasar Explosion!
Using purple and black concentrated energy, Helios threw it right in Drago's clone, lifting his
power level to 2900 G. But that one has his own tricks to surprise Brawlers
- My turn! Ability activate: Energy Burning!
And while Helios's attack was flying straight to Drago's clone, with his red shining in his
hands his attack was denied and absorbed, lowering Helios's power level back to 2200 G and
raising Drago's fake to 3000 G back. Then Dan counterattacked his clone
- Naga, ability activate: Breathe of Death!
Then Naga used purple and white energy, mixing it with a moonshine, he released it straight
into Drago's clone as a dark radiation, cancelling his ability, bringing his power level back to
2300 G, Dan used Dharak's ability
- And a final blow: Dharak, ability activate: Lightning Shade!
Increasing Dharak's power level to 2900 G, in Dharak's hands concentrated black and purple
lightning, using their power, he threw it into Drago's clone chest. However, it was pointless,
because Dan's clone, laughing at their tricks, showed up his tongue, like he was Shadow
Prove, but with his own charm, said
- I can enjoy a good fight the whole day! Ability activate: Lava Projectile!
Unfortunately for them, this ability was stronger than Brawlers expected, so Drago's clone
power level lifted to 3300 G and Dharak's ability didn't work because of a powerful
counterattack, which made him fly away from this hit. But he was caught by Drago, being
relieved, said
- Got you, Dharak... are you alright?
- Yeah, thanks, Drago... but this attack was unexpected and pretty strong.
Answered to him Dharak, while Drago let him go and helped Dharak get up, and then Spectra
used his another ability
- Ability activate: Needles of Darkness!
Raising Helios's power level to 2900 G, he attacked Drago's fake with lots of purple needles
from his claws and decreased his power level to 2800, also disrupting Drago's clone
movements. Grinning from this powerful and problem ability, Dan's clone said
- How interesting... I wish to see more of your power!
- And you'll get it!
Shouted to him Dan, saying
- Drago, ability activate: Dragon Disintegrator!
When Drago used concentrated flame ray with red lightning, when hitting his clone by
burning it, true Drago's power level increased to 2900 G, while his clone transformed into the
sphere. Dan's clone power level fell on 60%, so then real Dan asked him
- Looks like you're not so tough, even if you have 2000 G, huh?
On what his fake answered with a smile
- Well, then... if you want to see my true power, just say. I'll be ready to beat you both hard
enough to make you all lie in the hospital for weeks!
Dan only angered at him more and just answered, throwing his bakugans on the field again
- Oh, I wish to know who will be in the hospital! Let's go, Spectra!! Bakugan, brawl! Baku
Sky Raider jump! Go, Pyrus Heat Dragonoid, Darkus Dusk Dharak, Darkus Lunar Naga and
Haos Solar Wavern!
Spectra threw Helios again, shouting
- And don't doubt, there will be nothing left of you! Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
Brawl, Darkus Blazar Helios!
Dan's clone did the same, throwing his bakugan, too
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! It's time to be harder, Pyrus Demonic Dragonoid!
- Hehe! Are you ready to get one-way ticket to the afterlife?!
With insanity in his voice laughed Drago's clone. Now it was Dan's turn to attack, so he used
one of new abilities he had
- Drago, ability activate: Dragon Fire Petals!
Increasing Drago's power level to 2200 G, he attacked his evil clone with a burning petals of
the flowers, which were exploding and firing the fake, decreasing his power level to 1300 G.
Then Spectra added his ability
- Show him what we've got, Helios! Ability activate: Chaotic Lightning!
It also lifted power level of Helios to 2200, as Drago was and lowered his clone's power level
to 600 G even. It looks like Dan's fake was preparing something, and then he showed a little
surprise, grinning from the upcoming spectate
- Now, it's my turn to make you both suffer! Ability activate: Diabolical Punishment!!
This ability Dan's clone could use only in one condition: if his bakugan was hard attacked,
he's getting an access to such a powerful card, so, using this card, with a maniacal laughing
Drago's fake used red lightning chains to tie every one of dragon five, beginning to burn
them out, they were loudly and painfully screaming, while their power levels rapidly falling
down to zero. Dan and Spectra shouted to them, while power level of Drago's clone was
raising more and more
- Drago!!! Dharak, Naga, Wavern, hang on!!
- Helios!! We'll take him-
- It is pointless. You can't use any of your ability during the action of THIS card.
Licking his lips from pleasure of that view, Dan's clone added
- This ability, I can say, is deadly for your bakugans. You shouldn't have done that, trying to
provoke me.
It couldn't stop and their burning began to grow, making dragon's suffering much terrible,
and because of it Dan and Spectra ran onto his clone with fists and shouted to him
- Release my friends, you, sick bastard!!!
Then Spectra added
- Or you will regret that you were born!!
Laughing by their helpless tries to save their bakugans, he noticed that in the arena was
something wrong. And, remembering that Dan and Spectra were with their friends, after their
disappearance they're worried about it and contacted with the king Elnath to warn him about
this incident. So he immediately sent several squads of his police forces to check the park and
arenas there to find Dan and Keith out. When they saw a reprogrammed barrier, during the
brawl of them they hacked it and entered that empty arena. And they arrived just in time,
because the power levels of dragon five was on 300 G, while power level of Drago's fake
was on 4000 G. and their torture was stopped by attack of the crimson light.
- Combo ability activate: Seraph Spears!
Severing the burning chains and releasing them with someone's familiar female shout. It was
Konan with Anrael and Hela, being in Bakugan combo, who saved dragon five. Surprised
Dan and Spectra looked at them and happily Dan said
- Konan! From all of my heart thank you!! How did youBut
he was interrupted by her answer, saying, while Dan's clone with a surprised face froze
on the one place. He didn't think that Guardians will be so strong.
- You better get to your bakugans. You have done well, standing against Stygius's puppets.
Firstly, Combo ability activate: Grace of Light And Darkness!
Covering dragon five with a yellow shield, which began healing Drago and the others, he
said to Anrael
- You are just in time, Anrael, Hela... thanks for saving us.
On what he answered, turning to him and bowing to Drago and his lovely friends
- I should have come earlier... my apologies for making you wait.
From such an ignorance Dan's clone as if was mad and shouted to Konan
- It's your mistake to show me your back!! Ability activate: Hellfire Blade!!!
With this ability he increased Drago's clone power level even to 5000 G, making him
monstrously strong. However, Konan had her own tricks and previously promoted Anrael's
power level to 4400 G to stand against such a powerful blow of crimson flame with a huge
- Don't get so cocky, you, inferior creature. Combo ability activate: Almighty Vengeance!!
When Anrael with Hela in one body covered themselves and others to save from that fire, all
damage went straight back to Drago's clone, increasing with a light and crimson spears,
finishing this evil creature once and for all, piercing his entire body with incinerating spears
and making him disappear under his painful screaming and burning Dan's clone out with a
spear. He was scared by this unusual power of Haos Guardian and only what he whispered
before his complete disappearance, was
- No matter... my mission... is complete.
After this Dan and Drago's clones were disappeared, dying from these deadly abilities, all of
left bakugans were back to the spheres. Fortunately, their wounds were healed by Anrael and
Hela's combo ability, but only a feeling that their evolved power wasn't enough against such
opponent wasn't enough, and this thought gave neither Drago, nor Helios, nor Dharak, nor
Naga, nor Wavern any peace. However, they all saved and then Konan, coming to Dan and
Keith, who took his mask off, said to them
- You have done well with this one. This thing was one of Stygius's demons. Looks like, he
still has his demons after using the second level of Quintessence. Are you and your bakugans
On what Drago answered, while the other dragons were sitting near to him, like they were
hugging each other. Even Helios was with them
- Yes... just as I said, if you couldn't arrive to save us, we could be dead. Thanks to you and
your partners, Anrael and Hela
- It is our work to keep the civils from the danger and I didn't want to let your "special
friendship" end like this. But it could be better if you won't leave the palace.
And Dan said, gathering his strength
- So now we must to increase ourselves immediately! I promise, we won't get in situation
like this anymore, Drago!
- Just as I am, Helios. We must to become stronger to defeat monsters of such a high level!
Said Keith and then Konan answered to them
- Elnath is preparing for you training hall and after the rest you will be able to begin your
trainings. This situation made him to get back to you and we should protect and teach you,
until you will become much powerful than you are now.
With a hopefully smile Dan said and added, although he almost forgot about his friends
- Thanks to him. But... and what about our friends? Where they at?
- They are in the palace. Now we need to get there. Are you ready?
Then and Dan with Keith, and their bakugans at the same time said
- Yes!!!
After their answer there were transformed back to the palace, while the police forces began
their investigations of the captured arena. It was a dangerous, but very instructive battle;
dragon five must to improve their skills and become more powerful than now. And with the
strong motivation and a wish to win the war in one moment they'll be able to stop Stygius.
Chapter End Notes
Let me know, if you wish to know how this story ends.
Episode 15. Disclosure of New Abilities.
Chapter Summary
After that terrible fight with an evil copy of himrself, Dan realized which enemies he
will have very soon, just like Keith, who was helping him there to handle evil Dan
clone, who was looking like one of Stygius's minions. And that's why Elnath decided to
help them to get strong and more knowledge about how to fight such enemies and some
more things which will be very useful for them...
Chapter Notes
by the way, soon I'm going to make my own page on patreon for the readers who wants
to see more chapters of my story. thus, they will be able to see, along with the episode
published here, another chapter, which they will be able to see only on patreon. Here's
the link on my patreon:
See the end of the chapter for more notes
When Dan and Keith saw their friends, Marucho called them, running to them
- Dan! Keith!! We were so worried about you! What happened to you? And who was that
guy, who was looking just like you?
Dan, being tired from that battle, answered
- He was the one of Stygius's demons. I couldn't imagine that he would be so strong...
Keith was tired, too. Judging by how exhausted they were, the opponent was really stronger
than Brawlers could have guessed
- We couldn't even use a combo to finish off this clone. If it hadn't been for you, we would
have been dead by now.
From such words Brawlers were shocked, because since every of their battles even with
Mechtavius Destroyer wasn't so much stress and problems. Even Gus was worried and angry
for what Stygius is doing with Master Spectra and them all. Then Shun said
- But why did he actually attack only you both? There was a reason bigger than just to kill
you. Maybe, it was another test to see your advantage and your evil clone created a critical
situation to release all of your power.
Marucho added, thinking about this theory
- If so, the question remains: how did he get here unnoticed? As the king said, no one from
insiders can't enter the city because of the shield.
