Capítulo sem título 19

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"Do we really have to do this, Rin?" Shima groaned as he looked into the entrance
of a dark and dreary-looking cave.
"Unfortunately yeah. I tried to talk Yukio into letting us do something else, but he
said that nobody's been down in this cave for years and they can't keep ignoring
"It'll be good training, Shima," Bon's voice called from behind the two. "There's
supposed to be a pretty high-level demon down here."
"You're making it sound worse..."
"Come on, let's just get this over with," Rin called out as he took his first step into
the cave.
"Could we have at least taken Konekomaru along? This doesn't seem very safe
with just the three of us..."
"Nah, he's got some kind of Aria training to do today," Bon replied. "But
regardless, we wouldn't have been assigned this mission if we weren't capable of
handling it. I'm sure we'll be fine..."
"Don't they assign Rin missions he can't handle all the time?"
"Shut it, Shima!" Rin barked at him. "Come on already, we haven't got all day!"
The three ventured ahead and disappeared into the mouth of the cave. Inside, the
walls echoed as water dripped from the stalactites onto the ground around them. As
they progressed deeper, the cave's aura became more and more unsettling, and it
became clear that a strong demon lurked below them. Hesitantly, they progressed
further downward until they came up on a large opening. Even after Rin intensified
his flames to provide some more light, they couldn't see the other end. Slowly, the
three proceeded forward.
"You think it's at the other end of this opening?" Shima asked sheepishly.
"I'm not sure, but stay alert. I think we're at the bottom," Rin replied.
The two finally reached the other end of the clearing, but there was no demon in
sight. The cave seemed to be totally empty.
"Damn, looks like there's nothing here. I was really itchin for a fight!" Rin sighed.
Suddenly, the ground began to shake. The three turned around and faced the front
of the clearing where they came in, and watched as the ceiling in front of them
started to crumble. The three put their arms over their heads, ducked down, and
waited for the rocks to settle, but a loud roar brought them back up to attention. As
the rest of the ceiling in front of them caved, a large bear-like creature descended
onto the rubble. Seeing the three, the bear let out a third and final roar, then
charged at them.
"Quickly!" Bon shouted.
Rin quickly dashed ahead of the two, lunging at the bear with his sheathed
Kurikara. Just before the bear struck him, he jumped over it and swung the sheath
down at its head, landing a clean blow and causing the bear to collapse to the
ground. Temporarily, the bear stopped moving, and it appeared that the fight was
"Is that all? What kind of mission is that?" Rin exclaimed.
As if angered by his words, the bear slowly got back up onto its feet and once
again let out a powerful roar. This time, its sights were set on Bon and Shima, who
were still standing at the back of the cave. The bear charged forward at the two,
and with Rin lagging behind they were forced to fend for themselves. The two
quickly recited Arias to create a large barrier in front of them, hoping that it would
be strong enough to hold off the demon, but the bear effortlessly broke through it.
Bon and Shima jumped out of the way, both narrowly avoiding its charge. It
slowed to a stop, then turned to face Shima.
"Rin, hurry up and knock this thing out!" Shima called out with a look of panic on
his face.
"Summon your familiars or something! I'll try to distract it!"
Rin ran in front of Shima and successfully grabbed the bear's attention with his
flames. It changed the direction of its charge and aimed straight for him, this time
leaping into the air above Rin, narrowly missing the edge of his tail as it crashed
"Okumura, unsheath your sword! This thing's too strong!" Bon called out.
Rin decided that he was right, and he pulled Kurikara free, aiming it at the bear. At
the same time, Bon and Shima summoned their familiars, Karura and Yamantaka.
The battle raged on for nearly a half hour before another opportunity to finish the
beast off appeared.
"Okumura, you got an opening!" Bon yelled.
"Got it!" Rin pointed his blade at the beast who had leaped into the air again. This
time, he wouldn't let him make it back down onto the ground alive. With Shima
and Bon providing covering fire from the back, and the bear at its weakest, Rin
lunged his sword into the bear's chest with incredible force, causing its momentum
to almost completely come to a stop. As Rin retracted his blade, the bear crashed to
the ground, defeated.
