Capítulo sem título 98

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With another school week having come to an end, Drake, Jake, Alex, Crystal, Sean,
and Sean's younger brother, Tim were ready to begin their weekend at the house of the
Flamel family. The five teenagers had planned a get together after school where they would
play a new game that Jake had just bought, a game that was based off a favorite anime of
the six kids: Conqueror's Gun, and since Lucas wouldn't be able to pick up either Sean or
Tim for at least another two hours, the group figured this would give them ample time to try
out this new game and determine if they would want to buy it eventually.
Once they were about halfway home, Drake yawned loudly. He rubbed his eyes with
his index fingers before yawning again shortly after.
"Aw, man, it's so much easier to fly home or get a ride or somethin'..." the
half-dragon teen complained.
"No kidding," agreed Jake. "We go straight from taking the rail train, taking a bus, and
we've still got a ways to go."
"It's not any easier for us, you know," said Crystal. "Half of us here don't have wings
like the other half."
"That's true," Drake said.
Looking at Alex, Drake noticed that his adopted older brother was starting to look
sluggish as well. Alex was walking ahead of the group though with how long they had been
walking for, he was beginning to slow down just like his friends and younger brothers.
Alex didn't have his driver's license yet. In fact, he hadn't even attempted to get his
permit despite being old enough to drive which none of the rest of them were. Tim was only
nine-years-old and Drake, Jake, and their friends would have to wait another year before
they could try and get their licenses. Not that they themselves were in any particular hurry to
drive given how rough traffic could get, but they still felt it would benefit them to be able to
have a license, especially in situations such as this where they wouldn't be able to fly home
as they normally would.
"Hey, Alex?" Drake asked in an exhausted tone.
"What's up, Drakon?" asked Alex as he swung around, walking backwards for a few
feet and getting a good look at Drake before swinging back around and walking normally.
"Do you plan to get your license eventually?" asked Drake.
"Yes, I plan to get it eventually," said Alex in an annoyed tone.
"Could you do it soon? Then we can just drive home after school and we don't have
to walk too far?" whined Drake who was sounding more and more exhausted.
"Geez, Drake," said Sean. "I thought dragons were supposed to be tough. Aren't you
a half-dragon after all?"
"Yeah, but I'm also half-human, remember, Sean? My body still gets tired like a
human's since it is mostly human," Drake testified. "Right, Jake? Alex?"
Jake and Alex giggled.
"Sorry, Drake, you're on your own for this," said Jake, grinning at Drake.
"Yep. It's all you, Drakon," Alex teased.
"Oh, c'mon, you guys! Team Half-Dragon? No?" said Drake, looking around at his
fellow human/dragon hybrids.
Both Jake and Alex shook their heads. Drake groaned.
"Great. Abandoned by my own species. My own brothers," Drake said sarcastically.
Jake, Alex, Sean, Crystal, and Tim all enjoyed a soft, quick laugh, and while Drake
sulked for about three seconds, eventually, he too found himself joining in. As he enjoyed
laughing with his closest friends, he nearly forgot about how tired he was. The only things
serving as a reminder being how sore his legs felt and the glistening sweat that ran down his
face, some of which he found getting into his eyes which he ran the palm of his hand over to
wipe the sweat from.
After wiping the perspiration from his eyes, Drake glanced around at Alex and Jake,
a plan forming in his mind. He couldn't allow this betrayal he had just experienced go
unpunished and so, with Alex and Jake focused on walking, Drake was ready to put his plan
into motion. He snickered under his breath, holding his middle and index fingers as well as
his thumbs up against his torso, a devilish grin on his face.
Slowly, Drake turned to look at Jake. His grin growing wider, he reached over and
pinched Jake's arm.
"Ow!" exclaimed Jake, rubbing the area on his arm that Drake had pinched.
"Conqueor's Pinch!" said Drake as he ran past, making a pun on the anime
Conqueor's Gun.
Before Alex could respond, he found himself pinched by Drake as well.
