Capítulo sem título 40

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Strange disappearances, cover up stories, and unexplainable events... The odd scenes seem to
lift their heads in New Vestroia, as Bakugan start to disappear and reappear later, but not in
the same state. At the same time, something horrible that's been wanted to be kept in history,
tries to repeat itself, but there's only a few selected ones who have any understanding of this
new invisible threat. Faith is being tested, as Helios and Angel are trying to keep their new
powers hidden from their loved ones, in order to protect them from something far worse than
demonoids...Meanwhile, Helios finally starts to learn the truth about his past, and why Sefire
has so hard tried to kept it hidden from him. But, is it too late to change the future, and for
what price? What in the end, matters the most?
This is a story of faith, love and of a nightmare, that you couldn't even imagine, coming to
Disclaimer:I do not own Bakugan or any of the characters, just the story of demonoids and
my OCs.
Much cursing ahead!
Dark Angel belongs to DarkAngel97.
Cufre - Spesial element/power type
Hefre - Aura
Ofri - demonoid ability
Defre - fusion ability
Serathe - An all out generated attack
Ferefh - Demonoids own mark
Choerix - A choker that demonoids have
Deraja - Demonoids own barrier
Serfital - A royal blooded demonoid
Zerthef - Manipulative demonoid mass or energy
For further info and or art, please check out my Devianart page
And now, grab a drink or snack, and please, enjoy.
See the end of the work for more notes
Where did they all go..?
What if someone would tell you that your whole life, every choice, every success, every
mistake, has been planned from the very beginning? And none of your own free will has
mattered, but been simply channeled by someone? How would that make you feel?
Meaningless..? Empty..? Worthless..?
Somewhere deep in the galaxy, where the peaceful planets exist, a group of hazard suited
men were moving down in a white frozen world, keeping some equipment on them, as they
traveled through the foggy air. The group of three were looking at the charts on the black
box's screen. The little rod in the middle was going up and down, as well as making lower
and a little more higher frequency beeping.
"Anything yet?" One of the gas masked men asked at the back from the one with the device
in his hands. "No, not yet." He responded, as the dead marking on the radar. "Alright, keep
searching." A positive response could be heard, as the group investigated further in the
frozen, creepy world. The trees, if one could call them that, were deep red, and from every
branch, there grew small, thin tissue that almost looked like a net of veins. The trunks were
covered in some small pulsating tissues, like the suction cups from an octopus's tentacle.
Three's like these could only grow in nightmares, but the un-suspecting scientists had no idea
that the worst was yet to come...
"Hey, we got something!" The one with the black box said, as the others stopped moving
around him. When the man behind the gasmask tried to make out the readings behind the red
oculars, he heard a choking sound from his right. Then, hearing a liquid spilling sound, he
turned to look, but nothing could have prepared him for the dramatic scene in front of him.
His work colleague, who had been fine the last five seconds ago, was now missing his whole
upper torso, as his warm blood was spewing onto him. And that wasn't all. The next second,
the same brutal fate had fallen to his other friend, and the next, and then, their leader. Shock
filled him, as he watched his comrades get slaughtered and dying right in front of his eyes, by
absolutely nothing. Should he run? But in what direction? He couldn't even tell where the
treat was coming from. He tried to report back to the headquarters as to what was going on,
but the communicator was getting jammed by something. The scientist didn't have much time
to stop and think about it, when the black box started beeping again. Trying to see what life
source it was picking up, it then decided that it was dead after all. But the next second, it was
alive again. The meter started an inner war as to which was it, as it started to overheat.
Feeling the battery frying under his protective glove, the scientist pointed it at the last spot
where it was mostly going haywire, and then, he saw something.
There was nothing but dry, steady land all over them, so there was no way anything had
walked its way by mere five feet in front of him, without notice. The fog and red glasses
made the scientist already see very poorly, but it was more than enough then what the poor
man would have wanted to see. The glow from this thing was like the land itself, light, deadly
white. It was wearing a very run down hooded cloak, or coat even, considering that on its
left, scarred, stitched, bloody arm there was a long tattered sleeve going down. The unseeable
dots on his view had to be red, indicating that this thing had gotten soaked in blood. There
were many spikes pointing out of its body, barbed wire going all around its neck to its arms.
This thing was a monstrasity, most horrific terror given form. The worst part of it was by far
the smile. The phycotic, silent, completely still grin, that only seemed to grow the more time
passed on. The man was already in shock by what happened to his colleagues, but now he
was completely frozen on his tracks from fear. The creature seemed to notice this too, as it
tilted its head slowly to the side, as it opened his mouth more to reveal the razor sharp teeth
behind the bloody muzzle. This only made the poor scientist fall backwards from fear, as he
soon realized something. The blood rivering down from his fallen companions, was actually
lifting up, and flowing through the atmosphere, and getting sucked into this smiling
abomination in front of him. That's who was behind all of it... According to the sensors, this
thing was either dead or alive, but something in between. A zombie? A ghost? No, it must
have been more complicated than that. What then? The answer to that question, the man
never got. He tried to look under the hood, past the couple of black rings hanging down from
it, where he guessed the eyes of this thing would have shown, but he saw nothing. Nothing,
except darkness and blood dripping down. He thought he saw something shining for a
moment, but his focus went to the unsettling pressure he started to feel on his head. The high
pitch preeing sound filled his mind, as he tried to cover his ears. There was no helping it, as
the pain only grew greater, and his ears began to bleed out. He tried to yell, as his eyes
popped out of the eye sockets, and soon, his bones couldn't take the pressure anymore either.
His head cracked open, like a falled egg on the floor. The creature kept smiling, as the black
box sent out the signal lost message in the green static screen.
The white monster turned it's attention slowly, and raised its long black nailed hand up,
where all the blood was gathering from the bodies. The half torsos slowly began to turn into
piles of red pulsating flesh, as branches began to grow out of them. They reached far, and
spread widely across the cold land. Now added to these five, there were millions of these red
trees across the land, indicating that if all these were indeed bodies, the whole planet was
most likely dead. From far away, this planet literally looked like a moon with pimples,
because of their weird after growth from the bodies. Still, this unfortunately wasn't the first
planet to end up like this, all the life and color drained and died out. And, it most certainly
wasn't going to be the last. The next star system was going to be the 900 000 000 victim, can
you take a guess which one?
Calm years had passed by in a peaceful corner of galaxies, and all the different planets
seemed to almost celebrate for that. Ever since the Vexoe's defeat, everything had a chance to
bounce back the balance of oneself. And so did in New Vestroia. For many years, the most
coexist Bakugan filled planet had been advancing their civilization, and truly bringing towns,
even cities, to live all around. Some country sides remained little safe havens from those,
who didn't fancy the populists. Many services were being provided, most rising to be schools,
hospitals/sanitariums, restaurants and entertainment parks. Even New Vestroia's secret
archives were expanded, due to finally the finished reports of the past reports of the past
changes. Now, there was no thing such as new ancient warriors that rose as the leading group
of the world's order, but a Communion that set forward the planet's most pressing matters.
And can you guess who one of these chose to be in charge? Dark Angel Darkana, Drago
Braveheart's uncle. Drago too of course had been asked to join them, but due to his already
busy work and family life, he rarely had time to participate in those meetings more than 10
minutes at a time.
There had also been a lot of sudden runaways from Dramonesia after Crysalix Lumiella, the
throne of Lumenia's kingdom, had set to live there with his precious krovarg, Angel Darkana.
Half of them still couldn't believe their former prince was married to a Dark One. On the
contrary, this had encouraged those who had been struggling and had grown tired of the
social strictness to do the same and leave, where in reverse, they got to experience a whole
new world of their kind and settle in New Vestroia. The Communion of course welcomed
more strong dragonoids with open arms in their home land.
So the normal life in Vestroia continues piecefully. There were no wars or alien attacks in two
centuries. But, there had been some rumors going down of these unexpected vanishings.
Bakugans could be seen at one place, minding their own business, but the next second, they
had simply disappeared into thin air. These rumors had spreaded through the whole east of
the planet, and soon, they reached Goroa as well. It was usually a single Bakugan, going
down an alleyway, or coming to a small street, then up and gone the next step! Some days
later, the disappeared Bakugan showed up, but not in the best condition, to put it mildly.
Some looked like half of their heads had been bitten off, and some were missing their insides,
showing this grotesk site of crumbled up skin and whatever bones were left mangled inside
of them.
There wasn't much that even the Communion could have worked with, what came down to
investigations. There wasn't a trace of any other Bakugan near the victims, or even any
known criminal that could have fitted this description by the wound marks. This got everyone
scratching their heads, and shivers going down their spine. The victims even so war had no
correlation to one another. Lips round, they could only shout blind and bizarre guesses...
But that of course didn't make the citizens feel any more safe. Some smaller cities in New
Vestroia even considered putting themselves on lockdown. And some started to be so
paranoid that they fortyfied their own homes, like another war was about to come. Nobody
really knew what to do to stay safe, they were just slowly drowning in paranoia.
But, in the main capital of the east region, in one the middle school's of Goroa, the glass 7B
to be exact, there was much going on among the lively Bakugan teenagers, despite the
planet's chaotic situation. A group of ventus, subterra and aquos boys was playing with some
gaming cards, and two girls seemed to have a fierce discussion about some fashion magazine.
One subterra boy was reading an astronomical book, and a group of pyrus and ventus boys
were playing some console games. One ventus girl was taking care of the flowers in front of
the glass. And then, there was this aquos boy, although he was quite familiar looking...
"Hmhmhmh! He's never gonna see this coming...!" He mused to himself while setting a
string up at the contraption, that was going all the way to the roof and down at the
classroom's door. There was also a vestus girl besides him, looking half human, and half
harpie, with a bird mask on. Strangely, you couldn't see her real eyes from under it, but there
was a purple glow. She sighed heavily, while letting her feathered shoulders drop. "Your at it
again? He's so gonna see that one, just like the 80 other times you have tried this." She sighed
while rolling her eyes, or at least that was what it looked like by her head movement.
"Oh na'aah, cuz this one, is FOOL PROOFE!" He mused to himself, while carefully pulling
the string to make sure it was moving. And it was like a charm so far. Now, the mischievous
aquos teen moved behind the teacher's table, but quickly waved for his friend. "Well don't
just stand there so obviously! Get away, shoo!" As the boy shot some water bubbles to the
Vestus girl's feet, which she easily dodged, and flew to her seat. "I warned you..." Then, a
check on the glass room's clock. 9:13. "Perfection is the key, and schedule crowns it all..!"
Then, a sound of a ball hitting against the ground echoed from the hallway, with a familiar
voice. Then, licking his lips the aquos male tightened his grip on the trigger rope, and was
ready to pull. Then, as soon as the first Bakugan entered, he yelled:"Surprise gasbrain!!" But
unfortunately, the yelp he heard was from the one teen he was NOT aiming for. "Iiiiiihhk-!!
PIIEEERRRS!!!" Came a loud scream from the caught up subterra lizard boy. The aquos boy
in question bite his finger upon seeing that it was indeed his other friend, named Veka and not
the pyrus dragon.
"Veka! Dude, you al' right?!" Asked the pyrus fox next to him, who tried to help his friend
get up. He seemingly wanted to move, or even blink for the matter, but the ice water caused
his vitals to shut down, almost fall into hibernation.
"God damnit!! Why wasn't Ilia first!? Where is he even?" The now heated up aquos elf
boiled, jumping in place like the said dragon Bakugan was under him, about to get jammed
up. "I don't know, he said he had something to do first, so he sent us ahead.." The fox boy
said, while trying to give his vest to his friend for warmth.
This was where Venla and Piers turned slowly to face each other, saying as one:"I have a
good hunch though..." While then jumping off their seats and walking up to their classroom
window, that had the perfect view to the front yard, where there were various different glass
students spending the last minutes chatting or playing before the morning classes would start.
And there was also the said dragon boy, behind a tree, looking over at the front yard of
school, where a group of girls from their class was sitting in the middle of all the blooming
spring flowers. But Ilia wasn't admiring just anyone, but this one white, fluffy, angelic, haos
cutie, that always stood out the most by her features. She was dressed up nicely with
matching accessories, usually in lolita styled like laced bows and pearls with winged hearts
decorating them. She was two years younger, but had passed to move up a class earlier than
the others, giving that her studies were going marvelously. And her personality, she would
have smiled even for the worst of crooks, and make them change their heart. And the pyrus
teen had had a big fat crush on her ever since they had been taken care of by Angel and
Crysalix as basically hatchlings, who were these sweet dragonesses parents. But, everytime
Ilia would get the chance to talk with her, all he could manage was a tongue twister, and lose
all thoughts of what he had to say. She was his greatest strength, and also his biggest
weakness at the same time. But, her looks and wealthy family didn't go unnoticed by the
other guys either. She was one of the most popular students there was, so she rarely got peace
and quiet of her own. But one of the worst of them was in the same class, who was another
rich family kid. Speaking of which, hearring this familiar voice behind him interrupted his
daydreaming, and got his blood boiling.
"Being a stalker again, Kurablood brat? Why would the girls ever notice you, when you're
hiding from them?" Said the bright silver scaled dragon called Trevor behind him, who had
this 'I'm so much better than you' face 24/7, and it really pissed the hell out of him. Plus, he
had these two 'lackies' you say, who were just as high headed, like they were princes of the
whole school. "It's not like you're too noticeable either, looking like a beat up puppy all the
time, not to mention you barely pass the tests, poor half brain." The bird boy named Layden
said, flapping his bright blue feathers to him in a shrugging manner. "Besides, I doubt their
parents would want anything to do with a gay spown like you!" The wolf boy called Nofre
said mockingly, to which Ilia smirked widely. By the trios face, he had the complete opposite
reaction then what they were expecting. Even his voice had this time that made a chill of
anger down in their spine:"You know Trevor, that joke has gotten so dry, that I can't even get
thirsty of your blood because of it. You really can't come up with anything better?" He said
non amusedly, while giving them a sideways look. From this, they went speechless for a
second, but the silver dragon just made this yell laugh, and said:"Hahah! Nice cover up, fool!
A liar like you could never get far in life. Me, on the other hand, have the whole Goroa
feeding from my hand, as our family made the foundation to start actual railroads and fairy
lines all over this planet! Without it, no one can even come here from other islands!" He
pragged, while leaning in closer to the other dragon boy's ear:''Without it, even your family
would have quite the hard time coming here, wouldn't it? Especially your siblings that don't
swim or fly so well." Unfortunately, Ilia had to admit defeat there. It had become much more
easier for them to start coming over to the island from their own ever since the Jiferic
company had started to work on constructing better mobile transportations to New Vestroia, it
really had helped those Bakugan who were able to swim or fly or teleport to cross over
anywhere to the planet without using their own energy.
Seeing that the pyrus one silenced and tightened his fist together, a smirk of victory appeared
on his smug face and he said one final thing before going past him:"You better stay out of my
way, heterochromic lizard!" And duoded by a laugh from the other two boys next to him,
they went right there to say hi to the girls, as Ilia was left to watch from the shadows. He
kicked a rock next to him, but it was well stuck deep under ground, making him hurt his toe.
A hiss of pain. This really wasn't his morning. Just then, the school bell rang, and the students
flooded into their classes. The pyrus teen went too, while pouting at the site of Trevor and
Sugar talking in front of him in the hallway. Although, it looked like she didn't really know
how to respond to the seducing dragons flirting, which made the pyrus one somewhat
relieved. Sometimes, she was so clueless... But that was just one of the millions of reasons
why he had fallen for her so badly.
The seats in the class were five lines, and in each one four seats. Closer to the window, sat
Ilia, Piers and Venla's group, and in the middle was one line with their other classmates, and
then, there was Sugar and the other girls. She was almost at the front, so there were three
seats and one line between them. But who was right at the front of the next line nearly next to
her was Trevor and his gang. It was the most annoying thing. If she dropped a pen or eraser,
it rolled toward the front, making the silver dragon usually be the one who caught it and gave
it back to her, making yet another little window of interaction, and good guy points for the
snobby boy. Ilia really hoped that when the next season came and it was time for them to
swap the seats again, he would somehow get next to her, and Trevor was way in the back.
But, Ilia did like to sit next to his best friends regardless, since they always helped him out if
he fell out during reading, usually because of his constant daydreaming. And if they didn't,
their uptight teacher for sure did.
"Hey, where the heck were you, lazy wings?! I had a perfect surprise for you and everything,
and YOU DON'T EVEN SHOW UP!" Piers shreeched to his pyrus friend, getting all up in
his face from in front of him. Ilia just turned to look at the ventus girl, who rolled her head, as
her hair feathers rustled softly. The pyrus boy turned to the aquos elf's direction, crossing his
arms under him to make him balanse over his desk. "Uh'uuh, and by a special surprise you
mean -40 degree water all up in 'ma face?"
Visibly shocked and in rage, the blue trickster jumped up and down on his seat.
"UNBRLIABLEEEH!! You used some kind of freaky dragon trick to see that, didn'tcha?!"
The other boy hissed, pointing his blue finger up on the little dragonoid's snout. "Actually-"
And the pyrus one in question turned grinning sideways to take a more chill position before
finishing:"You're just getting too predictable." Venla grinned behind him, as it was quite the
amusing site. The pyrus Bakugan, who were supposedly more bad tempered, was cool and
calm in front of the spazzing out aquos one. Even their classmates were quite amused by
these three more than often. "OH YEAH?! I'll show YOU what's PREDICTABLE, you little
flame fart-!" But that soon got interrupted by someone not being expected to show up to the
classroom. "Shinee?! What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to have magic
lessons?" The pyrus one asked, seeing a familiar young darkus dragonoid coming to sit next
to him. Greeting his little sister Sugar, he then turned to his pyrus friend asking:"I was, but
the teacher is absent today... Or for good actually, until they find a new one. He was found
dead this morning." An united gasp came out of the other teen Bakugans as well. "WHAT?!"
"Allright, settle down, class!" Their teacher, Mr. Airyl commanded, clapping his pointer stick
to the side of his desk. Quickly, every Bakugan took their seats, as the first lesson of the day
began. As much as the four teens would have liked to continue the conversation, it had to
wait till lunch break. First, they had to survive double hours of history, which made many
doze off.
Ilia was one of the few who enjoyed history. It was almost one of his favorite subjects, aften
sports, that was. As the students took their history books and homework got cheeked up, the
young pyrus teens' eyes turned to their books cover. There were Bakugan warriors on it, but
one stood out for him. Ilias great grandfather, Genesis. Leading the charge against the darkus
army a long time ago on Hope Hill, which nowadays had been turned into a national park.
And of course, Ilias' family name came up a lot in the history lessons. They were the
bloodline of the first pyrus Bakugans in the world after all. It was partly the reason why
history was an easy subject for him, since his mother, Drago, had told many bedtime stories
of his family to him and his siblings. What a memorable moment it had been, when Drago
himself had to come and confirm one of his fathers generals' identity to their teacher, since it
was wrong in the book.
And of course, there had been the talk about the dark ones as well, which was related to
Shinee's father, Angel. But still, there was very little information about them. But, when they
had asked would Angel come and tell about the dark ones to the class, he had kindly
declined, saying they were better left as they were, as that bloodline of Bakugan were a dying
race. As far as considered, Angel was the only one in New Vestroia. But, Shinee was able to
tell that in Dramonesia, there were many more dark one families left alive. And then, of
course Trevor came to boasting that his dad was acquainted with a dark one, being his
business partner in Dramonesia, and again getting to promote his dad's company to everyone.
And Dramonesia of course got talked about as well, that's where Sugar was able to share the
stories she had heard from her mother, Crysalix. Everyone of course paid all the attention
they had, asking so many questions that they had gone half an hour overtime. That was also
when there was a revelation that Sugar and Shinee were from royal bloodlines. Having a
prince and a princess in the same glass was for sure rare and spread out the whole school like
wildfire. Sugar being a princess sure messed Ilia's poor confused head even more confused.
Would that mean if she were to marry someone, they would be her prince..?
"ILIA BRAVEHEART!" Came a firm yell and a spam on his desk that made the poor teen
dragon jump almost to the roof. "No spacing out on my glass! Is that clear young
dragonoid?!" The heated up coyote asked, and Ilia stood up like a bee had stung him in the
hind, saying:"Sir yes, sir!!" His glassmates were quite amused, as he got commanded back to
sit down, his horns folding downward, face blushing like a tomato. He couldn't help his
easily wandering mind, as Drago had tried to take him to a bunch of different doctors to
better understand if it was just merely the hormone storm of an age, or something else. Then
surprisingly, Dan's mother Miyako had guessed a form of ADHD, and that was exactly the
analysis that Iitu had gotten from New Vestroia's leading medical laboratory. Helios of all of
them was least bit surprised, as Ilia himself just tried not to furter stress his mother's already
tight nerves. As it did come up with his lack of focusing and not being able to concentrate on
one thing for too long, there was luckily medication for even Bakugans to it, as his hyper
activity was easy to relieve with exercise. Which was why he had started to play Flycker, a
game that had a ground and a basket goal for each team. It required running and flying
ability, making it a perfect sport for dragons. Before the young pyrus dragonoid got too deep
into his thoughts again, the teacher begined telling something, that made his attention turn
immediately back to the going on lesson.
"As I was saying, in the year 15900, there were about 100000 dark ones, as the number
dropped drastically to 10 in the next year." The teacher finished, but Piers said what was on
everyone's mind:"But why, sir?" And the elder at front said while sitting down:"They all just
vanished." Clearly not satisfied with the response, came another question:"But, where did
they go, sir?" The young lizard boy next to Piers continued. "That's the mystery, Veka. No
one knows." But this started a fierce wave of whispering among the glass, as the teacher
clearly did not have the final answer, and was more interested in quiet studying with the time
left of this lesson.
"Whatta hell? Did they die??" "How do almost 100 000 Bakugans just up and die!?"
"Unbelievable..! Do you think it was a virus or something?" "Then why did it only kill the
Dark Ones?" "Freeakyh..!" Now even Ilia was mind-blown. And there was no record of this
anywhere? Their teacher said "nope", and his history book also said "not here". Now he
couldn't wait to get home and ask his mom. Surely he knew something, but just had not
talked about it. Especially if it was something more of a bloody story, because of his younger
siblings. He and Shinee also exchanged looks, but it seemed like he was hearing about this
the first time as well. Now he was thoroughly as curious as his overdriven brain could be.
Meanwhile elsewhere:
"Now, focuus..." A dark angel winged dragonoid said to his younger companion, happening
to be a bit more massive, less patient type pyrus dragon. Pinning his eyelids closed, he was
pulling his hand forward, trying to touch a wall. But the goal was not to feel the solid surface.
The real goal was to merge into it. "Grrh...!"
"Well there's that grunt of focus at least..." The dark one thought mentally, while having an
unimpressed look on his face. "Grrh, trust me, I've never focused more on a brick wall in my
life!" The other male grunted back, as he felt the dark one's frustration. Somehow, he didn't
even need to say it outloud for the other dragon to be able to hear it. Then, he saw Helios's
hand touch the wall, but his fingers sunk into the beton. Angel's ice blue eyes widened
excitedly, as he slowly saw Helios's hand disappear into it completely. "Now there you go.
That took only three and half hours." Angel said with a bit of sarcasm, as at the same time
being frustrated with himself, Helios also realized that this took so much of the other
dragonoid's free days just to help him out.
"Sorry for taking your time. Should have been the so-called daddy who taught me all this..."
The pyrus one murmured, looking away to avoid eye contact. The dark one frowned but then
calmed his expression. It wasn't his fault. After all, Angel hadn't had much time to learn
about all this with his father either. Soul had been aware of his son inheriting the demonic
side of him from her mother, but he never had the time to teach him about it properly. Angel
had had to find out about all of it by himself. It had not been easy, but thankfully his demon
had been cooperative enough to make him get started. After all, he wasn't gonna get far in the
dark one's body without him knowing what to do.
And technically, Helios was right though. But as it looked, his father was nowhere to be
found. Nor had he been in the past 75 years. There was no helping it. As there was no other
elder demonoid to help him, it had to be him. And why wouldn't he? Angel wasn't the type to
leave a Bakugan in need of help. Of course there was the fact too that Helios was his nephew
's fiance, so basically to dragons, it meant a family regardless. And on top of it, even with his
short temper, he had learned surprisingly well. Maybe it had been the fact that this was his
way of fighting now, or that he had actually started to find many of these new tricks useful.
Had he even declared it being fun, when by a mere thought, he had made an entire hallway
explode like a twister had just spun by in a bright day light. "Don't stress about it. Besides,
these are important ofri's for you to master. This is a part of you now, like it or not." Helios
nodded in understatement, but still was a bit frustrated for Angel having to do so much extra
by using time on him as well. So he tried his best to listen carefully and learn as quickly as
possible. Angel must have sawn that, since he added:"But I must admit, what took me 200
years, I have teached you in 20 years. That's not too bad, if I say so myself." He said tapping
him on the shoulder. The pyrus dragon felt a bit better from that, but still, if Angel had been
mastering this his whole life, then how long was it gonna take the pyrus one, with his level of
concentration? He let out a heavy sigh out, and responded:"That I bet my whole tail is
because I have such a good teacher."
But the duo's conversation was interrupted, by a presence that they wished to not feel too
often. Another demonoid. They both looked to their left, seeing this dark cloaked figure, who
had seemingly noticed them, and speeded away, trying to get out of sight. "Looks like I don't
have to start a field test, after all. Let's go, Helios! I'm letting you go ahead!" The feather
winged dragonoid said smirking, as Helios opened his black and red wings and speeded after
him while replaying:"Hah! Why thanks, 'sensei'! Now this oughta be interesting!" He said,
grinning widely, as he licked his canine teeth hungrily. But before the pyrus one could
completely sink into the thirst of hunt, the darkus one said:"Just remember your limits!"
To this, the black and red one smirked as they both had demonic pentagrams glowing under
them, and they began to sink into them. "What limits?" Angel was about to let a growl out,
but the pyrus one quickly added:"Yeah yeah, I'll save us both embarrassment and not faint
this time!" Narrowing his ice blue eyes, Angel added:"You have learned a lot, so how about
you show me that you really have mastered them?" The flame colored eyes closed, as there
was a positive growl. "Oh great: A spot check, just what I've always hated in schools!" Then,
the demonoid duo was completely gone from the street of the living, into something
completely opposite.
Manifesting into a dark, misty and cold version of the street they were just in, both dragons
had changes in them. Their heartbeat stopped, as they didn't need to draw breaths anymore.