"Man, that fight really got my blood pumping!"
"Nice work, Rin!" Shima called out. "For a second there I thought it was never
gonna end..."
"So, how did a bear make its way down here, anyway?" Bon asked.
"Must have gotten possessed while still back up on the surface." Shima replied.
"Say... we shouldn't let that bear go to waste, should we?" Rin chimed in. "You
guys wanna give it a try?"
"Give what a try?"
"I'm saying I could try cooking up some of its meat!"
"That's pretty disgusting, even for you, Rin... Besides, the bear was possessed.
You don't know what kind of things have happened to its body since then."
"It's not disgusting, it's perfectly good meat! Just you wait and see, your mouths
are gonna water at just the mere sight of what I make with this!"
Bon and Shima exchanged disbelieving glances that Rin ignored as he walked over
to the bear's corpse.
"Now, you two gonna help me haul this thing back up to the surface or what?"
"How'd we get talked into this, Shima?" Bon asked as he looked uncomfortably at
the big slab of meat before him.
"He said he'd do our chores for the week if we tried the dish he made with the bear
meat. It's gotta be worth it, right?"
"Yeah I guess so. Let's just get it over with."
Bon cut off a piece of the meat and gave it a try. Rin looked on at him from in front
of the oven and could tell from Bon's expression that he liked it.
"Time to swallow your pride, Bon. I can see it all over your face!"
"It's... It's good..."
"You bet it is! Shima, you ready to give it a try now?"
"I guess if Bon liked it, it can't be that bad..." Shima took a bite and he too was
shocked by how good it tasted. His appetite, which was totally gone a minute ago,
suddenly returned to him, and he dug into the rest of the meat. Bon followed after
"Rin, aren't you gonna eat too?"
"I had some of it already, but I guess since I have so much left over I could eat
some more."
Rin joined the two at the table and ate his second portion. In only a few minutes,
Shima had already finished eating, and Rin followed soon after. Bon was a bit
slower to eat, so Rin gave Shima a second piece to eat while Bon finished his. As
Rin watched him eat, he began to hunger for a third piece, and once Bon finished
he seemed to want a second. Their dinner continued like this until the three had
finished the entire feast Rin had prepared. Everyone leaned back in their chairs,
totally stuffed.
"Man, we shouldn't have eaten that much..." Rin sighed. "I was hoping to have
some left over for Yukio to try..."
"Yeah... My stomach is way overfull..." Shima commented.
"Same here..." Bon added.
"Well, nothing we can do about it now," Rin replied. "Let's just play some cards to
pass the time. I'm sure we'll feel better in an hour or so."
The three began playing cards, and Bon and Shima slowly started to feel normal
again, but for Rin it was different. The sensation in his stomach started to feel like
something different than just eating too much, and it only grew stronger as time
passed. Nevertheless, he managed to endure it for the rest of the evening, and by
the next morning the sensation had faded.
"What's going on with me? Why won't it go down!?"
Rin stood in the shower looking down at his cock, which had somehow retained its
morning wood from over half an hour ago and refused to calm down. By this point,
Rin's cock ached with a need to cum, but since he had school that day he tried his
best to just let it be so that he wouldn't end up making himself late for class. His
efforts were futile however, as his cock only continued to ache, drawing more of
his attention with each passing second.
"Yukio's gonna be so mad at me, but I guess I don't really have a choice."
Rin started to masturbate in the shower, at first gently stroking his cock with his
hand but quickly accelerating until he reached a fast, steady pace.
"God it feels so good... Fuuuuck..."
As Rin continued to jerk off, he started to feel the same sensation from the
previous night slowly creep back into his body. This time, it felt strongest in his
"Shit, there's that feeling again... Uhnnnn what's huff... going on?"