Mira, thinking, how could it happen, suggested
- Probably, Stygius, entering here the first time, could leave here his minion to discract the
sensors. And just everything fits together: Stygius appeared at our house, and the signal about
the penetration came from another part of the city. It turns out that it was a double
distraction... He's smarter than I thought.
When Brawlers were thinking about what's the plan of Stygius, Elnath appeared before them,
saying firstly, feeling guilty
- Alright, now we can go to the training field. But before that, please, accept my apologies for
the fact that because of my negligence you, Daniel Kuso, Keith Fermin and your bakugan
partners. I should not be so careless. It is a miracle that you are alive. No one, expect for my
Guardians, couldn't stand against the demon of forbidden ability, which uses Stygius.
Before the answer to Elnath Dan and Keith began to think about what happened to them the
last fight. It was a horrible moment, but Dan, knowing that in the end they were saved and
the evil clones were killed, answered
- H-Hey, our bakugans were saved by Konan. Thanks to your Guardian for helping us, and no
one could imagine that Stygius would trick us. So don't blame yourself, Elnath. When can we
start out training?
Then Elnath, nodding to Dan, said
- We will start it right now. As I said, Ventus will be your coach. Aquos will assist him and he
will help you with advancing your combo abilities.
However, one question was still worried Dan and then he asked Elnath before the
transmission to the training field
- Tell me, why are you calling your Guardians, for example, Alaron and Konan, by their main
elements? Is it some kind of a tradition or what?
On what Elnath explained to Dan
- You are almost right. It is a tradition going back generations with only one reason; to
designate the strongest Guardians of a particular element. But I never thought that we will
have a traitor in our ranks. That is why I don't call Stygius by his main element Darkus
After which, with a sigh of annoyance, the king silently transported himself and Brawlers to
the training field. This place was a bright forest and on the waterfall was sitting Alaron, who
saw his king and Brawlers's teleportation, he jumped and without any hurt to himself landed
before Elnath, saying
- Your majesty, all ready for a training. Greetings, Brawlers!
Said to them Alaron and Elnath added
- Aquos will join to you later. Subterra and Pyrus are patrolling our borders near the territory
of renegades. Haos will take care of the city. Stygius and his minions this time won't be able
to teleport here. Even if he will be able to find a way, we will catch him into our little trap.
Now start the teaching, Ventus.
- Understood, your majesty.
Answered to Elnath Alaron and then king disappeared. Firstly, he will explain the theory and
then he will go to the practice. So he began to explain
- Listen. This kind of training counted only for evolved dragons and for you, two
Saying that, Alaron showed with his fingers on Dan and Keith, immediately answering why
- The reason is simple; as the king said, you need a huge life energy to evolve and your body
must to adapt to your bakugans. A friendship which bonding you, is giving more than just an
extra power. It allows you to open your hidden abilities. For example, a fusion with your
When Alaron picked Funojin in his hand, with a green shine he became a miniature copy of
Funojin, but still had Alaron's human body, just transformed. With this form he surprised
Brawlers, and Marucho said
- Wow! What an interesting ability!! Too bad, I won't be the one who will use such combo...
Radizen cheered him up and said
- Hey, Marucho! Even if we won't be able to have a fusion between us, why shouldn't we use
On what Alaron answered
- Yes, king Elnath took a care about the others, so you will be equals. However, Dan, Keith...
- Yeees?
Asked him intrigued Dan, imaging how we will have a fusion with Drago. Or even with
Dharak or Naga. But the most interesting was with Wavern. He tried to imagine this moment,
but Drago, guessing, what about Dan was thinking, shouted to him
- Dan!
- Huh?! Oh, sorry...
Said Dan, waking up after these thoughts. On what Alaron with a little smile said
- I can understand your interest. Too bad, for full transformation you need to be synchronized
with your bakugan and move at the same time and the same direct. However, you will be able
to feel a bit changes in your body, when the energy of your bakugan will be inside you. But,
do you need the first what should you do before the fusion?
Keith with an interest asked Alaron
- What is it?
And Ventus Guardian answered
- You, two, need to become physically stronger to use a fusion without traumas for your own
body. Because your body must immediately react on the attacks of your enemies and for
reaching the success you both need a physically training. That is why Elnath made me your
coach as a master of a melee fight.
When Alaron revealed his fusion with his bakugan, Funojin appeared on his shoulder and
then Dan, listening to him, understood that these trainings will be the hardest ever. However,
he was ready to pass it, if it helps him to stop Stygius. Just like Keith, but he was imagining
how powerful he will become with Helios. This training is different from those that Dan and
Keith have ever gone through, because here they will be made into professional fighters,
which surprised Shun. As a result, he asked Alaron
- Tell me, Alaron, what kind of new abilities will we have?
Then he said to Shun
- Why should I explain it, if our main professor can show you new toys for you, guys?
And before the beginning of human and bakugan combos, Alaron went to the waterfall,
beckoning to Dan and Keith to follow him. When they arrived there, while other Brawlers
were spectating for them, Alaron continued the explanations before the practice
- Here, all what you need to learn is meditating with your bakugans to exchange each other's
energy. It is a necessary part of learning, so then you will be able to use your fusion whenever
you want. All what you need to do is just sit down before each other, bang your fists and sit
without any moves. Bakugans, your task is to give your partners your energy, slowly, and
take in exchange theirs. It is the first exercise only, but truly necessary before the harder
After his words Dan and Keith sat down on the ground, while their bakugans stood to each
other maximally close to them. Thanks to this exchange of energy between each other, they
could feel each other's thoughts, desires, feelings...the forces of love and friendship only
enhanced the effect, as a result of which, despite their restlessness, under the guidance of
Alaron, who followed the meditation process, they learned this trick even faster than one
might have expected. However, this constant exchange of energy, which between dragon five
was stronger. Fortunately for them, thoughts about their kisses and strong warm hugs
wouldn't pass to Dan and Keith. However, this meditation wasted for the whole day, when on
the street was a night, Alaron said to them
- Alright. I see you have some success in your way. But you all better to take a sleep.
On what Dan answered, feeling how he is going to sleep because of such a strange training
- Oh... Ohkay... Good night, Alaron...
Fortunately for him, Dan fell on his sleeping bag, answering to him
- Hm... looks like this ability will waste all of your energy. You need a rest, Dan, Keith. And
for you, dragons, too.
Keith was already fell asleep, while Alaron let the others to sleep here, too, only dragon five
wasn't sleeping. Or even they tried to make their imagination by their meditation, where they
finally could take a rest with kisses and hugs. Drago, during the enjoyment, said
- Finally, we can have a time for each other...
On what Helios answered
- Yeah! When we were fighting, I was bored about such a calm moment, where we can do
whatever we want!
Dharak with a pleasure said to Drago, while he and Helios were busy with hugging Drago
from the left and right sides
- I am really glad that we can show to each other our loves with such a nice method! Oh,
Drago, when we will say to Dan and Keith the truth?
Drago, surprising from this question, was able to answer
- Well... we need a time for understanding ourselves and how they will react on such news.
Wavern said then, lying on Drago's stomach and chest, while Naga was the one who was
sitting near Drago. It were only their imaginations, giving caresses to each other. It was so
realistic that they were feeling that sweet moment with their whole bodies.
- We better just to tell them about our relationships. I am sure they will be more than happy
for our new feelings between us!
Naga, kindly grinning, said, kissing Drago in cheeks
- It's even funny that we can finally relax and in one moment realize all what we wanted to
do it our love, hehe
Then Drago said, feeling his lover's touches, licks and kisses, which he is doing the same.
- Sure, we can. It was a hard day today and we need a rest. What do you think, my loves?
On what, starting from Helios, they answered to Drago
- I agree with you, lovely Drago. I wish we could do it more often, because this thing makes
me happier even more than fights!
Dharak was the second one who said
- Yes. So we can continue our "plays" in our dreams, Drago...
Naga said after Dharak's words
- Then let's enjoy the peace and lovely moment between us.
And Wavern, kindly smiling, said
- That is a good idea for now, Dragoruny. Good night!
On what Dharak, Helios and Naga repeated for Wavern, making Drago to blush, while
they're embarrassing with themselves
- Have sweet dreams, "Dragoruny".
Then Drago with a cute smile and, being blushed, said
- Heheh... take a rest, Heli, Dharaky, Nagi and Wavy. I love you all...
Answering to him back, they said at the same time
- I love you more, Drago...
After this sweet talking they in a few seconds fell asleep. While they were sleeping, every
one of dragon five began to purr. Finally, this night, using a lovely meditation, dragon five
finally fell asleep, feeling how their love increases to each other and how much they're ready
to do for each other. That's why power of love and friendship are stronger than their enemies
thought. Now, all what they need, was only realizing their imaginations between each other to
show each other their love.
Chapter End Notes
let me know, if you wish to see what will be further. once my story will reach 40 kudos,
I'll publish the next episode
Episode 16. First Fruits.
Chapter Summary
The further the Brawlers advance, the more obstacles they'll have to get in their way, in
particular new enemies. Renegades who are eager to capture Aelira for reasons known
only to themselves are gradually making themselves felt, which is why the question
arises whether their representatives will cross paths with Brawlers and their bakugans in
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes
While Brawlers are sleeping, Stygius, spectating for them, using his magical power and
because of it his eyes were glowing. Sitting at his in his soft, velvet armchair with purple
upholstery, he remembered the last battle between his demon and dragon five. It was a risky
moment, but thanks to evil clones of Dan and Drago Stygius collected from the energy of
Dragon Five, which was got from the battle. Standing up from the chair, when he stopped his
spectating for Brawlers, speaking to himself, he said
- They have grown a little stronger, but they are still not ready. These pieces of their future
real power can be used only for charging my vessel. It is time to stir up the battlefield.
And then Stygius went to his laboratory, where in a capsule was in a cryosleep a huge
silhouette, judging by his form, it was a bakugan. But... there was something wrong. It was
like a dead body, maybe it's some kind of a vessel for future plans of Stygius. It explains
everything, that's why he needs dragon five energy, to reanimate this bakugan. And it was
bigger in size than any other bakugan. Answer about who is that monster will lie in the deep
of darkness, so it was turn for renegades to show themselves. When some mystical message
came to three persons, who was in a military camp near the border of Aelira, these three
understood that the message was from their leader. There was a pirate, a priest and a
demoness. Actually, they just looked like that, because these three have a fusion with their
bakugans. For example, Pirate was and the leader of this group, and his bakugan was a shark
and had an element, judging by his view. What about Priest with Haos element and
Demoness with Pyrus, they had an appropriate view, but they all were in the gray cloaks, so
only the outlines of their appearance were visible. In one-moment Pirate began a dialogue
- So, we have a message from our leader. I guess, it is pointless to attack the fortress, while
Aelira is keeping by "Guardians of the Balance". What shall we do to make our way to the
heart of the city to destroy it all and make us free from Guardians?