"Yeow!" cried Alex.
"ZenoPinch Stories!" Drake said as he darted past Alex, this time making a pun on
the game series ZenoSword Stories.
"Hey, get back here, Drake!" Alex demanded. "C'mon, Jake! Let's get 'im!"
"Yeah!" agreed Jake. Payback time!"
The fully human members of the group watched as the two half-dragon brothers
chased after their third brother, catching up to him at the street corner. Alex grabbed Drake
by the back of the shirt as Jake came up to Drake and prepared to give Drake a pinching he
wouldn't soon forget. Crystal, not wanting to miss an opportunity to have something to tease
her friends with, reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her phone. She quickly
punched in her password and went to the camera app. An "ow!" was emitted by Drake as
Jake pinched his brother's right arm. As he got ready to give Drake another pinching, Crystal
began recording the three half-dragons, Sean and Tim gathering around her as they
watched from her phone as Jake pinched Drake again.
"Welcome back to another episode of 'Half-Dragons: Just Like Us...Only More
Dragony'. I'm your host, Crystal Silvers and today we observe the half-dragon in his natural
habitat: middle class suburbia. To a half-dragon, brotherhood and loyalty are concepts that
are just as important to them as they are to a full human or dragon. Watch what happens
when one half-dragon who tried to pay back his brothers for not taking his side in an
arguement is forced to undergo the same punishment he had inflicted onto them," Crystal
narrated in a soft, Australian voice.
She zoomed her camera in as Alex got a turn in pinching Drake. Drake laughed, let
out another "ow!" and demanded that his adopted brothers quit it, attesting that he had
gotten the point.
"Well, actually, you got the pinch, Drake," teased Jake.
"Oh, ha! Ha! Ha!" Drake replied sarcastically as he rubbed the areas on his arms that
had been pinched by Alex and Jake.
"Truly a breathtaking sight. No longer able to withstand the barrage of pinches, the
half-dragon who was on the receiving end surrenders to his brothers, defeated, drained, and
no doubt sore from being pinched all over his arms. This brings this episode of
'Half-Dragons: Just Like Us...Only More Dragony to a close. G'night, everybody," Crystal
concluded her short documentary, ending the recording and saving it to her phone.
The fully human members of the group ran over to the ones who were half-human.
Though finished with her "documentary", Crystal still held her phone up in front of herself as
though she was still filming her friends.
"Aaaaaaand cut, aaaaaaaaand scene! Nicely done, crew!" said Crystal, slipping her
phone back into her pocker.
Drake, Jake, and Alex stopped messing with one another and glanced towards
Crystal, Sean, and Tim.
"Did you just film another half-dragon documentary?" Drake asked. "What does that
make now, five episodes?"
"Uh, about two or three," Crystal answered. "I mean, hey, if we want people to know
about half-dragons, this is a good place to start."
The three half-dragons looked at Crystal with blank expressions on their faces.
"By filming us...pinching each other?" Alex asked confusedly.
"Why not? It helps to show humans and dragons that you're people just like them,"
Crystal testified.
"Yeah, pinching one another?" Jake asked.
"Hey, I bet your parents are probably home right now. Didn't you say your dad was
going to pick up your mom from work, Drake?" asked Crystal.
"Umm...yeah, but that–"
"Well, then we should get going. They'll be wondering where we are if we take any
longer," declared Crystal as she marched ahead of her friends.
The six continued down the street, making their way to the Flamel household. Drake
asked Crystal to please not put that video online, to which Crystal declared she made no
promises. The half-dragon brothers sighed, fearing she would hold that over them should
she choose to.
Continuing along their path, they eventually made it to the block that the Flamel
family lived on: Anglewood Boulevard. It was a quaint little neighborhood where the unusual
yet loving family lived in their cream colored two story house which was the fourth house
down on the right side of the street. A white picket fence surrounded the family's front lawn
with a walkway that led up fifteen feet to the house.
