Part 38; Too far

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At the facility, Alex immediately collapsed into bed, stripping off the humiliating outfit and wiping away the makeup. Ember considered stopping him—after all, the rules were clear: you couldn't remove the punishment until the end of the game. But she hesitated. What Stacey had done was beyond harsh. This was eighth-place punishment material at the very least, not something meant for seventh. It was cruel, unnecessary, and mean.

"I'll bring you dinner later, okay?" Ember offered gently, trying to sound soothing.

Alex didn't respond—his silence was heavy, filled with exhaustion and defeat. She sighed, giving him space, and left the room. Alone, Alex lay motionless on the bed. He hadn't moved an inch when Ember returned with dinner later that evening, placing two plates on the makeup table.

"Will you come eat with me?" she asked softly, her voice careful and kind.

He glanced up, his eyes dull with fatigue, but after a pause, he answered. "Sure."

They sat together and ate in silence for a while, but Alex couldn't hold his anger back any longer.

"I'm done with these stupid games," he muttered through clenched teeth. "I've had enough of this bullshit today."

Ember didn't argue. She knew there was no point, and honestly, she couldn't blame him. He was right. It was cruel to push him this far.

A little later, it was time for the next game. Ember left Alex's room, her heart heavy, and went to the lady. Knocking softly, she entered.

"My lady, may I come in?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, darling, come in. But why are you here and not with Alex at the games?" the lady asked, her tone sharp.

"Stacey... she went too far with her punishment," Ember said, "Alex isn't doing well."

"As in?" the lady asked.

Ember explained the entire situation, detailing how Stacey had dressed him up, made him train, and then forced him to perform, all while he wasn't even supposed to do anything except wearing the cloths. She added how he didn't wear the assigned pajamas during his sleep and that Stacey seemed to be pushing him beyond his limits.

"That's indeed much for just an extra punishment for disobeying," the lady said thoughtfully, her fingers tapping the table. "I'll have a word with Stacey about this. In the meantime, your priority is to ensure Alex feels better tomorrow. Oh, and make sure he opens Pandora's Box."

Relieved but still tense, Ember bowed and quickly left the room, heading back to Alex. He was still in bed, looking like he hadn't moved since she'd left.

"I've got some good news!" she said, a small smile lighting up her face.

"Hm?" Alex grunted, barely turning his head.

"You won't have to play any game tonight, and there won't be a punishment either," she said, hoping this would lift his spirits.

Alex exhaled deeply. A small, tired smile appeared on his face, the first sign of relief in hours.

"That's... really sweet of you," he said softly. "Thank you." He patted the bed, inviting her to sit next to him.

She sat down beside him, and they shared a quiet moment together, but there was still something she needed to tell him.

"There is... one thing though," she admitted, hesitating.

Alex gave her a weary look. "Of course there's a catch," he muttered with a hint of sarcasm.

"You'll need to open one of the three boxes tomorrow morning. One of them has nothing in it—that's the one you want. The others... well, they have minor punishments," she explained gently.

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