The sensation grew more and more powerful, but there was nothing Rin could do
about it. The pleasure radiating from his cock was so intense that he couldn't stop
to worry about it. He began masturbating even harder, bringing his other hand
down and making small thrusting motions with his hips. He continued this way for
another ten seconds or so, getting a good amount of pre out in the process, when
suddenly a crackling sound filled the air. Rin looked down and watched as his cock
began to stretch longer, pushing outward from the base more and more every time
he thrusted forward.
"I- uhnnnnn... Fuck what's huff... happening to me?"
Rin still couldn't stop himself. He continued to jerk off as hard as he could, and
with each thrust his cock continued to grow longer. He looked down at the base
and noticed that it was starting to get thicker, too. As he continued to masturbate,
his balls began to swell, and he could feel them rapidly filling with cum.
"Fuck I'm so close huff... I-... I can't stop!"
Rin thrusted with more and more force, his cock inching longer and growing wider
with each passing second. He felt as his balls sank lower and swelled bigger.
Suddenly a new sensation joined the others, and he looked down to see dark blue
hairs sprouting along his balls and around the base of his cock. It began spreading
up his shaft as his pubes thickened and elongated. Though the running water from
the shower partially masked it, Rin could smell a powerful and intoxicating musk
radiating from his cock. He leaned over to take it in, and the scent pushed him over
the edge. He leaned back against the wall and blasted the shower head with his
cum. For what felt like an eternity he painted the shower with his seed, wave after
wave of cum shooting out of him as his cock continued to elongate and his pubic
hair continued to thicken. The sensation was utterly euphoric. Finally, after a whole
three minutes of cumming, his climax came to an end, and he sank down onto the
shower floor, out of breath and in need of a break. He looked at his now incredibly
thick 12-inch cock, watching as the veins along his shaft throbbed. His balls now
completely filled the space between his legs and had become incredibly hairy. He
smirked, liking his new changes his body had undergone. He sat there for a minute
and rested before finally coming back to his senses. His eyes widened as he
realized it.
"Crap, I have class!"
He scrambled to quickly wash his re-dirtied body a second time, but soon decided
that he was already going to be late so there was no point in rushing. He slowed
down and took his time, making sure to clean his cock and balls thoroughly. It took
several minutes for him to finally get the musk out, but nevertheless he had done it,
and after he dried off he threw on some clothes and booked it to class.
"Well Rin, I don't suppose you know why I'm angry with you," Yukio's stern
voice called out as Rin opened the door to the classroom.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I- umm... well it took me a bit longer to get ready this
"Oh really? And why is that?"
Rin did his best to come up with a believable excuse. "Ummm, well I didn't have
any clean clothes, so I had to wash some..."
Yukio sighed. "Be more careful next time... I would like to go one week without
you showing up late for once."
Rin walked over to his desk and sat down. "Sorry again..."
Yukio pretended not to notice, but he could easily tell that Rin's manhood had
gotten bigger. Truthfully, the whole class could see it just by glancing at him. Rin's
cock formed a clear outline against his pants that extended more than an inch
outward. Rin knew that he wasn't fooling anyone into thinking all was normal with
him, but nonetheless he tried to play it cool and focus on the class. From across the
one room, Bon and Shima couldn't help but glance at his bulge every now and
"He wasn't that big last night, was he?" Shima whispered.
"There's no way. I would have noticed... It's kind of impossible not to now," Bon
whispered in reply.
"Yeah, you're probably right..."
Neither of them could really focus on the lecture with Rin's changes sitting on their
minds. For some reason, it seemed to weigh on them more heavily than on anyone
"Maybe we should ask him about it..." Bon whispered to Shima.
"Yeah... I can't focus without knowing what happened..."
"Hey, that's enough chatter back there!" Yukio called out.
The two refocused themselves on the lecture, which soon came to an end. Yukio
dismissed the class, and everyone began collecting their things. Yukio gave Rin
one last glance before leaving.
"I must be seeing things..." he thought to himself.
