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Zack was a sixteen year old with light skin and a large head of midnight black hair. He also had vibrant purple eyes. He was six feet tall with a decently muscular build. He was also obsessed with anthros, specifically dragons. When he was alone, it was all he could think of. His biggest wish in the entire world was to be an anthro dragon, and he would have given anything for it to come true. His room was filled with images of dragons as well as his own drawings of him as an anthro dragon. He viewed himself as more dragon than human. He felt like he could feel phantom limbs, except instead of a missing leg or arm, it was wings and a tail. To him, he was a dragon trapped in a human body.

Ryan meanwhile was dark skinned, with short black hair and piercing green eyes. Plus, while Zack was decently muscular, Ryan was much more. He was incredibly muscular and could one on one practically anyone in a fight, yet he still had a slim build like Zack.

"So where exactly are we heading?" Zack asked in an irritated tone. "It's just as you said. It's a sleepaway high school in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, Canada!" Ryan replied. "No really, where are we going?" Zack asked again, clearly getting angry. Ryan answered, saying, "Fine. We're heading to a school in British Columbia that's very different from a normal high school. I'll explain it in full when we get there because you won't believe me if I tell you it now. Let's just say nothing will ever be the same again. I'll tell you this one thing and that is that you're sharing a dorm with me and one other person." Zack didn't question it any further. He knew he would just get nowhere.

Seven hours later, they finally arrived on campus. It was unlike any high school Zack had ever seen. He'd looked at four high schools before settling on one for his first year and they were all the same. This place however, it was completely different. This place had a sleek, modern aesthetic, was well kept, and looked great. Ryan had told him that this place was leaps and bounds ahead of his school in all areas, including academics and judging by its first impression, he was right.

Up in the dorms, it was no different. They were large, open, and very nice with a high ceiling. Plus, there were three dorm buildings and Zack and Ryan had the penthouse dorm in the north building. "So Zack, what do you think?" Ryan asked. "Hot damn, this place is nice. Dorm? This looks more like a high end apartment! Also can you please tell me why I'm here now?"

Before Ryan could respond, the door opened and another person walked in. He entered, carrying a small yet fancy box that he placed on the counter. "Oh hey Ash. I assume you got the thing for Zack. Also Zack, this is Ash. I already told him about you and told him why you're here," Ryan said. "Okay Ryan, now I'm mad. Everyone knows why I'm here except me. Also hi Ash, nice to meet you," Zack responded. "Okay Zack, you might want to get yourself ready to hear a lot. Please don't interrupt me because and let me explain. This is gonna sound and be a bit insane," Ryan warned. Zack replied, "Okay, now I'm worried."

"So basically, this is not any normal high school," Ryan began. "Yeah, no shit!" Zack interjected as they walked into the living room adjacent to the kitchen. "What did I just say about not interrupting me?" Ryan responded. "Anyway, this is not a normal high school. This is a school for anthros. I know that sounds insane but this is a school for anthros. Ash and I are also both anthros. We can change into human forms, all anthros can, but our actual forms are anthros," Ryan continued. As he did, he transformed into an anthro red wolf while Ash changed into an anthro tiger.

Zack jumped back, saying in shock, "W- what? What the fuck? This is so fucking cool! Holy shit this is so cool!" "That brings be to the reason I brought you here. I know you love anthros and I know you dream to be one. Yeah, a bunch of people wish to be one thing or another, but I've seen your room, and I've seen your mind." Ryan went on, "I know that sounds insane but one of the first things you learn to do here is to peer into people's minds. Not to read their mind, that's not something we can do, but to peer into them and see if they're a chained spirit."

Still stunned, asked, "Okay this is a lot to take in. I know I'm not supposed to ask questions until you're done but what the fuck is a chained spirit?" "A chained spirit Zack, is someone who's soul is of a different species than their body. That's why it's called a chained spirit. It's a spirit of a creature, real or mythical, trapped or chained in a human body. Anyone who is brought and goes here is a chained spirit. The reason we come here is to become anthros because becoming an anthro means unchaining that spirit and freeing it. Plus being an anthro is just really fucking cool. Only chained spirits can become anthros. I'm a red wolf spirit and Ash is a tiger spirit." As this all happened, the sound sizzling emanated from the kitchen. Zack briefly looked over to see Ash at the stove, his tail wagging behind him.