One other was that they weren't talking with words, but their minds. They had become
voiceless creatures, making themselves perfectly blend into the silent environment. Scanning
their surroundings, the whites of their eyes became black. They did not even use their feet to
move, but the unnatural speed, or teleporting. Being one with the silence, they traveled
through the ominous land without a sound. Until a low short growl. Angel turned to Helios,
who was holding his stomach. "You alright?"
"Yeah... Just feels like my stomach is trying to eat itself." The black and red groaned in
annoyance. Angel let a low hymn. "You haven't had a soul in weeks... Let's hope this one has
good stock." As he kept gliding forward the dark street, as the younger one followed him. For
in a good while, the view was the same as in their memories of the city of the living. There
was every sign, evey shop, every market. Except, there was this crimson aura around them.
And not a soul besides them in this dark place. As said, this world seemed like reality, but it
was only an illusion. To this world no living had any kind of business in, as still sadly some
ended up here, but usually against their will, or with just as darkened minds, that had no
intention to return back to the real world. Here, they let themselves go, and be taken by the
entity that had many forms and names in different nations. Even for Bakugans, there were
many ways they called it, but just in general, preferred to not talk about it. Fearring, that it
would through the attention get more powers and awareness of itself, and try to take the one
who even spoke of it to its deep cold arms... That was why the Bakugan tried to keep
themselves connected, worry free, and in an optimistic mood so often, in order to not give it
even a slightest chance to manifest in any shape or form in their lives.
As more time passed, the more anxious the red one became. "Well shit, looks to me like
someone's playing it smart for once... He hasn't even sent anyone to get us yet." Helios said
with their telepathy. "This one can't be that smart, if he leaves his portal mark visible to the
mortal world." Angel countered back, trying to focus at the same time to even sense a bit of
change in this world. "Well he can't be that dum, if he can hide his hefre tho..." Helios argued
back. "You wanna give credit to this beast?" The dark one asked with surprise in his mind
voice. "I'm just HOPING it's not one of those scavengers, or whatever they were called!
Those who only keep the souls until someone slays them, and they evaporate to nothing!"
Angel knew what the Helios was referring to, but was yet obviously not aware of how
terrible these things in reality were, since he kept talking about them so openly. Not blaming
him for his inexperience, but at the same time hoping he would never EVER have to
personally run into one, Angel said the name of the chilling creatures he unfortunately had
had a closer than wanted encounter in the past. "The curzofh's. Somehow, I highly doubt that.
But we'll find out soon enough. Wanna try the scan spell?" This was where the red and black
one paused for a second. "I can try." Waving his arm to the pyrus one, like letting him step up
on a stage, Angel said:"Then by all means, be my guest."
Helios closed his eyes and seemed to fully concentrate again. Then, focusing on one of his
abilities, a blood red pulse surrounded the whole area, and kept going beyond naked eye.
Then, many kilometers from them, there was an explosion, as Helios's eyes opened and he
said: "Gotcha!" The demonoid duo teleported there, and swiftly Angel made a net of energy
around this dark being, while grinning:"Sorry, but we are done playing hide and seek. Now,
mind explaining who you are?"
The dark shadow figure seemed to be perfectly still for the time being, and then, just when
Helios was about to make his move and slice this thing in half he got surprised by
discovering that his talons went right through it. "Grrhh! A decoy?! You fucking serious?!"
He growled, as a sinister laughter came from all around them. "Did you really think that I'd
fall for such an easy trick?! A scanning spell, in other words, exposes the enemy with a herfe
trap! The oldest trick in the demonoid book! But, then again, you brats can't even dream of
catching me!" The voice mocked with laughter, as Angel put his hand in front of the red
hefred demonoid, saying:"He's trying to bait you. Stay cool!" To which his comrade just
growled:"Grrrrh...! Cocky son of a bitch..!" Then, Angel just took a deep in and out hale, and
concentrated on one of his own curses, one that didn't require any actual cursing. And just as
unexpectedly as that, there was a blue flame, that was divided into five separate strings, and
concentrated on all around them. As soon as that happened, the flames exposed a body, that
was covered in black mass, burning it to be visible for both of the demonoids. The being was
screeching from the burning pain all over its skin, but was able to throw it off, and jumped
right in front of the two.
"Ggrrh, guess you two aren't that powerless after all. Should I say: I'm impressed...?
Hmhmhm!" He murmured, as it was nullifying its damage quickly with a pitiful gackle.
"Hmh. Then how about we get serious? We didn't come here to just look at you and run away.
Now, your name!" Angel said in a much more demanding tone this time, making the whole
atmosphere shake. From this, the demonoid seemed to be hardly even affected, as it laughed
devilishly, and said:"I... Am the great Lord Darake! I'll write that on your tombstones when
I'm done with you!"
And then, this unreadable foe vanished, and with in seconds was between the two, about to
sink his poisonous claws right into their faces. Angel and Helios saw this coming, and were
dodging this before it could hit, and kicked Darake into the sides with enough force to crush
his lungs into a flattened balloon. Unfortunately, their target had made a decoy out of himself,
making the duo kick empty air.
Then, taking the two precious seconds to counter attack, both demonoids made a energy
wave at their surroundings, in order to not let their enemy get them from their sides either.
This worked perfectly, since Angel felt his foot kicking something solid, as a surprised groan
could be heard, and Darake flew several meters from him into one of the red sacks on the
floor, releasing insects from within it. Helios dashed in, not letting the enemy have any
opportunities to counter, while landing his fists into his stomach with high speed, making it
look like he was making mashed potatoes out of his guts. Lending his companion some help,
Angel made a curse that prevented his gathering energy from manifesting fully again.
Unfortunately, that was exactly what he had planned on, as a series of swears could be heard
from him after this. As his first plan of action didn't work, he used his body that was getting
turned into mush while he was still able to use it, and turned his body into a creature that just
ate up Helios's both hands before he even realized what had happened. A loud painful roar
echoed through the dark city, for no one to hear. Accept one...
"Helios!!" Angel shouted, as after hearing the elders' voice, Helios snapped out of it, getting
his ability to think back in working order, and jumped in a safe distance to use the revival
curse. "Khhh, fucking dammit! Aahh, Son of a bitch..!" He murmured, trying to wipe the
teeth that were stuck in his flesh, trying to sink in to do further damage. One very crucial
thing to remember about these beings was that anything that came out or was left of them, a
tooth, a scale, even a nail, was lethal.
"Just focus on your reviving, I have your back!" He said, as he arrowed some lacers to
Darake's molding corpse. This made the demonoid lord's plan fall apart, but quickly found
the solution. He transformed into a more liquid matter that was more easy to gather up then
destroy. Cursing a bit as the pyrus one was getting his bearings back, Angel let one of his
feathers fall on Helios's arms, while saying with a sly smirk:"Good thing that there's two of
us now, huh?" As Helios had all his fingers back and working, he looked at his partner,
saying:"Okay, lesson learned! I won't start soloing again. Now, how do we get this fucker?"
He asked, hoping that the elder knew more about these types of beings. The dark one
narrowed his eyes, as he didn't let the sly opponent off his radar, he was either thinking one
now, or waiting what would the lord do next. Instead, he saw the duo's stand still as a
hesitation, and began taunting them.
"Hah, there's a duef of you, and this is the best you can do?! I had hoped for you two to be
some high blooded demonoids for being able to even come through my barrier with such
ease, but it seems I have been let down once again. So, how shall we end this dance~?"
Darake said slyly, as Helios asked while buying time for the elders plan, and because he was
curious:''Why does a Zeitahf have business in the mortal realm, anyway? Or are you just one
of those who likes too much on the living souls as a desert?" To which the demonoid lord just
shrugged his shoulders, saying:"Who knoows~? Although, unless you have tried it, your
judgment is as good as nothing! Even so, why would it be any of your concern? Oh don't tell
me you're one of those who likes to mingle with the energy fridges!?" He asked, mocking in
his voice, while letting out a laugh. "How absurd! Ouh, where is our world coming to?"
Huffing sarcastically, Helios replied back to the teaseful creature:"Like you said, you're the
one to talk, if you do nothing but shove them in your belly!" As he now was fully revived,
and standing before them, finally illuminating some yellow aura. To which Helios raised a
brown, never seen this colored hefre before.
But Angel had been quicker, and casted one of his defri's. As the clueless demonoid lord had
barely time to react, only realizing he was standing in the middle of a blue pentagram,
spelling a nasty painstorm for him. "Oh son of a-!" But a loud boom interrupted his sentence,
followed by him blowing into hundreds of bloody pieces all over the dark street, making
Helios grin widely. "Yeeeaah! How does that make you feel, mother fucker!? Alright, where's
his soul?" The black and red dragon was asking eagerly already, but Angel put his hand in
front of him, saying:"Wait, it's not over yet..."
"Oh come the fuck oon..! How many shields does this guy have??!" Helios growled, as he
already started to regenerate energy released from the last attack, which was one unique
ability for demonoids: The energy recycling.
"Three, four, five... Maybe even ten for all we know..." Angel responded, as the body parts
began to form a torso all over again of the being they had just gotten destroyed. Helios was
not the least bit of joyes to hear his companions reply, as he looked at his imaginary clock on
his wrist. "Grrrrh, this is gonna take all night..!" To his impatience, the dark one replied with
a slight grin on the corner of his lip:"Well, with THAT attitude... But, how about we try
getting multiple hits with one attack?" He suggested, as Helios horns perked up.
"You're not thinking what I'm thinking?!" He asked, but his voice sounded like he actually
couldn't decide whether to be excited or terrified. "Can you handle that curse yet?" Angel
tried asking, as he saw in his eyes that their thoughts were aligned. Helios has a slight shiver
going down his scaly back. He had only tried this spell twice, and the first time, it had not
gone so well. The second time, he had managed to hold it together almost all the way, but
Angel had to patch up for him at the end. But, this enemy wasn't as weak as they first had
anticipated. And since their normal slaying tricks or even the energy draining didn't seem to
slow him down, they had no choice but to think outside the box. Huffing and pressing his
fists together, the black and red demonoid said:"We won't know until we try! So come on, lets
end this fucker, before he REALLY pisses me off!" Smiling, Angel was happy about his
determination, as he responded:"Glad to hear it. And I'm here, so you don't need to worry
about losing control. Just release enough energy so that you get every last one." He advised
with an encouraging smile.
After this Helios nodded, and with a deep breath, just for the old habits, he closed his eyes,
and started chanting the right words in his mind, while the ground under him lit up crimson
red. His ferefh showed up under him, while Angel began to use his zjerthef to slice up
Darake's body again, who had been watching Helios's moves a bit too intently to notice the
other suddenly sneaking up on him. "Hmh! What does that brat think he's doing? His grand
finale? Whatever curse he's trying, it is nowhere near enough to destroy me! He's hefre is still
weak!" While Angel kept cutting his arms like fine ham slices, he said with his eyes glowing
dark blue:"Hmh. Well you keep saying to yourself that, if it makes you feel better... But, it
isn't too bright to take your own kind so lightly. If you treat all of our brothers this way, no
wonder you don't have anyone serving you. Then again, we weren't your targets to begin
with, so maybe my judgment is not adequate... However, we are watching over this
continent, so intruders like you aren't welcome. Especially such pigs who kill all mortals and
don't even fully finish eating them! So, I'm afraid this is our stop." As then, the enemy's body
parts were literally all over the street, Helios opened his eyes that were full black. Like a
lightning stroke exploding to 10 different branches, Helios released some kind of veiny
tentacles that went to each body pile. Their ends then opened up, revealing a mouth with
double lines of sharp teeth, and started straight away eating the demonoids body parts.
Groaning from the radiating pain to the core, Darake tried cutting them down, but ended up
getting absorbed into them more, making it like a living quicksand. As he was solid halfway
eaten, he felt the panic starting to kick in. He couldn't regenerate, nor kill these odd snakelike
veins. He felt his mind slipping, as he realized that his immortality was about to be gone.
In his desperation and anger, he yelled:"What the fuck is that spell? What kind of demonoid
are youh?! Tell meh!!" While his talking head was screaming fearingly at Helios, Angel just
smiled calmly, while watching his comrade eat up this bastard's body, and devour all the
thousands of souls in him, as well as his own demonoid one, of course. A red vibrating
emerged from Helios's soulstone on his choerix, as he's and his demons voice said
unitedly:"Aahh, what a refreshing supper~"
As then, Helios's eyes returned to normal, while the vines retreated back into his body. "Well
done, Helios. You successfully pulled a 2 level possession curse. How are you feeling?" As
Helios didn't even have time to let one letter out of his mouth, when suddenly he collapsed to
his knees. The dark one caught him, while they returned back to the living world. The black
and red one started violently coughing, as Angel tried to keep him from ripping his throat
apart. "There there... Just get it all out. And take a deep breath... Now, still with me?" When
he finally got his voice to work properly, Helios nodded and said to the dark one next to him.
"Yeav, just... Feels like my throat is on fireh..." After hearing this, Angel frowled a bit. Now
out of any attribute, a pyrus dragon should be the last one to complain about something like
that. Then, the elder asked him the following:"You still have some of that Dameraths blood
left?" As he helped him to sit down on a bench, Helios took a sip of blood from the little
crystal bottle hanging down his neck. It helped his coughing and paleness immediately, but
now, it was empty. "Fucking hell... That better have worked for a couple days ahead...!" He
grunted, closing the cap of it back tightly. "I'll get you a refill by the next moon." Angel said,
taking the bottle necklace from him and storing it into his wing. The Stelfang drew a deep
breath while calming down, he turned the look in the ice blue eyes, and asked:"Would be nice
to know where you're getting it from. Must be annoying to be some kind of a bellboy for me
every month..." He said a bit of a troubled tone, while the angel winged one just slyly
grinned. "Not at all. I get to see my old friend in the process, who I don't run into at all that
often otherwise...We always exchange important information, as well, so I really have no
trouble doing this tiny favor for you in the process." He responded while looking up at the
quickly by passing light pink puffy clouds, reminding him or her daughter's unique scaling.
"Hmh. And this 'friend' hasn't asked why you need it so often in a separate bottle, that you
could be mixing and poisoning someone with a hefty price?" Helios asked half sarcastically,
while resting his arms on the back bench, and snapping his neck left and right with a low
grunt. He was getting sore again... Perhaps he should ask from his skilled dragonoid another
massage. "Hmh, it sounds like you have some business plans of your own already. Or are you
gonna start charging me for extra time as well?" The elder replied jokingly, earning the one
next to him huff loudly in annoyance. "Oh yeah, like THAT will get some extra gaoins...
Besides, were managing quite well, despite our six fastly growing brats..." Helios replied, as
the wind caressed his face. "That should be a thing worth smiling, not frowning, my friend.
As is that you finally seemed to be able to use your zertehf." He remarked, as Helios realizing
this too, had a bit of a surprised expression for a moment, as he opened his eyes wide open.
"Yeah...! I always lose control of them, but this time, it was easier to focus. I've only used it
once..." He said, but the memory of what happened in Flamera way back was not a pleasant
one. It was because of that day, he was what he is now. "And what was with that bastard's
hefre anyway? I've never seen a yellow one before! I thought the red, purple and blue were
the only official colors!" Helios asked, turning to face his elder companion, who was calmly
getting himself cleared with mere energy from his palm. "It was probably one of the new
generation of demonoids. As you know, me and you are of old blood, the Sertohfs." As
Helios tilted his head to the side. "A new generation? Don't tell me we're gonna have some
great war coming at some point! New Vestroia can barely contain our energy, let alone
hundreds of us!"
"Worry not. As I've said, our kind rarely wants anything to do with another, for such reasons
that the whole universe would become unstable by the energy even a handful of us possess..."
He replied, and had a faint smile, as he added:"Well, most of us don't want anything to do
even with each other, since we are our own enemies, after all... The only thing that can take
our unlife, is another undead." He said as the wind picked up speed, as to take their silence
with it to the continent. Helios kept looking in front of him rather emptily, as his flame
colored eyes looked at the empty can that was rolling on the sidewalk with the wind. It kept
hitting side to side, taking some damage, but still kept rolling. Taking a deep breath, Helios
looked at his choerix, and the black bloodstone hanging down from it, as upon closer and
longer inspection, he saw the yellow glow from within it. Angel then turned to look at the
younger one, trapped his shoulder, and said:"You see tonight, what he was really up to. In
your Zelof-zone." And the black and red one responded with a sort:"Yeah..." As of course, it
was never fun for him seeing all what they had lived through and feeling all their pain and
regrets like they were his own. But it was useful for getting information and knowledge about
their kind, and on different classes that may have happened to meet.
As then, seeing how the sun was setting, Helios looked at his phone, noticing how much the
clock was, and also having two missed calls from Drago already. "Aww shit! I gotta get my
ass moving home, before he starts calling Leo!" He yelped, jumping straight up and took his
TMTE out from the tail band he had on. "Hmh, as must I. A meeting is about to start." Angel
said, opening his wings. "Hmh. Hard working uncle you are, jogging multiple jobs at the
same time." Helios remarked, as he tapped his ear, and had headphones with red hologram
showing up on his ears, as red glasses forming in front of his eyes from them. "Hm. What can
I say? I like action, after being stuck in that dimension for so long. Finally, I can live and be a
part of this world again... It's more refreshing than anything you can imagine. I'll be seeing
you, and send mine and my dears greeting to your belarng!" He said taking off, as Helios
grinned and started up the engine on the motorcycle. "We'll do!" And he started driving
towards the harbor, illuminated by a fiery sunset, while also having their beloved children in
his mind, which automatically put a true smile on his face.
At the same time in the pyrus residence, the teen dragonoid finally got through his own door.
Dragging his feet through the floor covered in game and hoverboard magazines and empty
candy and soda cans, he finally fell limp in on his undone bed. Letting a heavy sigh, and
enjoying even one moment of peace and quiet, his head was again like his internet browsing
history:Overloaded and with too many subjects. But, the one at top was getting him dozy
even now.
"Her candy-like sweet scent, her fluffy soft scales, her voice calm like a lullaby, her sky blue
beautiful eyes...Mmrrhh~!" The teen purred with his tail flipping back and forth at the other
end of the bed. But then, the image of Trevor wrapping his silver armored arm around Sugar's
back popped in his mind, as his fluffy expression changed into a mad flaming one. "I'm not
jealous..! It's just...That guy makes my flame fueled up so baad! But..." Trevor, unlike him,
had no problem talking to the sweet haos dragoness, making Ilia even more depressed. With
more angry growls coming from the young dragonoid's thoat, he threw his face down, while
yelling in the pillow, hoping that by letting as much noise out, he could somehow erase the
infuriating picture out of his brain. Fortunately, his emotional channel got switched once
again, when his sister announced her presence to her elder brother.
"Hah! You're sooo in love~ But with your cowardness, you'll never say a word about it to
her! What a hopeless idiot of a brother I have." Teased the black and red dragoness at Ilia's
door frame, while smugly leaning on it with her hands crossed and left leg bent behind the
right, quite familiar to their father's habit. "Grrh, shut up and get out of my room, Sasha!" The
warm dark gray dragon yelled, as the said little miss sassy said:"Ou, hit a nerve? And
besides, I'm not 'in'. I'm still on the hallway side, which is a 'public zone' in this house!" To
which in closer inspection, she was right. This time. A grunt of defeat emerged in the pillow,
as the elder sibling tried to push his other pillow over his ears. "I swear I'm gonna lose it...!"
But of course, still lingering in front of his door, the bad dragoness said:"Oh I think it's too
late for that. Talking to yourself, eating pillows, yelling at doors...Why don't I call the nearest
Asylum to come pick you up tonight?" She said, taking her phone out, as Ilia turned to look
at her more in confusion. "First of all:Nice try, wimper! And second:When the hell did you
get a cell phone?!" But to that, she just smiled widely, while showing the wine red back of it
to him, saying:"Last weekend, when you losers were camping in the middle of nowhere, I
went shopping with daddy! And he said I can get whatever I want! I even got the RC's logo
sticker on it too!" She grinned smugly, as Ilia just said:"...Aand mom knows nothing, huh?"
As he sat up on the bed lazily and threw a towel from his bed's edge over to the pile of
clothes on the floor, somehow wishing that the pile could walk itself to the washing machine
if he just waited long enough. Even after a week and a half, there was no progress. Maybe if
he would threaten it with a trash can, they would pick up their speed a little? The young
dragonoid liked to stay hopeful. Until his mom would threaten to seize the rest of his clothes
if these ones didn't get taken care of. And that would have made a real embarrassment at the
Flycker practices being the only dragon without his equipment.
"Well as you know, Daddy makes the ultimate judgment! And of course, he'll give anything
for his favorite child!" Sasha smirks with her long tail wagging, as she looks at her wallpaper
where there was a photo he and her dad had taken that night in the city. "Yeah, right, uh' huh!
Sure!" Ilia sighed, rolling his red and green eyes, as he already knew what short of bickering
that would start. In the pyrus residence, the children had all gotten quite used to the everyday
bickering between their parents, and the many heated battles because of it. Apparently Helios
and Drago treated the children surprisingly differently. Where Drago was the one who always
told them to make their bed before leaving to school, not let them play any games past eight
at five days of the week, and always to do their homework before leaving anywhere after
school, Helios would always go so much easier on those rules. On weekends, the rules were
much more different. But, the older the kids got, the more they were away. though Sasha was
more home still, rather than Ilia. The next two, Erigor and Ichigo, who were a couple years
younger, were the stay home type, but there was a rather sweet reason for it.
Ichigo, who looked so much like Drago's mother, Amelia, had ever since hatched been right
on Dragos heels. She was very aware and protective, and Dragos smile had put her under a
spell, that she had to do her everything to see it as often as possible. Whether it was cleaning
the house, going running errands or at least helping them, or to look after their younger
siblings, she would happily do it, if it just earned her mother to smile. Something about that
just gives her more strength than anything else in life. And of course, she adored her father as
well, but with him, it was his true laughter that she wanted to hear. There also was something
about his growlings, that made the ruby red dragoness burst into giggles. Should that stay as
the 10th mystery of New Vestroia.
And as could be guessed, Erigor on the other hand sticks to his father like a shadow. It had
been quite amusing for their other brawler family to always hear what grand rivalry there was
between him and Sasha for their beloved dad's attention. Helios had been a bit overwhelmed,
having two babies follow him literally everywhere, which was why he and Drago had to have
changed the bathroom door twice already. But unable to deny that it was by far the cutest
thing in his whole life. So, trying to keep the affection given as equal, Helios had his hands
full every day after work, when for starters he got tackled by two little dragon missiles. For
him, this experience had driven him to tears many nights after what he had gone through in
his childhood. He had swore to his little ones to always return back, every morning he left.
Even though Ichigo and Erigor called Drago their mom like the rest of their siblings, they
would always know and remember which one's belly they came out of.
The two youngest, by two years as well, didn't have much favorites over another parent, as
long as there was one of them around. but when the whole family was together, the two
brothers, Cocoa and Drael were at their happiest. The two hyper brothers, who had hatched
uniquely at the exact same second, and had even ended up seeing each other before either of
their parents' faces. Perhaps this was why these two were so close to begin with. But, this also
brought up another problem. It was extremely difficult to take one somewhere without the
other. But, on the other hand, this had made one issue of relief in the pyrus residence. Where
all the other siblings when coming to teen age had begged for their own room, these two were
fine with the same each year. Just slicing it down from the middle. Having to make five extra
bedrooms had already been quite the reshuffle for one summer, and even one less made it
much easier. But the children, like Helios in the early days had foreseen when he and Drago
had moved together here, was that the posterity would conquer the upstairs completely.
Despite the many challenges and difficult times, they had got what they wished for. The real
piece and heaven they had fought for so many times. But they had had a great deal of support
from their friends and Brawler family as well. It really had felt like the whole planet in the
last 20 years had come alive. Everything had started to drive and evolve in a new glorious
When Ilia's mind got back on the ground, he heard the front door open from downstairs,
followed by a loud thumping, like someone had left a pack of elephants on the loose. "We're
home!" Echoed Drago's voice though the mountain. The eldest jumped up to stand from his
bed. "Ah, finally!" As the green and red eyed dragon teen dashed by his sister, she replied
sarcastically:"Welcome home, zoo of animals. Did you get wet?" Her two baby brothers,
Cocoa and Drael just grimaced, while passing her by, yelling:"Oh look, the wicked witch has
already cursed!" "Quick, let's shoot her!" And the two boys pointed their ball guns up,
shooting the tiny plastic marvels at her muzzle. "Auh! Grrh, you little runts!" She hissed, as
Drago roared after hearing the banging:"What did I say on our way?!" As the two young
boys whined and said in unison:"She started it!" As Drago sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"The shooting?" He asked in disbelief, while a drop of sweat rolled down. "Yeah, with her
FACEHOLE!" They countered, as Sasha just rolled her eyes but shot one of the marvels back
at them with her fingers on her way down. "Shoot at me again, and you'll see what happens...
You lil' monsters."
As Drago unloaded the two big bags of groceries, Ilia came to catch the soda cans that were
about to roll over the table's edge. "Thank you, dear. How was school?" He asked while
kissing him on the forehead, as he placed the cans on the fridges door where they belonged.
"The usual. Piers got detention again for snapping." Drago let out a low hymn, as if he had
heard this same sentence about 100 times before. "So, what was it this time? Did you two
start discussing something in the middle of a lesson again?" Meanwhile, Sasha came to check
out the bags, looking for something. "Naah, he and Leyden just had a bit of a scene at
biology lesson..." Frowning, Drago looked at his son, as he tried digging a bit deeper:"Aand
in more specific..?" Then, putting the cereal boxes in the cabinet, Ilia continued:"There was
this talk about different species and how they... mate, and there was this talk about
amphibians... So Leyden said that:'Must be a cold make out, if you don't even get to see
whose eggs you're inseminating'..." A burst of laughter came from Sasha who had a
chocolate cherry bar, about to be consumed by the hungry evil princess. As Drago had this
unreadable expression on, clearly still in need for more. "So Piers or course felt targeted, and
he countered by:'At least they don't need some tango just to get excited'... And then, he
asked if he was implying something like if he had an impotence... Aaand from there on out,
it got kinda nastyyh..." The blushing young dragon explained, while Sasha was just giggling
while trying to hold her ass from slipping off from the table's edge. "Ahahahah! Daamn! I
wish our glasses were even half as interesting as that! But ours is full of such pussies, that no
one has the balls to start pulling anything like that! No wonder you didn't swap glasses...!"
And Drago, having this "all focused, trying to piece something together" expression on his
face for a while, before being able to draw deep breath, and brush his hand across his own
face, and then look at Ilia, murmuring:"You're growing up too fast for my liking..." He said
hugging him adoringly, while Ilia blushed, and sometimes felt exactly the same. He is gonna
turn 18 next month... Which was crazy to think about, mainly why he tried to avoid thinking
about it.