Bon and Shima tagged along behind Rin as he headed back to his dorm. As soon as
the three were alone, Bon reached out and placed his hand on Rin's shoulder.
"Okumura, you wanna tell us what happened?"
"Wh-... what do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb. Your... well you know..." Bon blushed slightly with
Rin smirked. "Not really sure what you're talking about," he lied.
Bon started to get frustrated, clearly seeing through Rin's pretend ignorance, but
still he couldn't ask the question directly. Suddenly, however, Shima stepped in
front of him and saved him the trouble.
"How'd you get so big!?" he blurted out.
"Ohhh, so you noticed?" Rin smiled at the two with some undeserved sense of
"Of course we noticed! Everyone in the damn class noticed!" Bon shouted at him.
"This some kind of lame trick you're pulling or something?"
Rin, unwilling to share a story about masturbating in the shower, but also unwilling
to pretend that he's just playing some kind of weird joke, decided to act like he
knew nothing about it. "Well, I don't really know myself. I-... I guess it just
happened..." he replied.
"It just... happened?" Shima asked with a disbelieving expression.
"What can I say, I guess it's just one of the perks of being a demon!"
"Oh that's rich!" Bon exclaimed. "Tell us what really happened!"
Rin smirked. "Hmm, why all the sudden interest? You jealous or something?"
Bon's face went red with a mix of anger and embarrassment. Truthfully he didn't
know why he was getting so worked up about something that shouldn't matter. It's
not like Rin's new size meant anything to him, right?
"Whatever. Don't tell us then. Let's go, Shima." Bon grabbed Shima by the wrist
and dragged him along. Rin smiled and turned away from them to head back home.
"Shit. I can't keep going to classes all day looking like this..."
Rin looked at himself in the mirror and saw for the first time just how prominent
his bulge was. He hadn't really noticed it in his haste to get to class, but seeing
himself now he realized why he had attracted so much attention from his
"No wonder everyone in class saw it..." Rin sighed to himself and lay down on his
bed. "I guess Bon and Shima were right to be suspicious. I shouldn't have acted all
high and mighty when even I don't know what's going on..."
Rin looked at the ceiling, thinking about what he should do, when suddenly he felt
his cock begin his stir again. He sat up and looked at his bulge, watching as the
fabric of his pants was slowly pulled tighter and tighter.
"C'mon, not again! I didn't even do anything!"
Rin lay back down and tried his best not to think about it, hoping that it would
calm down if he simply ignored it, but he had no such luck. His arousal began to
rise as his cock continued to press outward against his pants, and before long they
had become uncomfortably tight. He sat back up again and watched as the zipper
was forcibly unzipped to create more room, which his growing member quickly
"Ugh, still so tiiiiight..."
Rin hunched over as the button at the waist popped off, and his dick quickly shot
upward, pressing against his underwear harder and harder until it tore through them
completely, leaving it completely exposed. The arousal Rin was feeling doubled in
a matter of seconds, and pre began to leak from the tip. It didn't help that his musk
had started to return despite the extra-long shower he took. Rin placed his hands
along the shaft and moaned as each small movement he made sent waves of
pleasure through it. His cock was so sensitive that he could hardly bear to stroke it
with his hands. He settled for a slow, massage-like pace to jerk off with, and as the
minutes passed more and more pre leaked out of his cock. He watched as it ran
down the side of his shaft and pooled onto the bed sheets beside him.
"Fuck, this feels so goood..."
Suddenly, Rin felt the strange sensation he had felt the night before and while in
the shower this morning, but this time it wasn't concentrated into his cock. This
time, he felt as his entire body was overcome with it.
"N- no... Not uhnnnn... not again!"
A now-familiar crackling sound began to emanate from Rin's hands, and he looked
on as his fingers began to grow around his shaft. He groaned as his palms followed
suit, stretching bigger and swelling with muscle. He looked at his arms as the
growth spread up them, his forearm muscles slowly beginning to press outward
against his skin. Though each part of the transformation hurt, it felt strangely good.
