Capítulo sem título 144

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Phil couldn't believe his luck when he stumbled into the deep cavern full of gleaming gold and shining silver. A few days ago he had heard from a few sources that a mountain range a few miles away from where Phil lived was home to a gigantic treasure, but from what he had heard, the treasure was cursed – no one who tried to claim it for their own had ever returned from the place. Even the world's best tomb raiders had disappeared without a trace when they tried to find the treasure.

"Oh man, look at this stuff!" He grinned from ear to ear, looking at the giant treasure hoard. "With this much stuff I'll be set for the rest of my life!" He dove toward it, grabbing loads of coins, pendants and gemstones in his hands, beginning to pile them into the backpack that he had brought with him for the sole purpose of taking as much of it as he could in one go. "It might take me a couple trips back to this place, but I'll leave this cave with every last coin!"

It was rare that Phil had a greedy thought, but all this treasure was proving to be a bad influence, his eyes gleaming. As he shoveled more and more into the bag, he was unaware that his eyes turned a deeper shade of blue, the whites of his eyes turning yellow as the pupils pulled into thin slits.

"Every last coin will be mine..." he thought, crimson scales beginning to slowly grow over his body, the human flesh flaking away. His hands twitched involuntarily as sharp black claws emerged from his fingertips. The palms of his hands swelled out, putting pressure on the fingerless gloves he wore, splitting further as his hands gained slightly in size. Every muscle in his body was on fire as the gold corrupted him in body and mind.

"Damn it...the bag's nearly full..." he growled, the sleeves of his shirt shredding as his biceps swelled, a pair of bumps forming on his shoulders as dull orange scutes spread down his front. His abs and pectorals gained in size and definition, hugging tight against the armored plates as spikes emerged from his elbows and shoulders, just adding to the torture his clothing was undergoing.

"Ghh...grhuaahh...need more..." he snarled, his shirt shredding open to reveal the muscled, scaly flesh. He could feel a fire burning inside him, his chest barreling slightly with each breath he took, smoke rising from his nostrils. His jeans were straining now as his thighs developed, muscles bulging underneath thick scales. Rips started forming along the inside of his thighs, his gender concealed by the scales as he felt his boots straining. As he saw his feet burst out, splitting the leather apart, he finally realized that something was off... not that he seemed to care anymore, the curse had dragged him too far into its clutches. His toes wiggled as deadly talons emerged from his toes, the big toes shrinking away as all weight shifted to the balls of his feet, padding forming on the underside as his heels rose up, a giant claw emerging from them.

"Hrhuauh...moooorrrreee..." he hissed, his spine stretching outside of his body, the whole thing becoming more flexible as a giant, serpentine tail grew out, lashing against the cold stone. His back split open, tearing off whatever remained of his shirt as a pair of leathery wings grew outwards, spikes lining his knees and spine.

"Ghuraahh!" he cried out, his jaws stretching forwards with a few painful cracks, tongue lashing outwards as it grew long and forked. His teeth grew into razor sharp fangs, drool dripping from them as his ears grew longer and pointed, a pair of curving horns emerging through his falling hair. His eyes moved to the sides of his head, his senses sharpening as the changes ceased.

"GHUROWAAARRHHHHHHHH!!" He threw his head back, bellowing to the heavens as he spat out a giant fireball towards the cave's entrance, lighting up the path in a blaze of flame. "Grhua...hurahah..." he growled, coming back to his senses...just about.

"Grrh...the treasure...did this to me...?" He looked over his now draconic body, standing several feet taller than he did as a human, clothing lying in waste around him. "Not bad at all..." he smirked, looking over the treasure. "If all of it is cursed...then how about I send some of it to my friends..." He looked over at the hoard, noticing a giant golden collar with a red gem in the middle. "I know someone who would love this..." he said with a deviously evil grin.

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