"And maybe, it feels like nothing is happening at your glass, when you're the one causing all
the commotion in the first place!" Ilia yelled to his mocking sister. "He's right, Sasha. And
with your test results, you're gonna drop out a glass at this rate. You should take this winter
more seriously, if you wanna graduate, let alone ever get a job. Or do you plan to just play
around your whole life? A lady without any testimonies won't be looked at too highly in-"
But before Drago could even finish, she responded sharply:"Who said I even wanna get a
job?! Hell, maybe I just wanna say "fuck you all", and fly to another planet! And why should
you get to decide what I want to do?! You think you know everything about me, but you
don't! You never even ask what I WANT! Some mother I have...!" She roared, and slammed
her fist on the table, making a slight crackle on it, and stormed out of the front door. "Hey
listen-This isn't a joke, young dragoness! Sasha, WAIT!" But without a word, she flew into
the storm clouds, as Drago leaned on the door frame, pressing his forehead with his fist,
trying to calm down.
Ilia, sighing softly, while coming around the table, said:"Just let her be, mom. you know
when she wants to be alone, she won't let herself be found. She'll come back by dinner time,
like always... Just needs to get some fumes out first." To which the ruby red dragonoid tried
putting up a smile, and said to his first born:"You're right, love. I just... If she could just
listen to one full sentence just once... Of course I'm not trying to make her or any of you say
what you are allowed to want or do with your lifes. I just don't want any of you ending up on
a bad road..." Ilia, smiling and coming to hug his mother, knowing what he meant, said:"We
know that... And she will understand that too. She's just in that phase now. I'll try to persuade
her to get even 50% right on her next test, okay?" He said, pecking his Drago's cheek.
Having tears form in his emerald eyes, he looked softly at his lovely already so grown son,
and murmured:"Oh my big baby boy... Im so sorryh...!" As he hugged tightly his first born
in he's warm lap, as Ilia feeling emotional as well, had a warm moment with his mother.
Drago often apologized while tears started pouring out of his bright emerald eyes. For Ilia, it
was in the dark long before one day, when he was in the grade school, he had come home
covered in bruises and cuts. He didn't want to say the exact reason for this sparring to him,
but Drago had just pressed him tightly to his chest, and cried silently while apologizing. He
knew, regardless if he said it or not. Ilia used to get picked on because of his two dad's. But
after growing a bit, he had learned how to deal with it. To his mom, he had said something
that had pulled Dragos' heart strings for good. "I wouldn't want any other parents than you
two. I'm proud to call you my mom, and I always will. So please, mom, don't cry." Drago felt
like one of Angel's feathers would have brushed against his heart. Unfortunately, this had
only made him cry louder, while squeezing his child against him. But because of this, he was
relieved, and sure that his son could survive through anything.
"Mom...Mom, hey?" Snapping out of it, and releasing his hold a bit when he heard Ilia
calling him in this present moment. "Yes, sorry dear, I spaced out a little..." Sighing, the
green and red eyed dragon tried again to ask what had been in his mind all day. "Say mom...
Do you know anything about the Blood rain?" Hearring of such a shivering name, Drago
stopped what he was previously thinking, and had to ask again to be sure of what his son had
just asked, and not just heard wrong. "Sorry what was that, Ilia?" "The Blood rain? Do you
know anything about that in history of Vestroia?" He repeated the letters, as Drago's
expression became a little shocked. "Where did you learn of such a thing?" As Ilia blinked
innocently before responding:"At history glass. There was this mystery of all the dark ones
and what killed all of them 84 000 years ago. All we found was just this Blood rain event...
What's that about?" To this, Drago had a drop of sweat rolling down his temple, as he closed
his eyes before replying in more calm manner:"No, dear. Unfortunately, I have never heard of
this either..." Now Ilia was really in the loop. Even his mom, who knew all kinds of history
events in New Vestroia had never heard of this either? Now this was really strange... He
wondered if Shinee had any luck asking his father about it either. Although Angel might have
known something, how willing he was to tell about this clearly to his kind related tragedy,
was another question entirely...
At the same time in the city hall of Goroa, a Communions meeting had just ended upstairs.
Making soundless steps, Angel was making his way down one of the secret government
staircases, into an acheide that had raposts over 12 000 years old. There were little firebirds,
called Prixef's flying through the pitch black halls, filled with shelves of history. He had a
cloak on, as he had one Prixef lighting his way in the word maze. Up ahead, he saw another
figure, cloaked up as well. Although he already knew this aura, making his body ease up.
"Good evening. Hope you haven't been waiting terribly long. The meeting took a bit longer
than expected..." He said, as the other figure turned his head to him.
"Waiting in an unknown term for me, as you know. Regardless, glad you showed up not a
moment later." The half light, half dark gray scaled dragon said back, removing his hood
from his head. "Hmhmh! My apologies... It slipped my mind. Although, I recall you saying
before our duel that you had been waiting for that moment. I guess even you do not know
every moment that's going to unfold?" Making the light gray one turn away, he kept his cool,
and responded simply by:"I do wish to keep those rare pleasures untouched by knowledge.
What fun would that be, knowing every single second ahead? I have grown full of this skill. I
know every obstacle, every conflict, every fight. It's like even defeat does not hinder me
anylonger. But since you have similar powers, only in dream land though, I did not see the
outcome of our battle. Finally, I had the taste of uncertainty and fear of the unknown...It was
a pleasure to feel your might, Dark Prince." Sefire said, with an actual true pleasure in his
voice, remembering that fight that had lasted a whole night and day. "Yes, that was quite a
battle... Even with my second level of possession released, I just about managed to get the
upper hand, but with your serathe activated, I thought I was a goner... That was a much
appreciated fight. I don't believe I've had a chance like that in centuarys..." Angel responded,
having somewhat a weak smile.
"Which you won, might I add. So, why is it that I feel that you are... unsatisfied?" Sefire
asked, as his sharp eyes looked piercingly into the dark one's icey ones. "Forgive me for
doubting, but I still can't help but to feel you were holding back." Angel countered, while
looking around them, and all the other prixef's seemed to have fled from around them. On
this, the gray dragon turned his head on the side, allowing a few seconds of silence, before
giving his answer. "I was testing something..." The dragon in question said looking
somewhere in the darkness, while giving it a pause. Sefire was probably able to feel Angel's
questioning look despite his calm expression, and added:"But not of you, of myself. I'll say
this is to you: Your level of control over Bariel is impressive, to say the least. Even after
allowing him to fully take over you, you managed to come back. Most of our kind don't..."
To which the angel winged dragon responded:"Well, wouldn't have done me any good to stay
in that form. My dearest was scared enough as he was, but seeing that... He has never looked
so... terrified. Not even back when we faced the nightmare lord... " Angel said, as instantly
he remembered how he had nearly lost something more dear than his life against this
particular demonoid. Later, they found out he was a Serfital, who had attacked Crysalix one
afternoon, and chased him through the whole city. Luckily, any other citizen had not been
harmed in the process. They had thought it was just another powerful dragonoid chasing
another, and nothing more.
"Our existence to them is kind of like humans are with Vampires. But, with these random
captures, it is only a matter of time..." The dark one said with a light flap of his cape.
"With careless and or cocky rookies leaving their xoire's half closed, more mortals are bound
to get involved. Although, of course once one enters into one, they won't last more than five
seconds. Depending on the level of the demonoid, that is." Said the amethyst eyed dragon
next to him. "That is correct. Although as of late, me and Helios have come across quite
many rogue Zeithafs. But I've seen bite marks of Curzofh's in the mortal Bakugans bodies,
which is quite extraordinary..." The dark one said narrowing his gaze.
"Curzofhs's? Here right at the heart of the cities?" Sefire asked, raising an scaleblow. "You
haven't heard? Some of my acquaintances have reported them roaming even in mortal realms
as well, eating Bakugans... exsanguinated. But, as we know, even one Curzofhs presence in
this realm should be fatal to the planet in self. Which makes me think someone is purposely
somehow lowering their contamination levels, and making them cause panic here, to get
someone's attention..." This seemed to make Sefire's horns perk up, as he had an thoughtful
expression. After a long pause of silence, Angel asked:"Sound familiar?"
As the purple hefred demonoid turned to face the floor, and nodded. "Then, mind sharing a
bit?" But, the other dragon just turned his head silently, and lowered it slightly in long
"I'm sure you will understand on your own soon. Because of my cufre, I cannot directly give
you the answer." The light gray dragon replied, as Angel closed his eyes, trying not to let his
disappointment show. "Don't worry, I do. But, by your words, I'm guessing this has happened
before?" He asked, knowing that this would help him to find the anwer from the history
books perhaps, and this way, he wasn't giving the answers straight. Another nod. "From your
most painful memory, you will find the answer. That is all I can give you, perhaps a bit too
much already... Speaking of, how is the kromus doing?"
This surely gave Angel something to start investigating on his own, but for now, as Sefire
took Helios as subject, he shed some light on his baby brother as well. "He's learning fast.
The basics, like drawing his own sepat he can do with his eyes closed. He's learned his ofri's
just fine, and can even activate depet's. But his Serathe, he is yet unable to realize
successfully. It always gets out of control. Thankfully, he hasn't needed to activate it in a real
deraja yet." Angels said, as he was able to guess what the elder brother was gonna ask next
about his younger sibling. "As for the medicine... He's out of it." The Darkana said, showing
the empty mini bottle, hanging on a silver chain. The other dragon took it, and bit his own
wrist, as he let the blood fall into the bottle, refilling it to the brim. "Hmh. Lucky him, your
blood is enough to conceal him from the other serfitzal's." The angel winged dragonoid said,
as Sefire through his telekinesis power was able to just hover the small bottle necklace to
Angel. "There. Return it to him as soon as you can." The other asked, as he sealed the wound
from his arm, like there was never anything there.
"I still do not follow. Why can't you simply give this to him yourself? He's your family after
all." Angel asked, wanting an answer to this as long as he had been the delivery boy for
Helios's things. And like usual, Sefire give only the blunt version:"Because you are a good
uncle, and keep helping him out. Is better that he has a trustworthy adult figure in his life."
He plainly and unemotionally replied. But Angel, not tried a bit harder to get some truth out
of him.
"And why can't it be his own older brother that he respects and looks up to?" Sefire seemed
to be swallowing back something, as he then just countered with:"I can kill him for you if
he's too much to handle?"
"Oh ancient's, don't!" He quickly replied and sighed heavily before continuing, as the other
didn't, or didn't just wanna understand. "Look, if this is about your bride, my respect towards
you is seriously gonna drop. But, I highly doubt it is just that. I'd just do all this covering
much more willingly, if I'd know a bit more what's going on..." The other dragon male
seemed to be thinking about it for a moment, but then, he just closed his eyes and said:"It's
just better this way. You'll understand when the time comes, or maybe, you'll find out with
that gift of yours..." He said and turned to face away. And just then the dark one thought he
had gotten him to confess something grand. "And people think I'm mysterious..." He thought
in his head as he let out a heavy sigh, but as it seemed that he just wasn't willing to spill the
beans yet, he just decided to drop it. Angel wasn't about to start spawning against him for it,
nor did he have the time. He was being expected back home to his family as well.
"Has Shinee shown any marks yet?" Sefire asked, obviously wanting to swap the subject
before furter roasting as well, which was more the fine with the Darkana dragonoid. As the
subject swapped to his son, he drew a deep breath, and remembered how just a month ago, he
had started to complain about headaches. Just like Angel when he had been at his age.
Another one was that he had started to get hurt in his sleep. He had been chased after by
some dark figures that had cut his elbow. But when the young one had awoken to reality, the
nightmare had continued, when he had discovered his elbow was actually pouring blood on
his bed. Another day while training, Shinee's iris and sclera had changed color. Crysalix was
terrified of what was happening, but that was when Angel had told him the truth. About the
time when he had gotten chased, that was what had really attacked him, and that it wasn't just
ordinary Bakugan at all, but something that was able to mask itself as such. Angel had also
told him about his own dark secret, and what was really happening with their son. It was a lot
for one haos dragonoid to take in at once, but he had understood and most importantly,
believed him. And being thankful that he had been honest with him. From there on out,
Angel had managed to start talking to Shinee about his future more openly, and start training
him for it. Make him his own bloodstone from his and his demon's blood. Angel without
releasing had become quite the demonoid sensei. For Helios and his son.
"Yes. I have begun to teach him the basics, and how to discover his own ofri's. Thankfully,
he has taken it rather calmly..." Angel responded, while watching the Prixen's fly all over
the library again, like fireflies. "I'd imagine, since it is the one he trusts after all. Your
patience is something that I admire deeply." Sefire replied, as the Darkana let out a laugh.
"Sometimes I surprise myself with it! But, I find it rather useful, just going over some simple
basics now and then. We usually think of such complicated strategies that in the heat of a
duel we forget some simple ways that could lead us to victory." As to this, the gray dragonoid
hymned, and nodded his head. "You make a valid point once again. Our kind has changed so
drastically over the centuries...Some drefri's nowadays used to be serathe levels of power,
and some used to be mere ofri's... And with each passing century, there are more and more
advanced and fatal curses without the demonoid even having to open a portal." The Steelfang
said, while looking at his bloodstone, hanging down from his choerix. Agreeing with him, the
angel winged one said:"We are getting too much power to my liking..." Angel said a bit
troubled, while lowering his gaze to the ground. At this, the other one said with an expression
that Angel couldn't quite label. "Which is why there's a deleting program every thousand
centuarry." But before Angel had a chance to comment, Sefire walked off in the darkness
saying:"Till the next time, your darkness." And like so, was gone. Now Angel wasn't sure
which one to question more. His previous saying or that had actually used pure sarcasm just
The stars and moon were already out, when the black and red dragon finally got to the
familiar island. Smelling the mouthwatering dinner in the air, he stepped to the path that led
right to their front door up to the mountain top. The warm light illuminating from the kitchen
window, the quiet sound of children's laughter made a comforting sensation take over him.
Being back home was always the best feeling he could have experienced, knowing what
awaited him. But before he got halfway over, he heard little pebbles rolling down from the
side. First instinct being that there was a rock slide, he automatically backed up, but that was
highly unlikely in a mountain that only the dragons dared to come up at. Then, looking up, he
heard soft sniffling as well, but which he recognized right away. Voicelesly, he took off to go
to the one who was hiding in the little crewins on the mountain wall. "Fucking stinks... He
doesn't get me at all! No one in this world does... 'If you're not like your sister, you won't get
a krovarg!' What if I don't even want one? What if I WANNA BE THE KROVARG!? And
not some snobby dick's bitch! Graahhww!!" Sasha roarred from rage, throwing all the
pebbles and a bit bigger rock down to the forest, as a lightning struck right above her. As the
hot tears rolled down on her face, biting her lip in fury, she heard a voice behind her
go:"Then you simply don't want to, and they can spit or swallow that." Then, her heart beated
faster, as she heard her dad's voice behind her, while Helios sat next to his angsty daughter.
Luckily, he had learned the exact right spell for this as well. "So, you and mommy exchanged
some words again, or roars, even?" He said smiling little, which always confronted and made
Sasha open up to him. Throwing herself on his dad's well trained chest, she
growl/cryed:"Whyh...? Why doesn't he wanna see me as who I am!? Why do we all have to
be the same and do exactly as some old farts way back in the days!? Fuck them. fuck that,
FUCK all of THIS..!! What if I don't wanna?? Its like he doesnt even care..!"
And here he had been so stressed to not understand her. It was his own daughter! Helios
laughed at himself afterwards. How superstitious he had been... Why this almost sounded
like a recording from 60 years ago! Embracing her, while letting a calm breath out, tickling
his daughter's horn tips, he said:"Exactly, because you DON'T have to. We only think we do.
It's just the easy way of doing it. But easy doesn't always mean good... And usually, people
tell that lie to themselves, until someone else does it...Is on top of their world, a bunch of
nobodies hate on them, because they didn't have the balls to do it themselves. That's how it
usually goes..." He explained as Sasha lifted her head a bit, while piecing together his
father's words. Then, nuzzling his neck while wiping the tears off onto his jackets collar, she
lifted herself to sit up, as the thunder was getting closer and the wind was picking up speed.
"So, I don't have to either?" She asked, looking up to his dad's flaming eyes, as he lowered
his gaze to her and headbutted her softly, grinning:"Hell no, my lil evil queen! But, if ya go
down that different road, know that it's gonna be a lot rougher and bumpier than the other...
It's the end that tells, was it worth it, or not. But in order to get there, you first of all have to
take that risk. You followin' ?" He asked, smiling strongly, as Sasha had that shimmer of
determination in her eyes, as she grinned back to him, saying:"Thm! It wouldn't feel worth it,
if you haven't seen some effort to get it, right?" She said her tail tip wagging, and pushed her
head to his dad's shoulder, while showing tongue to him playfully. Laughing deeply, Helios
ruffled her playfully in his arms. "Now that sounds like my brat, 'olright! Arent'cha, hah?!"
"Raaah, damn straight! I mean noot!" She grinned, as they had a little playful father daughter
wrestle. It was a miracle how mere two minutes with his father made her full of life and fight
again. After the sweet moment, the rain started to come down, and there was something else
growling then just the sky. "Ok, I give up... Your brutality is no match for me... How about
letting the defeated have a little time out, and a rematch later?" He asked as Sasha had shoved
him on the ground, like usually letting her have the upper hand after little resistance.
"Hmh! Guess I can't strike a dragon when he's down? Hmhmhm! I love you, dad! Youre the
fawking best!" She said kissing him on the cheek and hugging him as tightly as she could,
just making the big one purr lowly, "Naawh, make your old man blush now, why don't ya?
Haven't you got no mercy, my big bad girl?" And Helios lifted her by his long tail, so he
could get off the ground. "You should know better by now, daddy! Your not old! And mercy
and I don't go into the same sentence." She said with an evil grin, as her ruby eyes shone in
the dark. "Even against me?" Helios tried raising an eye scale, as the young dragoness tried
to block her dad from getting in front of her. But then, being unpredictable as always, Helios
teleported ahead of her, getting her to chase him all the way to the house.
In the living room, where Drago was helping Ichigo and her brothers with their homework,
they all stopped their focus train, and concentrated on the lounge, where they heard stomping
and giggling, and a bit raspier and lower laughter coming from. "You cheated again, Daddy!"
"When dad's starving, there ain't nothing getting in the way! Now remember that, ankle
biter!" As soon there was a whole lot else about to get in his way, before he even had time to
take off his jacket. "DADDYYYYYHH!!!" And the poor pyrus dragon was once again on the
ground, tumbled by four other little dragons. "Aaahrg...! Noo mooreeh...!!" He gasped, as
he tried reaching up dramaticly, and did not expect anyone to actually pull him up, but
someone did. "Need a hand, dear?"
"Ghhr... More like one hefty meal, in 10 seconds!" He struggled, as all the little ones got off
of him, and speeded to the kitchen, and rushed to fetch him meat stew, and a glass of home
beef. Meanwhile, he embraced and kissed Drago lovingly, as he said nuzzling to him:"Well
well, I finally decided to come home, huh?" "Merhg, I thought I might get some rest and
come see you, before you forget that I existed." To this Drago hymned amusedly and tapped
Helios's muzzle with his talon. "Fat change, Sir Grumper. But it sure has been rather quiet...
And guess who's stolen your side of the bed every night..." He grinned, tail wagging behind
him. "Hmmh, so as soon as I'm gone some mini dregs just think they can replace me, huh?"
He murmured, while holding his belarng by the waist, and kept capturing his lips after every
breath, while their tails coiled around each other. This could have continued on and on, all the
way till they were armourless and all the way in their bedroom, deep in each other, but as
soon as the microwave whent "dink", both of them snapped back to this reality. "Daad, your
dinner's ready!" Drael yelled. "Or are you gonna eat mama instead?" Cocoa grinned, as both
parents laughed, and Drago whispered:"Let's continue later, shall we?" As Helios responded
with a kiss:"You bet, my gurganoid."
As the "head of the house" had gotten the proper dinner and played with the young ones a bit,
it started to be midnight before the upstairs settled down. Many of the young energetic
dragons were up late, but as like a mental timer, when the clock hit 12.00 on the dot, the
younger ones dozed off. Although Sasha and Ilia were chatting through the internet with their
friends a bit longer. "So, even your mom didn't know about it, Ilia?" Asked the aquos elf boy
while having a laptop in front of him on the bed. "Yeh, but he did seem shocked to hear about
it..." The warm gray and amber scaled dragon teen murmured. "Well can you blame him?
That name sounds like straight from some horror fiction..." The ventus girl replied while
sitting with her legs in yoga position. Strangely, throughout their 50 minute group call
already she hasn't swapped positions one time. "So we're back flying circles, then!" Ilia
groaned frustratedly. "And teachers should know everything, phf! Even my dad knows more
about water Bakugans than him!" Piers huffed. "And he's lived his whole life under water,
where our pyrus coyote is most likely on land." Venla pointed out with her calm tone, which
seemed to ruffle her aquos friend's scales. "Well he should have studied better before
choosing a job!" Before they got too sidetracked, Shinee joined in the chat, and his webcam
came on besides Ilias two other friends. "Good evening all. Sorry, I have to help my mom
and sis clean up after dinner." To which the darkus teen got a happy greeting from Ilia:"Yo
dude! We were wondering if you had changed your sleep schedule or something! Sorry to
jump straight in, but no luck here. Did you get anything from your dad?" The pyrus on asked
eagerly, and the aquos and ventus teens waited to hear the news as well.
"Actually-" Shinee began, but then looked over to the side as there was a door opening sound
and a soft angelic voice going:"Good night, big brother. Don't be up too late, okay?" Sugar
said to his brother from the door frame, as the dark one replied with a soft smile:"I won't, sis.
Good night." As the door closed, they all came back to focus, but one of the face windows
was empty. They all had the same "can't be helped" smile, while Piers yelled
dramatically:"Ou Roomeoo, the sweet attack is over, don't worry! The cost is clear!" As a
completely pink flushed face appeared slowly, his back horns pinned down. All the others
knew that if ever the white soft dragoness was near, the always strong willed pyrus one
would disappear to another galaxy. But it had been like this since grade school already, so
being used to this, they only sighed heavily. "You really need to get Sugar proofed, or just
face your damn feelings for once!" Piers grinned while having his arms crossed over his
chest. "B-But it's not just me! Doesn't everyone get dozed off by just the sound of her
voice??" He tried defending, while they all kept their casual smiles on, and said in unison:
"...Nope, just you." "-Hopeless case." Piers added throwing more salt on his already
wounded bride. "Spring is a long way off..." Venla added, sipping her tea calmly. Shinee was
highly amused as always. While the teen dragon blood veins tried to keep up with his
fastening heart beats, making it feel like timed bomb about to go off, he shook he's head,
while growling:" Krrhm! Aaanywayh, you were about to say, Shinee!?" Since their overboiled
kettle seemed to settle down, he continued where they had left off:"He actually told
me something...freakyh." And now, all the other young Bakugans had a serious face on, as
Piers asked with a drop of nervous sweat rolling down his forehead. "Hey, Auumh... youu
guyys suure wee waanna taalk about thiiis right befoore going to beed?" "Then you go to bed
with your teddybear and we'll tell you tomorrow in bright sunshine." Venla remarked, hitting
the aquos boy right where it hurt again, making him blush and spat out:"LIKE HELL I
WILL!! Besides, is a salamander, not a bear..." He pouted trying to hide his night blushie
more behind the pillow.
"At first, he went really quiet, and he stopped smiling. I've never seen my dad looking so...
shook? It's like he'd seen a ghost of his worst enemy..." Shinee began, remembering the
reaction that the Dark one had had. "About 10 000 years ago, at the time when there was a
good amount of dark ones even here in New Vestroia, something changed that. Not in one
day, not even in one hour, but in a mere minute." Now all the three other teens begin having
an uneasy feeling climbing up their backs, almost like an invisible ice cold hand reaching up
to their shoulders. "Go oon.." Ilia barely whispered, while swallowing nothing down his dry
throat. "At first, some guards tried to stop it. And you all remember what dark ones are,
right?" Shinee asked, but seemed to have an odd tone in his voice. "Of course! They're
extremely rare and have forbidden powers from ancient times that can practically blow up a
whole continent with a single move!" Piers said in monotone, while crossing his arms over
his chest. "And of course, such devastating powers don't come for free..." Venla added in a
deeper tone than usual, remembering the bloody consecuenses for those special powers.
"Now that in mind, their powers shouldn't have any equals in Bakugan kind..." But everyone
had that hand of uneasiness climbing their shoulders even stronger. They didn't like where
this was going at all... "No, I know what you're about to say, so save us all a good night's
sleep and DON'T!" Piers whined, taking a tight grip of his light blue little salamander
plushie. But despite his pleans, Shinee's light blue eyes had a dark shadow over them, when
he looked everyone strair in the eyes and continued:"But there is something that ripped them
to little bloody pieces before they even had time to land their spears at it. Many tried to stop
it, but they couldn't even touch it. Before you knew, your one body, had became two pieces,
or more. If you got off more easily, you would just evaporate straight to blood drops..."
Shinee said, while his three friends were frozen to their beds by fear. "It killed 98% of our
kind. No one knew where it came from, or where it disappeared after that... Even death is
afraid of it... It's like nothing around it stays alive..." Shockedly listening to this, Ilia was the
first to get words out of his mouth. "S-soh... I'm guessing that... i-it isn't a Bakugan of any
sort?" Shinee shook his head and crossed his arms under his jaw. "I SERIOUSLY doubt it...
Or then, it's one messed up one! I mean... Whatta actual frick could do THAT?! Just...
Unmake your entire body, with out a single attack?? Do you guys even realize what were
talking about??!" Piers said, visibly shaking, while his little brain tried to even sense all this
together, into his worst nightmare. "But it was so long ago..." Venla said, in some silent way
hoping it was as far from here as possible, and not ever coming back. This was what each of
them wished, but who wouldn't? But still, it seemed odd that such a big event was decided to
just be swiped from the history books. "So why isn't there a raport of this anywhere? And
wasn't Genesis around that time??" Ilia asked, and Shinee answered:"No, he was on another
planet. He and Exodus had a sad surprise when they returned..." The pyrus teen could have
emphasized. Seeing so many of the strongest recorded Bakugans just nothing more than
bloody bundles all over the ground... So many families must have lost their lives that day, in
perfect fear and chaos. Suddenly feeling like someone was pressing his heart and his tear
ducts opening, he tried to get back to the present. "I guess, even your fathers parents must
had been among them..." To which the young darkus nodded softly. "That's why he prefers
not to talk about it..." As then having his different colored eyes teared up, IIia said:"My
condolences. I can't even imagination, what goes through one's head in such a situation..."
