Part 31; A different kind of skin

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He reached out for Ember's hand and got up. "Thank you," Alex said.

"No problem. You need to stand with the others. They're about to show everyone's ranking in real-time," Ember replied she looked proud but also concerned.

Alex climbed the stairs and joined the rest of the boys. After the last contestant completed the trial, they all stood in line, dripping with gel—no one had made it to the end.

"It seems our beauties need more practice walking in heels," the voice joked, the crowd chuckling in response. "Three of our beauties broke their precious heels. It's up to the judges to decide who placed last. But while we wait, why don't we have some fun?"

The crowd's cheers intense, they were excited as if they knew what was coming. The boys exchanged worried glances, unsure of what was about to happen. High fences suddenly surrounded the large platform, trapping them in. Then, two women appeared, one with a pink mask and the other with a purple one. In one hand, they held handcuffs, and in the other, something small and shiny.

The screen flashed the word "RUN" in bold, bright pink letters. Panic erupted as the boys scattered, each of them desperate to avoid being caught. Alex's heart pounded in his chest. He noticed the woman in the pink mask had already captured Jorn, handcuffing him to the fence while painting his lips with a bright, glossy pink. The sight of it made Alex shiffer. But he knew he couldn't stop to watch. He sprinted across the platform, narrowly dodging the purple-masked woman as she lunged toward him.

He ducked behind in a corner, trying to catch his breath, but his eyes kept darting around the platform, looking for a way out. He saw three others get captured, their lips painted as they struggled against the handcuffs.

"Where can I hide?!" Alex thought frantically, scanning the platform for any cover. Just then, he noticed the purple-masked woman spot him.

"Oh crap," he muttered under his breath, his adrenaline spiking as she sprinted toward him, her eyes locked on him like a predator on prey. Alex dodged to the side, trying to avoid her, but she was fast—too fast. Before he knew it, she had him cornered. He tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. She grabbed his arm and, with a quick, almost playful twist, handcuffed him to the fence. The cold metal against his wrist made him realise what came next.

"Got you," she whispered with a smirk, twisting open a tube of lipstick and swiftly applying a vibrant purple color to his lips. Alex winced as she painted him, feeling utterly helpless and humiliated.

Pinned to the fence, he had no choice but to watch the rest of the game unfold. The other boys continued to dodge and run, the crowd roaring with every capture. Alex couldn't help but notice the people in the crowd—men in suits, women in elegant dresses. They looked so far away from this nightmare he was living in, yet they were entertained by it. "who are these people," he thaught.

The game finally ended with Jake as the only survivor.

"We have a winner! Pink painted the most lips! And of course, we have a boy as the overall winner. He will be rewarded with a day of normal... female underwear and no breast forms," the voice announced enthusiastically.

"Not the best prize," Alex thought, but a day without a thong slipping into his butt would be a welcome relief.

The boys were released, the handcuffs clicking open, and the fences were lowered. Alex rubbed his sore wrist, relieved to be free, but the humiliation of being caught and painted reminded him of his punishments, his school and even soccer club laughing at him.

"Alex, Steve, Chris, step forward, please," the voice commanded, cutting through his thoughts.

Alex did as he was told.

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