Coming up to the house, the six kids saw Titus and Sarah standing by the former's
car and talking with one of their neighbors: a twenty-three year old young adult male by the
name of Andrew. He was a tall man with black hair and brown eyes.
"Mom! Dad!" Drake called out to his parents as he approached.
Titus, Sarah, and Andrew all looked over at the six kids who were coming up to them.
The mother and father of Drake, Jake, and Alex smiled warmly at their children and their
friends as Crystal, Sean, and Tim greeted them.
"Hey, you guys," Titus said. "We were just shooting the breeze with Andrew."
"Hey, Andrew. Been a while. What's up?" Drake asked, grinning widely as he walked
up to the twenty-something, holding his fist out.
"Not much, kid. How've you guys been?" Andrew asked as he and Drake bumped
"Not bad. Just hanging out, school stuff, gaming, watching movies and anime. You
know," Drake said.
"The teenage life," said Andrew. "Hasn't been that long and I already miss it."
Andrew was one of the Flamel family's next door neighbors. He had lived on
Anglewood for about the same amount of time that the Flamels had and in that time, he had
become close to them. When he was a teenager himself, Andrew would often look after
Drake for Titus and Sarah whenever they had errands to run or urgent matters to attend to
that Drake wouldn't be able to be a part of.
As Andrew would continue to babysit Drake and on occasion, Sean and Crystal, he
would become closer to the half-dragon boy, his family, and his friends, even becoming
someone Drake looked at as a big brother figure. But then, after Andrew graduated from
high school, Drake would end up seeing less and less of him as he worked to earn enough
money to attend college. Because Andrew stayed on campus, he wouldn't often come
around the neighborhood except for rare instances such as if he needed to help his mom
with anything or if he had off.
But one day while chatting with his friends and Jake, Drake hears the doorbell
ringing. Drake goes towards the door, and opens it to see the incoming visit.
"Hello, Drake! It has been a long time since we last saw each other!," said Andrew.
"Yes, it has! How are you?," said Drake.
"I'm fine, and I want to show you something! You and your friends can come to my
home, the back garden there is bigger than yours!?," said Andrew.
"Of course! Give me a minute please!," said Drake.
"Ok my friend!," said Andrew while waiting for Drake and his friends to come.
Right after Andrew, Drake and their friends arrive at Andrew's house, they go to the
garden behind the house, where Andrew tells everyone: "Okay, I know Drake and Jake are
half-dragons, I'd like to show them my dragon form too!" "Go ahead Andrew," Drake and
Jake say at the same time. Then Andrew begins to undress, leaving only his underwear, and
thus begins his transformation. Andrew's body starts to grow, then his little finger melted
back into his hand, the purple and black scales that covered his hand, now reached his
shoulder and started to move down towards his feet as they covered his chest in a slightly
darker color scale, so you feel a bulge growing in your underwear. The underwear begins to
tear only at the back, and a huge hole appears, with a gigantic tail, but the underwear stays
intact. When the purple and black scales reached my feet they and my leg started to change
digitigrade posture. I saw my fingernails and toenails turn white as they lengthened and
sharpened into claws, as giant wings grew from my back. Scales began to cover my face
and it seemed to be pulling my face outwards in the shape of a snout as two giant, purple
horns grew from the top of my forehead. I had turned into Kizuato.
Kizuato, then summons a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also
controls them to merge with him. Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago, and
dharak), the 4 heads of all dragons, 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided
into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato. I also
summon wavern, viper helios and silent naga to my body as well and their bodies merge
with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my
chest wavern), with the 3 more heads of all the 3 dragons and their tails as well. Then other
transformations started to appear in his body. He soon rose past the 100' marker, before
other things about him changed as well: his frame became ever so slightly wider, and his
comparatively short arms extended and thickened to take on a more humanoid look, while
retaining the claws and superficial blue plating. Those same arms then proceeded to swell
and thicken, rapidly filling out with brawn that seemed to come out of nowhere. All the while
he moaned and chuckled in intoxication. His chest beefed up, the green v-shaped visor-like
structure on top of it got pushed outward by his developing pecs. The dragon's eyes glowed
a sick shade of royal purple. He stopped soon after at 150' tall.