Nodding to his pyrus friends confort, he said:"Thank you, my friend." As after a silent pause
Piers said in unnusually emotional tone:"Well, now I get what happened... But it still bugs
me... If there's been such a threat in our history, why isn't the information spread to the new
generations? It's not like knowledge and awareness is gonna bring death to anyone, is it?"
"Honestly, I do not know... But, I'd appreciate it if we could keep this between us." Shinee
said, pressing his fist together. "Yeh, of course, it's your kin, after all..." Ilia responded, and
Venla nodded too, saying:"My lips are sealed." While waiting for the aquos boy's response,
he noticed them all looking at him through their cameras, and quickly added:"I won't speak to
a soul, honest!" As then smiling to Shinee, Ilia said with his trustworthy and friendly
voice:"Your story is safe with us, buddy. And thanks for sharing with us, that must have been
hard. If it ever comes to bother you, we're all here, just open your mouth. Heh, and heart a bit
too, of course!" He sais with a smile ans a soft wink. Shinee couldn't help but crack a smile
as well. It was hard to stay sad near someone like Ilia, which was one of the reasons why he
loved to have him as a friend. "Thankyou, all of you. But now, how about we get some rest?
Even tho we start at 10 AM tomorrow, Bakugans of our age require at least 8-10 hours of
sleep to keep our full strength up." He smiled a bit, as Piers like on que yawned loudly, and
said:"Yeah, and this firebreath at least 12 by his over activity!" "Which the remaining 3 hours
he does in math glasses." Venla remarked smirking, earning the others to giggle. "Heyy, I
have a lot in my mind, and ma' brain needs more rest than ma body!" The dragon in question
"Yeah, head full of a certain lolita dragoness!" the elf boy added with teaseful smirk, where
the pyrus one had flames over his head. "OOKAAYYH, G'NIGHT, FRIENDS!!!" And
closing the session, he slammed his laptop close, and turned his red crystal lamp off, while
throwing the blanket over his horns. But, he didn't admit it outloud, but they were right. Even
now, her sweet voice was echoing in his ears. "Good night." How he wished he could
sometimes receive those words from her. Even just once...Then sighing depressedly, he
turned to his other side, and the wall. Until then, right as he was about to fall asleep, he heard
his phone go "dink". Opening his eyes fast, he wondered who it could be. Maybe Piers had
sent him some snarky last comment, or first for today as it seemed by the clock. But no, the
icon was Sugar. They had a group chat with glass for various reasons, but one could also send
a private message through it, without the others seeing it. Having his poor heart jumping all
the way to his throat, he with shaking fingers and lips hurting expression clicked on it to open
it. He thought he had already fallen asleep while reading it. "Hope you get a good rest
tonight. You looked so tired during the afternoon classes...*sad emoji* Sweet dreams!
*heart* Dot after dot, and brain screw after brain screw loosening, it should have gone
without saying, that the lovesick lizard was about to lose his wits for good. Just when he had
thought no miracles were allowed... By merely just her sending him a message got his
hormones going, but realizing that she actually sounded worried, he had an expression like
someone had poured a bowl of ice cubes down his neck. But the heart was what got him
losing his mind again. What did it mean? Was it just for him? Did she use hearts while
texting to others? Before the typical teens endless question train couldn't be stopped, he
quickly thought he should reply something back, before she would fall asleep. Odd, why was
she even up so late?
Almost dropping his phone on the floor, he tried to think how to reply. After three tries, he
finally sended the following: I hope so too. Wish you good night as well! See you tomorrow!
*winky face* After trying to decide whether to put a heart or not, he still had the courage to
not. Regret it later? Probably, like many other things in his life. But, at least he had finally
been able to say a sentence to her without stuttering like a fool. Hopeless fool? Piers usually
just shoot the bull, but in that sentence, he was dead on. All in their entire class had probably
noticed by now who got his fire going, except her. Or had she, but she was just good at hiding
it? Or then because she didn't have feelings back to him. But, like the ventus girl had said
many times before:"You're never gonna find out until you go and ask her straight, face to
face." Well, that was far easier for someone else to say...
Sighing heavily and pressing the phone to his chest, on the red gem in his chest, the same
spot where his mothers was. Drago had already since Ilias birth said that after him, the
perfect core and New Vestroia's heart would be passed on to Ilia. Helios hadn't had any
objections, since Ilia was the eldest, and ever since birth, had had extraordinary powers. But
still, the young dragonoid himself hoped that it wouldn't come to that in at least the next ten
centuries. Now that he thought about it, had the core's light dim over years? The pyrus teen
had this strange feeling it had... Maybe he could check by scanning their family's photo
album tomorrow. A planet of the whole planet's life force... Now there couldn't have been a
stronger power than that? Even that creepy story Shinee had told, would his mom be able to
compel even a force like that? Through the old stories he had heard of uncle Dan and Keith,
his parents have been up against quite powerful foes over their time. But a thing that literally
appeared out of nowhere, leaving but a crimson ground behind, without words, or
By the time Sugar had replied, Ilia had fallen into an oppressive, strange dream state. As
much as he didnt wanna let the fear in, the young dragon's imagination took over him, and he
had his life's worst nightmare, of a faceless, formless creature, that's only sound was cold yet
hot breathing. Ilia was trying to run from it, but all he felt next was how his stomach split in
half, and his insides, sliding in a bloody slime out in front of him. Wanting to scream, he
couldn't. Then, he saw nothing but red, and was so in pain, that he couldn't feel anymore...
Jolting up, gasping for breath, as then, realizing he was home in one piece, he fell back to his
bed, with cold sweat running down his small, shaking body. Noticing how his phone had
flung all the way on the other side of the bed, he sat up, and reached to grab it. Just out of
curiosity, he checked the time. 03:05 AM. "Now that's was a scary time..." But after such a
dream, he didnt wanna go straight to bed either. So, he got up, and tiptoed to the bathroom
across the hallway. After relieving himself, he heard something from his younger brother's
room. deciding to go see that everything was alright, he creaked the door open. Erigor was
there, but he was stiff. looking straight to the door with his eyes wide open, unable to look
Fast realizing that was wrong, he went to him, sat on the bed. He didn't start shaking him off
the bed, but gently stroked his head and leaned closer, calling his name:"Erigoor...Erigor...
Wake up." And then, his younger sibling blinked, and seemed to be able to snap out of it.
Then, when his muscles obeyed his will again, he sat up quickly, letting a panic whine
out:"Get it off of me! Get it off!!" Then hugging his brother, while calmly replying and kept
stroking his back:"Don't worry. It's gone. Big bro scared it away. You're fine..." Calming
down his panicky and clearly spooked brother, he let him know that he was there and no one
else. Erigor had every now and then sleep paralysis. Not being able to move or speak, drifting
between the real and the dream world, without speaking of the shadows that came to stare,
push, or worst cases, to strangle you was a horrifying experience to anyone, let alone to a
baby dragonoid. Drago had taught Ilia how to wake him out of it the right way, since a
sudden jolt out of it only caused a more hysteric reaction to one suffering from them. But
usually by turning some lights on, and someone familiar coming to call them and gently wake
them from it seemed to be way more efficient. Many times, Ilia had awoken just by the
feeling of uneasiness, and from there was able to tell that his brother was having one again.
Then, after getting his brother to calm down, he ruffled his head, saying:"There. Better?" A
cute simple nod. Erigor was the most quiet type of them all. He usually didn't want any part
in the siblings' arguments, and just stayed at the side. The two youngest brothers, Pepper and
Drael, were looking at it as strength, and when getting into an argument, he was the one to
find a solution. At the same time, Erigor had become protective of them, which was probably
why and if Sasha or the parents scolded the two pampered dragons, Erigor tried to defend
them and treason a half way. But the point was, He didn't want to let anyone see him weak, or
even discover he had them.
"Thanks...Did I wake you again?" The deep dark red dragon asked while like shamefully
turned his head, but Ilia shook his, replying"Aw naah, I... Didn't have that good dreams
either..." To where his little brother raised his horn tips going:"Ouh..." And then not having
this quiet pause, looking somewhere, almost like waitingly, which would ask it first. So just
like it happened to the siblings usually, the words came at the exact same time:"Bed crash?"
Both smiled and let out a little laugh. Now that's what they like to hear. Throwing the planket
open, Erigor climbed back under, while keeping it open for IlIa, who asked:"You didnt pee in
there, did ya?" By which the other bit him firmly to the nose after announcing:"Hell no! I'm
not a baby anymore!" "Auh..! Heheh, no, but to me, you'll always be a baby bro." Ilia
responded while tickling the two years younger one's sensitive tummy. This of course started
a tickle war, getting all the last bit of adrenaline they hand out on each other. Erigor didn't
mind Ilia knowing about his weaknesses, since he never was the type to make fun of them.
Quite the opposite, he protected them. As the two playful brothers finally settled in, they
curled up, not leaving any chance for any shadows of monsters to reach them or let the cold
start tickling their scales. Sleeping soundly the whole rest of the night, both of them luckily
forgot all their fears.
Meanwhile, Helios and Drago were coiled up together on the couch, watching a movie and
the late night news. While resting his head on Helios's chest, he said:"They're growing up
way too fast...Can't we come up with a time stopping spell and just make them stay our
babies forever?" The more masculine dragon let a deep laugh at his lover's comment. "Yeeh,
that'd be nice, wouldn't it? Just stay in this moment forever..." He laughed a bit, but began
coughing again after. Cursing inwardly, he reached to drink up what was left of the drink in
his glass, hoping it would settle the pain in his chest and throat. "Should we do somethin'
special at Ilias birthday? Like take him somewhere?" Helios tried asking, but Drago seemed
to be in a totally different world. He had this glassened glimmer in his eyes, as he just started
somewhere between the TV and table. Frowning, Helios tried to push him gently with his
head to get his attention. "Oi, what's up hawtie? You're not with me at all! Did something
happen while I was gone?" He asked, while taking Drago to sit up to his lap better so he
couldn't so easily wander with his gaze. The ruby red dragonoid turned to look at his krovarg,
as he was a bit hesitant to bring this up. He had kept something built up inside of him for a
while. Drago hated to start up drama, but he couldn't avoid asking about it anymore. So
drawing a deep breath, he tried to stay neutral and not sound overly worried. "Where were
you for two whole days?" Helios, didn't even blink, but just replied with:"I told you, didn't I?
I had some work to do at Tensia island." But Drago added with a more deep voice:"With
Helios's pupils smallened. How did Drago know? Had he seen them somewhere? There was
no way... Helios would have sensed him from miles away. But how did he know then? Or
had he seen them fly there? That was more likely. But it didn't mean it was any better, either!
What should he say? But then, Drago accidenly answered for him, by adding:"I can sense
him from you... And then, there's those cough attacks. You've had them more and more often
over the years. That, and between you being ancients knows where half of the week...I feel
like I see you even less and less..." Now even Drago couldn't fail the emotions in his voice.
"Helios, please, be honest with me... Is something going on?"
Now the black and red dragon was too scared to even draw a breath. But then again, no
matter how smoothly he had tried to handle this, it was Drago. Of course he would notice!
But, Helios couldn't tell the truth. For too many reasons... He didn't wanna force his
dragonoid to go through that emotional hell again. Not to mention that Drago would be in
danger by merely knowing certain things... He wanted to protect him and not make him get
involved. He just had to change the schedules with Angel about their training and
investigations again. Because at the beginning of this, Helios had tried to be the days with
Drago and the kids and sneak out at night to train with Angel, but that plan had soon flopped.
Demonoids were able to go without a rest for years, but Helios was just in the beginning of
this and didn't have no way near enough experience to start pulling a month worth of
overnights without a warning. So that had made the duo change it in random afternoons,
which had worked better. But in the demonoid realm, time floats so differently than in the
mortal one... Depending which demonoids pocket dimension they were in, the time could
have either been perfectly still, or gone three times as fast in the real one. It was always
impossible to tell, and only find out once coming back out. As now it had seemed a couple of
days had already gone by for what to the two demonoids had seemed like an hour. Just
another tricky thing about their species.
"It's-" Trying to think with all his might a solution to this present problem he had right now,
Helios closed his eyes and drew a deep breath, buying him a few seconds more to think of
what to do. He had no other choice..! "There is something wrong with my lungs. When iitu or
anyone else didn't detect anything, I went to Angel if he could have helped me to find out
what was actually going on. But so far, he has been testing me with different things to rule
out different possibilities...Sorry, luw. I haven't wanted to worry you yet, when I didn't even
know what to worry you with..." And when Helios finally dared to open his eyes to see his
belarng's reaction, he looked... Surprised. Doubting, even? Hell, he couldn't tell. Drago was
such an emotionally complex dragonoid. He could had been over joyed, yet look shocked like
he had just witnessed a murder in front of him.
"Really? That's it??" He asked, blinking, but to Helios's ears he sounded disappointed,
making his snap:"Huh? Were you HOPING it was something more serious then?!" The
darker dragon shouted while pouting, as Drago tried to quickly sush him down, so that the
little ones upstairs wouldn't wake up. "Of course not, you idiot! It's just... I felt like you
could have come to me about something like this earlier... Do you realize how paranoid I got
from worry?! At first, I thought you two were up to something illegal..." He sighed, as
Helios crossed his arm over his chest while mumbling:"Fine, you got us. We are in a drug
cartel and sell LSD every week to the whole east Vestroia. NOT! Some belarng I have...
Why the hell would we do something like that? We're all living our lives, aren't we? So why
not just forget all the nonsense and enjoy all the time we have on this spinning excuse of a
rock?" Helios questioned, as he knew that he over explaining would always cheer Dago up.
Though his reason was so specific that now he was actually suspicious... Still, Drago knew
ever since his little brother Roki's case, how against drugs he was. A sigh of relief out, he
nodded and said:"You know, I just really hoped you would have told me a bit sooner. Or us,
even! We're a family, Heli dear. That includes no lying, you understand?" He said and kissed
him on the nose tip. Purring as a response, the flame eyed one nodded:"Yeah yeah, I know.
Sorryh, your beautifulness..." While cuddling him close to his arms and relaxing again,
Drago let a low moan, while rubbing his head against Helios's neck. Then, after finding out
the most comfortable position, he closed his emerald eyes and started to fall asleep.
Right then, there was a newscast saying the following:"Were reporting live on Tensia, where
hundreds of bodies have been discovered in the middle of Otera's city. The streets are
looking like after an execution had taken place, but no one in the neighborhood heard a thing!
We're interviewing one of them now!" And as the camera turned to this elder bear lady, she
was holding her son with teary eyes and sheer panic in her voice:" M-myh husband
disappeared three days agoh...T-then, all of a sudden, we woke up to this...! A-and there..."
As she pointed her paw on the root of the pile, continuing with shaky breaths:"There he is..!
Even without his head, I would reconniceh-! I washed t-that shirt for him, wh-when he left
for work that morning...! Oh gods..! Why isn't the communion doing anything, besides sit in
their castle and tell us, their pupil to just sit and wait for instructions?? Meanwhile, some
maniac is hunting us like livestock!? Whyh..WHYH!?!" As the cameraman panned the
camera back to the reporter, saying:"The Communion is yet to give an interview of what
could be the cause of these brutal attacks. Now, back to the studio." And then, the red and
black one turned off the TV. Drago was already sound asleep in his arms.
Helios might have been off the hook for now, but at the same time he felt like an invisible fist
was squeezing his heart. He hated lying to the one he wanted to be nothing but honest to. And
he knew he was asking much, trying to keep this from Drago for his whole life span if
possible... But he had to. For the sake of their happiness, and what time they had left before
some new horrible occurrence. Just watching all the bodies on the screen...There was no
telling when it would hit Goroa. And one of their little dragons could have been on that gore
pile. Or even worse, all of them. Holding Drago tightly and kissing his forehead, Helios tried
not to let the fear take over him. Finally, he had a family of his own. Everything had been so
perfect... But now, it was all at risk. Angel's words echoed in his mind:"Drago will find out
sooner or later..." Helios run his hand over his face. He felt trapped. These continuing
Bakugan disappearances, massacres and their governments' quietness... There were all the
ingredients in place, for chaos and devastation.
To be continued...
Curse and a Blessing
Chapter Notes
Deraja - Demonoid's seal, a barrier.
Zjertef - The manipulative demon mass coming out of the demonoid's body.
Zeithaf - Normal leveled demonoid, lord at best.
Dref - A demonoid duel.
Zarak - The sealing stone on demonoids Choerix.
- - – - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I do not own Bakugan, or any of the characters, only the story idea and my OC's.
This story is made for entertainment purposes only and not to disrespect anyone's
personal views or beliefs. Read the Tag's and continue with your own free will.
[Graphic Violence and Strong Language Warning!]
Dark Angel belongs to DarkAngel97.
~Please enjoy reading~!
See the end of the chapter for more notes
A steady rhythm, like deep knocking. Silenced by the meat wall surrounding it, while circled
by the many cells that provided it vitamins and nutritions. It was still learning, growing with
every passing minute... Getting startled its still un-evolved muscles jolted, resolving to
motion. One of the back limbs kicks the strong but flexible tissue surrounding it. Soon,
feeling the warm pressure coming through the flesh, it soothes it. Curling up as the thuds
quiet down, accomplishing the wanted objective. Settling to its small space where it knew it
was safe, continuing its growth once again...
"I don't want any more monsters in this world...!"
Not expecting an answer to his stolen thoughts paralysed him motionless, but still hearing it
loud and clear:"That's what you said, but yet you are birthing more of them in...Open your
eyes. Wakeup...wake up...
Wake up, daddy!"
The burnt eyelids opened abruptly, as the dark dragon awoke to the present reality again.
Remembering the voice that had startled him in the first place, he rotated his head above only
to see his son smiling to him, while having an alarm clock on his hand. "You really don't
wake up until it's the end of the world, huh?"
Eyes widening in surprise, he could make out through his foggy vision that it was close to 10
AM. Maybe one beer too much? Then again, he could even recall when he had passed out.
Groaning, he let a yawn out, and tried rubbing his eyes to restore his blurry vision. "Phf. Way
to sound ominous first thing in the morning..." He murmured to his first born, as the boy let a
giggle out by replying:"Mom was even more ominous, when he realized he was two hours
late for work."
Not remembering his belarng saying anything about Sunday shift made Helios even more
dozed off. He really had to cut out drinking... He mentally blamed Leonidas for giving him
the taste of the new cherry flavored drink, which practically tasted like soda. With a slight
aroma of sweet alcohol. "Do you need breakfast?" He asked as on cue, as Ilia was chewing a
toast and drinking something from his mug. "Naah, I'm good! But you should get the
porridge started for Drael and Cocoa! And don't keep it on full heat, boil it at a lower
temperature so it won't burn." He said as the young dragonoid seemed to pack his bag up. As
he just barely got the hold of what was going on, the black and red dragon tried to stand up
straight while screeching out his arms above his had. A crackling of bones made it obvious
how soundly he had slept through the whole night. "So where are you going..?"
"We have a practice in couple of hours. I'm gonna go meet Jeica and Kovald's before that."
The energetic teen dragon replayed, as he grabbed his bag and keys before dashing out the
front door. "See ya later dad!" Then, as the door slammed shut, Helios registered five seconds
later that he forgot to say goodbye. Scratching the back of his head while shielding his eyes
from the sun that shone into their living room, he looked towards the kitchen and how his son
had already laid out the ingredients with the pot and scoop for the breakfast. "That boy is
In few moments, the two little ones got down to watch cartoons from the tv, as the dragon
father tried his best to make an edible plate of porridge. Drago always made it look so easy,
but the darker one didn't have that kind of patience.Thankfully the ruby red one had already
last night made some strawberry soup to put on top. When Drael and Cocoa were younger, it
had been nearly impossible to make them eat or sleep in time. Over age, it had been only
narrowed down as one. It just seemed like kids never ran out of energy...
Just when the melancolic dad was memorizing the old times and drinking his morning coffee,
the seasoned water suddenly spewed out, as another chough attack emerged from the
demonoid dad's throat. It was the world's most annoying feeling ever, feeling like something
was tickling your windpipe, but every time you tried to draw breath, it felt like your lungs got
too small to get the air in. And being fully aware that it was just his body trying to fight
against his new powers, it made him just the more frustrated. It should ease over time, and as
he would chugh down the blood Angel gave him, it would calm down. But it had been years
since he turned, and these only seemed to get worse, just like his lover had pointed out the
other night...Why? Whatta hell was happening to him?
Trying to cover his mouth with his hand, Helios felt something leaking through his fingers to
the table. Now, he started to feel nauseous? But he hadn't eaten a single bite yet! The see
through liquid dripped down his forearm and jaw, as he tried to pull himself up from the chair
before he would collapse on the floor.
"Grrh...Damn it allhrrg..!!"
"Umm, daddy? You alright?" Drael and Cocoa seemed to perk up from the couch and looked
behind them into the kitchen table. Waiting for your morning cartoons through all the over
loud adds was annoying, but hearring muzzled choking sounds from behind still caught the
kids attention. Trying to swallow the extra liquid back so he could answer to his boys, but it
was no use, since it only came out as a puke.
Feeling that it got only worse and not wanting to over worry his young, he rushed to the
bathroom, locking the door behind him. And just about making it over the toilet, to empty his
already empty stomach even more. But to his surprise, he saw something red mixed in with
all the white. His dark face went white, as his eyes kept staring at them. "You gotta be
fucking shitting meh..?! Hhrrgh, this was the LAST THING I needed THIS morning..!!" The
black and red scaled dragonoid cursed, while hitting the rock wall out of frustration. He could
have finally had a free day with his son's but life decided to slap him all across the face again.
"Daddyh!!? What's wrong?? DADDYH!!" Both youngsters became alarmed. Had their dad
swallowed something bad? Should they call somewhere?? Should they burn the door down
and if mom asked, they said it was a "real emergency" this time? Or what if it was mom that
had put vegetables on dads dinner again?? A double cross didn't sound like him... But before
the two of them got too carried away by their overactive imaginations, their fathers raspy
voice replied from the other side:"It's fineh...just, give merh a seck-..!" And followed by
aggressive choking and puking.
This didn't really ease their mind, but at least they decided to wait till their dad would give
them the next update. Their little tails were tapping the floor in sync. Their big innocent eyes
scanned the door knob, just begging for it to twist at any second now. After what felt like a
half of a day, the door finally opened, and their dad stepped out, looking drowsy and like he
was gonna fall flat on his face at any time. Looking at the two dragonets, he said with a sad
tone:"I don't think... I can take you to the park just yet...Sorryh. Daddy's not feeling too
good. I promise we can go anywhere you two want the next timeh..."
Helios felt guilty for not having enough time to his family, after finally even getting one to
call his own. But now this one day when he was work free, could be the whole morning at
home, just chilling with his boys, of course then his body had to really start protesting against
him. He didn't wanto dissapoint the youngsters, but if he were to fall unconscious out far
from their home, the two certainly couldn't carry him back, let alone still have the strength to
fly back here on their own. So it was better to play it safe. He wobbled towards the sofa, not
even wanting to look towards the fridge. Screw breakfast this morning if it was just gonna
come back out like his coffee. Tumbling on the sofa face first, as he's long tail flung it self on
top of his head. It was hard to describe how he was feeling, but the closest would had been
like your own insides were making a detour inside your body, bouncing left and right, giving
the poor dragon most unpleasant feeling of nausea and pressure. Groaning inside the pillows,
his tail tip twisted all around like a struggling snake head. The worst part was that painkillers
don't work on him anymore, so the young demonoid just had to grin and bare it, hoping that
whatever roller coaster was going on in his tummy would stop soon.
Cocoa and Drael shared a look with each other, and ran ahead to the living room, knowing
exactly what to do. They threw all the snacks and games off faster than a unit of time. Then
the black dragonet went to the kitchen to put the water heater on, and took his fathers "Im a
ray of fucking sunshine" mug, and filled it with this one powder that their mother had made
from his own herbs, just for cases like these. Meanwhile the dark red scaled dragon went to
fetch something from their parents bedroom, a whole big satin blanket, and threw it over their
father, covering him with it. As soon as Helios registered that something was pressing against
his back, he raised his dizzy head up. Right on the spot, Cocoa put pillows under his dads
head, while Drael came balancing the tray and the steaming hot glass on top of his head, and
managed to put it on the table in front of him.
The exhausted dragon parent blinked couple of times, and tried to work his half asleep brain
to what was happening. But the big hopefully glimmering eyes said pretty much everything.
Helios felt how something over powered the pain on his upper body, and he carefully rotated
on his side, while opening his arms and stared at his sons invitingly.
"You boyyys..."
With one jump and a united whine, they both conquered his fathers warm chest, while
nuzzling and kissed his burned up cheeks. Maybe they thought they could cuddle his sickness
away? Either way, all these sweet caring gestures made their father feel bad for the
unfortunate timing. "Daddy's fine, just a little upset stomach. Just wait couple of minutes and
I'll take you to go play on the mainland."
Helios thought he had reassured the two clearly worried kids, but instead the duo looked
horrified, and proceeded to jump off, and to fetch the black feathered pillow that was their
dads favorite, and the whole medical kit, while trying to put him to lay down on the offer
sofa. "H-Heyyh! Don't bother, dad's just-"
"NO! YOUR SICK AND TOO SHUTPID TO ADMIT IT!!!" Cocoa roared loudly, while
climbing on top of him, and hugged him down. His older brother went over to his other arm,
and cuddled closely as well, while murmuring:"We gonna keep you here even if you don't
give us pocket gaoin for a month!! Now you watch Wolrex Bandit with us and REST!!
Otherwise I call mama-" And the Steelfang was about to protest with higher volume, but he
kew by now that even if there was a union Bakugan meeting going on, he would literally
teleport back if he heard that. "Hmh. Some blackmailers you are... How are my own son's
threatening me??" "Cuz we are your sons?" Drael answered whole innocently, tilting his cute
little head to the side. "You're the one that taught us!" Cocoa added as again, Helios had to
rethink his teaching methods. A head drop and a tired sigh, as he leaned his head back. "Fine.
You two won...THIS TIME." He grinned, as the plotting duo looked at their father with an
excited smile, just waiting for the next part. The head butt cuddles. The lovely innocent
giggles emerged from both baby dragons chests, as Helios nuzzled them playfully with his
big nose.It downright split his heart to witness this... The truth was he let his babies win
every time. How could he not? Against something so small, so feisty and adorable...God, he
never though he could love someone so much.