On what Priest said, practicing with his light orb
- As he said, we need to take care about Guardians first, to make them fight alone with all of
us. So we can kill them one for another and we will have an access to the city!
But Demoness interrupted Priest's happiness and answered
- Don't underestimate them. They're not so silly to not understand our tactics. However, we
should try it, but also we need to be careful. Judging by leader's words, they have a couple of
rookies with huge potential.
- And who are those rookies and how our leader found out about them?
Asked her Priest, and then she said
- He was tried to take Alaron down in the forest, but he noticed that Alaron met some humans
with bakugans, which came here not from our world. He needed to kill Ventus Guardian one
on one, but these brawlers, who showed themselves, by his words, as masters of brawling.
That's why our leader's plan was failed and he retired to his base. However, now he has a
new plan and only what we need to do is to summon a lot of elementals and catch all of these
Pirate was the one who ended a dialogue and said with pleasure and enjoying the coming
- Well then... time to start the rabbit hunt!
Meanwhile, all night for dragon five had more than just a moment for a rest. During the
meditation, which was already a common dream, lying near to each other, they finally had a
time for themselves; hugging and kissing each other, most of all affection got Drago as a
dragon, who made his evil rivals to leave the dark side and accept his friendship with
following love. This feeling of bliss, endless love from those who need you, could not be
expressed in words. In all his time spent both in and out of combat, Drago had never done
anything like this, with the exception of Wavern. The most remarkable thing was that the
feelings of Helios, Naga and Dharak with Wavern were mutual and sincere. They themselves
did not notice how quickly their connection was strengthened and at the moment when they
were lying in their subconscious and enjoying each other's warmth, it would seem impossible
to interrupt. However, they were awakened by the voice of the awakened Dan, saying during
his yawn
- Oah... what a nice dream... it was a moment when we stopped Stygius and made him a
kind man without his intrigues. And what about you, guys?
On what with a little tire Drago, opening up from his sphere form, answered
- We could sleep a little longer, Dan, but Stygius won't wait for us too long. Right?
Then Helios opened up and answered to Drago
- Yeah, this little brat must be planning another attack on us. A combination with bakugan
and human is good, but we need some more weapons against him. What do you think?
Dharak was the one who added to Helios's question his word
- Although it, probably, will be pointless on Stygius, it gives us a buff against more enemies.
Naga and Wavern only nodded to Dharak and then Drago answered
- Of course, we need it. It will be interesting to know, which kind of weapon Aelira's warriors
are using. However, I have some more questions for Alaron...
Alaron came back just in time with a basket of fruits, berries and water. As Dan and other
Brawlers could notice, for example, red and green apples were the same fruit with the blue
color. Surprising by such different colours, Marucho asked Alaron
- Wow... are these the fruits of your planet? What useful properties can they have?
On what Ventus Guardian answered with a little kind smile
- Hm. I should start from blue apples; they are stimulating your metabolism, accelerating it.
We have other fruits, but first I took these ones because I don't really know your relationship
to such exotics like these.
Tasting it, Mira with a smile answered
- Hm, not bad! That will be interesting to see more fruits like these blue apples!
And then the other Brawlers began to eat. After breakfast, Alaron prepared Brawlers for the
training and started his explaining about his plan of the following preparation for the next
- Every of our training, the first thing we always start is a meditation. The reason why you
need to meditate is simple: you can advance yourself inside and restore your power faster.
It'ss an important moment in our studying. Also, it helps you to advance with the combo
between bakugan and human. As I said, I need to teach you how to protect yourself, so that's
all of you, who were able to fight, must learn how to brawl with your only strength. Even at a
basic level. That is why this time I also brought for you some weapons for practice.
Clicking on his BakuMeter, Alaron said
- Open the lock!
Then before Brawlers appeared an arsenal with the wood weapons. There were swords with
any lengths, poles and daggers. They began to choose for themselves weapons. Dan and
Keith picked up long swords, Shun took ten daggers, Gus and Marucho took short blades.
Alaron explained
- Maybe you have a question, why we, having such high technologies, are still using wood as
a raw material? It is simple; this material is checked by the time and you are only practicing.
Laser swords and blaster you will get later, because the first thing what we need to do is
training your reflexes. The enemies, that you will meet, attack you no matter what. They
won't stop until you will be dead. However, you, Dan, Keith and your dragons, you need to
meditate once more. What about you, Marucho, Shun, Gus Mira and your respectful
bakugans, we have some interesting technologies for you, which will help you to react to
enemy's attacks faster. However, you must to learn some more about self-protection.
On what Shun answered
- You don't need to wory about me, because I have ninja techniques. But I would like to see
what can you learn, Alaron.
Mira, remembering her brawl experience, said
- Actually, I'm a scientist, just as Marucho. However, why not? This could be useful for us,
Marucho continued Mira's words
- Especially, if it helps us to use some battle suits, which based on your technologies, it will
be pretty useful. So let's do it!
Gus, nodding to them, ended answers from Brawlers
- With the new weapons and a new experience, we will be able to protect ourselves and I can
advance my strength for protecting Master Spectra. I agree.
Alaron with a smile said
- Well put, Brawlers! Let's do it.
After the talking Alaron started the training of Brawlers; Dan and Keith with their bakugans
were still meditating and their friends learned to use their new battle suits with blasters and
laser blades, using it in the simulating hall. It was a hard training for Dan, as a person, who
cannot sit on the one place. However, he found in himself some point of the balance and
that's why it wasn't difficult a lot for him. Meanwhile, dragon five was exchanging the
powers between themselves, transferring battle experience and knowledge to each other and
finding more lovely moments for each other. Their hugs helped them a lot in strengthening of
their power of love. They were truly interested, what if Dan or Keith, or even one of
Brawlers, will find out about their new bonds? They didn't know what to say about that, so
they could only hide their true feelings. And when the meditation was over, Dan and Keith
took their wood longswords and began a practical battle with Alaron, who was only dodging
and blocking their attacks with his own wood pole. Of course, the difference between them
was too great, even when Alaron didn't fight serious against them, only using 10% of his
power. And then it was training time for their bakugans against each other and later with
Funojin. Their practice was truly hard, because Alaron didn't let them to rest, motivating
them with such words like "What, if your enemy will be close to you?", "If I was your true
enemy, you would be dead.", or "Your opponents won't let you take a rest. Remember,
Stygius will calculate every of your move, and all what you can do is to stand against him as
long as you can and don't do any extremal things." However, this training took from
Brawlers and their bakugans all day, and the others tried to use their new technologies and
because of such a hard training every one of them were tired. Fortunately for Brawlers, it was
already a night, but this time in Drago's dream appeared Stygius, who was like real.
Surprising by his appearance, he asked him, preparing for battle
- Stygius?! But... you are only my dream. How did you get here, in my dream? I didn't think
about you.
And with a little sadness, he said
- Too bad, Drago. I was hoping that you are thinking about me not as a the most dangerous
person in the university.
Being on guard, Drago asked him
- So, what do you need this time?
Then Stygius answered
- I want to show you and your friends something special. I think you will be more than
- What is it? Tell me!
Drago was even tense, because he didn't know what to expect from a person like Stygius. The
last one showed to Drago a huge capsule with a giant silhouette inside there. Surprising from
that view, because this bakugan was a big one, he asked Stygius
- Who is it?..
On what Stygius said
- It is my first fruits of my work with you all. You gave me access to the Perfect Core and
your power of love between you and your beloved ones helped me to create him, my new
vessel. Do you wish to know why I am doing this?
Keeping silence, Drago clenched his fists from the anger filling him, realizing that even when
he and his beloved friends gain strength, it's all just in the hands of Stygius. The latter, in
turn, noticed his anger and replied with a sly smile
- This time I won't tell you.
- What?!
Asked him Drago, surprised by what Stygius said. Then he explained a little about his answer
- There is no reason for me to reveal all of my secrets ahead of time. You will find answers
on all that you want to know when the time comes. I showed you the results of your new
strength and I must say to you and your beloved ones "thank you".
Drago, trying to understand real Stygius's motivation, didn't know what to say. However,
Stygius flew to Drago's face, sitting on his nose, Drago was standing in a stupor from such
impudence, and Stygius said
- However, I came to you here for one little reason. As my little reward for your assistance, I
will give you one special ability.
His hand shone with a scarlet light, flying up to Drago's forehead, Stygius touched him and
Drago felt a sudden surge of power needed to activate this ability. Then Stygius replied to
Drago's possible question
- You will find the answer what is this card during the battle, so don't hurry to search it now.
See you soon.
After these words, Stygius left Drago's mind and after this Drago, fortunately for him,
continued sleeping. But this visit was too weird and he couldn't really understand anything
from his words, because he hid an important point of the conversation. Hoping that the
answers would come to him soon, Drago plunged back into the abyss of his dream, trying not
to think about what had happened. And only thoughts about his beloved drove away bad
thoughts so that Drago's further sleep was more intense and pleasant. But the mystery still
remained a mystery, especially who the bakugan that Stygius showed him was.
Chapter End Notes
let me know if you like this story. if you want to read the next episode a bit faster, then
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Episode 17. Strength Check.
Chapter Summary
The training of Brawlers is quite successful, they quickly learn to master new weapons
and their bakugans are getting more and more used to their new strength given by their
ancestors. But the enemies are not asleep and Renegades are attacking the borders of the
Aelira gate, and therefore will Brawlers be able to defeat their new enemies with new
forces? The answer to this question will come when they meet on the battlefield.
Chapter Notes
As a little present for my readers, who is really interested in my story, let me show you
my three unreleased chapters. I hope you enjoy the reading, while I'm preparing a
special one-shot as my little experiment
See the end of the chapter for more notes
The training sessions were in full swing, Alaron to each of Brawlers and showed them correct
moves to block or for attack. Soon Dilan appeared before Dan and his friends, saying
- From this moment I'll assist Alaron with your trainings. Greetings!
On what Dan replied
- Hi, Dilan! Will we brawl you both during the training?
Alaron clarified by looking at his partner
- Yes. Dilan will help me with advancing your trainings and fight with all of your bakugans,
only without abilities. We will use them later as we will see your success. Professor Jypheron
is too busy, so he can't show you how to use our technologies at this moment. So for now it is
our duty to help you with it.
Keith, thinking about the next part of their training, asked Alaron and Dilan
- Tell us, how long will this training last?