Pre began leaking even harder than it had been from the tip of his cock, which he
continued to stroke with his beefed-up hands.
"Fuuuuckkkk. Feels huff... amazing..."
He watched as his biceps and triceps each began to swell as his arms started to
grow longer. He smiled, feeling immediately just how powerful they were
becoming. He took one of his hands off of his cock to feel one of his swollen
biceps, smiling as it continued to grow against his hand. Suddenly, Rin's attention
was drawn towards his chest as his pecs began to expand. He looked down and
watched as they each swelled rapidly, thickening with muscle and pressing further
outward against his skin with each passing second. He took his hand off his bicep
and cupped his pecs, moaning as they too grew against his hand. They pressed
harder and harder against his shirt, which was ready to burst at any moment. Rin
"Let's huff... get this thing off!"
Rin flexed his arms and pecs as hard as he could and watched as they tore his shirt
to pieces. Now unrestricted by his clothes, his pecs began to grow even faster, and
he moaned as milk began to leak from his nipples and run down his abs, turning his
arousal up a notch. He looked down at his abs and watched as they too began to
grow. He moaned as each pair of muscles pushed out several inches into the air. He
ran his hand up and down them, admiring his growth, and he felt as hair began to
grow in the creases between them. His attention was quickly pulled back towards
his cock as his pubes thickened even more and additional hair grew in along his
shaft, empowering the musk that had already filled much of the air around him. He
watched as his hair started to grow down each of his legs, which swelled with
muscle all the while. He groaned as the upward pressure from his growing quads
and the downward pressure from his growing calves pulled his pants tight. Before
long, tears had formed along each of the pant legs, and with one large surge of
growth they tore apart completely. Last were his socks, which were ripped apart by
his toes as his feet stretched longer and longer. Hair grew in along the tops of them
as they swelled with muscle. He looked at his toes and watched as his nails slowly
began to grow and sharpen. By this point, huge volumes of pre were leaking out of
his cock every second, and he was getting close to climaxing for a second time that
day. He continued to stroke his cock with one hand and admire his growing
musculature with the other. As he jerked off and admired his changes, his
fingernails started to elongate. At the same time, his palms and soles started to
grow thicker and begin to harden. He groaned as a powerful mix of pain and
pleasure welled up inside him, and his body began to quickly grow in size. He felt
as his torso and legs quickly stretched longer, pushing his feet all the way to the
end of the bed as he grew to more than eight feet tall. He was in ecstasy, and the
growth showed no sign of stopping.
Bon walked out of their second class for the day, still carrying a little anger from
his conversation with Rin earlier. Shima followed behind him, and as the two
started to head down the hallway towards their dorms, they saw Mephisto walking
towards them from the other end.
"Studying hard, boys?" Mephisto asked playfully.
"Oh, hello Mephisto. How are you doing?" Shima asked.
"I'm quite alright, but what about your friend there? Suguro, was it? You're
looking rather glum."
"Oh, he's just a little annoyed with Okumura."
"Which one, Rin or Yukio? As if I have to ask..."
"Yeah, it's Rin. For some reason Rin's, uh... well, let's just say he's gotten a little
bigger recently, and when Suguro asked him about it he wouldn't say why."
"Hmm, I guess he's about that age..."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean perhaps Rin doesn't even know himself. I doubt anyone's ever told him
this, but puberty is a little less predictable for demons. Rin could just be
experiencing it much faster than a human would."
"Really?" Bon stepped in. "So just because of puberty he could get noticeably
bigger overnight?"
"Well overnight no, probably not. Though I guess it's happened before..."
"It's... happened before?"
"Well, I heard a rumor about that happening to one demon when he consumed
some meat from this animal that was possessed by another demon. People were
saying that the meat must have boosted his energy a little too much and his body
took it from there."
Shima and Bon exchanged knowing glances.
"Well, it's not really anything you two should be concerned with, anyway. Rin will
be fine, so don't worry about it."