"And we don't care..." Drael murmured into his dads neck scale. "Hrmh?" The roarful
question emerged from the black and red dragons throat.
"We don't care if you can't take us to the park. Were just happy that we're finally home with
us!" They said, while snuggling him closely. Helios felt his tear ducts opening. Sweet
ancients... How long ago had he been a full day home? Even done mornings with his little
ones? He couldn't recall, and it burned his mind up. He pressed the two boys onto his warm
and muscular chest, while kissing their soft faces
He remembered how scary the idea had been at first. Or rather, when Drago had announced
he was carrying, Helios had even thought of just dropping everything and running away. But
twisting the thought that he was abandoning Drago had made him burn the whole ridiculous
plan all together. And the closer the counted date came, the more his fear vanished and got
replaced by excitement. And seeing his young faces for the first time, hearring their cries for
their parents, feeling their smallest paws all over your nose... Everything had changed at that
moment. Helios had surrendered, to something that was barely fitted to lay on his muzzle and
weighed as much as a piece of cake. He felt like he had evolved, without the physical part.
Having two little mini dragons crawling for your attention and caring had changed all the
violent dragonoids perspectives. Caring and growing these two to be big and strong, someday
able to head out to the world on their own was his new objective.
Dreaming of being the most powerful and dominant Bakugan in the galaxy had been one
thing, but being a father? No amount of power that was offered to him would have made him
change his mind anymore.
----------------------------------Meanwhile at Goroa----------------------------------------
On this same cloudy October morning, Angel was in the city as well with his son Shinee. The
two were doing some early shopping, since the mass murders had drastically slowed down
the process of shipment to Tensia, as well as all over else in New Vestroia. The Bakugans had
mixed emotions coming from within them, and not to anyone's surprise. It was just a struggle
to survive looking through the morning news paper that was one of your closed ones listed in
the deceased list. But even so, many of the shop keepers tried to keep up an optimistic face.
Weather it was for trying to get even a shed of normal and calm in the sorry or just to get
even few gains out of the few by passing Bakugan was anyone's guest.
"Dad, do you think Tensia will become ghost island?" The little one asked his guardian.
"What makes you say that, dear? Even with all these murders I doubt we run out of
population anytime soon." Giving this answer made Angel hope that it would draw some
optimism in his son, but he replied with:"So far, the kill count of our Island is 86 000, and
there's only 130 000 populated here. That means there is only 44 000 left..." A cruel silence
filled the air between them, as if it wasn't chilly already. It was frightening when the numbers
got put to the table like that. It might have seemed like much, but in reality, many of their
neighbors, friends and acquaintances had died.
"Sometimes it slips my mind how educated he is..." The royal blooded thought to himself,
before letting a defeated sigh out and caressed his son between the head horns. "Don't worry
dear. There are still plenty of us on the planet. It is impossible to wipe us all out with a single
killer." Trying to rationalize his mind, but the younger Darkana pressed his fist together. "But
it has happened before, and there is nothing preventing it happening again..." Shinee
murmured while pressing head down, burying his face deeper in his scarf.
Then, Angel realized why his first born seemed to be questioning it so much. "Perhaps I told
him too much last night..." But he hadn't wanted to keep something like that from his
descendant, since he knew about the incident already. Besides, it was better that he heard the
rest of it from him then from somewhere else... But now it seemed to have affected his dear
son's mind on a much larger scale than what the dark one had thought. That wasn't a much
better outcome either... Cursing inwardly, he tried to stop on his tracks, and bended down in
front of his young one, and placed his hands on his shoulders. Feeling his fathers hands, he
had warm shivers going across his slim form, as he said:"Listen dear, and listen well: Daddy
won't let anything like that happen to you. I will keep you close, so we don't get separated.
Which is why me and mom want you all to come and go to school together. But I'm sure you
understand that. You are a big dragon, after all..." The head of Darkana family said
trustingly, while softly cupping his son's face and looking him in his same colored eyes.
Shinee blushed slightly, and let out a small purring from the back of his throat. He wanted to
believe his father's words, but he couldn't help but to be afraid. Everything was changing.
They used to have so many close ones, friends that came to visit, old neighbors that came to
have afternoon tea and talk about the land plans and the old times...but now, most of them
were dead or had fled. What would their fate be? Would they be murdered one day, or be
obliterated by catastrophe? When was it their turn..?
Little kids shouldn't have thought things like these...But that's where their peaceful utopia
had come to. Unless whoever was behind all this had been catched and stopped. But it was
hard to pull something from nothing. This had been the most suspicious killing in the whole
history. There had been nothing out of the ordinary that could have been helped to point a
finger somewhere. If there would even be one, even a small clue dropping to them...!
That was when the wind brought something that made Angel's scales stand up. His pupils
shrunk, and he quickly put his hand over his son. "Wait-!"
The young Darkana tensed up, and looked all over trying to sense what his father was picking
up. "What is it, dad?!" Angel released his blue hefre around him for protection, as he tried to
grasp the hold of the situation. It wasn't that far, but this other demonoid wasn't moving fast,
which made things just more suspicious. Was it looking for someone? Or merely trying to
draw his attention? There was no way it hadn't sensed him. Just as he got done with that
thought, it stopped. About 500 meters from them. What was it waiting for? Who had come
here?? Could this have been the massacrist they were looking for???
"Daad! What's wrong?!" His son's words finally broke his concentration, as he had to quickly
prioritize. Shinee's hefre was unnoticeable, and his choerix was hiding whatever vibrations he
could have leaked through. So there was a good chance he could quietly escape from this.
"Shinee, I need you to listen. Teleport as close to the mansion as you are able. Then, get
home and contact Helios for me! Say "plan E" to him. Can you do that for me, dear?"
As his confused and little shaken up mind rationalized the words his father had said, he
firmly nodded, knowing by his gaze that it was important, and that he wouldn't want for him
to stay here. He had a good guess it had something to do with their own kind, and it was
centuries too early for him to engage in actual dref yet. He had no choice, as much as he
didn't want to obey and leave his father behind. But, he also trusted that he knew what he was
doing. "Yes father, I'll do it!" Angel's serious expression softened, as he knew he had done a
good job raising him to know when to rebel against father or not. And this was definitely not
one of those moments. Shinee was able to use his wits and inspect the situation on his own,
and even he could tell that this threat was too great for him to put up a fight against. Before
the elder Darkana could turn around, his kin looked at him and murmured:"Please stay
Smiling to him, he crouched to his level to give a soft kiss on his forehead and cup his chin.
"That I promise you, love." He smiled calmly, as he saw in the little ones eyes how he tried
hiding his fear, but was going with it anyway. Regardless, it was enough for him to make a
break for it, so the little Darkana fulfilled his task, and used his powers to materialize as far
as he could towards their home.
Sensing that his first born had made it safely out of range, Angel closed his eyes and focused
his energy in the intruder completely. He was still nearby, infact, closer than before. Had he
creeped up on him? Had it been after him from the very start? It seemed logical, since he was
clearly announcing his presence in the mortal realm. Not pondering it any longer, he decided
to take a leap towards him, and get the jump on this bystander. He saw a black silhouette, the
scent of danger and death rising from his scales. He was able to use his defenses well, since
there was no telling what type he really was. That was harder about Demonoids, determining
their true identity. Putting his own defenses high, Angel slowed his phase. The stranger had
their back turned, but he could tell he was listening to his breathing.
"State your business here, while I'm feeling merciful." He spoke with that emotionless voice
of his, not taking any chances with him. The dark figure however, stood completely
motionless. Not a glimpse, no response... Nothing. Getting even further out of the loop,
Angel tried coming closer to him, already suspecting this one was merely a puppet, or even
worse, a trap.
As the silence continued, something suddenly sliced Angels cheek. He felt a leak in his
defense barrier, which made him quickly recover it to be whole again. But the thing was, he
hadn't moved a single step.
But what had gone in his defense was the real issue.
He felt something lingering in his aura, almost like a snake coiling its prey, inspecting him. It
was looking for even the slightest movement, netting the dark prince in an invisible blanket.
"Is he just scanning the island? Wait, don't tell me they made it to Goroa already?! If so, this
is very bad! We won't have time to evacuate everyone...!"
"I have no choice. I have to stop him on my own before he calls for back up..!" Not even
trying to look graceful anymore, Angel released his zjerthef, that went straight through the
attackers defense. But his supposed counter was...odd. He turned his side, having a part of his
cloak and forearm torn off in the process. He tried to make a side tilt, and launched a
counterattack with his damaged hands craws, but it only ended up in his whole arm falling
off. After this critical hit he tried to make a run for it, completely exposing his back.
"He's not even trying to fight... What's his angle?" The angel winged one said in his head, as
he easily dodged the weak claw slap. But his icy blue eyes noted something else from this
stranger. He never showed his left arm, but kept it firmly in his cloak. A secret weapon
maybe? Or a previous injury? But that would have begged a different question altogether.
What could harm a demonoid so badly that even they couldn't heal it themselves?
All this was even more reason not to let him go. There were just too many unanswered
questions in the air.
The chase continued over the rooftops towards the center of the city. The dark one wasn't too
pleased with this, since he tried to keep the damage level and eye witnesses to a minimum,
but if this truly was connected to the killings in the past, then it was proceeding exactly as
they wanted. Flashy and gruesome was their style with the past victims. So trying to herd him
to a more unpopulated area, Angel launched his zjertefs at him so he could scrape him just
once. He already had a drop of his blood after all, so he could activate the blood manipulation
at any second... Why hadn't he? It was the perfect upper hand for demonoids.
"Unless he was a kromus or a zeithaf..."
That made the head of the Darakana family a bit more hopeful. Maybe he could capture him
before Helios made it here.
Using his previous experiences, Angel tried reading his opponent's mind. Unlike him, the
angel winged one was also familiar with the layout of the land. He instantly got a good idea
that could work, but this all rides down on his opponents moves. The cloaked dragonoid
landed on one of the apartment buildings' balconies, and from there, he went lower to the
street level, trying the good old blend in the crowd trick. Biting his lip, the dark one slowed
down, and looked ahead. But a mere wall wasn't gonna stop a demonoid, so it doesn't really
matter how many houses and stores were in front of him, nor the amount of bakugans who
were going to work and shopping either. They couldn't even see him. Just feel the cold wind
pass through them. Why did he not slash their throats open, Angel didn't know. He certainly
wasn't gonna give him that idea, this just made his job a bit easier. He kept on him from
higher up, and after 50 meters, he saw the park center coming up.
"Okay, now!" Forming a trap curse below, that activated as a demonoid stepped or entered
with in the summoning circle, transforming him into the viralief. The landscape changed, and
the world got a red filter through it, as all the Bakugans disappeared and three eyed demonic
crows made the only noise in this land. The buildings changed into giant veiny mountains
that pulsed like a living flesh. There was something moving just under their surface, as the
cloaked demonoid landed on the tippy top of one, that was the apartment building just a
second ago.
Letting a sigh of relief, the elder was glad the transport worked on the first try. Opening a
portal so suffengly without a proper means took a lot more energy. It was a shame that Helios
hadn't made it. He could had used the extra firepower, but he had to deal with this on his
own. Hopefully, he would have the Steelfangs support on the third part of the plan.
The stranger now turned around, but as slowly and as suspiciously as possible. The unnerving
thing was that he hadn't said a word yet. Nor had he deactivated his hefre, so Angel hadn't the
slightest clue with what or who he was dealing with. He hadn't even launched any sorts of
attacks that would give away his ranking. This one was truly a puzzle...All the more reason
why the dark one's instincts screamed at him to be extra cautious. Even now, he wasnt
making a single move, just staring at him under the long hood that covered his entire face.
His hand and body as well was hidden underneath the dark gray cloak fully...
"So, you seem to keep your mouth shut pretty well. I guess if you aren't going to talk
willingly, I just have to rip your head open and take a peak for myself!" And with a mad
dash, Angel sprung into action, clashing right onto the hidden demonoid, who finally showed
his hand and started blocking the elders movements. Each time, a perfect shield. None of his
craws managed to lay a hit. Even if he tried to sneak his energy tentacles from behind to stab
him on the back, this opponent managed to perfectly avoid getting hit. Jumping back, Angel
tried to change his tactic a bit, as he supposed energy spheres that should have evaporated
everything they touched. The lavender blush lights shot out of nowhere, putting a fire under
his opponent's feet. "You can't keep running forever...!" Angel thought as his pupils
narrowed, the light matching the color of the spheres that grew wider every time he shot a
new one. And finally, one caught up to him. The light was shining right below his feet, as the
feeling of success bloomed in the dark one's mind.
So, why did it suddenly feel like he lost? All he saw was red. Then he realized that he was
lying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. He felt how his whole front side if the body
was just... gone. His half of a muzzle was oozing with warm blood, making his chough by
how much of it was leaking in his throat. What had happened? He hadn't sen him even strike
"Interesting...I think this one is someone's puppet." Bariel said telepathically within Angel's
still recovering mind. "What do you mean..?" His host questioned, while his bloody pupils
slowly turned up in his eye sockets.
"Someones just swinging him around and watching us through his eyes. I don't think he has
an intention of killing you, as much as to study you..." His demon partner said, while using
his own power to start healing the angel winged dragonoid's face and stomach and chest. As
he felt himself getting repaired, Angel put his arms in front, and slowly pushed himself up, to
see where his opponent was.
"Any idea who it might be? Who would need to do that? I thought your kind was so few that
you all knew each other..."
Bariel was consentrading for a while, and answered with a sing song tone:"Perhaaps~ but he
seems to have his lips literally sewed shut. So, for once, I like your idea better. Just rip his
head open!!" He was able to feel the sadistic smile and blood lust from his demon, as he let
him take his body in control for just the first level, so they would finally start to get
somewhere. At least in close combat it seemed like he had to use more effort to block the
dark ones attacks. But it just happened that Bariel wasn't the best in offense, but in defense.
This truly was a tricky opponent.
------------------------—Same time back in Vestroia------------------------------------
The young darkana rushed with all his might inside the mansion without caring if their house
maids had just cleaned the whole big lobby spotless. His father was fighting something, he
knew it. Or rather, he could feel how he was getting hurt even now... His little shaky fingers
quickly dialed the right number to the pyrus island, and he prayed that he would pick up fast.
After so many rings, there finally was a familiar but extremely lazy voice groaning:"If its
about today's training, sorry, can't make it. And before you even start-"
"Mr. Helios, my father...he needs help!!" And the flame colored eyes on the other end
shrinked once he heard the dark ones son's voice.
"Killy? What is it?!"
"He said to delay a message: Plan E!" The young dragonoid replied, as Helios stood up
knowing right away what was the protocol. But before properly hanging up, the pyrus
dragonoid was soaring through the sea, while holding the still sleeping Drael and Cocoa on
his lap.
Once storming into the huge castle, the black and end one came to drop the baby boys in the
sofa, abd said to Shinee:"Watch these two while I go get your papa, deal?" A firm nod and a
salute:"You can count on me. Just, please..." "Don't worry, kid. We'll be back in no time." He
reassured, and give a quick poofing to his head before dashing out, and activaded his veirex
to locate his friend. If he had so much as send Shinee back on his own, there must had been
something completely out of the blue shown up. Still, he had that bad feeling creeping up his
back scales. Hes scent wasn't that far, but he noticed this drift. They were in the demonoid
realm. Automaticly he knew what that meant...
Biting his nail sharp teeth together, he groaned:"The hell, Angel?! You seriously got so
overwhelmed by some pas by thug that you had to resort to that?! Just dont you dare be a
blood rag when I get there or I'm gonna bring you back, just to kill you again!!"
----------------------------------In Demonoid Realm----------------------------------------
The fight in the demonoid realm was still going on,
or more like the endless dance of attack and defending, which was really starting to wear
ancient dark one down. If a demonoid used their soul reviving too many times in a row, it
started to effect their re-health started to diminish. The midnight scaled one was panting, and
he's wounds would heal as fast anymore, making him lose a lot of blood. But his opponent
had his zejerthef's exposed now, and the damage they received was not healing as it should
"Heh, seems that we're both running out of juiceh..."
Angel panted, as his neck was dripping from blood, and his black eyes were barely open. It
was hard to just stand up at this point...There must have been a curse that this cloaked one
had laid down before the dref began. How else was he losing energy this quickly?
Before noticing both of his legs got severed, as he tried to leap in for another strike. He hasn't
even come close to him! Nor had Angel sensed anything from him. After this all the dark one
saw, was a clear hit in the corner if his field of vision, that he tried to roll out the way, but
something shielded him. "You become so lazy that you cant get off the ground and excuse
ME for slacking off?! Not fair, Angel!!"
Opening his eyes and having a faint smile on him. "Hmhmh! Oh excuse me, but I believe I
am at least some hundred years ahead of you in age, so I think I'm allowed to lay down just
once in a day."
"Hmh! Ur bad humor aside, what did you stick your nose in this time? Why are you having a
hard time with this ragdoll?" The fiery demonoid asked, giving some of his soul energy to
Angel, helping him to recover. "I haven't figured out what's the deal with him, but everytime I
try to attack, he manages to dodge or reflect on it. He hasn't launched any major drefs yet, but
I think he set something to make me lose my energy so quick..."
Which already sounded bizarre if one knew how fast Angel really was. Wind practically lost
him if he went all out. And of course, there was his whole teleporting ability, but he hadn't
been able to activate that either. Something was definitely off here...
After his brain had time to turn few gears, Helios' horn tips spiked as he snapped his head
towards his companion. "That sounds just like you!" In a second, Angel had that same
understanding expression, as he slowly opened his site back in the opponent "Of course...
Why did it take me so long to figure that out?" "Too much on your mind and enough
roadblocks clouds your mind, like you've thought!" Helios said and was tempted to chop him
in the head, but restrained himself, since he respected the elder quite highly. "Shinee is all
good. That's one thing for you to worry less. And no one in the town seems to be a target, at
least what I was able to tell on my way here... It's just this mother fucker as far as were
Listening to Helios' raport, the elder had a thoughtful expression, all while he seemed to be
staring at the just arrived demonoid, and seemed to step back a few steps. This instantly
activated on both demonoids the primal predator instinct. Their claws pierced their opponents
neck, making his head fly off
With a clean cut. The rest of body however was still able to move, and it scraped both Angel
and Helios' chests open. "Too little, too late, tailhole!!" Helios groaned and launched the
cloaked one way up to the dark sky, while unleashing his demon energy, and let Azazel's
imagination run wild, as he ripped apart his fingernails, the fingertips, and lastly jumped on
his back and pulled his hand brutally off from his back. After this he still had time to rio out
his other leg and tail, before he landed like a sack of potatoes on the ground.
But as he fell, he ended up dropping something. A stone plate of some kind, but there was a
powerful protective deraja on it. "Was he delivering this to someone..?" The dark one
wondered, as he touched it. "Don't-" came a hoarse murmur next to him. His head had
somehow managed to still be fine, even after falling from so high.
With swift reflexes, the elder was quickly on top of him, while holding him down in his
zjerthef coils, as he scotched him with his blackened eyes. "Not so fast...I have a couple of
things I need to ask before I devour you." Said Bariel, Angel's inner demon who had taken
control again without so much as a mock for his host. "How did you get hold of this?"
Before his opponent could even think of a way to lie out of this with his un-life intact, the
king of nightmares dug his ice cold, agonizing nails right through the other demonoids horn
base, and popped it underneath it, digging a tunnel to the other side of his skull. The glass
shattering high pitch scream echoed all out the landscape.
"You don't wanna talk? That's fine. I'll just use force then..." As he was able to dig deep
inside the enemies thoughts and experiences, without leaving the option of him trying to
make up half of the story. Angels eyes closed and on his forehead formed a third eye, that
was able to open the mind of anyone he desired. Helios kept a close eye on their enemy's
remains, while his companion went on a mind trip. If he saw any sign of the slippery bastard
trying to regenerate or slither as much as a finger away, he was ready to burn those hopes to
Meanwhile, the prince of dark ones roamed inside an forbidden space, peaking in the vision
of this demonoid. Right away, he saw something odd. The way he had come to be. He was
born a demonoid, without any transformation in mid way or forming a contract with a
separate demon of his own. Furthermore, the ancient saw that there were others like him...a
whole nest of them. From bloody cocoons they ripped their way through, already screaming
and spitting out words with the dead language. As they roamed furter in this literal nest of
devils, there was only more that Angel hadn't dared to imagine. Hundreds of demonoids
gathered under one room, to stare at something...or someone. Angel tried to see better
through the darkness, curiosity pulling him like a moth to a flame. But something changed in
Bariel that very second. For the first time, he got such a strong signal of his demon. Before he
had time to register or question it, the dark prince felt a sword slashing his eyes out, breaking
his concentration. Falling backwards from the sudden attack, the third shielding his face, as
the burning pain spreaded in his head.
"Whatta fuck?! Angel! What happened??" This got Helios just off guard as well. All he saw
was Angel's eyes becoming a bloody mess out of nowhere!
"Aahhh..! I have no clue yet...But something tells me we have a big storm on the horrizon..."
The elder said while breathing heavily, and he let Helios check his injury. "You're not gonna
be able to see for a few minutes. Is your third eye fine?" He asked, while ripping some of his
shirt off to cover his upper face. Hes head was a bloody mess now, and his legs were still
growing back slowly. "Damnit..! Just who the hell was that bastard?!" He groaned, as the
angel winged one stirred. "What happened to him?!"
"He just up and vanished just as you got cut." The black and red dragonoid answered, while
looking at the empty field. "But, he was too busy to grab this." And Helios pointed to the
rock plate that was still in front of them. Angel felt it and snagged it to his wings for safe
keeping. "I'd like to investigate this further. But for now, let's get back. It was morning when I
entered..." "And it was afternoon when I crossed over..." Helios continued, making it a safe
bet that it was already a nightfall in New Vestroia. Damned be the time difference. But,
getting another glue from all of it, might had just make it all worth it.
"Thankyou for coming so soon. I know you had a free day..." The ancient murmured
apologetically as Helios supported him to stand up. Oh he wasn't about to start quilt tripping
him, was he? "Hmp. You're just lucky that I'm cursed with a strong sense of
responsibility...!" He groaned back, while transporting them back, as their eyes and claws
returned back to the original mortal form. "But you owe me one, big time!" He roared, and
bit the other on the cheek, partly from frustration and partly from concern. A basic dragonoid
The elder leaned onto the other dragon's sturdy body and smiled. "Pay back accepted. How
about I cover for you next time you wish to get somewhere private with my nephew?" A
slight change in his expression, the black one answered:"Deal. *Sigh* If we ever give the
time again..." The Steelfang said in his mind, as the demonoid duo made their way back to
the Braveheart mansion.
---------------------------In the Braveheart Mansion------------------------------------
Once the dark one had been secured back to their mansion, the black and red scaled
dragonoid cracked his shoulders, like he hadn't stretched them in ions. But then again,
carrying someone while trying to stay as steady as possible for half an hour was quite
exhausting for anyone, even more so for an older dragonoid. Not that Helios would be like to
call an old fart any more than his belarng did, but the truth was he wasn't getting any younger.
Or well, at least his body was. But not his immortal soul...because of what he had become.
"So, you gonna heal up all on your own?" His raspy voice asked, as the head of the Darkana
family rested his patched up head on the pillow pile beneath him. "Hm. If you are worried,
then I must look more terrifying than I feel..." The elder smiled, while having that playful
grin again. Helios snorted and rolled his ruby eyes dismissively. "Ou, sorry that I bothered.
Won't happen again!" While trying to sound offended, or even grumpy. This earned the ice
blue eyed dragonoid to let a soft snicker out, while taking a deep breath, and closing his eyes.
While feeling the feather stuffed cotton bags take him away, Angel reopens his eyed lids,
while his pupils were fixed on the chandelier above. "I think...I know what that demonoid
was. But if I'm correct, we're in big trouble..."
Helios's left horn twitched towards him, as his eyes got more serious towards his mentor.
"Like Naga level of bad?" He asked, while the Angel winged one's expression turned
sarcastic, but in a painful way. He crossed his hands on top of his chest, like a body in a
casket. "Ouh, if it was only another upset and wronged Bakugan..." He sighed, while his
eyes looked like he was trying to suppress something inside. The black and red one knew
from his expression that it was gonna be bad news. But how bad, he couldn't have mentally
prepared. "We're gonna have accept right now, that even with all three of us, we can't save
even half of our kin..." The Steelfang's eyes widened. Slowly, he pressed his
hands into fists, knowing that the elder wouldn't pull his tail in a time like this. Angel had a
special power after all, seeing into the future.
"Just...what did you see exactly..?" Helios asked, voice going so low that it was barely
audible. The elder turned his head towards him, and reached out to touch his hand, in order to
just share it with him. And seeing all the hundreds or just born demonoids gathering under
one master. And just before he could get even a glimpse of their face, the younger demonoid
felt a powerful jolt, and a pain in his chest, like someone had just electrocuted his heart. But,
the same as with Bariel, Azazel was able to feel the straight terror within him, like a long
long time ago lived nightmare had just raised its ugly head.
"I think it's safe to resume to our previous conversation..." The Dark one said, while Helios
was still recovering from the vision. "We were right. They are definitely gathering all these
deceased bakugans to someone. Not one demonoid can possibly devour all these souls by
"Yeah...But don't tell me it's for all of those son's of bitches?!"
"It's not too far-fetched...But did you realize what that realm was?" The ice blue eyed one
asked. "Viralief of somekind..? Or no- I didn't sence any hefres..." Helios replied while
holding his sharp pointy chin. "Correct, and then there's this plate we snatched. I feel as if
that will offer us some answers..." Angel said while looking into his wings, as he just
realized something. They were the original demonoid letters. But at the bottom, he noticed a
part missing, cutting the text too early as well.
"You think you can interpret that?" "Give me a day or two. I should be able to have it done by
then, unless we are met with more unpleasant surprises..." He said, taking a deep breath. "I'm
counting on you. But if you take longer than that, I'll smash that and just use the time curse to
go back and see where that thing came from!!" the black and red scaled one said, as Angel
finally gave a smile to him. "Pressuring as always... But I'll accept this little challenge."
Grinning back at him, the two demonoids now had the next course of action in mind. Now
they could only wish that this mysterious plate would indeed have the answers they seek and
not turn out to be even more puzzle pieces, because now, the clock count down had started,
and there were a whole lot of lives on the line.
All while this was going on, there was a little darkus Bakugan listening in on them from the
hallway. He quickly leaned back behind the door, while having a serious look on his face. "I
knew it...Things are just gonna get worse from here on out. Ghh, I feel so useless...! Even
though I'm just a kid, there has gotta be something I can doh to help...right?"