Then Dilan replied
- Well, we want you to become stronger and train your reflexes to brawl during the combo
between you two and your bakugans. What about the others, they need the same, but as for
basic battle experience, because we don't want to let you all to die from some renegade
minions. The reason is simple; they won't wait for you, when you'll throw your bakugan on
the field. To become with only your physical strength as strong as we are, you need to train
yourself since your birth. However, we have battle suits, which increase your strength and
movements. We're preparing you to use it, so you'll be able to use it without any dangerous
consequences. Therefore, we need at least two weeks for your training, since we cannot stay
longer, because we do not know what the renegades have prepared this time. We don't know
when the King will give an order to us to join the battle.
- So that's why you're training every one of us.
Said Marucho and then Drago whispered to Dan, while Alaron continued his speech about
the next part of training
- Dan, I need to talk to you when we will be free. It is really important
Surprised Dan looked at his buddy with misunderstanding look, but he only silenced nodded
to him and then they continued to listen Alaron, who said that they need to speed up their
training, as a result of which Brawlers were starting their training more serious. It was really
difficult, because the training went on day after day and they only got harder. Including for
Shun, who is a ninja in himself, and at the same time for bakugans, because they had to fight
with Neon and Funojin in full force. True, only in hand-to-hand combat, but they did not let
them relax. After all, battle-hardened veterans knew their stuff and differed from Drago and
the others in that they fought much longer and with stronger enemies.
During the training Dan, spinning in his hands wood swords without stop, said to Keith,
smiling, because he finally can do such a hard trick
- Hey, Keith! Wanna see the trick I've learned?
Keith looked at Dan, waiting for his show off and Dan, without taking long to wait, threw the
swords up, hit the dummy a couple of times with his fists and foot, jumped back to catch the
swords, and it would seem that he caught one and threw it at the dummy, but he did not reach
the second one, which caused him to collapse to the ground, shouting with annoyance, but he
noticed that here was something wrong with the ground.
- Oow! So close... what the? It almost doesn't hurt... maybe that's one of Aelira's
technologies. It explains why this place is looking so primitive, but this view's hiding lotta
Keith just laughed with a good-natured smile, helping Dan get up from the ground while he
shook off the dirt. Thanking him for his help, Dan said
- Well... guess not this time.
- Your moves are good, but you need to be a little faster. Let me show you.
Picking up two wood swords, Keith did the same what have done Dan with the dummy, but
his moves were faster, thanks to his own battle experience. Surprising by his moves, Dan said
- Wow... Hey, Keith! Aren't you learning ninja techniques by any chance or something?
On what he answered, giving back to Dan his swords
- Actually, I just trained to protect myself before I found out about bakugans. I was in selfdefense
classes, and I, in turn, only honed my skills.
Then Alaron came to Dan and Keith with news and said
- Dan, Keith. King Elnath is asking you for audience. Please, take your bakugans, leave your
wood weapons and follow me.
During the sparring, Funojin saw Alaron, who was speaking to Dan, grabbed fists of Drago
and Dhakar and stopped, saying
- Wait. It seems, you need to go with Dan.
- Huh?
Drago said, puzzled, and looked where Funojin was looking. Then Dan, Keith and Alaron
came to them and said
- Go back to the sphere form. King Elnath is calling us.
When dragon five and Funojin got back to the sphere, their human partners picked them up.
The other Brawlers, being puzzled by such an interruption of the training, decided to ask
them what's going on. So Gus, coming to Keith, asked him
- Master Spectra, what happened?
And Keith answered to him
- Elnath wants to talk with us both.
- Should I go with you?
Answer on this question came from Alaron
- I am afraid not this time. He needs Dan and Keith. Please, stand here, soon professor will
visit this and bring you to his laboratory.
Nodding to Keith, Gus went back to Brawlers. Just in time, Dilan came to them and said
- Sorry, but me, Alaron and both of your friends must go to our king on an audience. I warned
professor to come here as fast as he can. Don't get bored without us!
When Alaron and Dilan took Dan with Keith on the audience, in several minutes appeared
Professor Jypheron, who was finally able to visit them, coming right to the training field. As
befits many professors, Jypheron was a man aged 45 years with a white skin, somo color of
his long hair, just like Keith, when he was younger, with glasses, but with green lenses, in a
black cloak with a white jumpsuit underneath, equipped with small devices. The same glasses
had a few more buttons, barely noticeable at the first glance at them. Greeting Brawlers,
Jypheron introduced himself
- Greetings, dear guests of the Earth. Nice finally to meet you almost all. King Elnath said to
me who you are, so there is no need to say your names, I know it already. So, my name is
Jypheron and I am the director of developing battle weapons or suits. It is a great pleasure to
meet another scientists before myself. It is an honor to meet you, Marucho Marukura, Mira
Fermin, Shun Kazami and Gus Grav. It is the same to your bakugans, Aquos Radizen, Ventus
Jaakar, Subterra Rex Vulcan and Subterra Rockstar.
From such an official greeting every were surprised, but Shun said, trying to interrupt an
awkward silence
- It's the same to you, professor. So you're the one of main scientists thanks to which this city
is actually existing. Right?
On what a professor answered
- Yes, I am the one of those who gave this place unprecedented technologies. And all this is
thanks to our king, who appreciated my skills.
Marucho with a dream in his eyes and joy in his voice said
- Ohh! That's a big honor to meet an engineer genious!
Mira added to him
- Sure! I would like to investigate your high technologies. It gives to us a lot of potential and
more of new openings!
With a smile professor replied to them
- What an excellent moment to meet two scientists in the same time. I would be glad to show
you some of our inventions and hear your opinion as scientists. So, let us go!
And then Jypheron teleported with Brawlers right into his laboratory, showing to them
developments. When he began to shim them some battle suits or weapons, Dan, Keith, Dilan
and Alaron arrived to the king and the Elnath said
- Greetings, Dan and Keith. Calling you two as strongest brawlers from your group, I want to
show you the reason why I called only you both.
Before Brawlers appeared a screen, which showed, judging by the place, by the undermined
landscape, the place of the battle. The orange sky only gave a kind of zest to everything that
was happening, to which Dan soon asked
- So is this a place for testing our skills in the real battle?
On what Elnath nodded to him, confirming Dan's words
- Yes, and I need you to show your power. I have received information that the renegades are
gaining strength and are preparing to hit us with more force than before. The most terrible
thing is even that they are going to attack this border leading to our portal to the city from
several sides. Subterra and Pyrus are there, but I need you, Ventus and Aquos, to make sure
enemy won't get a free way to us. And to test our friend's strength in the real battle. And
don't worry, your own battle suits are ready to fight.
Then Dan shone with the joy of the battle, testing his skills, despite the fact that his evil
double almost killed his bakugans, this time he was sure that this would not happen again
- Our own battle suits for a real fight? Awesome! I can't wait to see them!!
Keith, nodding to Dan, added from himself couple of words
- This could be interesting. But where are they?
One of king's butlers came to the throne hall, bringing on his tray some kind of BakuMeters
with red and purple colors. As it should be, red device was destined for Dan, and purple for
Keith. Showing them new versions of BakuMeters with a square screen and more light
material, Elnath introduced to them his new developments
- My dear guests! Let me show you one of our devices as our battle suits. It's called "Wrist
Armor". Professor Jypheron prepared the same for your friends, but also he gives to them
some more things. However, it will be after this battle. Your duty is to protect the border and
push away our enemies. Dan, Keith, do me a favor and don't rush by yourselves. You are not
ready for such risky tricks, although you were in such situations. But here renegades will
focus on you, humans. Guardians, you have the same mission, but you have another duty; it
is protecting our guests from trouble. Don't let them die.
Dan answered with a little smile, because Elnath's trying to protect him so hard that he's even
flattered, but thoughts about renegades and their focusing on human brawlers with tries to kill
them first somewhat confused him. Of course, he's ready to fight by himself, but this type of
battle had a real difference between what he met before
- Thanks for your concern, Elnath. But, is it really will be so hard? We passed with Drago and
friends so much difficult battles and I'd like to know exactly what should we expect...
Then Elnath answered on his question, letting to Dan understand that he'll be able to stand
even in such unusual conditions for him and Keith
- Honestly, yes. In the other situation I would not tell about it, but you must know what
awaits you there, in a war. And I know that you both will become much stronger than now,
and no war can make you surrender. The reason why I called you both consists in a safety net
for us at the border, in the form of a reserve and a test of your strength. As for your bakugans,
are they ready to try their hand again?
Drago was the first one who answered on this question
- Of course. This time we will be able to give a battle!
Helios with a pleasure in his voice said
- That'll be nice opportunity to see how many renegades will be crushed!
Dharak supported them and said, too
- Especially our new combo. That would be our strongest weapon!
Then Naga added
- This test would be more interesting. I want to see what we can do!
And Wavern ended the answers
- We are ready when you are!
And Elnath answered to them with a kind smile, being even cheered up by their bravery
- That is what I expected to hear from true great warriors. Now go. And remember, victory
will be ours!
On what Dan said
- We'll protect the borders. And I'm gonna hold my word!
Keith supported him and replied
- And we also will have some fun with our new enemies. That is our chance to see what we
can do, right, Helios?
Helios answered to his partner
- Yeah, Keith! Let's go!
When Guardians, Dan, Keith and all of their bakugans were transported into the border,
meanwhile, on the other side of barricade, renegades were preparing to the battle. Pirate,
taking his saber, said to demoness, while they're be
- Ready for some bloodbath, my partner?
Nodding to him, she said
- Ready when you are.
- Then let's go. We can surprise these Guardians and make them follow us. Just as we
The upcoming battle was not far off and soon the troops of Aelira and the renegades were to
converge. Stygius, who was sitting nearby on a hill, was watching everything that was
happening, being invisible and hiding his presence for sensors and this time he had a
company as bakugan. Because of the invisibility, it was difficult to figure out who it was, but
here is bakugan's voice... for Brawlers and Drago, he might seem familiar. This bakugan
uttered the following;
- This picture is so familiar to me... is it a war?
On what Stygius answered
- Yes. We are here to see what my test subjects can do against such opponents. Especially
with my gift. We will join the battle when they will have a trouble.
- Understood.
Then Alaron, coming to Dan and Keith, during the preparation to the battle, said
- Now, all what you need is to press on some little buttons to wear on yourselves a battle suit.
Showing to them where they must to press, soon Dan and Keith were covered by red and
purple aura and then on their bodies began to put on the suits. While Keith silently looked for
what's going on, Dan with a surprise watched how his clothes were covered by red aura, just
like Gunz, when he wears on his head Wiseman's helmet. But it was with a wrist armor and
then Alaron gave to Dan and Keith grips and little blasters, observing their new weapons,
Dan and Keith were clothed in the red and purple suits with protectors and helmet with visor.