"Oh, okay... Thanks for letting us know!"
Bon and Shima scurried away and began racing for Rin's apartment. Though
Mephisto told them that there was nothing to worry about, they still somehow felt
compelled to go and check on him. For all they know Rin's body could be
undergoing even more changes at that very minute.
"I knew we shouldn't have let him take that bear back with us..."
They got to his door and knocked a few times. When Rin didn't respond, Bon
called out to him.
"Hey Rin, you alright in there? Shima and I are coming in."
Rin, in an unrecognizably deep voice, yelled out a somewhat angry "No!," but it
was too late. Bon had already swung the door open and the two stood with their
mouths agape as they saw the growing beast in front of them in the midst of
climax. Cum was rocketing out from his cock so high that it was crashing into the
ceiling and raining down in front of them. Rin's body had continued to grow
hairier and swell even bigger with muscle. Pools of cum had formed along the bed
and carpet, joined by two pools of milk resting on either side of his pecs. The two
cautiously walked into the room as the beast's climax slowed to a stop, recognizing
that it was indeed Rin who was lying in front of them. By this point, his body was
covered in a thin layer of fur, and his hands and feet had completely morphed into
claws. His ears had stretched even longer than they usually were, and his canines
had started to grow longer and sharper. Both Bon and Shima blushed, feeling
slightly aroused at the sight of Rin's massive, demonic body. Rin looked at the two
standing in awe in front of him and went red with embarrassment.
"B- Bon! Huff... Shima! Huff... Wh-... what are you huff... doing here?"
Bon and Shima felt uncomfortable surrounded by Rin's spent load, but since there
was no pretending they didn't see anything, they felt that it was too late to walk
"Rin, what happened to you!" Shima exclaimed. "I didn't know this is what
Mephisto meant when he used the word puberty. I- I just thought he'd be a little
taller or something!"
"Yeah, same," Bon replied. "He looks more like a beast than a demon!"
Rin couldn't believe that the two started having a conversation in front of him
while he was sitting totally naked in front of them, especially after having just
"Guys huff... Get outta here!" he yelled.
"Okay, okay, sheesh!" Bon replied. "We can go, but well, we talked to Mephisto
and figured out what's happening to you."
"Y- you do?" Rin asked with a puzzled look on his face.
"See, I knew he didn't know why!" Bon turned and exclaimed to Shima before
looking back at Rin. "Look, Okumura, it's the meat from that bear. Because it was
possessed by a demon, apparently the energy from the meat is speeding up your
puberty, or something like that..."
"Or something like that?"
"Believe us or don't! It's just what he told us!"
"Okay, okay. Thanks for telling me."
Before the two turned to leave, Shima took a deep breath and noticed a surprisingly
pleasant scent in the air. "Wow, it actually smells really good in here."
Bon took a deep breath to see for himself. "Oh wow, you're right."
"It-... It does?" Rin tilted his head in confusion.
"Y- yeah..." Shima continued to take more deep breaths, taking in as much of the
scent as he could. Slowly, without realizing it, he inched closer and closer to Rin as
he did so.
"W- wow... Rin, you smell... really good..." Rin blushed with embarrassment. He
wanted to shout at them to leave again, but for some reason he didn't speak. He
smiled slightly as Bon leaned in to take in more of his scent and agreed that he
smelled really good. For some reason, he kind of liked the positive attention,
however strange it was. The two continued to inhale the musk emanating from
Rin's body, and slowly seemed to lose all sense of themselves. They would have
stopped what they were doing if they had realized it, but they had somehow
become totally lost in what they were doing. Rin moaned as Bon put a hand on his
cock while leaning over to take its scent in.
"Mmm... Fuck, Rin... It smells so... goooood..."
As Rin's arousal started to rise, he felt the sensation beginning to return. This time,
he was ready for it. He turned from the side of the bed and sat up against the back
of the bed frame. Shima and Bon quickly climbed up onto the bed on either side of
him, groping his body as they continued to take Rin's scent in.