"Wait, I think I figured out where this is going," Zack said as his eyes fixated on Ryan again. Ryan responded, "Congratulations Zack, you officially have more than two braincells! You're here because you're a chained spirit. Specifically, you're a chained dragon spirit. You're here to become an anthro dragon." Zack's jaw dropped. He knew where it was going but he was still shocked. He was somewhere between stunned because of everything happening and filled with joy at the thought of becoming what he deep down knew he was always meant to be, what he deep down always was. He would finally be freed of this human body of his and given the form that he was meant to have.

Ryan got up from the couch they were sitting on and walked over to the kitchen counter. He opened the box Ash brought in and from it retrieved a small vial of blue liquid. He walked back over to Zack and said, "Drink this. It will transform you into an anthro dragon. The way it works is like this. The chained dragon spirit and your human mind were never two separate things, you never had a human mind. Your mind always was a dragon trapped in a human body. That's how chained spirits work. No chained spirit ever has a human mind. Their mind is that creature trapped in human form. This substance works by unlocking the power in that spirit and unleashing it, breaking its chains. Drink it and it will transform you into an anthro dragon." Without any form of hesitation, Zack grabbed the vial and downed the entire thing. It tasted like grape.

Then, it started. Zack face lit up, he was ecstatic at the thought of finally becoming an anthro dragon. It was his dream, his obsession, and now it was finally happening. His muscles began getting bigger and stronger. He could feel it, it felt good! On his feet, deep gray scales began growing. His five toes merged into three, each bigger and possessing a large, black claw on it. Within fifteen seconds, his feet had gone from those of a human to those of a dragon. The scales spread up his legs, while the same scales began to grow on his hands. His fingers once again turned into claws, but this time, he kept all five of them. None of his fingers merged, but they still grew into the claws of a dragon. At this point, his clothes were incredibly tight so he used his claws to tear them off, only to find that his manhood was entirely gone. He quickly realized that Ryan and Ash also weren't wearing any clothes, and their manhood was missing. Their clothes had been torn off when they transformed.

The scales also started spreading up his arms too. They fully enveloped his limbs and began spreading up his torso. His chest and back too were covered in deep black scales. As they started spreading up his neck, he touched his human face one last time, knowing that was the last time he'd ever do so. He had a smile on his face as he did.

The scales began covering his head as his face began to stretch out into a draconic muzzle. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. It felt calming, feeling his skull stretch out into the face of a dragon. The entire transformation gave off a warm, cozy feeling. His teeth all fell out of his mouth and burned into nothing as they fell. Meanwhile, in his mouth they were all replaced by sharp, draconic teeth. Zack was also shocked that he kept his hair. Two black, S-shaped horns protruded from his head that ended in deep, midnight blue tips. His ears also turned into black fins. The point where his tailbone ended began to stretch and a long tail formed. As it did, small spikes grew from his back and tail, running from right behind his head to the tip of his tail.

Then, the final stage of the transformation began. Two arms sprouted from his back, each ending in three-fingered hands and each finger ending in a claw. Very thin and long protrusions grew from each of his new hands and between them, a membrane grew. The membrane was a deep, dark blue and stretched between the protrusions, his hands, and his side. He now had wings! Each wing was large, with a three clawed hand on it.

The change was complete. He was now an anthro dragon! He was covered in scales so tough a bullet would bounce off them harmlessly, claws on his hands, wings with a six meter wingspan, and strength enough to easily lift a couch with one hand. He was very clearly more muscular than before, yet still retained his slim build. Zack couldn't put into words how happy he was so with a smile on his muzzle, he ran to Ryan and hugged him. "Thank you," Zack said.

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