And then with pleasure Dan looked at his weapons and said to Drago, his other bakugans and
to Keith
- Oh, yeah! That's what I imagined in my dreams! But with you, Drago, and all of you, guys,
we'll be undefeatable!
Then Alaron nodded to him and looked to the side where coming renegades and said to
- Listen. I need to check out what is with our troops. We must be ready and you stay here. It
won't take long.
Keith shortly answered to him
- Alright.
While Alaron was coming to his troops to check them, renegades took their positions to
attack. Who were actually renegades? They were looking like bandits, rogue soldiers and
they are summoning elementals for assistance, using magic for their needs and technologies,
too. However, their specialty was in offensive and thoughts are destructive, and for all one
reason; they want to take Aelira in their hands. Who knows who's the leader of renegades...
he still didn't show up. Only his minions are assaulting Aelira's borders. And now, when
renegade's army stood before the border and prepared for the coming battle. Alaron, as one of
warlords, took the border army under his control, took a fusion with Funojin and prepared to
start the battle. When the combat began, sounds from blaster were so loud that Dan and Keith
were lucky they were in helmets. And because of the huge barrage of shots they couldn't
even throw their bakugans to help them. But Alaron used his ability "Cyclone Devastator", as
a result, part of renegades were swept away. In this war, and in any other real conditions,
killing was more than the norm, which Alaron did not regret in any way, since he was
defending his comrades and the lands of Aelira. When meeting guests, friendliness and
kindness prevail in him, but when it comes to battle, he loses all feelings here, which was
noticeable by his targeting of living people and elementals in order to kill them, because they
somehow posed a danger. Dan and Keith, watching what was happening, understood that
Alaron, like Dilan, was freezing intruders alive and splitting them with icicles falling from
the sky. However, there were losses on the part of the Aelira's troops, because the bloody
fires with a cutting tsunami from the sea water did their job. To minimize the losses among
his own, Alaron shouted to Dan and Keith to launch their bakugans on the battlefield
- Dan! Keith!! It is your chance! Go on!!
Realizing that they don't have time for feelings and that it's now or never, Dan and Keith
threw their bakugans onto the field, shouting at the same time
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
Dan was the first one
- Go, Pyrus Heat Dragonoid, Darkus Dusk Dharak, Darkus Lunar Naga and Haos Solar
And Keith shouted the second
- Let the battle begin, Darkus Blazar Helios!!
Seeing new bakugans into the battlefield, Pirate, hiding for his cover, asked himself. Power
levels of Dragon five was on 1500 G and Pirate's bakugan, during the fusion, was 1500 G,
- And who the hell are they?! It's usual bakugans! I should take care about them! Water Blade
And then Pirate jumped from his cover as he can, on even 100 meters and launched into
dragon five sharp water stream, increasing his power level on 700 G, while Alaron and Dilan
were busy with fighting against renegades. Then Dan used one of his new abilities
- Let's go, Drago! Ability activate: Dragon Vaporizer!!
This shield protected him and allied bakugans from another water wave, bringing power level
of Pirate back to 1500 G and Drago's power was lifted to 2200 G. And then it was Brawler's
turn to attack
- Drago, ability activate: Dragon Disintegrator!
Using that concentrated flame ray with red lightning, Drago made his hit to Pirate and made
him burn out, although he wasn't dead, Drago's power level increased to 2900 G and Pirate's
power level decreased to 800 G. And Keith added one more attack to him
- Ability activate: Chaotic Lightning!
With this ability Helios used on Pirate his powerful purple lightning and damaged him on
-700G, making him weaker with every attack and increasing power level of Helios on 2200
G. And then Pirate used his countering ability
- Crushing Abyss!
It saved shark man in the pirate's clothes from defeat, absorbing all of Brawler's damages
and healing his wounds, restoring his power level to 1500 G. And then Dan tried to decrease
his power level more
- Hm, not bad. Naga, ability activate: Eternal Silence!
When Dan used this ability, Pirate was caught into a paralyzing illusion, blocking his next
abilities. And then he finished this round with one blow
- And... Wavern! Ability activate: Sunspear!
Piercing the body of Pirate, it seemed it was over for him. However, it was one of his tricks,
appearing near Brawlers straight out of a puddle, he stood up and said with a grin
- So you won't let me to get bored. What a luck! Say thanks to my unique ability with a water
clone, hehe. Now it's my turn! Shark Bombs!!
Shooting from the puddles of water, which increased his power level to 2500 G and took
from each of dragon five 700 G. Drago, Wavern and Helios had 2200 G, but Naga and
Dharak had only 800 G. In this case Dan saved them, using this time Dharak's ability
- Dharak, your turn! Ability activate: Dark Waters!
And then on the ground appeared dark waters, shining with purple and black colors, draining
from Pirate slowly all of his power level, surprising from such effect, he tried to use another
ability, but it was pointless. And then, turning on the laser on his saber, he ran right on Dan to
strike him down, and then Dan turned on his red blade, blocking his strike, Pirate said
- I see, Guardians prepared you as well! How interesting!
And then Dharak shouted to Dan
- Dan, get out! I'll take care of him!!
When Dan jumped away so high that he was surprised, while Dharak was shooting in Pirate
with his purple spheres. Judging by this, it was one of battle suit's effect and Drago caught
him, asking
- Dan! Are you hurt?
On what Dan happily said
- No, but it was even fun!
Laughing from his answer, Drago answered
- As usual, you're not stopping to surprise me.
While they're talking, Dharak got Pirate and he was fallen on the ground. When Dharak's
ability was revealed, Dan and Keith looked at him and then Pirate with fallen power level to
40%, stood up and became a human. He was a man aged 30, with a cyan skin and short hair,
and he said, picking up his bakugan, just what Dan and Keith did after when dragon five got
back to spheres
- Not bad, newbies. You better than I expected. Just like my enemies, Guardians... shall we
- Let's end this!
Shouted to him Dan and with Keith they threw their bakugans once more
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
Now this time Keith was the first who said
- Brawl, Darkus Blazar Helios!
And Dan was the second
- Go, Pyrus Heat Dragonoid, Darkus Dusk Dharak, Darkus Lunar Naga and Haos Solar
Taking the saber in his hand, Pirate said
- This time I'll fight by myself with you both. Go, Aquos Lazur!
Before dragon five appeared an anthropomorphic shark with a blue skin and with eastern
armors. Looking at Drago, with pleasure he said
- What a great moment, when strong bakugans are fighting! Let me show you what I can do,
when I am serious!
Running on Dan with a saber, Pirate used another Lazur's ability, fighting serious from this
- Ability activate: Five Shark Blades!
And then around dragons appeared five shark clones, taking in their hands greatswords.
Meanwhile, Alaron was fighting with Demoness, they both have already 50% of the power
level, in some moments watching for Dan and Keith. Of course, his duty was protecting
them, but he couldn't take both opponents, so then he called Dilan
- Dilan, take that succubus out! Forget about our troops, we need to help Dan and Keith!
- Yeah! Let's end it! Frozen Arrows!!
Then in Dilan's hands appeared ice bow, with which he shot in Demoness, with the ice
explosion making her fall on the ground. And now they flew to help Brawlers, but it was too
late and Pirate, fighting on the sabers with Dan and Keith, activated another ability of his
- Now destroy them! Ability activate: Oceanic Whirlpool!
With such an incredible ability, paralyzing dragon five, shark clones created a powerful
whirlpool, cutting and squeezing dragons with great force. The pressure was so strong that
the Wavern and Naga turned into spheres, because this ability also pumped out power level to
0. Now, Dan had only 10% of his power level. Then, seeing new card on his screen of his
BakuMeter, Dan without thoughts used it, understanding that Drago needs this ability
- Hold on, Drago!! Ability activate: Eye of Ether!!!
Alaron and Dilan were hurrying to help, but before them stood again Demoness, creating a
huge firewall. Tasting her blood, she said
- You won't get away while I won't send you to the afterlife! It's our turn to beat you up!
Salamander Tongue!
With a rage Demoness took in her hand a fire whip and she started waving it threateningly.
And next to her, Priest appeared at all, blinding Alaron and Dilan
- Radiance of Cappel!
It would seem that the advantage is clearly not on the side of Guardians and Brawlers. They
were close to lose, but now Stygius, looking all the time with his another bakugan, said to
- Looks like our friends in a trouble. Go on and show them what you can do with your new
evolved partner.
Turning off his invisible, Stygius joined the battle, throwing his bakugan, he shouted then
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump! Save them all, Darkus Alfard Hydranoid!!
Seeing that another brawler came for help to Guardians, without any unnecessary words he
attacked Demoness with Priest. Dan and Keith noticed his appearance, thinking that Alice
came to help, but they understood that it was a mistake. Hydranoid was looked much
different: as Drago and his other friends, Hydranoid became more humanoid and muscular
and he had only one head and 1500 G. But, judging by his next ability, now he can summon
as many head as he need
- Ability activate: Twelve-Fold Destruction!
In this moment Hydranoid's grown eleven heads and then, using powerful attack, his power
level increased on 1000 G, and then Hydranoid with his 2500 G crushed Demoness and
pushed away Priest. When Demoness was unconscious, Stygius's assistant didn't let his
enemy to attack and he just knocked him out with the second attack
- Ability activate: Inevitable Defeat!
And then, increasing his power level on 800 G, Hydranoid had 3330 G, while Priest had only
1500 G, taking him down with a dark purple rays, hitting him so hard that his power level fell
to 0. Flying to Drago, Helios and Dharak for help, in one moment Drago's left eye shone with
a red and white light, releasing himself with Dharak and Helios from water whirlpool by the
firestorm, and Drago's power level sharply increased to 3500 G. And now he just released
fire shock wave, burning shark's clone and Lazur itself out. Dan and Keith were surprised by
such a huge power of Drago and his shining left eye. This new ability was more than just a
super card. It was something bigger and then Dan asked Drago
- You made it, Drago!! Great job! But... what's happened to your left eye?
Drago was even more, than Dan shocked by such a big power of him. Maybe this was a new
gift from Stygius, so he said
- Yes... maybe this is a gift Stygius talked about... I'm feeling as strong as I never felt!
Hearing what Drago said, Dan asked him
- Stygius? What are you mean?
Then Drago explained what happened to him during their sleeping
- When I was sleeping, Stygius came in my dreams and shared with me a part of his power. It
is strange, but too wonderful at the same time to be saved by the power like this. And...
Drago turned to his old ally and tried to contact with him. Looking at evolved Hydranoid,
impressed by his evolution Drago gladly said to him
- Hydranoid? I am glad to see you here, but how did you get here?