Pressing his hand tightly to fist, Shinee understood that he still had a long way to go in
training before he could ever hope to challenge another demonoid on his own. His father
didn't tell him to run for it for nothing after all. Angel always had a very accurate sense of the
situation and reading of the future. He had so much battle experience...and that was just one
reason why he admired his father so highly. But he knew of the whole them being not just
regular Bakugans.
But couldn't he even do something for his dad from the side lines? Didn't he have a demon
inside of him that he would be able to conserve as well? It had to know something about all
this. The problem was, Shinee hadn't yet to learn how to summon it at will without it trying to
over power the inexperienced demonoid. Angel hadn't even been able to prepare his soul
stone yet...
But the young dark one disregarded the warnings, and begin heading down to the training
hall. "Sorry dad, but nothing's gonna change if I just wait for things to happen...That's why I
gotta make them go forward!"
Something dark blue shimmered in the darkness around him, right as he had muttered those
—-------Later at the Pyrus residence--------------------
When Helios and the two youngest got home, it was already late. In all the commotion,
Helios had forgotten to inform Drago about the sudden 'visit' and on top of that, the tv had
been left on, and the kitchen had been a mess. The pyrus dad got a plenty earful from the
concerned dragon mom, until Drael and Cocoa attacked their confused mother right back,
insisting that their caretaker had been at little fault for anything. And of course it was then
that they slipped about Helios' bad morning, and the ruby red scaled one got a whole new
concern filling him. After all the grinning and explaining was finally over, Erigor tugged his
fathers tail end a bit, while he was in the living room alone.
Turning his gaze right to his son, Helios' expression softened, and he leaned into his arm
while petting the teens head with his tail tip. "Hi lil man. Something bothers you?" A little
glimmer in his gray eyes, as he looked at his him. "Can we talk somewhere?" He asked,
which usually wasnt how Erigor was. He took his time to get into things...but now he just
went strait to the point. Getting up, the bigger dragonoid put his hand in his cardigan's
pockets and motioned him to follow him.
Helios took Erigor down to the cellar, which was considered 'his space', that was mostly filled
with workout equipment, but there were also some instruments and bases. Taking a seat on
the black leather sofa, he patted the place next to him. "So, what's nibbling at ya?"
The young one, who was like a splitting image of his dad, except he was deep red scaled,
with black under scales and gray eyes, hopped onto the sofa, while keeping his gaze on the
floor. Trying to think how to even start explaining this weight in his chest, he just blurred it
out. "...Am I cursed?"
The elders' eyes widened a bit as he turned to face his young one with his horns pointing up.
"What on earth made you think that?"
The younger dragonoid hugged his knees in, and pressed his jaw on his chest, while having
this struggling expression.
"At school was just a normal science lesson. I felt a bit sleepy, so I took my bag
onto my desk to lean on it. I was supposed to just rest my eyes a bit, but when I opened them,
everything was...wrong. Our classroom, my friends, our teacher...everyone had these dark
eyes, and they turned to stare at me. It was so red, and all the thermoses had
broken at the same time. I don't know what came over me, but I wanted to get away from
there. I tried running to the hallway, but it was the same thing! Everything was this scary red
cold world, and no one looked like themselves anymoreh..." The young one explained, as
Helios listened without a world, but his expression intensified.
"I didn't know what to do, where to to stop it. I didn't even know where I was. But I
bumped into someone, that sounded like a teacher, but their face were messed up, just like
everyone else's. He grabbed me, and started making some weird noises...They took a hold of
me and tried to pull me somewhere, in a room, that had some weird markings. The biggest
looked kinda like the one that you have on your leather jacket's back...and in the middle of
the floor, there was someone lying. There were some black hooded figures surrounding it.
Then ..I saw who it was. It was meh...and they...t-those figures...started ripping my skin
apart. And something black emerged from meh...that started smiling at meh..!"
At this point, the young dragonet was sharing and pressed his nails into his forearms, trying
to fight off the fear from squeezing his chest.
"The shadow or what ever version of me tried to come at me, saying some bizarre things...
like:"You can't help but to long for it", and:"It's always a part of you"...I don't understand
what he meant, but I didn't want to listen another word. Somehow I ripped the teacher's hold
of me, and ran as far as I could, trying to get out. But every door I opened, there was a dead
end. And his laugh just came closer and closer.. the way he just...glided without a physical
form, I was...paralyzed. All I could think was" He's gonna get me, he's gonna get me..!" And
then, just when I felt something on my shoulder, I saw these black creepy eyes staring back at
me. It hurt so felt like my body was on fire. But no matter what I did, I couldn't
wake up. I just cried and cried...And when I finally opened my eyes, I was back in the real
world. Frei and Rifa had taken me to the nurse's office, said that I had just suddenly started
screaming and fallen off my chair, and my body had been hot. They thought it was some sort
of seizure, but the doctors couldn't find anything useful...And the weirdest part was...I was
suddenly fine. But everytime I'm alone, I feel that scary presence again..." Erigor said, while
holding his own tail, and finally shifted his gaze to his father.
"Whats happening to me, Dad?!"
Helios was astounded. Hes flame colored eyes started to suddenly glitter, as he looked at his
son's pure confusion and fear. Spreading his arms around his young, and pulling him against
his chest, he slowly stroked his small head. "I never wanted for anyone...least of all one of
you to have to bear this sin..! It was foolish of me to pin my hopes on the perfect core alone
to nullify this from youh...Dammit all! Why them?! They haven't done anything to deserve
this curse upon them..!" The black and red demonoid cursed in his mind, as one of his worst
fears seemed to have come true.
Erigor, feeling his dad's strong embrace, just raised more questions. Did he's father know
what that world was, or was he simply trying to comfort him from witnessing something far
worse than a pop quiz? Trying to take a peak at his dads expression to get the answers he
seeked, Helios made it first, and loosened his hold a bit, so the two could look at eachother.
"I need you to try something first, okay? After that, Daddy will tell you something. Deal?"
He asked with a rather calm expression, considering he had been ready to burst into tears
about a second ago.
The dark red and black dragonet blinked a couple of times, wondering what was this all
gonna be about. But he trusted his dad more than anyone else, so a firm nod came as an
answer quickly.
After this, Helios motioned his son to go sit in front of him, so that they were facing each
other, while having about 50 centimeters of empty space in front of them. After this had been
done, the elder dragonoid gave quite the task for his young to accomplish. "Now, try and
reach out to me, without using your body parts."
An instant head tilt. "What?? How am I supposed to do that?! No way..." Had his dad been
reading some odd news articles again and now he was trying to encourage them to start
practicing telekinesis, because somehow that would help with his weir falling to sleep in the
middle if the day habit? And besides, how did this have anything to do with the creepy
visions he had been having in the first place? The young one was totally out of the loop now.
"Listen to the words that come out of my face hole, brat. Now, try it, or go to bed! Which
one?" Helios groaned, since he had learned the best way to teach from Angel. Him starting to
spout weird words and like third grade fantasy stories wasn't gonna do anything but make his
son start questioning his mental health.
Still not understanding, the young male tried to look his dad dead in the eyes, detecting any
hint of bullshit in them. But he found none. He was dead serious. Leaning back, Erigor took a
deep breath and was gonna give this odd task a shot. Somehow felt that closing his eyes was
gonna help, so he was about to do just that.
"Keep them open."
His father was really trying to make this harder then it already was, but guessing he didn't
have a choice, he obeyed. Staring his dad strait in his magnificent eyes, Erigor pressed his
little paws onto his thighs, while frowning. He first tried using all his brain cells to think as
had as he could that he was able to just reach with nothing to his parents in front of him, but
after getting a headache and having nothing to happen, he fell backwards with a frustrated
"Gaarrh! It no use!!"
"Well no if you give up right away." Helios snorted while rolling his eyes slowly. "Try the
other way."
With such weak hints, how was he supposed to get this mystery? The young dragonoid could
already smell the dinner their mom was making, but it looked like he dad was dead set on
passing this secret to him. And he knew that there was not gonna be any talk about dinner
before that. Pushing himself up with his tail, he took the loudest inhale and tried to relax his
body again.
"Just...reach for me." The black and red scaled dragonoid said calmly, as Erigor repeated his
sentence a couple of times in his head. Something in his iris shone, and in the edge of his
field of vision, he saw something black and red moving. At first he thought it was his dad's
tail, but as long as it was, Helios kept his tail firmly behind himself. On top of that, whatever
this was, was flaming with black matter, with the red inside flashing through the cracks. And
Erigor was the one moving this, with his mind, not any physical body part.
The little one was about to tumble backwards from shock, but he was too amazed to move
more than his eyeballs. Helios had the same flaming matter, reaching out to him. Their tips
were sharp and formed like scythes, when both of them carefully made contact. Erigor felt
vibration go through his entire body, but he also was able to feel something nostalgic, as if he
had felt this before a long time ago... He tried to think of wrapping the flame tip around his
dads bigger synthe, and it turned out to be just as easy as moving your own fingers. "What...
on earth is this..??" He was finally able to mutter, but he could feel that this wasn't something
that every bakugan just happened to have.
"It's your zerthef. You can manipulate it at will however you wish, and it will become what
you need the most. It's a shield and a weapon." The elder explained, as this proved his
hunches correct. Erigor had indeed inherited his demonoid side as well. There was no way to
undo it, he just had to help him control and use this power. Seeing his fascinated but still
surprised expression, Helios took a hold of his shoulders, and said:"Listen here, luw. What
daddy's about to share with you, you must not tell to anyone else, okay?"
The young one slowly nodded, and switched his attention fully to his guardian, listening to
every word like they were his last will. Helios didn't hold anything back simply because
Erigor was young. He wasn't going to lie to his own son about a matter as serious as this, nor
leave any important details out of it. It was his own son for crying out loud. He never wanted
to hear his kin accusing him of lying or not trusting them. But, the story was anything but
something that a 15 year old dragonet should be hearring on a regular basis...Especially the
part where his own dad had died once. But everything after that, was even harder to take in.
About all the contracts, the killings, this other dark side of their world where vicious beings
lived...And how they were able to transport into this one.
Erigor couldn't believe his senses, most of all that THIS was real and no dream. Or better yet,
some sci fi movie. So basically he's dad was an immortal blood and soul consuming death
prince, and he was now a descendent of him??
"T-then...what is that supposed to make me? Am I...dead too??" The young Steelfang asked,
looking down at his shivering arms.
"No. Your alive. But, the day will come, when you take your leave from this world. But, don't
be afraid of it. Just keep your focus on what's most important to you, and protect it." Helios
responded, while the gray eyes met his gaze. "What's most...important to me?"
The young one tried to rationalize. A lot of things were important to him. Like getting his
favorite food even once a week, having the corner seat at the school canteen, getting at least
one hour for himself at night without his siblings interfering...But, thinking from a bigger
perspective, his two best friends faces came in mind, and then, his elder brother Ilia's and
their whole family. He couldn't go on if something were to happen to them.
"Everyone of family and friends. I'd even rather loose all my video games than
one of you!!"
The adorable but very teen-like comparison made the elder smile sympaticky, as he petted his
son's forehead. "There you go then. Return your gaze on that, if you ever question what's
your reason to fight. Worked for your old man plenty of times..." Helios grinned, unable to
even count how many times had Drago's bright emerald eyes alone make him get up, even if
he didn't have legs to with which stand on...and already before meeting the ruby scaled one,
Spectra had lit him ablaze in a whole nother way.
But his dragonet jumped to embrace him tightly, while protesting to his chest:"You're not old,
daddy..." Erigor couldn't even bring a mental image in his brain in which his father would be
all hunched back, bearded and have been nothing but skin and bones. It was the total
opposite, and therefore didn't sit in the young dragonoids mind.
Letting a low purr, Helios nuzzled the mini version of himself, and was actually quite
relieved. Erigor had taken this much smoother than he had thought he would...
The worst fear he had would have been that he wouldn't have believed a word, and went to
announce to Drago that his Krovarg had officially lost it. Not that telling his son wasn't a big
risk already...But it was just all the more reason for Helios to tell how important it was to
keep their existence hidden from the world. After surprisingly long monolog, that the young
dragonoid had sat through, not complaining or even dared to yawn once, the elder finished
with:"So, you understand why don't go hefres blazing out in the open?"
"Yeeah...But so if we are immortal-" The young one started, while having this hard focused
look on his face. The black and red demonoid was already preparing for there to be
something that would suggest the violent traits of himself when he was at that age, like why
didn't they simply rule over the Bakugans with a brainwash and no one would even question
anything. If it went to that, Drago was gonna get involved. As once dreaming of such a goal,
Helios felt like he wasn't the purest example to start arguing against it...
"-how many birthdays will I have ahead then?"
Falling backwards over the couch, the dragon father didn't know whether to feel frustrated or
relief. Erigor certainly had his own way of looking at things...But as his belarng had advised,
Helios trued to think positively.
"Many enough that you will grow tired of birthdays!" The elder groaned and pushed himself
back up, while little one tried to think if it was even possible. Then again, his dad had lived
for how long? Maybe that was why he hated the occasion in the first place.
"Theres still so many things I left out, but some of them even I can't remember..." the flame
eyed demonoid said, while sitting back down next to his son, who looked at his guardian with
a careful pout. "Does that mean I have to study more?" You could just feel the little one's
disappointment in his voice.
Ruffling him between his head horns, Helios pulled him close while having a smile forming
over his face. "Yes, but daddy has to study too. Say, would it make the deal sweeter if I told
you'd have a study friend?"
Not the little dragonets horns perfect you, and his eyes lit with curiosity. "Who??"
Grinning deviously, the bigger one said:"You'll just have to wait and see until tomorrow."
----------------------------------An unknown location-------------------------------------
"~Hoo, now look who got shipped back! Is there even a signature, hmm~?" A chipper but ice
cold voice singed, sounding about as caring as a psychopath.
"So_he_ succeeded_not_?" Asked a robotic voice, while moving his head crankily around,
like a machine that was lagging. Hes mask over his muzzle might had something to do with
his odd voice as well...
"Quite the opposite... See, it's gone!" The third one said, as his voice gave straight up chills
down anyone's spine. It was smooth as butter, but laced with poison. He walked closer to the
meat lump on the dark floor, and grabbed the torso without a head. The tall demonoid with a
neon yellow glow coming from his zarak turned the corpse of their little puppet, and
narrowed his yellow eyes with a devious smile.
"Seems that our 'brothers' have finally gotten an invitation to our big party..." He explained
calmly while digging his fingers deeper though the barely pulsating corpses neck scales,
spewing the body fluids out.
"But_ won't_they_try_ruin_our_sacred_seremony_? After_all_they_are_not_like_us_ ." The
green eyed masked demonoid muttered, while watching how the blood drain down his
comrades arm.
"Yes, they seem to think they are still alive, and continue mingling with the breathers!
Hmhmhm! Did their souls not fully pass when they morphed~?" The slimmest of the trio
with bright pink eyes said, while playing with a human male, squeezing its body so hard in
his huge arm that its eyes popped out of the skull and the rectum bursted out of its ass hole.
"Oh but you see, that is why I'm rather curious about these ones...They have managed to
keep their psyche fully intact, and manage to continue their previous lives. Usually this
would not be possible for us, since all our memories vanish and we wake up in our own
realm. And by then, usually so long has passed in the living world that not even our bloodline
as dragons exists anymore..." The green eyed explained, while he observed the blood trail of
his arm separate in different branches, before falling as drops to the floor.
"So, what's the difference between us? And why do they still feel compassion towards
anything? Feelings don't apply to us, we don't have hearts anymore! Just a lump of meat...
very naasty meat, hihihih!" The pink eyed one giggled, while he made a small cut to his
chest, showing the disgusting, veiny and moving flesh underneath, like their whole skin was
a separate organism of its own.
"Is_that_why_you_haven't_absorbed_them_ yet_?" The masked demonoid inquired, while
tilting his wired head to the side.
Their leader seemed to smile widely, and then turn his smiley face to the duo behind him,
sitting in the shadows, on top of the many Bakugan corpses. "I have a duty that drives me,
but this one thing, the miss calculation has gotten a hold of me. I do not even remember the
last time I lacked information...Nor that we have even met so many of our own kind in the
same place together. So, before we are done with this planet and ready to resurrect our
creator, I want to know...I need to know...What are these ones made of."
Everything had a time and a place. On the suffice, we see things as they are, as they move
and unfold before us.
Beyond our site, happens things, that certain individuals want to keep hidden, but present.
And what lies between? What happens to those who know too much to stay ignorant, but
choose not to interfere?
Will they be the saviors of the naive, or will they be the first victims?
Who rings the final bell of doom?
Who will be the savior that awakes from this lucid dream?
I, your cold light...
Or you, my warm darkness?
To be continued. . .
Chapter End Notes
Thank you so much for reading!🙏🏻 Kept this chapter a bit shorter than the first one,
having a bit of hard time trying to chop the whole story in good pieces to keep the lore
rolling at a fine speed, so that the next one won't take THIS LONG! Hope you enjoyed,
and wish you'll keep reading the next one! See you there & enjoy summer while it lasts
Forbidden side
Chapter Notes
I do not own Bakugan, or any of the characters, only the story idea and my OC's.
This story is made for entertainment purposes only and not to disrespect anyone's
personal views or beliefs. Read the Tag's and continue with your own free will.
[Graphic Violence and Strong Language Warning!]
Dark Angel belongs to DarkAngel97.
~Please enjoy reading~!
See the end of the chapter for more notes
There's only so much one can take, before the breaking point.
But what breaks a person in the end?
Words, emotions, pressure...?
They always say that the heart breaks, but isn't it the mind that gives up first, and the body
follows...? Maybe, we're all broken, but the illusions around keep us from falling completely.
What lies beyond them, when all else is gone, nothing to guide us anymore? To simply begin
making a prison, or build a safe room. No more illusions, I decide my own dream.
The following night of him and his father's not so normal family talk, Erigor couldn't really
sleep a wink. His little brain was going overdrive about all these other worldly beings, and
how dead, bloodthirsty demonic dragonoids walked among them. Not to mention how all
that's been going on in his father's life and he the reason why he was away so much was that
he was fighting them off to protect their island. Now all the recent butchered up Bakugan's
started to look like a petty little side factor in comparison... But Erigor still couldn't wrap his
head around how this all worked. I mean how could he? He had just been told that all the
shadows and dreams he had had were not just his wild imagination or school stress, but in
fact his "other self" emitting signals to him from the nether world. At this point, the young
teen dragonoid won't even flinch if a bullet came right next to his head. And he had thought
middle school would be hard to pass...
Another big stone weighing in his chest from all this was that he couldn't really tell anyone
about this. If "their" existence would be revealed to the world, not only would it spread panic
among all Bakugan, but the hunters would come to put them down immediately. And they
already knew how to hide themselves from their kind. There was so much at stake, the young
ones hands started to shake from anxiety.
The one light in all this was what his father had promised. He would have a free pass from
school tomorrow, and his father would take him to meet Angel and his son, Shinee. Erigor
knew that his elder brother and the young dark one were friends, but the two of them had
never particularly striked a conversation. Of course another factor was that Erigor was
extraordinarily antisocial for a dragonoid his age. He always prefered to be by himself, and
not to get involved with others. Drago had been concerned that he would get picked on easily
that way, and fair enough, there had been many calls from his teacher time and time again
that he had got caught up in a fight with the other boys. But one afternoon, suddenly two
other boys had come to defend him, when his old bully had come to confront him. Neither of
them had acted ill towards the dragonoid, but had yet to make any friendly gestures either, up
till then. So, the trio ended up as a group of their own, who had bonded quite quickly and
deeply on such a short notice.
Sighing heavily, the pyrus teen turned to his other side, while looking at his dark star and
moon pillows. He had this star sign cloth hanging over his bed, with some led lights giving it
a nice illumination.
He saw out of the little window how it was still dark outside. "Damn it...I know I should
sleep, but... Graah! Frick shait!" Cursing in his own way since their mom would give such a
death glare if one of their younger ones shouted "bad words" out of their mouth, the dark red
and black boy turned sides again on the bed, and just tried to shut his peepers close, and
empty his mind. He would had had plenty of time to think about this all in the morning. No
sense losing precious sleep because of it. Well, easier said than done...
At Goroa, there was someone else who wasn't having too pleasant dreams either.
Angel was reliving the worst day of his life, the day he's whole family and own kin had been
brutally murdered.
After Genesis and Exodus had arrived on the scene, none of the ancient Bakugan rulers had a
word to describe their shock. Dark ones were the most powerful Bakugan there was...The
pyrus king was the first who dared to murmur the question:"W-Who on earth could have...?"
The Gundalia's ruler kneeled in front on one, whos head had been severed, or on closer
inspection, blown off. His insides were in scrambles, and his lower body was unrecognizable.
"Fretza, Murel, Lunaf...They all had a name, dreams, a family...I offered them a shelter in
my world just before we left...But they wanted to stay for their Prince's wedding. This was
supposed to be a joyous occasion, but now-!" Exodus pulled his head down, tears falling
down his face onto his deceased dark children.
The pyrus dragonoid came beside him, and with a small effort, placing his hand on his
armored shoulder. "I'm so sorry, brother..." He wanted to say more, but he felt as though it
would be best to let the father of all darkus's to have a moment to grieve. Scanning through
the battlefield, Genesis didn't notice that the young Dark one in his arms started waking up.
Smelling the burning flesh and overpowering blood stench, young Angel really wished that
he would had still been dreaming. He didn't know all of them personally, but to what was
recognizable, he could remember all these dark Bakugans coming to visit his father and
mother often in the mansion. Help each other in time of need, introducing them to one
another and learning all fascinating and fused dark powers...What a shock to have cut so
many happy life's short. No more would he see their smiles, or have so many of his own kind
treat him with care and genuine love for who he was.
As his blurring eyes slowly went from body to body, there were some that he recognized.
Someone that was like an uncle to him, had been severed, torns to shreds, having blood
coming out of every part of his body. In shock, the young dark one jumped down, and ran
fearfully towards him, like the corpse was just gonna sink into the ground at any second.
"ZEZAARF!! Noh..! No, it can't beh..!! H-How...How could this have happened?!" Not
caring about his scales and face getting dirty, he nuzzled the comrade that had been very
close with his father, and for him. He had come to babysit him so many times, and made him
learn how to play Kofoke, and baked him the best cookie recipe there was in the whole
galaxy. Zezarf had been so kind to Soul, and supported him as it was left to him to clean up
his tyrant of a father's mess that he left on his shoulders.
And the most happy joint aid he had provided was Soul and Lyrics's wedding. He had thrown
a surprise party for them, with Angel's fathers most close companions. He had basically
belonged in the royal family. Which was why the young dark prince was heartbroken.
However, he saw some sort of scar on of hand. Or more like he had scratched it onto himself
on his final moments. It was hard to make out, considering it had been written from an upside
down perspective, but Angel was able to make out this from it:"Beware of Sn?" The young
dark one read out loud, while for now, he had no idea what that could possibly mean.
Once he woke up though, he repeated the sentence out loud. "Sn-? Who could that beh..?" He
had forgotten all about it after all this time. But as soon as he occupied his mind with such
thoughts, the sooner he felt his demon responding to him. "Don't. You'd be better off not
knowing anymore then you already do." He felt his deep voice inside of him.
Angel couldn't understand. Why was his spiritual companion so...on edge? Whatever the
deal was here, it made Bariel want no part of it. But this made shivers rise up the dark one's
spine. What could possibly race the most powerful and evil creature in the history of
existence? He didn't dare to question...
~~~~~~~~~~The next morning...~~~~~~~~~~~~
When the young pyrus dragonets woke up as their usual selves, the middle youngest son had
already been up the whole night, unable to get a wink since all the crazy thoughts didn't
wanna leave his mind at peace for a single second. It wasn't until his father came to gently
knock onto his door, the young dragonoid's head went blank. "You awake yet, lil' man?"
The gray green eyes darted at his guardian, as he could literally see his still completely
fogged up brain coming up with what his dad was asking form him.
"Nooh...I feel like I'm in a cloud..." Hymning, the black and red dragon couldn't blame him.
He had been the same after he had heard the news. "Don't burn your cords. I stared nowhere
for hours when I discovered the truth..." Seeing another version of yourself had been plenty
shocking already, but hearing it announce that you were dead yet alive at the same time, it
took some time to accept that as the new norm.
Hearing that his invincibility, always on guard of a dad had had something shock him just as
badly, made Erigor more forgiving for himself. I mean this isn't just some simple "you have a
test tomorrow" kind of news. Far FAR from it. The more he thought about it, the more
curious the young dragonoid got. Helios must have been able to see it from his son's eyes, as
he smiled:"You ready to leave to get some confirmation?"
A firm little head bob. "Then let's get going." The pyrus dad said, turning back from the door.
Then, throwing the blanket aside, the little version of himself dashed after him, while at the
same time, Helios put an index finger over his own lips, as to give a reminder for him, before
they joined the rest of the family. That's right. This was his and daddy's little secret. Erigor
had to resist from rubbing it all over big sister's sassy nose. Maybe, if he were to learn some
awesome new power, he might had be able to really prank her, and get back for all those
times she has just stole their daddy completely to herself.
"Morning sweetie. How have you slept?" Drago asked, while kissing Erigor on the cheek as
he came to sit on his place at the dinner table. For once, he was glad that he had such a dark
scale color that it hid his black eye bags. "Fineh.." As he felt yawn coming, but instead he bit
his lower lip while pressing his head down to not let it show. "I just feel a little soreh.. "
"Oh no, is it your neck? Did you sleep in a bad position?" The ruby red dragonoid asked, as
he tried to massage his son's shoulders. Feeling relaxed under his mothers warm touch, the
young dragonoid pushed shyly away, and tried to put on the usual no big deal face. "It's fineh.
Don't fuss, mum." He said, as he tried starting to take some bread and peanut butter with
strawberry jelly to make a sandwich. Ilia who sitting next to him stared at his younger brother
a bit suspicious, probably catching up on it.
"Morrning, mini monsters." Growled the head of this fire family. "MORNING DADDYH!"
Rawred the eldest sister, while hugging his favorite parent and rubbing her head against
Helios's, like always when she wanted him to do this one specific thing. And he did, and blew
air between her small horns, that made a tickling sensation for their little tomboy. "Aand
there goes my hearring...Where's the volume at, huh? OR ARE YOU GONNA SCREAM
EVERYONE TO DEATH?!" The big one asked loudly back from his daughter. "YOU'RE
JUST AS LOUD!" She protested even harder, while standing up on the chair. "OH I'M
protested, as the other dragons put on earplugs in, until they were done with their bit. Every
morning, if not a pyromania, then something that destroyed everyone's eardrums. And as
usual, Drago and Ilia were the ones to put a sock in it.
