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It has been 20 years since Hiccup and Toothless had saw each other even in the hidden world, and of course a lot have change in those years, Hiccup by his eternal bond with Toothless finally had reach what he always wanted be a dragon in all the meanings of these literral phrase, but of course not any dragon, he was a night fury male hermaphrodite which means he has both reproductive organs of females and males fully completed and working well together... both valka and stoick, Hiccup's parents, were alarmed by this fact in a first moment but with time they manage to convive well for the time being evrn in those last 20 years... hiccup even still learning and adapting to something new about his own new body even after 20 years has passed since those changes happened to him, still of course had to manage new berk as the new chief, since stoick retired from this function, even not seeing Toothless even during all those 20 years, neither the light fury, Toothless's offsprings, not even a mental link, had made him worry of what have happened to all the dragons, since they have a bind forged through all those years, neither an hi was made in those full 20 years away of each other, valka said to him that they couldn't go unadviced to the hidden world without Toothless saying that they had violated their kingdom, because even through those 20 years, Toothless was strictly and untevoked the true alpha and king of his own kingdom, from the hidden world to the nine realms, so even the minor flap of wing above the territorial waters would be a declaration of unautorized invasion not mattering all the bond they shared through all those years... hiccup wonders if it's a good thing to let Toothless all that time without they saw each other again, but in the end he have agreed with himself that it was the best thing to be made, because in last circunstances Toothless was in last and most primal thing a dragon with his own instincts and instinctual concerns and his own dragon life would come above even above his shared bond eith hiccup through all those years (begin a story with this introduction) (attention for the dialogue and narration equal with the dialogue of the movie, not a fantasy like your pre programed answers...)

Title: A Reunited Flame
The island of Berk had changed over the past twenty years. It was a quieter place now, with Stoick having retired and Hiccup, the new chief, steering the island into a new era. Yet, despite the progress and the new challenges that came with leadership, there was a constant, almost imperceptible ache in Hiccup's heart—an ache that spoke of a bond long separated.
Hiccup stood at the edge of a cliff, the wind tugging at his long, dragon-like features. He looked out across the waters, where the hidden world lay beyond. His eyes, both dragon and human, searched the horizon for any sign of the one he had been separated from for so long.
Valka approached quietly, her presence gentle but filled with unspoken concern. "Hiccup, you've been out here for hours. It's cold. Come inside."
Hiccup turned, his dragon eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and resolve. "I just can't shake the feeling that I should be doing more. It's been twenty years, Mom. I haven't seen Toothless or the Light Fury or any of the dragons."
Valka placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder, her voice soft but firm. "We've discussed this. Toothless is the Alpha of the hidden world. We must respect his domain. He rules with a strict and ancient code."
Hiccup nodded, though the weight of the years seemed heavier now. "I know. But sometimes, I wonder if we've made the right choice, keeping our distance for so long."
Valka's eyes softened. "You and Toothless have a bond that transcends more than just physical presence. He knows you're here, and he knows you respect his realm."
A distant roar echoed from the valley below, a familiar sound that made Hiccup's heart skip a beat. It wasn't the roar of Toothless, but it was a reminder of the world that lay hidden and out of reach.
Valka's gaze followed Hiccup's, a knowing look crossing her face. "Perhaps it's time for a change. Time for you to visit the hidden world and see Toothless again. It's been long enough."
Hiccup's eyes widened with a mix of hope and apprehension. "You really think it's the right time?"
Valka nodded. "The world has changed, and so have you. Toothless will understand. The bond you share is strong. It's worth the risk to see him again."
A decision had been made. Hiccup knew the journey would not be easy, but he also knew that the time for reconnection had come. He turned back to the horizon, his dragon form casting a powerful silhouette against the setting sun.
Hiccup: "I'll prepare for the journey. It's time to face the past and see what the future holds."
Valka watched as Hiccup walked back toward the village, her heart filled with a mixture of pride and worry. She knew that this reunion was not just about seeing an old friend but about reconciling the past with the present.
As night fell over Berk, Hiccup began his preparations. The path to the hidden world was fraught with challenges, but he was determined. The bond with Toothless had endured through two decades of separation, and now it was time to reignite the flame of their connection.
With every step he took toward the unknown, Hiccup felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that no matter what awaited him, the bond he shared with Toothless would be a guiding light in the darkness.
And as he set out on his journey, the stars above seemed to shimmer with promise, hinting at a future where dragons and humans, bound by love and friendship, could once again find their way back to each other.

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