- It is my merit.
Answered to him Stygius, appearing on Hydranoid's shoulder, he said. Looking at him,
everyone, especially Alaron with Dilan looked with angry at him and Dilan whispered
- Ah, our dear traitor... This is the end!
At full speed, he flew straight at Stygius, intending to kill him with one blow. But as
expected, Dilan got a kick in the stomach with such power that he couldn't stand up and
coughed up blood. On what Alaron shouted to Dilan
- Dilan!
Fortunately for them, Aelira's troops and renegades stopped shooting, seeing bakugan's
battle, they all were waiting for order and picked their wounded leaders up, delivering to the
hospitals. Dan, looking at Stygius with anger, shouted to him
- Enough! This time you won't get away as you wish!! Come out and fight!!!
Landing in front of Dan and Keith and near to Alaron, Stygius said
- Now I see that you can do something more, a bit. But I'm accepting your challenge, Daniel
Kuso. To make this battle much interesting, let me to suggest to you some bets
- Bets?
Asked him Keith, preparing for the another battle
- If Drago win, I will give to you Hydranoid. But if he loses, he and his friends will be mine.
While we all are playing with sabers, I want to see your advantage and how my experiment
for helping me with searching will advance after this fight. Let me see what you can do.
It looked like Hydranoid was under control, too, and now it was another brawl with new
Drago's power of his left eye, while Dharak and Helios ran to help him. But, seeing them
flying to help Drago, Stygius's left eye changed in a red color and because of that Helios and
Dharak were pushed away with such a power that they back to the spheres. Seeing that
picture, Drago, Dan and Keith shouted to them
- Dharak!!
- Helios!!
But Stygius interrupted them and continued the fight, saying
- No, only Drago will fight Hydranoid. Keep fighting!
Hitting Dan and Keith with his feet, he threw them to the ground and then Alaron joined the
fight, using his ten blades, Stygius deftly and smoothly blocked and dodged all his attacks.
Fortunately, that battle was interrupted, so there weren't power levels. Meanwhile, Hydranoid
flew on Drago and began to attack him. Then Drago tried to wake him up from his hypnosis
- Hydranoid! Do you hear me? Stop, it's me, Drago!!
Remembering how strong Stygius's control, Drago growled in annoyance
- Damn it! I forgot how powerful his control!! I am sorry, but you better sleep.
In this moment Drago and Hydranoid were fighting on their fists, sometimes throwing in
each other dark spheres or fireballs, while Stygius with his centuries of experience spent in
battles, he simply played with his rivals, mocking them as soon as possible, fighting with
Dan, Keith and Alaron, making them brawl with all what they have. It was one of the hardest
fight for them and Stygius, using his ability, said
- Alaron, you should be faster than you are. Ability activate: Dissecting Shadows!
Using this ability, Hydranoid's eleven heads disappeared and his claws were covered with the
shadow, striking with it Drago, the last one moaned from pain. And then Dan answered to
- No, I won't lose to you so easy! Ability activate: Dragon Flash!
It gave to Drago extra speed, during his movements, he left only flaming trails, not only
covering and continued hitting Hydranoid, on what Stygius used another ability, didn't
stopping to fight with Dan, Keith and Alaron
- How will you brawl with this? Ability activate: Flickering Darkness!
Then Hydranoid was covered in a purple and ruby colors, moving with Drago in equals,
Keith, trying to hit Stygius, asked him
- Tell us, why are you doing this all?
Dodging his strikes, Stygius was dancing with his opponents and said
- Hm... in any case you won't be ones who will ruin my plans. I will tell you what I am
Burning with curiosity, Dan ran onto Stygius, while Drago and Hydranoid were changing
with strikes, said
- So go on! Tell us what you need if you're hitting our friends for that!!
On what, grabbing Dan for his hand, said, dodging Alaron's attack with his saber
- One of my main targets is... Code Doom.
Brawlers and Alaron were shocked, hearing such a thing. Then Keith, releasing Dan from
Stygius's grab, asked him
- What... is this? Are you serious?
Then Stygius, sitting on the nearest rock, answered
- I am serious now. It is my true goal. Before we continue our battle, I will tell you about
Code Doom.
Dan didn't understand what Stygius is talking about, so he asked him
- Come on! What's this thing?
And then Stygius replied to him
- Code Doom is a full opposite to Code Eve. It has two differences between them; staying
near Code Doom, for unprepared organic creature, the reduction in his vital energy and even
how long he will live. The closer you get to him, the faster he takes your life. Power of Code
Doom were so afraid that almost all references to him were destroyed even before the
founding of Aelira. There were rumors about his existence for a reason, because there were
those who were able to avoid a speedy death from just being near him. But this effect can be
avoided. I have spent half of my life searching and collecting information about this
phenomenon and I have learned one thing: those who have already died and been reborn
cannot be influenced by Code Doom. As I saw in your past, you and Drago were in Doom
Dimension, so it doesn't count as your true death. However, Code Doom has such a
protection that even I cannot understand. I am telling you about my main target not because
of I want to reach that insane power and be a god of university or something like this reason.
I am searching for knowledge and you will be the one who help me in my researches, even if
you will try to avoid my game and play by your rules.
Listening to Stygius carefully, Dan, Keith and Alaron were deep in thoughts, trying to
understand what's Code Doom is introducing itself actually and how it can be found. But in
Dan's head appeared one little question, which he preferred to ask Stygius
- Then answer, why are you giving to us so much power and let us win? What's your true
And Stygius replied to him
- You still don't get it, do you? I have some plans on you and your bakugans and you need to
me. No matter how much stronger you've become, it won't change anything in my plans,
even if you will be able to kill me. Now you see why I didn't kill you in our first meet, did
Keeping silence, Dan and Keith didn't know what to say. It was so strange and at the same
time so unknown and even creepy because of Stygius's tricks. For a reason, it seemed to Dan
that the power of Stygius was on a completely different level and this was the very enemy
with whom he could not do anything. Only a miracle could help him in a battle with such an
opponent. And the best thing he could do was to become as strong as possible, so that there
would be at least some chance of stopping him. But here's the strange thing: Stygius does not
look like an ordinary enemy like Zenoheld or Barodius, hungry for power and enormous
power. It is difficult to call him a villain, although his actions are far from kind. No, his
actions seem to be such that he uses others for his own benefit and achieves his goal, no
matter at what cost. Nevertheless, despite his own interests, instead of simply eradicating a
potential threat, he makes them stronger, as if preparing them for something bigger. It was
hard to say what Stigius still needed, but one thing was clear: everything could be expected
from such a master, and there could be no accidents at all. After a few seconds of reflection,
Stygius interrupted their thoughts and suggested
- Well, then, shall we continue? Ability activate: Poisoned Spikes!
Then Hydranoid used dark spikes, created from his energy and tying with them Drago, he
pierced with them him and its poison began to drain Drago's power. But it wasn't too much
for him, during the effect of his poison, Dan used his another ability
- Ability activate: Volcanic Flame!!
With this ability, concentrating in his hands a huge fireball with red lightnings, Drago
released its energy on Hydranoid, making him to fall on the ground, on what with interest
looked on what happened to him. And then it was the last chance to take Hydranoid away
from Stygius, ho he used the final ability
- Let's go, Drago! We'll bring Hydranoid back!! Ability activate: Almighty Dragon Power!!!
When Drago's emerald on his chest shone, a lot of concentrated power was directed on
Hydranoid and then Stygius, trying to save him from that blow, used his own strongest ability
- Get ready, Hydranoid. Ability activate: Andromeda's Blade!!
Even in such difference between them their powers were in equals, but Hydranoid couldn't
hold on too long, so as expected, he lost the battle, and then everyone looked on them and
destruction after that shock wave, thanks to Alaron for protection Dan and Keith. Fortunately
for them, like renegades, like Aelira's troops were retired long ago, because they were
unnecessary to continue the battle in such wild conditions. While defeated Hydranoid was
lying on the ground, Drago was standing on his feet, when his shining stopped, he looked at
Stygius and said
- So, Stygius. You lost, so release Hydranoid from your control.
Then Stygius with a little smile answered
- Hmph. Just as I thought, you are stronger than I expected. I will complete the deal.
Releasing Hydranoid from his control with a snap of the fingers, he was unconscious and
back to the sphere, just what did Drago. As a reward, Stygius put his left hand on and helped
to Dan and Keith to take their bakugans from different places, using on them his gravity
power and bringing dragon five and Hydranoid to Dan's and Keith's hands. But Dan gave
Hydranoid to Keith, saying
- You know, I've got four bakugans already. I hope Helios doesn't mind if you'll have
Hydranoid, too, although he was Alice's bakugan, he'll be able to help us here.
Taking Hydranoid, Keith answered to Dan
- Thank you, Dan. It was a hard and creepy battle, but a reward is too good.
And then, Stygius, thanking for the fight, said
- You showed me a nice fight. I will see more of your strength later.
After his words Stygius was just disappeared and Alaron didn't have a time to catch him.
Looking at dragon five, which were unconscious from this battle, Dan said
- I hope we can have a rest and later get back to our trainings. Can we, Alaron?
Alaron, nodding to Dan, said
- Yes. You helped us a lot, but we need to get back to the king and take care about Dilan.
What about Dilan, so he finished with healing himself and came to Alaron. Then he said
- Ah, here you are. Are you alright?
Then Aquos Guardian said
- Yeah, Stygius just caught me off guard. Is it over?
- Of course, and we need to report to the king about what happened here.
And Dilan answered to him
- Then we better do it fast. Let's move!
After this, teleporting back to the throne hall, Dan and Keith were full of the thoughts about
words of Stygius about Code Doom. Nobody knew about this phenomenon and is it actually
exist. The more Stygius revealed secrets to them, the more they could get confused and even
scared. The worst thing is that the future development of events is unknown to anyone...
Chapter End Notes
Tell me if you like this story and you wonder how this story ends.
Episode 18. Reunion And Bonding.
Chapter Summary
Saving Hydranoid from Stygius's hands, Brawlers got a new ally who can help them to
increase their fusion powers. However, they also know something about what that
unknown powerful guy wants and like Brawlers, like Guardians, need to investigate his
target to understand what a great threat he's going to awake.
When Dan, Keith, Alaron, Dilan and their bakugans returned to the throne hall, Elnath saw
they all were battered, on what he asked his Guardians
- Ventus, Aquos, is everything okay?
While Dan and Keith were turning off their suits, Alaron reported about what happened on
the battlefield
- Just as you thought, your majesty, we were attacked by Renegades and this time they
brought three of their best warriors. But it's not all what happened...