"Is the clock loud enough? You'll be late if you don't put that food where your voice is
coming from!" The emerald eyed dragon responded, seeing that the two youngest were
holding their ringing heads already. "Pssh, Big woup! Like I give a crap!" Sasha hissed,
rolling her ruby eyes while ripping apart her bacon. Before the perfect Dragonoid could let
out a frustrated noise, Helios changed it up. "So are you saying your gonna let your back seat
be taken by Mikre again?" As now it looked like someone had lit a fire inside of the young
dragoness, as she jumped out of her seat while dashing towards the front door.
"Threatening..? Really?" Drago asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well sorry, that we're all not for
the "good manners" etiquette. Besides, that's how I was raised." Helios snorted back, while
Cocoa and Drael giggled on their side of the table. "Thank you, for breakfast. It was
delicious, mom!" Ichigo smiled, while taking her and her big sisters' dishes to the counter.
"Your welcome, dear. Now come on you two, finish up! Mommy has a conference starting in
30 minutes!" Drago tried to hurry the two youngest ones, who were trying not to miss a
second from their favorite cartoon that was shown from the living room tv. Helios looked at
the clock and the little ones' oh so hypnotic gaze as the hero and villain were smacking
eatchother all over the fictional world. "Oh for F-" But Drago's sudden burn interrupted him
and made him correct:"-Frik's sake..!" His belarng seemed to let this one slide off easy.
Letting a deep groan, the Steelfang moved his chair next to the two deers in headlights, and
started to feed them. The trouble maker duo didn't even start spitting fireballs back for
making then look like total babies, but we're just happy to keep watching but make their
mother stop complaining. Just as the dragon dad got the last bite down their little muzzles,
the episode ended into the classic: "To be continued" title card. "Okay, now we can e-" "OI,
where did our food go?!" "Took a walk since it got bored of waiting." Helios responded so
seriously that the young ones actually believed him. But before they would start reinforcing
their plates, the teaseful father poked the two confused dragonet's nose tips playfully.
Their expressions were so pure confusion, as both peaked down under the table cloth, that
Drago couldn't help but to let a laugh out, while Helios carried the plates to the sink. "Don't
worry, loves. Daddy's just playing around. But the food did go somewhere. Ya feel
something?" Both looked at each other, and then their full little bellies, and made such iconic
realization expressions, that it could have been like they became a part of the show they had
just watched. "Alright you gooffer's; You three better go, so you won't miss the fairy." Helios
reminded, as Drago was packing his bag. "Alright, But Erigor-" "I'll take him today, don't
worry. " He said as the ruby red one looked between both of them a bit surprised, but decided
not to question it furter. "Oh, alright...See you later?" The golden horned dragonoid said, as
the black and red one kissed his belarng, and grinned. "Definitely, bae."
Drago came to kiss Erigor one more time, as Helios tail fived the young brothers, before they
dashed after their mom. "Have a fun day!" "Bye byeee!" "Try and learn something today,
okay?" The pyrus dad shouted, but Drael just threw an argument back, saying:"Why would
we when we learn everything better from you?" Facepalming, the black and red one groaned
back:"Because even Daddy doesn't know EVERYTHING!" Both of the dragon brothers were
in disbelief, as their mom tried to hurry them along. The demonoid certainly couldn't fault the
two young ones for their admiration. He remembered the time he felt the same...But that
feeling had vanished and been replaced with bitterness.
"Hey dad, are we..?" His son's voice brought him back to this moment, darting his flame
colored eyes with his gray green ones. "Yeah, but grab your backpack, we don't want them
questioning why your bag is here if your at school." He asked slyly, smirking. "Oh! Right..."
After putting that on his back, he was ready to open his hidden wings, which were very
similar to his mothers, but Helios halted him with his tail and said:"No need to waste energy.
We'll be traveling a bit differently this time." Turning his head dumfolded, the bigger one
took his son to his lap, while holding him close. Not that he minded to be held to his father at
all, but was he gonna fly him all the way there so that Erigor wouldn't waste his stamina? Just
what kinda training was this gonna be??
"Just take a deep breath, and hold on tight..." Helios grinned, while the confused child did as
recommended, and the bigger dragon's eyes flashed red for a split second, and then, the
young dragonoid felt like his body had been stretched for miles. All he saw were lines of
flashes, as if they had jumped through a neon light tunnel. He instantly forgot the first rule,
and took a deep surprised breath, and then, he felt the blackness take him.
Later at the Braveheart mansion...
"Oh? Is he starting to come around?" "Grrh, about time... Hey, Eri! What's the last thing you
remember daddy saying?"
Hearring the distant but recognizable voice, the young pyrus dragonoid responded while
trying to restore his blurry vision and mind back to this world:"Toh...take a deep biteh of the
"Hmh. Close enough. Here, drink this and get your spikey head back in the game. Unless you
wanna stay overnight!"
The gray green eyed young Bakugan took the glass his father offered and drank the sweet
tasting water from it, while starting to adjust his senses back to normal level.
Looking around, the little one noticed that they somehow had arrived at the Braveheart
mansion while he had slept! Seeing all the familiar beautiful decorations and the luxurious
crystal mansion with midnight sky looking ceiling made him remember all the times their
family had been here. Erigor had always felt uncomfortable in big open spaces. He was more
of a closed space fan. Only difference now was that there weren't any servants on site, nor
were all his siblings making a racket. Now for the first time, it felt...mysterious. The young
one felt like actually walking around instead of staying in the most comfortable looking
corner or being glued to the nearest window.
"Why good morning, Erigor. Glad you could make it. I'm sure your Father has already filled
you in on the basics about our little secrets..." Said a smoothing familiar voice, that the dark
red scaled teen turned his head towards.
"Hi Uncle. And yes, he has..." Erigor as well as the other of his siblings, all like to call Angel
their uncle rather than godfather. Drago usually refered Angel by his name rather then the
tittle, or maybe sometimes when they were alone, do the dark prince didn't have an issue of
the new generation calling him that.
"Good. Are you good to get up?" The dark one asked, as the hazy looking young dragonoid
shook it off, and jumped off the sofa, while his dad ruffled his head supportively. "Yes. I don't
wanna hold us back anymore then I already have." He bluntly explained while trying to put
up his tough face. Angel shared a smirk with Helios, while then glimpsing towards the end of
the room. "Not at all, young one. Infact, me and your dad have discussed important things in
your training during this time. And, now that your present, we can finally start. But first, I
think you should meet someone..."
And just like on que, Shinee came in the hall way, while hiding his angelic wings behind him.
He was like the exact replica of his father, except he had a moon stone on his chest, instead of
an amethyst. "My eldest, Shinee. Meet Erigor. He's the fourth child of the pyrus family." The
head of the Darkana blood line said, as the young dark one came to bow and introduce
himself. "Good day to you both. My name is Shinee Darkana. I'm looking forward of training
with you. Let us both study hard and become good comrades."
At first, the anxiousness was getting to the young dragonoid, as he squeezed his fathers
jacket's rim and was pressing close to him. The way this teen talked was...something else. It
was so well mannered, and sounded so mature. If Erigor hadn't seen him, he might as well
had believed he was talking to a noble man. Did he talk like that at school too? Not that he
had heard or noticed...It was certainly going to take some time for him to get used to it.
Helios was looking at his kin, and pressed his hand encouragingly on his shoulder, letting his
know he was there to stand by him. If he really didn't wanna do this, they could just go home.
He wanted Erigor to have the luxury to choose. Making eye contact with one another, the
pyrus teen could feel his father's support. Squeezing his yes shut, he took a short breath and
the faced the angel winged teen's gaze.
Nodding slightly yet still keeping his intense and observing look, the little Steelfang
murmured quietly back:"Hi, I'm Erigor...Nice to meet' cha."
Shinee had heard from Ilia that his younger brother was really shy, so he had been prepared
for a bit of court action at first. Hearing his father's accent from his way of speaking was
somehow an adorable traite from the young pyrus dragonoid. He even looked so much
alike... Made sense that Helios was his biological mother. His looks aside, it was surprising
to see that he was so...timid but tense. Still, sure he was gonna come around when they got to
know eachother better, Shinee smiled at him in a friendly way and responded:"Likewise."
Helios and Angel looked at their kids' interaction and hymned. He had a good feeling that
their kin would get along well. Both demonoid dad's had confidence that these two would go
far as their kind's next generation.
Doing some simple basics, while trying to see what were Erigor's strengths and what areas
were gonna need improving. His observation over his surroundings was impressive. He let
nothing slip past his vision. Hes thought process as to planning his next move wasn't bad
either. He had a very active brain, making it tricky for his enemies to surprise him. But
something was making him act a bit...sluggish. Like he wasn't exactly in the moment.
Clapping once, Angel made the dummies disappear and said:"Alright, I think we can move to
the real test. Shinee, are you ready?" "Yes, father."
"Shinee has extraordinary absorbing ability. He should be able to give your young dragonoid
the correct pointers in the right direction." The dark prince explained, as Helios hymned,
while looking at the junior Angel approvingly. "Huh...Handy that..." It was going to be fun
watching them spar, maybe even see something nostalgic by change. But of course, the proud
dad wasn't gonna have this day dream come through. Even if he had forgotten why they were
here, his mentor sure hadn't.
"Meanwhile, we can continue studying from chapter 168." Unable to hide his small smirk
from his sentence, the grumpy pyrus Bakugan's mood changed on a dime. "Ooff course you
wouldn't forget..." "Naturally. I also hope you didn't forget your homework?" You could
almost feel like a rubber band snapping in the air.
"I'M 73 TO YER'S OLD, WHY DO I NEED HOMEWORK??!" The walls of the mansion
were rumbling by the deep throaty growl that the Steelfang let out, as the servants almost
mistook it for an earthquake. "Because, my hot tempered student, you need to remember
something. Not just repeat what I tell you to." The calm dragonoid replied, while Helios tried
his hardest to form words to argue back. It looked like he was trying to read a very small
texted book out of the air. After 30 seconds with not even a peep, was a growl of defeat.
"Ffiiineeeeh...!! But don't think I'm gonna do more then three pages this time!"
"Of course, it is how you decide. However, keep in mind with this pace, we are in the next
book over the next decade." The light blue eyed dragonoid replied, while closing his wings
"Ggrrrh, why did it have to be stydying!? Drago's the book lizard, not me... Can't you just
curse all the information into my brain or some shit?!" "Aw, but what's the effort in that?
Maybe, it's about time you're done following Drago and Keith's orders and learn to strategize
yourself. Wouldn't that sound like a nice surprise?"
Even if the dark one had good points, it didn't mean that the black one was happy about it. He
had never been a study fanatic, and never would be. Quite the opposite, he was so close to
burning and shooting all of Drago's precious books at their home at this rate. Losing to Angel
at arguments was starting to be more of a rule at this point, which never failed to amuse the
elder. Helios was Helios, and even if he argued back, it didn't mean he didn't give his all.
Keeping him focused was another problem. Maybe the others hadn't noticed it yet, but Angel
was 99% sure where Ilia had inherited his ADHD.
"Kay, gimme some books to murder!!" The angry dragonoid gritted, stomping his way to the
study hall on the next door, while silently giggling after him, Angel said:"You boys train here
a bit. We will come get you when it's lunch time."
"Okay, dad. Will do!" The young dark one responded, and turned to the dark red dragonoid
instead, who looked at his dad making more distance, feeling insecure. Not having his
presence within a five meter radius, made him feel uneasy. "Don't worry. We'll be fine. Now,
how about you show me your your zjerthef?" Shinee requested, as he backed away a bit from
the other while trying to keep his focus. Of course the young Steelfang didn't wanna show his
weakness in front of a stranger, so he stiffened up, and brought his focus on trying to not look
like a total nuub.
First recalling in his mind to translation of the said term, Erigor closed his green eyes, and
concentrated just like last night with his father. "Think of them as extra hands." Had been the
illustration. But instead lifting his tail, made the young demonoid bite his tongue out of
frustration. "Great, I bet his gonna laugh his ass off and start toddlering me now..." He's
anxiety took over, as he was ready to be completely humiliated by this rich kid, but not even
a snort came out. Opening his eyelids a bit, he peaked over at the other teen, who looked...
thoughtful? Holding his jaw while having his other arm supporting his elbow, he
muttered:"Try a bit more up."
Surprisingly, the odd hint helped, as he felt the one black and red glowing vine come out of
his back. Just like last time. They sort of seemed to have a will of their own by how they
waved in the air, but if the young Steelfang gave any muscle like order for it to turn, they did
want to go his way. It was like controlling three pairs of joined hands at once.
"I still don't really know how to use these..." The dark red dragonoid confessed, while the
other let out a little hymn. "Well, that's why you're here, instead of school. Oor would you
rather it be the other way around?" As if that was a question for a teen boy who had plenty of
self esteem issues already. Snarking at the others comment he hissed:"I'd rather be in your
sister's teaparty than there!"
Laughing a little after hearing the young pyrus dragonoids mumbling, he got the exact idea
how much the other teen hated the learning facility. "Then contracts, you have an exclusive
free pass today, as do I, which I'm thankful of course."
"I liked school?" Erigor questioned, raising his eyebrow. He had always seen
on the exam boards that this teen was at the top of his class. Never fail a single one, not even
close. The other teen figured he must have been studying from dusk till dawn to ace that.
"Just because you're good at something, does not mean it's your absolute obsession."
It was a fair point, but unexpected nonetheless. For someone who had to literally beat the
lessons into his brain it was unimaginable to hear someone just getting the information
through. Apparently, some dragons were just that good at learning.
"Guess some people are just bad at something too..." Clenching his fist, the emo teen
tightened his facial expression, and sighed in defeat. "That's just how it is. But then again, the
better you get at something you're bad at, the more accomplished you feel about it yourself."
Lowering his stare, the other teen dragon was silent for a moment and then, he nodded.
"Okay, I'm ready to start! I wanna get a handle on this as soon as possible!" He said
determinedly, while clenching his fists and suddenly had a spark in his green eyes.
"That's what I like to hear." Shinee smirked, as his own eyes flashed pure blue for a second,
while releasing his of demonoid energy, with the blue lines under the black mass that begin
swirling on its own around his back. "There is soo much capacity to use your zjerthef. They
can grab, shoot, pierce, blend, repulse, spin... Whatever you can imagine! Its all what you
want it to do. But, if you're not careful, they can easily get out of control, and turn against
you." Shinee explained, while demonstrating many of the said ways with his own, leaving the
other teen gaping his mouth. "Wow..." It made him think of last night again, and when he
had seen his father's zjerthef.
"When Dad and I made our's connect, it a light electric shock. But a warm one...
it's like a fire under a really tough muscle." Erigor said, while touching the tip of his
demonoid energy. "That must be because of your lineage. You have the fire attribute, while
mine and dads is a cold flame." Shinee explained, while looking at his new friends clearly
fascinated expression.
With a smirk on his face, Shinee asked:"Wanna see what happens if ours touch?" Seeing no
reason why to oppose the suggestion, he nodded and curiously just like last time, slowly
stretched his tip toward Shinee's, as did he. But a strong sap made both of the teens jolt from
surprise. "Our hefre's are different type, so they reject each other." But then, remembering
that his father and Angel were constantly working together, thinking it was more than likely
that they must have at least graced each other in the battles. "Is that always the case? Or can
you just...I don't know. Tell it to not cut this person but all the others? Can it be that smart?"
He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Actually, there is a rule to this. Unless you have threatening intentions, it won't cause a
reaction. For example, if you happen to have a demonoid you know and feel compassion
with, you two hefre's won't react, but they can actually merge and perform fused attacks."
This seemed mind blowing. Like one Demonoid wasn't like a walking apocalypse already,
they could join forces?
"If only...But so far what I've heard, our kind has nothing but threatening thoughts to
eachother...Including everything around them." Erigor said a little more seriously,
remembering hearing about the sad truth about being a demonoid. By killing their own kind,
they got more powers and life span. It was cruel and merciless, making sense for them to be
more upset than thrilled to meet their own kind, since it was a 99% possibility of having
hostile intentions. "Unfortunately, thats how it is...which is why I want to be able to protect
my mortal siblings and friends. I know it's looked as twisted for us to interact with them, but
personally, I don't see anything wrong with it. Besides, most of us were alive too at the
beginning as well." It made a lot of sense to the green eyed teen as well. Besides, his mother
was alive and un demonic. Quite the opposite, actually... But of course, Drago had married
Helios way before knowing that he would turn into the immortal prince of Purgatory. Which
was why keeping it a secret was safer for both of their sakes. Drago would no doubt be used
as a black mail and bait for Helios to bend for some high ranked Demonoids own sick
pleasures. So even the information was gonna be dangerous. Not like Helios was already
busting his ass for protecting the perfect dragonoid from all these invisible threats and
assassins. But Erigor had already started to see that his mother knew his krovarg was keeping
something from him. It was a tragety...
"Um hello? Erigor?" Not even realizing that Angel had been talking and getting closer to
him, on a reflex he backed off first while attempting to maintain his cool at the same time,
but his flustered face broke the act:"The hel-?! S-sorryh, what?"
"How about we try some maneuvers? It would make it easier for me to start mapping out
your fighting style." Shinee asked, while doubling his zjerthef's.
"Ou, right. I'm ready." He said, while gearing his head into combat mode. Seeing as his
trainee was ready for the challenge, Shinee manifested couple of his black and blue zerjathes,
and within a flash, he was gone from the spot he was the last time the emo dragonoid blinked.
Under a unit of time, Shinee was on the opposite side of the wall, hovering on top of a giant
grandfather clock, holding himself up with just his bare "tentacles". As expected, the red and
black dragon teen tried launching his zerjathes at him, a move both of them expected by now.
Easily dodging, the angelic dragon jojoed himself to the next wall, balancing on top of the
book shelf now. The young Steelfang didn't know which was more impressive. His
preciseness to not knock of any of the objects, or the skilled way he seemed to know how to
use his hefre as cover cloud to block his hunter from seeing where he would aim at next.
Many more hits and misses occured, while it seemed more like Shinee was some sort of a
pointer, where as Erigor was the one who knocked everything down where he tried to capture
him at. The Darkana teen expected mess, but it seemed more like Erigor didn't even try to
consider the property damage. It was probably because he had seen what Crysalix was able to
do with his haos powers, one being the erase spell, where he could easily rewind the objects
time to the point where it was whole again. What he did not consider however was that adult
or not, it would take energy to do so to entire room, which was as big as a library.
Shinee didn't even have to say anything. His smirk said it all to him. This was the point where
Erigor was panting and starting to clench his fists in frustration. Trying to increase his speed,
he tried to after him even faster, trying to just catch him mid air. This didn't go any better than
the previous plans. He even went as far as trying to make a huge energy net in the middle of
the room and catch Shinee like a rabbit in the cage, but too easily did the royal blooded
dragon teen slip through his trap. He could only stare in mouth wide open, as the other
performed the impossible. "YOU CAN JUST GO THROUGH IT?!"
"One of the tricks I've learned, but don't worry, I've only seen my dad be able to do it. Still,
I've learned it. Better try something elsee~"The teasing tone was really starting to get on the
red hefred Demonoid's nerves. Just whatta hell did he have left? Explode the entire mansion
and bury him in the rubble??
As Erigor was wiping his demon energy around, he kept his eyes fixated on his target, who
seemed to be just half a second faster than him. "Grrh..! Come on, don't try to just chaise
him! Predict him...his move, his objective, his it simply to just get away from me? If
he was a real enemy he would try to go just beyond my blind spot-" As he saw Shinee dash
just beyond how far Erigor's head let itself turn. "-and just as it seems like I've lost him..."
and the young Steelfang rotated his body. "Go for a close range!" And just as Shinee
appeared in Erigor's close space, the other teen predicted his movements and was just able to
block him finally. The young Darkana let out a gasp of surprise. "Ahah! Wow, very
impressive.You read my thoughts...Did you use your power to do that?" As he jumped out in
safe distance, while using his zjerthef's to hold on to the wall.
"My dad taught me to always think ahead. It's not enough that you're prepared...I need to
know what my enemy is up to, how to surprise them, and take them down before they even
realize what's happened. And because I'm a kid, they think I'm no threat to them, but that's
where they're wrong!" He said, as there were these dark red shimmers in his pupils, as if
something was growing deep inside of him. Shinee smiled slyly. "That's good, keep that in
mind... But, you still have a task to fulfill!" And Shinee desided to test himself as well, and
released the first level of his demonic powers, to get in speed that no mortal eye could keep
up with. Might as well get serious at this point!
As few vases and books came tumbling down, Erigor's moves also increased, as if all the
background noises had been completely shut off, and the young Steelfang had just gotten
fueled up by something. He felt everything slowing down around him, and his vision got so
sharp, as if someone had taken him to eye wash. Being able to see the outlines of Shinee's
aura slowly moving, he was able to see and visualize where he was gonna jump to next. That
was when he felt a rush go through his entire body and like someone had given a direct order
to him:"Now, grab!"
His gray green eyes made a complete change, as if someone had finally found the switch
within the young demonoids being, and flipped it on. All Shinee was able to get a glimpse of
was a red and black shadow suddenly growing over him with this worldly presence. It was
familiar though... Next thing he realized, was that he was pressed against the main glass
cabinet. Then, he saw Erigor, that didn't look like Erigor.
But, something broke the moment. And on top of the young Steelfang's head to be exact. The
impact with which he had pushed the other teen against the shelf hadn't blown the glass
doors, but it had been enough to knock down this turquoise, pink diamonded vase on top of
the shelf, that broke off on his head, giving him a critical hit.
There was blood. Dripping down to the carpet. Erigor had a fearful face, but not for the
reason that: "oh no, he injured himself!". No, he was looking at the other dragonoid,
imagining that he would make a disgusted face and back away in another room as his fave
had plenty of red liquid dripping down. But instead, he came calmly to him, looked at his
foreheard for a while, and for all the things he had to take, it was one of his angelic wings
feathers. Softly as a mere breece, he swiped in across his wound, as it started to heal with an
incredible speed. Looking amazedly the dark dragonoid, the pyrus one saw and felt his cells
repairing the damage on his body. "Looks like my healing powers have improved. How do
you feel?"
"Be-better..." The emo dragon teen murmured, while noticing something surprising, besides
the other demonoids unique healing abilities.
"Your not...afreid?"
"What's there to be afraid? Is natural. And if I'm completely honest...watching blood
coagulate, how it hardens and changes color, it's...enticing." The other teen said, while he
eyes flashed dark, and he licked a bit of the other's cheek to clean it off completely.
Well now Erigor was sold. He had never heard anyone of his own age say such things! They
were fascinated by blood? Usually they tried getting away and started crying, like a meteor
was about to wall on them.This earned a small grin form on the pyrus teen's lips, as he
couldn't keep this thought in his head anymore.
"Heh...I like you." But as soon as he let that out, he blushed before even seeing the other
teens face, and blurred on top:"I don't mean like that, you know!! I mean like, different but
not like THAT either, but its not-! Hhrrg, fuck meh...BUT DON'T-!!"
Shinee couldn't hold his laughter in any longer, and actually at this point had no idea if the
dragonoid himself knew what he was trying to get across anymore, or if this was something
else in him talking. Regardless, he did take it in a negative way at all.
"Don't panic. I think I know what you mean. And no need to worry. I'm not scared of small
spills." He said with a suggestive wink. From this, the other boy grinned, and got a little gene
strand awakening in him that hadn't been awaked yet. "Hmf. And here I thought you were a
snobby lil rich boy, who would faint if he got his hands dirty..." "Hmh. Then I'm about to
change your world, dude~" having his horns point up when he hear a completely different
word then what he would expect from his vocabulary, he grinned some more, and didnt even
notice that his own tail started swaying back and fort. "Am I rubbing onto ya, or do you just
act like that the the first time with everyone?" "Hmh! You have to stick around to find out~"
After this, they both let an adorable little giggle seizure, finally starting to find their melody.
The little Darkana smirked back, while he felt something go through his scales. A warmth of
sorts, which the pyrus one felt as well. By sharing a united laughter, they both felt more ease
at each other. Erigor obviously a bit more than the other, but still, even Shinee felt more
encouraged, and even more curious now. And sharing each other's secret, and helping to keep
it covered from the outside world, made their bond that much more stronger. Now the little
Steelfang was so glad he had decided to get up this morning. And definitely being even more
curious what the future held for them. Regardless, one thing was clear for both already: They
were going to have joined destiny ahead, as the first born of their kind.
—----------------------------Later that day-------------------------------------------
When the two Steelfangs finally got back to their volcano home, there was a whole calm
before the storm waiting for them, by a certain pyrus dragonoid. Sitting at the kitchen table,
he heard the door klanging, and familiar noises come in through the hallway. As the pair was
taking off their coats, Helios announced like usual:"Boo~guess who's back?" And the ruby
red one lifted his tea cup from in front of his lips, and responded:"My two rebellions?"
"Right. Jail had shitty food anyway. Instead, this household smells like a ten star restaurant."
Helios responded and the teen came lazily into the kitchen, trying to look at everything but
his mother since his was distracted with daddy, but Drago wasn't about to let him go that
easily. Turning in his chair, the emerald eyes darted to his gray green one's.
"So, how was it at school?" The pyrus dragonoid asked, as the fourth eldest son threw his
packpag of to the stand in the hallway. "The same as always." Came the same routine line as
usual. The perfect dragonoid playfully rolled his eyes. "Same? Come now, there's always
some difference in every new day. What did you have for lunch?"
What? His mother never asked extra questions... Why now all of sudden? And of course
since he hadn't actually been at school, how would he know? He had to come up with
something. "I wasn't hungry, so didn't go." Trying to dodge it easily, the emo dragon went to
the kitchen table to grab a knife and some apple to slice up, while taking some stew on his
plate from the counter and putting it in a microwave. He didn't wanna stay and eat in the
kitchen, if mommy was gonna be this nosey! Besides, he wanted to soon text with his 'new
friend' who's number he had had the courage to ask after the first hangout miraculously.
"In that case, you better eat well. At least you like meat stew, if you're still my baby boy,
riight~?" And Drago pulled the little one in a hug while the pyrus teen was trying to struggle
away from the sudden kiss attack. "Yaack moom, stop it! I wanna take a shower!" He
snapped with steaming face back and almost punched the microwave on his way to take his
dinner out and sprinted up the stairs to his room.
