Part 5; The first game

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They walked into the hallway, taking the first door on the left. After a short walk, they entered a room where Alex saw the other boys for the first time. They all had medium to long hair, and some were dressed in dresses and other feminine clothing. As he observed everyone, a door opened, and a boy with bright pink hair stepped in. It was the one Ember had mentioned, the previous loser. Ember whispered in Alex's ear, "No worries, you're safe this round even if you fail."

They had to wait for a few minutes, and Alex took the opportunity to ask Ember, "Why are all these punishments girly?"

"I honestly don't know. When I talk with the other girls about it, they just say it's humiliating," Ember replied.

"Wait, how do you not know? You're part of this whole thing, right?" Alex asked, puzzled.

"Not really," Ember said. Just then, the games began. "Good luck!" she said.

Eight doors opened, and each boy walked into one of them. Alex stepped into what looked like an arena. It was huge, with screens showing close-ups of the participants and stands filled with spectators. Alex felt awkward in his bra and panties and tried to hide it with his hands. In the middle was the parkour course that Ember had mentioned. It looked bizarre, with enormous makeup products as obstacles. From start to finish, there was a slide leading to three giant lipsticks that moved up and down. Next were two mascara brushes positioned like a bridge, and the final obstacle was a set of makeup blenders. If you failed, you'd fall into a pool of what looked like pink jelly.

A familiar voice boomed, "Welcome, everyone, to the 137th Sissy Games! It's going to be a fabulous day where the contenders will try their best to reach the finale and win their freedom!" The crowd cheered. "Let's see who will start the games!" On the biggest screen, a wheel with every contender's face spun and stopped on one of the other boys. "Tom will start the games for us!" Another loud cheer erupted.

Meanwhile, Alex scanned the crowd for Ember and eventually saw her in a special spot up front with the other mentors.

Tom, skinny and pale with somewhat long hair, wore delicate purple lace panties and a matching bralette. He slid down the slide, jumped to the first lipstick, and clung to it, then jumped to the next, gripping it tightly before jumping to the last lipstick. He tried to leap to the mascara but lost his balance and fell into the pink substance below.

Competitor after competitor took their turns, each falling at the lipsticks, which became slippery from the repeated attempts, or at the mascara brushes. No one made it to the makeup blenders.

As the seventh contender, Alex was introduced as the second newbie. He made quick eye contact with Ember, who waved him on urgently. The timer had already started. He slid down the slide and jumped to the first lipstick, planning his move to catch it at its lowest point. He clung to it and waited until it reached its peak to jump to the next. It was slippery, but he maintained his grip. At the highest point, he jumped again, but on the third lipstick, he slipped and fell. He landed in the thick pink substance, which smelled sweet.

Looking around, he saw Ember on a platform, waving him over. He moved toward her and made it. "Aaaah, you did well!" she said.

"Thanks, Ember. What now?" Alex asked.

She pointed to the platform where the other boys were waiting. Alex joined them, standing in a line. The last boy didn't make it to the finish either.

"None of them reached the finish! But who went the farthest and who failed first?" the voice announced. From number 8 to 1, the players were presented. Alex was sixth.

The top four went through the doors, and Alex and the others were picked up by their mentors. Alex followed Ember to the bathroom, where he was first sprayed with water. "What is this stuff, anyway?" Alex asked.

"Pink douche gel," Ember responded.

"That makes sense," Alex muttered. Again, he had to get into the bath, but this time the water wasn't colored. Just as he was cheering in his mind, Ember asked, "Would you like pink, purple, or red this time?"

He chose red. As she dropped a fizz bomb into the water, it turned red and sparkled once more.

He stepped in, and Ember turned on the TV. "You can watch the rest of the games from here. I'll be gone for a while." Alex watched as the remaining four contestants played a game of pushing each other off a platform with huge makeup sponges. The two finalists then had to give makeovers to the boys in a themed challenge. The boys had one minute to grab the products and clothes their mentors asked for. After the match, Ember walked in with a towel.

Alex wanted to get out, but Ember told him to wait a bit longer as the punishment for the losers was about to be revealed.

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