Part 30; A game of balance

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Ember returned swiftly, her face lit up with excitement. "I got your hint," she said with a playful grin, hopping onto the bed beside Alex. He was wrapped tightly in his blanket, feeling uneasy in the revealing underwear they were made to wear.

"Do you want to hear it?" she teased, leaning in closer.

"Of course I do!" Alex replied, eager to know what the challenge would be.

"Well," she began, her voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and distraction, "the hint was pretty vague today. The game is going to be some kind of parkour, but there are some rules." Normally, Ember was laser-focused on every hint, but tonight her mind kept drifting back to their kiss and how close she felt to Alex. "Anyway, the hint is 'Stay in balance,' and... something else. I can't remember exactly. It's weird though, everyone got the same hint."

"'Stay in balance,'" Alex repeated, mulling it over. "I'll have to keep that in mind." He glanced at her. "It's time to go" ember said while Alex was still lost in thaughts of what the hint could be.

As they walked down the hall, Ember reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I should have gotten you something for this," she said, glancing at his red-painted nails.

"Yeah, it wasn't exactly what my punishment," Alex said embarrassed.

"It's a pretty color, though," she teased, her voice soft as she leaned even closer. She quickly kissed his cheek and whispered, "Good luck out there."

"Thank you," Alex murmured, his cheeks flushing pink.

In the main room, Alex spotted Eric and Danny, their hair dyed bright pink, each wearing a sparkling tiara with garish pink gemstones. It looked ridiculous. The only thing that missed was a pink dress and they would look like princesses. Then he noticed Oliver, the boy who'd been humiliated with yellow paint cause of Danny and Eric. Remembering how he told Ember that he was going to apologize to him to make it up to her.

"Hey, Oliver," Alex began cautiously, "I'm really sorry about what they did to you. And I'm sorry I didn't stop it."

Oliver's face was a mask of anger. "You're telling me you could have prevented this?" His voice was low, but the rage behind it was noticable.

"I should have warned you," Alex admitted, feeling the weight of his guilt.

Oliver clenched his fists, his body tense as if ready to lash out. But just then, his mentor stepped in, a calming hand on Oliver's shoulder. "Wait," the mentor said firmly. "Oliver, I know you're angry, but remember, it's also because of Alex that those guys got what they deserved."

Oliver's shoulders relaxed slightly, though the anger didn't entirely fade. "Just go," he muttered.

Alex nodded and walked back to Ember, who watched him with a proud smile. "You did well," she said softly, squeezing his hand in support.

A minute later, the lights turned green, and the game was about to begin. Alex entered the arena, which was lined with a row of wardrobes—at least twenty of them. His mind raced with possibilities as he tried to anticipate what was coming next.

"Welcome, everyone!" boomed the voice over the loudspeakers. "Today we play the 144th Sissy Games! We have an incredible new challenge for you! All at once, our beauties will race to find a pair of high heels that match their lingerie. The first to find their pair will get a bonus, but the last will face the disadvantage of going first in the second round's parkour challenge."

The countdown began. "10...9...8..." Alex's heart pounded as he quickly scanned the wardrobes, trying to pick the one most likely to hold what he needed. When the countdown hit zero, the room erupted into chaos as everyone sprinted towards the wardrobes.

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