Then Dilan continued
- There was Stygius, he attacked us, too with one of Brawler's bakugan by name of Alfard
Hydranoid. Fortunately for us, we could be able to take him as a reward for defeating and we
have learned more information about the purpose that Stygius pursues...
- And what is this?
Elnath was intrigued and he had a bad feeling about this, but he must know what happened
and what's Stygius searching. Alaron answered to him
- It is... Code Doom.
Judging by Elnath's reaction, he heard it at the first time and so the king was surprised.
Trying to understand what is this, he asked Alaron
- Ventus, did Stygius tell you what actually is Code Doom?
- Yes. He said the Code Doom is a full opposite to Code Eve. No one cannot find it, but it is
existing somewhere. However, even if someone find it, every creature who didn't died at
once, staying near with Code Doom, they will be dead for few seconds. This power is so
scary that almost all of annals about Code Doom were destroyed. What should we do, your
Elnath, thinking about the report from his Guardians, Elnath, reflecting on the report of his
Guardians, soon decided to search for information in the royal library, and at the same time
- Ventus, deliver my order to chief librarian to check everything about Code Doom and give
an information to me. Stygius stole the temple with the biggest library in Aelira, but he didn't
get the royal library. We need to find out what is this actually immediately. Aquos, escort Dan
and Keith to the royal hospital. They and their bakugans need a medical examination and
medical care. Ventus, when you complete my task, follow to the hospital, too. Who knows
what Stygius could leave on your bodies during the fight with him.
- Understood, my king.
When Alaron was teleported to the library for delivering an order to chief librarian, Dilan
transported himself with Dan, Keith and their bakugans to the royal hospital for a medical
examination. The hospital itself was crystal clear, and at the entrance, Dilan, Dan and Keith
had to first be cleaned of the dirt that had accumulated during their stay outside the hospital.
Moreover, both on clothes and on skin and hair, they underwent wet and dry cleaning in a
special opening, and only then they could safely pass. Surprised by such technologies, Dan
said with a smile
- Hah! Now I'm feeling like after the shower!
Dilan answered on Dan's words
- You are, Dan. It's one of our unique devices helping to keep us clean during the being here.
Binary cleaners are placed also in the other hospitals to keep our civils healthy and bring a
less dirt here. As I saw, your bakugans were hit in this battle, so they need to take a rest here
for 3 days. Why 3 days? Because we also can take analyses of their new abilities since the
last battle. I will call professor Jypheron for that later. But now, follow me.
Nodding to him, Dan and Keith came to the registry to ask where is medical examination for
bakugans is proceeding. When they went down to 2 floors, they could see a huge white hall,
which was surrounded by a transparent wall, next to which there were medical equipment,
and some of them were so huge that they were just right for bakugans in their full form.
Sometimes it took the transformation of bakugans to identify the cause of their diseases or
heal their wounds. There were doctors nearby, one of whom approached Dilan and greeted
him and the guests
- Good afternoon, dear Guardian and guests from the Earth. We glad to serve you here! I
guess, you all are here for examination, right?
On what Dilan replied
- Greetings. Yeah, the king ordered to me to come here for examination of my bakugan, and
also check other bakugan's condition after the battle on the border.
Then doctor, who was a male with white skin and greeted with Dilan and Brawlers, said to
- Now, please, throw your bakugans through this cyan field.
He showed on the cyan wall, which was before them. And then Dan, Keith and Dilan threw
their bakugans, shouting
- Bakugan, brawl! Baku Sky Raider jump!
- Go, Pyrus Heat Dragonoid, Darkus Dusk Dharak, Darkus Lunar Naga and Haos Solar
- Come, Darkus Blazar Helios and Darkus Alfard Hydranoid!
- Appear, Aquos Neon!
After when bakugans were appeared on the field in their real form, dragon... six? Yes,
although Hydranoid is a hydra, but why not? After all, Hydranoid and Drago are friends.
However, Hydranoid doesn't know about Drago's special connections with others. So the
question about will Hydranoid join their special team or not, was open. And then, seeing their
wounds, doctors started diagnostic and after this a healing. Meanwhile, the other Brawlers,
looking at their new weapons and suits, surprised by their Aelira's advantage in the science
and technology. When Mira with Gus and Marucho had only plasma blasters with laser
blades with the colors of their elementals, Shun had not just two blasters with two blades, he
had also throwing laser knives and several blinding and stunning grenades. And also, they
had battle suits, just like Dan and Keith. While Jypheron showed them how to use devices of
Aelira's techonology, Alaron came to them and said, being tired a little
- Professor, we are back. We need your assistance to analyze all of bakugans which belongs
to Dan and Keith.
Seeing only Alaron, Brawlers came to him and Marucho asked him
- Alaron! What happened and where's Dan and Keith?
- They are fine. He have found some of your old friends, I guess. His name is Alfard
Surprising by his new name, Shun asked
- Judging by his new name, Hydranoid evolved, too. But... did it happen by hands of
Nodding to Shun, Alaron answered
- He is. Stygius was also in the battlefield, fighting with him, we took Hydranoid and now he
is with us. Please, stay here, so I can transport you right into the royal hospital.
Then Jypheron replied
- Very well, Alaron. Fortunately for me, I managed to show all of their new weapons and we
also have some interesting things for bakugans. I will show it later, alright? It is still in
On what he said
- Very well. Now, let's go.
And when Brawlers, professor and Alaron were transported into the royal hospital, they
passed the same procedure as Dan, Keith and Dilan. But here Mira and Marucho were
investigating the hospital's devices very carefully, because they wished to know more about
technologies of Aelira as scientists. When they came to the diagnostic floor, they saw their
friends with their bakugans in real forms and then Mira asked Dan and Keith
- Dan! Keith! What happened there?
Then Gus, coming to Keith, asked him
- Master Spectra, are you alright?
What Shun with Marucho did the same with Dan
- Hey, Dan! How's the battle? Aren't you wounded?
Asked Marucho and Shun added
- What Stygius was doing there? And... your bakugans are in real form because of some
special healing and detailed diagnostic, right?
Firstly, Dan replied to them with a smile
- Come on, guys! I'll tell you everything! Anyway, during the battle with Renegades, we
were also saved and attacked at the same time by Stygius. It looks like, he was testing
Hydranoid's new power. Fortunately, we won him and now we have six strongest bakugans
in our hands! And... who's this one?
Noticing a professor, Mira answered
- It's professor Jypheron. He's a chief in technologies of Aelira. He gave to us some weapons
and devices for the next brawlings.
And then Keith added, answering to Mira and Gus
- Just as Dan said, we fought with Stygius and Renegades. They all are strong opponents, but
we tested our new skills and abilities.
Jypheron, taking from his bag an electronic tablet, began to analyze their last battle and
abilities of their bakugans. All of their abilities were interesting and powerful, but Drago has
two special abilities; it was "Improved Attribute Change" and "Eye of the Ether". Analyzing
their effects, in one moment professor asked Dan
- Hey, young one... tell me, what have you seen when you used ability "Eye of the Ether"?
Then Dan answered
- Well... that's an ability, which gives an effect as a shining left eye and plus a lot of energy
for bakugan who has this eye. What's wrong?
Then Jypheron said, looking at the results of searching
- Well, as you see, you have interesting weapons as your abilities. Unfortunately, I can't
observe it deeper because of low count of information about this eye. However, please, let me
know when you use it once more
Then Dan nodded to him as an answer on his request, while his and Keith's bakugans were
lying near each other because of analyzing. And then Drago whispered to Hydranoid
- Hydranoid, how did you evolve with Stygius?
Trying to remember this momet, but unsuccessfully, he said
- I don't remember that moment. Only what I can remember is being in the New Vestroia.
And that man made me fall asleep with just a snap of your fingers. Although, we're far from
our friends from the Earth, I want to help you with that Stygius and take him down. Only
after this we can go back home.
Nodding to him, Drago looked at Hydranoid, with a little blush and smile he asked him
- So why don't you to join our team and become "Dragon Six"? We can finally fight together
against our common enemies and look for each other. And... we need to talk about
something important later. What will you say?
- Heh, why not? I was boring at brawls and I want to test my skills more! I'll join to you!
Then Helios with a chuckling said
- Haha! I like this one! Maybe, we'll make a good duo. What do you think, Drago?
On what Drago replied
- I'm sure in that. But in combo we will have the strongest combination ever and there's no
doubt in our new power!
Dharak added, joining the talking
- The next brawls are promising to be very interesting... don't you think, guys? I would like
to watch on our new strength!
- Just as I am. Especially against Stygius!
Replied Naga and Wavern answered
- He is very strong, but we won't give up to him. Never.
And then, when analysis and healing were ended, Brawlers with Alaron and Jypheron were
looking for "Dragon Six" with a happy, because now they have a new member and now their
combo will be much stronger. And even not only stronger, but they have a new one for love
bonds... or as a minimum, a strong friendship between them. However, Hydranoid doesn't
mind to taste a love and friendship at the same time. Near to the evening, being in their true
forms and in special room for bakugans, Dragon Six met each other once more to introduce
Hydranoid as their new member of the team. Drago said then
- Hydranoid is the one of my old friends who helped us in the confrontation with Naga. And
now I am glad that we have no reason to fight each other anymore, expect only sparring, of
course. Hydranoid, before we will come back to Dan and Keith, let me to confess in one little
secret between us...
In that moment Drago was starting to blush and Hydranoid, noticing that thing, asked him
- Hm? What is it, Drago?
And then he replied
- You know, we... are not just friends. We have... a love between each other. I don't know
your feelings, but if you don't. we won't hold you...
Hydranoid, surprising by such news and blushing a lot, with uncertainty in his voice said
- Are... are you serious?.. When did you...
And Wavern said
- We noticed that a several days ago since the battle with Guardians as a test. However, we
just want you to know about it. We are trying not to rush a lot in our relationship...
- ...although it is a hard. But you can be the one who can help us. What do you say?
Asked him Naga and then Hydranoid, being in a little stupor, firstly remembered his
relationship to Drago. He knew that should him to give one more chance and they could have
some more love. And now, when he has some more partners for that, and all of them were
cute and nice dragons, Hydranoid agreed with them after some minutes of his silence
- Well... I should try it. Even if we won't have anything about it, we still can be friends,
Putting his first to others, Drago said with a chuckling
- Alright! Welcome to our new combo team!
And then Hydranoid, Helios, Dharak, Naga and Wavern bumped fists with each other, sealing
their bonds of friendship on that, after this conversation, they finally returned to the room
with Dan and Keith, where the two were sleeping. But not everything was going so smoothly,
because during all this time there was no news from the librarians. It's like trying to see an
atom with the naked eye. But, fortunately for them, in the next day they found some
information about Code Doom and then Alaron, coming to the throne hall, said to Elnath,
who was already sitting on the throne, said
- Your majesty! We finally have some more information about Code Doom!