Hymming, the golden horned dragonoid let a little laugh out while watching his son stumble
up to his safe room, as his Krovarg was going to the fridge. "Energetic, isn't he?" "Yes, even
if he's been up all night..." He responded, as Helios's horn tips jolted up, as he grabbed a beer
can. "How do you know?" He hadn't felt Drago getting up at any point of the night to check
on their little one's, so how..?
"Parents know if their child is troubled. Even if they don't see them." At this, Helios didn't
know how to respond, he just faced the other way, holding the can between his hands, while
his belarng was sitting behind him, facing the other way. The atmosphere started to change. It
was unsettling, and getting worse by the second. So trying to shrug it off he just turned the
can open, and said neutrally:"Well whatever it is, he seems better now. Friends are the best
medicine after all." As the black and red one was ready to walk off to the living room to get
some TV time, Drago stopped him by requesting:"Heli, can you sit for a moment?"
A classic nervous swallow happened, as Helios really didn't have the guts to say no when he
knew this was something more serious. Drago rarely used THAT tone, but now he was. And
by as far as this demonoid had learned, he knew it meant something was coming. Slowly, he
turned back to face his lover and just tried to keep his cool. What else was there?
He just had to try and quickly figure out what it was about, and if it was something about the
forbidden subject, he had to make a cover story again.
Sitting down right on the opposite side of him, he took an encouraging sip, before meeting
his gaze with his lover. His eyes were unreadable this time. Usually by look he was able to
tell what Drago was about to interrogate him about, but this time, he draw a blank. Having no
idea what to prepare for made his tail tip swing nervously. Luckily, there was no way to see it
since it was well under his seat.
"So, why don't you start by telling me: where were you two?"
Helios felt like someone was pinching his nose and how his bottom and upper teeth were
pressing tightly together. How...How? They had been so careful! How had Drago found
out?? Seeing his krovarg's ever so slight changes, Drago kept his other hand on the tea mug,
and continued without expression:"He smelled like Angel. Or no, a bit different. More like
Shinee. And as I recall, they're in completely different classes." The ruby red one continued
while watching his half full cups surface, that reflected his face. The scent. Goddamnit, of
course he would notice! They really had to get some anti-sense perfume ASAP. Helios was
still listening, without a word. Without a sound...He actually forgot to even pretend to
breathe for a moment there.
"I bet you would think Shinee was at school, except he wasn't. I saw his homeroom teacher at
lunch hour, and he had an authorized absence." Drago was trying to look at his lover, who
seemed to had completely forgotten how to interact. He was just looking down, while slowly
moving his hand to take the beer, to take grip on it. When he made no effort to do anything
more, Drago let a deep outhale, and crossed his fingers. "Listen dear, if our baby is in some
kind of trouble, you can tell me. I know he trusts you, but I'm concerned too, obviously. He
would trust you to give him an injection rather than a certified doctor for Code Eve's sake...
But you don't have to do this alone. I wanna help him, as much as you." Drago's words sank
to a whole new level. It was clear how much he loved all of them. And doing a little
investigating for his child's sake was as much effort as kicking a little rock on a sidewalk.
The can crippled in the Steelfang's hand. In the silence of only the wall clocks ticking, it was
a huge crackling metal noise. Startling the perfect dragonoid, he just about heard the few
words that his husband murmured with his already horace voice:"If onlyh...u could-"
Almost throwing the beer into his own muzzle, Helios quickly started drinking the can almost
empty, while his lover on the other side of the table blinked confusedly a couple of times,
while trying to repeat what he had heard and to form a possible sentence from it that made
"Well I can't if I don't even know what's bothering you, then how can I?! You have to tell me-
" But in the middle of Dragos' sentence, Helios began coughing violently, more than usual.
He hunched over, trying to grab onto his chest. It was like nothing wanted to go in, but
something was about to come out. "Helios!?" Drago jolted to try to help, thinking he had
swallowed too hastily, but what a shock it was, when he saw dark blood leaking from his
mouth onto the table, and his gasping for dear life. Shaken, Drago tried to get a phone out:"I
need to call Iitu-!" Helios's fired colored pupils darted to the device, and he slapped it many
meters off from Drago's hand. "NO!! Don't-!"
"You just coughed up BLOOD!! You need medical attention! What if you have a heart
attack?! Enough of this phobia of yours, I'm getting you to a hospital!"
But instead of yelling back, Helios pushed Drago off him. His hands started to turn black for
a moment, and the black and red dragonoid felt the demonic blood in him have an
uncontrollable spark, like an electric shock that went through his entire body. It was like
something inside of him almost activated the transformation without Helios removing his
choerix. This made him panic and try and get Drago as far as possible from him, but he used
way too much force then needed to. The ruby scaled slammed onto the kitchen counter,
ending up making a couple of cups fall and break on the floor.
Now this wasn't anywhere near what Helios had done to him back in their brawling days, but
after so much had happened, and being used to the big bad acting more like an lovesick
puppy around him the past two centuries, it was a jolt.
Drago wasn't sure of which to be shocked from more... Ever since they had called it truce,
Helios hadn't laid his hand on him like that. He wanted to look him in the eyes to get an
justification for his actions, as his own was a pure blend of shock and bad feeling. Helios
tried to breathe again, and to determine if he was about to loose control on his own body,
should he jump out the window before all went to shit, or make Drago just make a run for it.
For now, he felt his blood go back to normal dragonoids one, and be able to draw breaths in
and out. But seeing Drago's chaotic expression, made him try say the same thing all over
"I told's nothing."
Then, able to feel the air set a blaze, came a loud full of feelings shout. He couldn't believe he
was STILL denying everything. The nerve! Did he really think he was that stupid?
"STOP LYING TO MY FACE ALREADYH!!" At first, raising his own voice after ions even
scared Drago himself, but it was better. He was gonna let his krovarg know exactly how he
felt. "Every time it's the same! "I'm fine" "It's nothing, I'm just tired"...After 16 hours of
sleep?! And I'm no doctor, but I'm almost positive that lack of sleep DOESN'T cause you to
cough up blood! Sometimes I don't even hear you you don't need toh...! Just
whatta hell is that about, huh? Lack of sleep?? Bullshit..! Are you that afraid to go to a
hospital now? Clearly whatever has been going on with you doesn't fix itself! You need help!
I'm seriously worried...And so is Ilia, and Leo and Percy...I've asked you so so many times,
that if there's something, ANYTHING bothering you, you can talk to me. We're partners,
aren't we? I don't want you to suffer... Even worse, I don't wanna find you dead next to me
one morning...!"
Drago's serious and anger-filled voice slowly faded into a fragile and weaker one, as the one
trauma that would hunt him till his end resurfaced again. Losing the one he loved the most, a
second time.and by what? Because he was too sturborn to accept help? Lowering his head
and pressing his eyelids close to prevent the tears from escaping. No, he had cried over
Wavern enough times, and he still felt guilty doing it infront of Helios, even though he
understood full well, and didn't mind it the least.
The black and red demonoid could only feel the invisible rope around his body tighten, and
his throat caught on fire, as soon as he tried to say something. He wanted so badly to let out
all of it, so Drago wouldn't have to live in ignorance and worry anymore. Even if it would
break them, even if Drago would end up despising what he had become...
"But it seems, you couldn't trust me in the end..." Anything but those words! Hell, Drago
was the first and only soul alive Helios had shared absolutely everything! About his foggy
past, his fucked up siblings, his even more fucked up dad...His confusing and traumatic
childhood...Drago knew his deepest darkest secrets, all except one.
"Dragoh, listen... It's-"
But before he could let one more letter out, he felt his tongue being pulled backwards. A
demonic aura darkened his mind, as the red furious eyes of Azazel shined in the middle of
it:"Oww, is it wise to try to go against your superiors? If Sefiroth doesn't get the pleasure of
mangling you into a nice little pretzel, then Bariel will~ Remember what's at stake here, not
just ur sad little love life. Or did you already forgot about the curse?"
As Azazel was done hissing his sweet poison through his eardrums, Helios let his upper body
go, and ended up going lip and nod forward a little. It wasn't fair...It sucked more than he
had of his dragonoid in all these years combined. He had to face defeat, no matter what
consequences it would have. Even if it meant hurting Drago even more...
"It's nothing."
Feeling like rocks were raining down, Drago felt the walls coming down, brick by brick.
Sneezing quickly, the emerald eyes were flooding with tears, as Drago's words literally
crushed Helios under them.
"...Then, I guess we have nothing left."
He quickly turned to take his coat, and keys hastily while making his way to the front door.
"Dragoh, what are youh-? Wait, WAIT-!!" Helios felt his heart rate rising. Trying to grab
Drago with his bloody hand, it slipped off his coat, as he looked at him one last time. Helios
was living a nightmare. The betrayal portrayed Drago's sunshine of a face, as the rain clouds
had darkened the sky, and thunder hit the horizon. "I'm sorry-" He wanted to say it, but he
could already feel Drago's burning bitterness and respond:"Don't you dare." He wouldn't
understand. Unable to get the words out, Drago joinked his hand and breathed out:"I can't be
here anymore." As he made a portal appear and flew off into it, closing it immediately behind
him. Just then, the sky came apart.
The black and red dragonoid cried out with his entire being. This act, this role he never
agreed on had broken him. And all he had built and nurtured for the last 20 years. And the
only one he had to blame was himself. Tumbling back inside, he hit the wall, flipped the
table, and threw a chair into the ceiling.
The crying raging mess had his thoughts go dark as did all his clear and reasonable way of
thinking. Falling to the fridge, he threw the door open and dropped all the beer cans there
were to the floor. Next best thing he knew how to even begin to air out, was to give himself
an alcohol poisoning. Why did it always feel like no matter how hard you try, in the end, it
mounts to nothing?
Listening the whole time behind his door, Erigor was holding his mouth to not cry out
himself. Having a fight with someone you loved was horrible, but even more horrible was to
be in between, when you fully understood both sides, so you could even try defend the other.
But having your mom and dad break up because of something like this, was a storm of
emotions all on its own...
—-----------------------Meanwhile at Goroa------------------------------------
"Daamn, there wasn't anything about a storm in the news!" Piers shouted, looking at the
ominous sky that was oddly red for some reason. Redder than just a normal sunset would be.
"We won't make it to the fairy at this point!" Venla noted, looking at her wrist watch, while
there was thunder rumbling in the distance. "We can if we cut through Pro Street!" Ilia
shouted to his companions while running ahead. It would be faster, yes. But just a few streets
from that, new bodies had been found this morning, which the aquos teen reminded them
about. "Oh hell no, dude! Are you crazyh?! I'm not going anywhere near there! Hell no!! I'd
rather go back to the school and wait for my mammy to come pick me up! Screw that!!" And
the elf boy changed directions, just as the lighting struck.
"No, Piers, wait! Don't go off on your own!" Ilia tried, but it was no use when fear took this
child, as he just wanted inside before the sky broke on them. "Oh great..! Come back, you cry
frog!!" Venla said flying after him fast, as the pyrus teen let out a heavy sigh and followed his
class mates. They really should had just left with the others already, and tell their parents that
they would be going home on their own, instead waiting for them to get off work. But it's too
late to complain anymore. But getting a flu wasn't too ideal for flyker practice reasons and
because Ilia knew he would get behind on studies if he skipped one more lesson anymore.
First world problems, sure, but common teens problems non the less. What he failed to notice
in the midst of all this was a dark silhouette fly above him across the roof.
"We should had just packed him in the sports bag and carried him with us! Damn scaredy
cat!" Venla hissed as Ilia was running under him. "Heh, if we end up cornering him all the
way there, I bet we can still make that happen!" Ilia grinned to his feathered harpus friend
As the chase trio turned the last corner before the school, everything changed. First of all, it
hadn't rained yet, so it was odd to be stepping into a pool of something wet. And unlike water
that had been lying on the ground, it would have been cold. This one was warm. The second
assumption was of course that someone had gone to number one right in the middle of the
alley. But then wouldn't there be that sour unbearable stench? Something about this warm
"puddle" was just off. Ilia suddenly hot a bad feeling creeping up his scales.
"Hey guys, there's something weird-"
But without even having the time to finish his sentence, Ilia heard the most fearful true
scream out of Piers that he ever made. Not even all of the times when they had pranked him
had he cried out like that... Having all of the protectful instincts on his body go off, Ilia was
fastly just disregarding this mystery liquid and ran off ahead where his friends had gone.
"Guys, what's wrong?!" But too quick it became obvious, that all those warnings, teachers
endless lectures, the news all over, were just someone's hysteria or a very bad joke. Suddenly,
the three teens lifes turned into a real life horror movie.
Piers was lying on the ground, on all fours, too shocked to look away. Venla was a few feet
behind him, frozen, shaking like someone had shoved her in a fridge. The scene was burnt to
their memories till they were six feet under.
It was too dark and too messy to see how many corpses there were. At least five separate
bigger lumps that Ilia could see. There were uneven puddles all over the alleyway, suggesting
that whatever had ripped through them, hadn't made a small knife wound where just the
blood would flow out. More like they had stuck their entire hand through their side, and
pulled muscles, bones, and everything that happened to be in the way out. It was terrifying to
even think of what force this killer had...then again, how had he killed so many in such a
short time? But one thing always stood out for Ilia.
The persons went missing, and a couple days later, it looked like at some random distance,
they were found in this unspeakable state in the middle of town! Why kidnap them, and then
throw the bodies out to the streets? If they didnt wanna be caught, they couldn't have given
the bodies back. And still, the police had said that the wounds and the environmental
evidence suggested that the deed had been done right there! No one didn't know what to
think...nothing in this made sense. But one thing was visible as it brought daylight. The grief
and heartbreak that the victims' families had when their missing loved one turned up like
this... And that made the young dragonoid's blood boil of haterade more than fear.
Well, now the answer that Ilia didn't need to hear a few alleys back made itself obvious. He
had stepped into what had leaked over from this guy. And unlike in all the news the killer,
who was long gone by the time anyone found the bodies, this time, the had the unlock of
running into the abomination of a Bakugan himself. In the dark, it was hard to see him, if it
weren't for his neon yellow markings on his scales. They looked like mini fangs, located all
over his muzzle, face and neck. From his body, he had this weird stitching pattern going here
and there, like a plushie being torn and a kid then hastily trying to sew it back up. Then the
lightning struck, the kids could get even a second of a better view of how big and built up his
body actually was. Ilia knew his own dad was one admirable beef cake, but this guy had
something more looming over his aura... Something that none Bakugan they had
encountered before had had. Their every survival instinct in their body told them that they
should run, even if it was no use, by the pure adrenaline as far as they could, but their legs
were paralyzed, and their mind could only think that within any second, they would end up
like these unfortunate souls in front of them. When his staggering gaze pierced them, they
could barely remember to breathe, like that somehow would had made them invisible to him.
It was a simple line, but coming from a killer, it was burned into their memory as one of the
"Kids? Well this is unexpected. Shouldn't school have ended hours ago?" Just now they
realized something more shocking, as this monster had swallowed something before
beginning to say anything, and after finishing, he licked the blood of his claws. He was
EATING his victims!
Ilia was horrified, sure. But the flame of justice in his chest started to overpower it. Seeing
the half eaten face of the poor Bakugan reflected pure fear and regret. Regret for not being
stronger to get away...To not even seeing his family or loved one's again. He could even see
his tear blurred eye staring emptily at him. That's when the dragonoid teen's hand began to
press close. His fingers pressed close to his palm, tighter and tighter...
"Whyh...They were probably just trying to go home safe, make something delicious for their
family. Maybe they even had kids waiting at home to bring them treats..." Slowly, his teeth
were gritting, as a dark shadow loomed over his face. Venla tried helping the shaken aquos
boy up, as the killer's attention seemed to be on the dragonoid. But the ventus girl knew this
tone all too well. Infact, he could feel the boy's emotions bubbling up inside of him. "Iliah..!"
But he was beyond reach at this point. He couldn't hear a single thing around him. Only this
rumbling noise in his ears, that got stronger by the minute. The more he looked at the
bastard's overcalm smile, the more he started to feel sorry for all the innocent civilians he
killed in cold blood... It made him sick!
"What gives you the just- KILL THEM AND END THAT??!" He roared, hot tears
streaming down his cheeks. At this point, he didn't even know where the muscle spasms were
caused by fear or rage. The young dragonoid was twitching right and left, like a coke bottle
loaded with mentos about to explode.
But the intimidating dragonoid just smiled, while tilting his head to the side:"Oh, you silly
little boy! They're not dead, look!" As soon as he had finished that sentence, the unthinkable
happened. This top missing corpse stood up with its bent leg and half missing stomach,
swaying from side to side, and turned around, slowly walk towards the frightened children,
all while the rest of its organs spilled all over the ground.
"WHATTAFUCKWHATTAFUCKWHATTAFUUUUCCKK???!!!" Piers lost it at this point.
After a fairly normal school day in the middle of an world wide massacre, just on a way
home, they had came face to face with the Bakugan who had killed thousands of civilians,
and witnessed dead bodies, have someone's blood spilled on them, and now they were
dealing with a necromancer of somesort?! As childish as it was, he just wanted to run to his
mothers arms now, telling him this was all just some sort of a movie rehearsal and not real.
No, even more than that, he didnt wanna die here!
Even Ilia didn't expect this, which made his fear over take him again quickly. Backing up, he
tried to still keep his two friends behind him, ready to take the blow if it came to that. This
couldnt be real...this felt like a game, a horror movie! Were they about to be eaten? Their
hearts stopping seemed more likely at this rate. Each of them were strugling against a panic
attack already. They had to run...They had to get away! It should had been simple. Just grab
Piers and he and Venla took off into the air and fly like they never had before. In theory, yes.
But, this theory didn't take into account if their paralysed muscles and frozen up minds.
Which seemed to be something this killer undoubtedly relied on.
Just when they thought this couldnt get any worse, Venla let a scream out. They were
surounded! Another one had appeared behind them, and had taken a hold of the ventus girls
hair, yanking her neck close to get a mouthful of the fresh warm meat.
At the same time, the aquos boy was being pulled by his tail towards the crawling threat
infront of them. Both were in trouble! How could the pyrus one make it to save them? "This
is no time to freeze! Your friends are about to die! Think, Ilia, think..!"
By some miracle from beyond, Ilia noticed that behind piers, there was a small metal window
by some shop. Since this was New Vestroia where powerful monsters resided, they couldn't
build building from just normal materials. Otherwise, they would have to rebuilt every single
week. Espesially materials that reflected fire...
"Piers, cover your face!" Not questioning anything, he blindly did as told, and shot an maxed
out fire attack at this material, that was just on the right of his friend, in the line if there the
moving corpse was.
It was so wide, that it reflected from it behind Ilia, where Venla was about to end up as a
meal. Luckily she too had time to get the memo and ducked out of the way right as the flame
hose came at his face. Both of the beings let out a painful moaning, while the flames were
eating their faces. Ilia used the smoky chaos as a cue, and grabbed his friends to make a run
for it. Hopping the walls side to side beyond the veil of grayness, hoping to get away through
the roof top.
"Hmmh, resourceful...I think I wanna spend a bit more time with you." The yellow eyed
dragonoid thought, while hovering above the scene. Just when the teen was about to grab the
edge, his wrist suddenly dislocated, just like someone had compellingly turned it. A loud cry
echoed the alley, as they fell back down. "Whatta hell happened?" "Iliah!!" His friends called
out, as the teen had his vision blurring by the tears and the unbearable pain radiating from his
arm to his entire body. He was still somewhat able to cushion the blow of the drop with his
wings to his friends, but he felt then tearing from the edges. As to what made this worse, was
that there were more corpses by where they had dropped on. In fact atleast a mob of them!
"WERE DEEAD!!" Piers howled, while the brief sence of security fled as fast as it had came.
Ilia growled, as they all were backs against one another. "Were not dead yet! We fight till our
last breath!" But as soon as Ilia said that, he had to be brought down by morals again. One of
the Bakugans, he recognized. No matter if she was missing and eye and and arm. Bella, the
candy shop's owner, that all of them used to go after school. "Noh...No it can't beh..! Not
her...!! NO! This can't be happening..!" "Aahhh! I wanna wake up alreadyh-!! This
nightmare's gone on long ennough! Come on you stupid alarm, GO OFF ALREADYYH!!"
The aquos boy screamed holding his head down, while Venla dropped on her knees, tears
poured under her bird mask. Ilias was speechless. Just this morning, they had went to by
sugar bombs and berry worms from her shop before school started. And she had even given
them extra stickers of this cartoon they all loved and watched every morning. She was always
on their side when school was hard or give them help if bullies were after them. She wasn't
just a shop keeper to them. She was someone who they all saw as a reliable adult. It was...He
didn't wanna believe it. A disaster like this hit so different when it was someone you knew
that got caught by it...And now she was one of those who were scratched off from the alive
list. Who would they have to see next? Their teacher? The nice delivery raptor? Their
"Ennough...I can't take this anymoreh...!"
Ilia screamed, screamed louder then he ever had. It was the only thing he's body was able to
do. As immediate demise was coming in a form of bloody hands and what were their former
town's Bakugan, he already closed his eyes in defeat. Everything faded. But suddenly, the
young pyrus dragonoid felt something spaying on his face. The hand that was grabbing his
chest went numb, and dropped limp. Had he already left this world? Was he dead? Carefully,
he creaked his different colored eyes to se infront of him. He saw Bella's head mashed into
the concrete infront of him. When he continued looking up the burning hand that had done
this, it took his breath away. His inner flame flickered happily, to see the black and spike
armoured dragonoid standing in front of him. "Not on my watch- *high*bitch!" Helios
growled, while having a bit less focused look, and his smocking breath smelled like alcohol.
"DAAD!! How did you get here?" Ilia sounded so relieved that despite everything, he could
had just leaped over to kiss him, even in front both of his friends. "And why are you drunk??"
Piers asked gratefully, but unsurely.
As Helios dropped the ashes from the completely burnt body, he quickly checked that the
kids were unharmed physically. "Your baby brother pointed out that its getting late, and I just
thought *hick*-how lucky you have been with these kinds of situations before... You're just
like your mother in that regard! Damn trouble maker...!"
He growled, as his first born was looking at him bewildered. "Is...Is this really a good time
for a lecture?!"
And just like on a cue, one of the moving corpses attacked from behind, trying to once again
get the kids. Except now, it didn't get to lean more then five centimeters, when there was
already a sharp cross shaped tail tip tearing it to shreads. Helios didn't even bat and eye, when
he pierced every single walking corpse and rendered them immobilized. He thought the kids
would have at least that much sence left so they would try and find the first opening to make
a break for it. "We gotta move! C'mon!" But the aquos boy's legs had become jelly and he
couldnt stand up, and Venla was too shocked to even register what was happening.
"Damnit...If only I could teleport like mom does..!" On that note, where was he? If dad was
here, surely he wasn't far...
Helios was able to get a reading on the little Bakugan's situation by observing how his son
tried getting his two friends up and by what kind of faces they were holding.
"Shit...They're gonna have even more nightmares after this...! Guess that's better than them
being dead." The demonoid thought to himself, as he scanned how many did he have left.
Who was moving them? He couldn't sense their life for any longer, so there must have been a
puppet master somewhere nearby. But he couldn't go after him and leave the teens here be
them selves. He tried sending a mental signal to Angel, and looked at the youngsters at the
corner. "You all keep your heads down!" And Ilia pulled the other two close to his lap, so
they wouldn't have to get a front seat of the massacre that was about to happen.
"I can't use Azazel's powers, nor do I seriously doubt I need to. I just need to mash them
enough so they can't even crawl anymore!" He planned in his mind, and cracked his
knuckles, while not even realizing that the sorrowful haze from the drinking was wearing off.
Well better that way. He could fully focus now.
Smacking the Bakugan's skull's together, on the nearby walls and on the ground with a
revolting crunching sound, as their brain matter spewed out and between Helios's fingers.
Legs got clean cuts by his claws and tail, or if that wasn't enough, then it was the whole
spinal cord clean off, right through the back. "Why this again? At least these break easier
than those poor lab rats 20 years ago! But still..." And as he had twisted one lion Bakugans
neck, and pulled the rest of his head off he threw it at the approaching ape, and as it was
losing balance in mid air, the pyrus one crushed its by turning his kneecaps inside. The air got
filled with squishing, liquid spewing and bone cracks.
"He doesn't hold back...What a violent daddy-Hm?" But the neon yellow eyed demonoid
squinted his eyes, as something on this crazy dragon's neck caught his attention. He realized
that this wasn't just a choker he was wearing, when he saw the specific form and the stone
hanging from it. "Well well well~ Didn't take long to find you...Havok. Hmhmh!" And just
as he seemed to find what he was looking for, he just up and vanished.
After a little while, Ilia couldn't hear more then rapid panting, so he finally dared to peek
around him. Unable to say if it was any better than before. Now everywhere you looked was
like a slaughterhouse. There was almost a centimeter of blood everywhere in the ground, and
the previously gray walls were dark red, filled with white things, slowly dripping down. And
the stench Ilia was jealous for Piers for already being out cold. Venla was silent, but still
occasionally twitching. But if the alley looked like this, then the one who was behind this red
street unspeakable nightmare. Helios was covered in EVERYTHING there was in a
Bakugan body to hold. Getting the tangled up guts off from his armor, even the Steelfang was
yearning for a full body shower now. Now if ever he wished the rain god would just let it
"Are you all okay?" The pyrus dragonoid questioned, turning to the huddled up teens, while
Ilia was trying to answer before vomiting all over his pals:"Y-Yeah...somehow...t-thanks
dad.." Letting a relieved sigh out, the fire eyed one tried wiping his hand off, before
collecting his thoughts up, and the next move. "I should take you to Iitu. She can check your
hand. Meanwhile, I'll take these two home. Ingram and Preyas can figure out what's best
from there."
Odd. The corpses had never moved before, had they? So why now all of a sudden? And then,
there was that quiet signal Helios had sensed while speeding here. It was from another
demonoid, but this one...It was way different then anything he had sensed before. What was
it after? Was it working for someone? Popping the meat piece in his hand in rage, he
growled:"This isn't over...I'm just beginning! But once I get my claws on you, I swear I'm
gonna enjoy watching you suffer and cry..!"
Helios's pupils smallened. His heart jumped to his throat. He had been so in focused that he
hadn't even sensed him coming! Looking to his left, he saw his beloved, watching in utter
shock, what had he walked into. Corpses, left and right, high and low, and his krovarg...
covered in them.
There it was. The truth he had tried to conceal for so long. What he did behind his back.
There was no covering or lying one's way out of this.
That was it then.
To be continued...
Chapter End Notes
Thank you so much for reading! See you in the next one~

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