The golden spines along his hide, including his horn, retracted inward, while he seemed to
grow once more, from 150' tall to 165' tall. The golden spines that had vanished from Drago
teethed out of his own backside, and a third golden horn appeared between his original pair.
And more changes occurred: the vaguely wing-shaped structures on his upper back started
to lengthen and mutate to the sound of bones popping and reshaping: dark blue webbing
came to be.
Those were wings he was growing, moulded after Drago's wings. They went on to expand
until they measured one and a half times their owner's height, which again surged to 180'.
The dark Bakugan roared, his purple aura flaring with more violence, purple arcs of energy
crackling around his form. He grew again, passing 200' in height, gaining a second tail, with
a tree-pronged barb on its tip. The leaf-shaped blades on his thighs retracted, allowing a pair
of armored hip guards to grow out, and then reappear, sharper than before on top of those
armor plates.
He roared, and perhaps involuntarily firing out a column of fire in ecstatic rapture.
Dharak blinked once but immediately afterwards he roared again, the energy arcing around
him began to flash more erratically, white cracks in the black.
He scaled upwards, to 285' tall, the barbs on Naga' shoulder pads grew on his own shoulder
guards, while a row of blue spikes knifed out of each of his outermost wing-fingers. A second
pair of horns protruded out of his skull, just as a second set of glowing eyes broke open
beside his original one.
He trumpeted out a roar of challenge yet again, even deeper and more ear-splitting than it
was previously.
Dharak evolved again, increasing in size from 350' to 400' and kept going, entering a new
transformative phase: feather-like quills appeared between the two rows of spines on his
nape and back, a third feather-tipped tail pistoned outward. His musculature blimped larger
still thanks to the immense energy of Wavern's Infinity Core. He gained a grotesquely ripped
ten-pack, veins thicker than trucks snaked around his swelling quads and hamstrings. His
biceps got so big he couldn't manage to bend his arm at an angle greater than 90°. His
snout stretched longer, his fangs enlarged and his claws sharpened in turn. From the back of
his head came a pair of black quills like those Wavern possessed.
A hurricane of euphoria exploded inside Dharak, whose frame pulsed larger yet, saturated to
the absolute max with atomic energy. One second later he was 900' tall, and the one after
that he was 1100', soaking up more and more power with hedonistic abandon.
His neck extended, becoming twice as long as his widening torso, another pair of horizontal
shoulder guards jutted out of his shoulders, as his original ones metamorphosed into a
second and a third head to match his trio of tails. A second pair of barbed wings grew just
below the OG, and as he matched, no, overtook his opponent in the size department,
Dharak smiled smugly, draining whatever scrap of G-power remained in the Infinity Core,
mushrooming at a truly ludicrous pace to 1600'... 1700'... 1800'... 2000' tall.
What followed suit was a multitude of final changes: the veinlets on Naga's body went on to
appear on Dharak's, though his were white, and pulsed with all kinds of power. Onto his
chestplate, the Silent Core manifested, and on each of his three heads a third pair of bony
horns protruded out.
One final spurt left him at 3000' tall, and at this point, both the Silent Core and the Infinity
Core inside him reacted, bestowing upon Dharak the power of all six attributes. His eyes
glowed white, his entire self was overfull with titanic strength; he cackled wildly in his
nightmarishly deep voice, flexing his muscles as arcs of elemental energy flashed around his
From the street, a red car was driving up the block to where the large dragon was emerging
from. The driver stopped at a stop sign and took the opportunity to get a glimpse of the large
"Yep. That looks about right," he said to himself before continuing up the street.
The man parked in front of Dharak's house and stepped out of his car. Are you there?
can you continue your part of the story. After the red car stooped in front of Dharak's

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