"Don't huff... stop..." Rin said softly as he felt his balls begin to swell with cum.
Hair began to sprout along them again, and soon hair was growing in all over his
body, intensifying the musk in the air even more dramatically and sending Bon and
Shima even further into their trance. Suddenly, Rin's body began to grow again. He
felt as each of his muscles pulsed and expanded, pressing outward in all directions.
With the added weight of Bon and Shima, the bed sank quite low, and with one
more surge of growth Rin's body caused it to collapse. The three weren't fazed at
all. Bon and Shima only continued to worship Rin's growing body. Shima was
licking up the milk that had begun to leak from Rin's pecs, and Bon was downing
the pre coming from the tip of Rin's cock, which swelled ever bigger with each
passing second.
Suddenly, a host of new changes started to take place. Rin's long, pointed ears
began to shift upward along his head, and his palms and soles continued to thicken
until they had become full-fledged paws. His neck started to thicken and elongate,
his traps quickly swelling with mass to support it. Hair started growing in around it
even faster than everywhere else, forming a thick ring of fur that reminded Rin of
the bear he had fought the other day. He groaned as his skull started to crack and
shift, reforming itself into a muzzle. His nose stretched and reshaped itself into that
of a bear, heightening his sense of smell. His arousal only increased as he took in
even more of the musk that emanated from his hairy body.
"Uhnnnnn huff... I'm already huff... close again... Fuuuuck..." Rin muttered in a
noticeably deeper voice.
Bon and Shima felt up every growing muscle on Rin's body as his body continued
to swell with mass. Rin rotated his body to face the rest of the room and give
himself more room to grow. His body resembled that of a bear, but as his ears,
claws, and tail continued to swell bigger, he looked more and more demonic with
each passing second. The hair that had grown in on every inch of his body now
formed a dense layer of dark blue fur, which Rin rubbed playfully.
For several more minutes, his body continued to grow, filling more and more of the
space of his room. Bon and Shima came several times, Rin's body and scent
pulling every last drop of cum out of them. Rin, on the other hand, had plenty to
spare, and his balls were left swollen with cum that ached with a need for release.
Rin gestured to his cock, and Shima and Bon both turned to help get him off, the
three totally absorbed in their lust. Before long, Rin's body stretched from wall to
wall, and he had grown to over 20 feet tall. His pecs swelled thicker and thicker,
obscuring his vision of his swollen abs, and he felt his body widen as his delts, lats,
and ass all stretched outward. His feet pressed against the wall as they grew
upward, his claws thickening and growing sharper all the while. His arm and leg
muscles continued to grow thicker, each one pulsating against his skin as they
swelled with mass. His canines continued to grow longer while the rest of his teeth
sharpened to a point. All the while, his cock pressed further and further upward as
it grew to over eight feet in length. Just as he was getting close to climaxing, horns
began to jut out from his skull and stretch upward into the air, making his
appearance look even more menacing and demonic than before.
"Don't stop! Gonna... CUMMMMM!!!"
Rin's cock expanded as cum rushed to the tip and shot out in all directions, raining
down over the room and covering both Bon and Shima. The two stood next to
Rin's cock to take in as much of his seed as they could, each cumming again as
they did so. Several minutes passed before Rin's climax finally slowed to a stop.
The room was drenched in Rin's seed, and Bon and Shima's stomachs were totally
stuffed. The two lay down on either side of Rin to catch their breaths, Rin doing
the same from back against the wall over his collapsed bed.
"That huff... was huff... amazing..." Rin exclaimed between breaths in his now
incredibly deep, commanding voice.
"Y- yeah..." Bon replied.
"Yeah..." Shima agreed. He turned to Rin and looked over his appearance, noticing
each aspect of the transformation that he had undergone.
"It looks like the bear we fought huff... had an influence on your changes..."
"I- huff... I guess it did."
"More importantly..." Bon interjected. "Are you huff... done growing?"
"I guess huff... I guess we'll just have to wait and see..."

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