Episode 19. Code Doom.
Chapter Summary
This chapter is a second part about explanation of the Code Doom, a full opposite of the
Code Eve. Guardians and Brawlers are finding out more information about it, while
Renegades are preparing to attack...
Chapter Notes
Happy New Year, dear readers! I hope you like this little present from me as a
compensation for waiting my next chapters so long. Enjoy the reading
See the end of the chapter for more notes
- Alright. What have you found?
Alaron, giving to the king a scroll, glowing with a light rainbow light, from which emanated
ancient magic, the king examined it carefully, remembering where he had seen this thing, and
then it dawned on him, remembering that his father had told him as a child not to open this
scroll until they faced such a great threat that the world had never seen. And at the same time,
Elnath remembered that his father had told him a story about two codes that existed long
before the beginning of centuries, while he was remembering this story, it seemed that the
king seemed to have fallen into a trance and was interrupted from thinking by Alaron, who
was worried, asking
- Your majesty?.. are you okay? What happened?
On what Elnath, waking up, look at Alaron and said to him
- Huh? Yes... Ventus, do me a favour and call Jypheron and everyone of Guardians here.
Also, bring here Brawlers from the Earth, too. It is very important. They must know about
Code Doom and professor will be able to help us in our investigations.
- It will be done, my king.
After these words Alaron disappeared, teleporting to Brawler's rooms, he knocked to them,
in parallel sending the message to Guardians and professor Jypheron. Fortunately for him,
Brawlers were already wake up and they were busy with their usual deals. For example, Dan
was doing push-ups, Shun was meditating, and Keith, Mira and Marucho were trying to
figure out what Code Doom actually was, because they didn't know anything about it, so
they're trying to find the answer by themselves, too. But now, hearing the knock to the door,
Gus opened the door and asked Alaron
- Greetings. How can we help you, Alaron?
- Good morning, Gus. I need to take all of you, Brawlers, to the throne hall by the king's
order. We got an information about Code Doom.
And Dan immediately ran to Alaron, asking him
- Hi! And, Code Doom? Is there something new?
Then Brawlers came to Alaron to ask him about Code Doom some more, but he interrupted
their coming questions and said
- You better hold all the questions to the king, because he knows it much better than me. Let's
They didn't make Elnath too long to wait and teleported to him with Brawlers as fast as he
could. Just like the professor, who turned out to be a couple of minutes later. And then
Guardians, starting from Subterra and Pyrus, they're appearing in the throne hall near the
king as their holograms. However, the last Guardian who joined to the meeting was Konan,
because she was busy keeping order in the city, on all three levels, which meant that she had
a lot of work to do. Even Coroth and Balter didn't have the same worries as her, because they
were keeping the order outside, while Konan kept the stability inside. However, when she
appeared, Konan said
- My apologies for late, your highness. What happened?
When everyone's here, Elnath began to explain the reason why everyone's here. Then he said
- Warriors and bakugans! I have gathered you all here so that you can hear the information
about Code Doom.
Balter, hearing in the first time such phenomenon, truly surprised, while Konan and Coroth
were the only ones who didn't surprise by such news. However, they listened to Elnath
carefully, trying to understand what he wants to say further. And he continued
- Please, listen carefully. Because I will tell you a story, which was told to me by my father.
Long ago, in a time before the birth of the first two bakugans, appeared keepers of Code Eve
to protect it until the last breath. Their duty was the only one, it is protection the Code Eve
while its giving a birth to Genesis Dragonoid and Genesis Dharaknoid. It was their special
mission which fail was not an option. However, where there is light, there is always darkness.
And it can't be changed, no matter how hard you try. I think you noticed that during all of
your battles with evil. But, you've met some villains, who did the terrible things to protect
something or someone, haven't you?
Dan with friends only silenced nodded to him, answering as "yes". Then Elnath said
- It will be easier for you to understand what I am going to say next; as you know, we have
two Codes and also with Codes are existing their keepers. Like my father said: "If two
keepers of their Codes will meet each other, the new power will rise in this world, which can
be used to bring the balance or destroy it once and for all." Now, our mission is as follows:
we need to find who are those keepers and stop them both. If they will awake this power, we
will get into the huge troubles. And we cannot accept it, for the balance of the universe. I
have the suspicious that Stygius is the one of keepers. We all have seen what he can do, even
if he didn't show all of his power. It would be logically. Because he is more than just an
ancient creature.
Then Elnath showed to Brawlers, Guardians and Jypheron a special scroll, explaining what is
- With this we will be able to stop them. However, before I will tell you what is the power
contains into the scroll, I will end the story. When the first bakugans were born, keepers of
Code Eve continued to protect it, what did the same keepers of Code Doom. So it would have
continued, but one day, some force, an order higher than these codes, created chaos between
the keepers, provoking the conflict between them and making them fight to the death. Only
the last two were survived and would be able to resist this influence. I don't know anything
about the past of Stygius, but I can say for certain; he is the one who will cause a lot of
troubles for us. And we have another problem: how can we stop with our strength? Just as I
said, we need to evolve, more and more to beat such an opponent like Stygius. Unfortunately
for us, we have another trouble, and it is Renegades. We don't know their leader, but I think
he has a connection to Stygius or to Code Doom. And now, we have two missions; to stop
Stygius and don't let him to meet with another keeper of Code. And the second target is the
leader of Renegades. After all, no one can exist without a head, except some creatures who
can survive without it.
While the king explained what did he find out, Brawlers had some questions to him. For
example, the first question was from Shun, looking at the scroll of Elnath
- Your majesty, if it's not a secret, could you tell us what's in the scroll you're holding?
On what Elnath replied
- I am sorry, Shun, but this scroll cannot be read without a special preparation which you
can't complete in your level. This thing brings a lot of troubles to your organism, blinding
your eyes or something. So, please, leave this investigation to me. Professor, I called you for
observing the scroll and development of the strongest weapons based on its strength. I am
counting on you.
- And I won't disappoint you, your majesty! I will start the work right now!
When Jypheron got the scroll, he transported himself to his laboratory. And then Elnath asked
- And... have you learned how to use technologies of Aelira?
Nodding to him, Marucho with a smile answered
- Sure! That was awesome! Especially with combat suits and new weapons. This will do
nicely for us in the next battles!
Then the king said
- So now you better get back to the trainings, because you need to keep yourselves up to fit.
Ventus, Aquos, get back to their training. Now, all of you can leave. I will be waiting for
While everyone of Guardians got back to their duties, bakugans of Dan and Keith, Dragon
Six, were training a lot and even having fun with bakugans of Dilan and Alaron, right during
the sparring. It was a nice moment for strengthening the bonds of friendship and love, which
inadvertently, but began with Hydranoid, too, blushing in some moments, when he was close
to Drago, what he did the same. Meanwhile, R
enegades after the retire because of failed attack, Pirate, Demoness and Priest woke up and
they were visited by their own leader, who was in a white cloak with a hood, hiding his face
with a hood and a mask, he asked them
- You lost to Guardians once again, you deluded fools! What happened this time?
Then Demoness answered to him, with a fear a little looking down at her legs
- Guardians had an unexpected reinforcement as Dragonoid with his friends and ruined our
plans. Now we are having a rest after the battle and in one moment to kill them all.
Reflecting on the words of his subordinate, he replied, realizing that these three would still be
useful to him
- Very well. Then you have another mission: find out who are those brawlers were, which
bakugans they are using and without the information don't even think to come back. After
this I will give you the next order which you can't fail.
And Priest said to his leader
- Lucky, I'm the one who's the best candidature as an actor, which helps me to penetrate into
Aelira's troopers inside and get the information about them more.
- Start the mission now.
- Understood.
Said to him at the same time and then, leaving some special gifts to them. Then it was the
turn of Renegades to strike Aelira's troopers down. While they were preparing the next plan
for the next attack, Brawlers had a lot of practice. When the training was paused because it
was a night already, Drago, Helios, Dharak, Naga, Wavern and Hydranoid could take a rest a
little with each other, meditating once more and seeing each other in their minds. This time
they were with Hydranoid, which was a little shy in such a lovely company. It wasn't
surprising, because he's like them, had the first time when he was hugged by someone and
even kissed, on what he blushed for some more. But he didn't mind about such warm touches
to him from such nice bakugans. The only reason how these six were fall in love in each
other fast is because they were fighting so much with each other that they were tired of that
and in some moments they thought, what if they could be friends or beloved. That's why such
hard things were going on with them so fast, and also, the only reason these six quickly fell in
love with each other is because they quarreled with each other so often that they got tired of
it, and at some moments they thought that if they could be friends or loved ones. That's why
such hard things happened to them so quickly, and besides, they were initially familiar and
already interested in each other. Therefore, it only accelerated the process of attachment to
each other and as a result of which their ties were strengthened and became much stronger.
With such a force of love and friendship for the Dragon Six, no obstacles and enemies could
separate them, as evidenced by the fact that now, falling asleep together in an embrace,
during meditations, they were constantly lying together in the form of spheres, which Dan
and Keith could not help noticing, who only watched stronger ties sprout between their
bakugans. They would like to talk about it, but they preferred to save such an interesting
topic for another time, because they were all very tired from training and their eyes were
already closing themselves, which made them automatically sleepy. Fortunately for Brawlers,
in addition to constant training, they could rest a little, so as not to lose interest in this case.
But evil did not slumber, and therefore the leader of Renegades brought to Pirate, Demoness
and Priest two special warriors, which abilities were unknown for them. These two were in
gray cloaks with hoods, waiting for their leader's order, they stood without moves and then
leader introduced them to Pirate
- Here. The Twins will help you to take some one or two Guardians. This time we will make
them to fight with all they have. They have some interesting abilities, which will be shown on
the next battle, so watch closely, my dear Pirate. And don't disappoint me anymore.
On what even with a little sweat on his forehead he said
- Sure, I... I won't!
It was like he was nervous, seeing his almighty leader. However, it was a justified fear,
because according to rumors, he slowly and painfully killed all those who disappointed him,
and now he not only gave strength to his soldiers, but also made sure that his best soldiers
were equipped with everything for victory. And now, all that was left to do for Guardians is
to wait the next attack on the border. Especially, these twins were promising to be very
interesting opponents for Brawlers and Guardians...
Chapter End Notes
Let me know if you wish to see how this book ends. Soon I'll publish one-shot about
Drago and, maybe, this experiment will be lucky. See you soon, dear readers!

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