Part 25; Horrible workday

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He looked nervously at the first guests arriving, relieved that he didn't recognize any of them. The last thing he needed was to face someone he knew. As they took their seats, he awkwardly walked over in his maid dress, feeling every bit as uncomfortable as he looked.

"Good afternoon, what can I get you?" Alex asked politely, trying to keep his voice steady. He was painfully aware of how out of place he felt, a boy in a dress, with makeup no less. Should he try to speak in a higher voice to sound more feminine? Would that make things better or just worse? His thoughts were interrupted by the man at the table, who replied, "I'll have the pulled pork sandwich." The man, who looked to be in his forties, didn't seem to think much of it.

"Perfect, and for you, madam?" Alex responded, glancing at the woman sitting across from the man.

"I'll have the salad," she said, pointing to the menu.

"And for drinks?" Alex added, eager to finish this interaction as quickly as possible.

"A Coke," the man said.

"For me as well," the woman added.

Alex nodded, said thank you, and walked over to the bar where the woman he was working for today stood.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask your name," Alex said, trying to sound casual.

"The name's Selena. So, maid, what do the guests want?" she asked, emphasizing the word "maid" in a way that made Alex cringe.

Alex recited the orders, proud that he remembered everything.

"Good. Now, get to the other guests. And one more thing: you're walking like a dog. I want you to walk more like a woman. And don't forget to bow when you greet the table. Hold your dress when you do it," Selena instructed.

"Yes, Selena," Alex replied, his face burning with embarrassment. Could this day get any worse?

He moved on to the next table, trying to walk more gracefully, one foot in front of the other, like when he was forced to dress up as a fairy. Holding his dress, he approached the guests and gave a little bow. The man at the table saw his face and started to chuckle.

"Doing great, boy—oh, sorry, I mean girl," the woman teased, clearly aware of the situation.

Alex's heart sank. They knew. Despite the dress and makeup, his face was still recognizable. He quickly took their order and hurried back to the bar.

"The walk and bow were great, keep it up, girl," Selena said with a smirk.

Alex wanted to snap back and tell her he wasn't a girl, but he bit his tongue. The last thing he needed was more attention.

Carefully, he carried the tray with drinks to the first couple, trying not to spill anything. The day dragged on, each minute feeling like an hour. The constant embarrassment of the clothes, the makeup, the walk, and the bow were horrible but he tried to push through. After all, time flies when you're busy, right?

Another couple walked in and took a seat. Alex approached them with as much grace as he could muster, giving a little bow as he greeted them.

"Sorry, maid, but that voice doesn't suit you. Can you try something that fits better?" the man asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Alex clenched his jaw but did as he was told, raising his voice to sound more feminine. The man laughed, clearly enjoying the spectacle. They gave their order, but before Alex could leave, the woman spoke up.

"Can you do a little pose for us, maid?" she asked, her tone dripping with mockery.

Alex felt his face flush with humiliation, but he knew he had no choice. He struck a simple, girlish pose, feeling his dignity slip away with every second. He quickly returned to the bar, desperate to escape their gaze.

"That was so cute!" Selena said as he arrived.

"Thanks," Alex muttered, though he felt anything but cute. The food was ready, and Alex had to bring it to the couple. As he placed the plates on the table, the woman pulled out her phone.

"Mind if I take a picture?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Alex panicked. What if she shared it online? What if someone recognized him? "I'm sorry, madam, but you can't take any pictures of me," Alex said, trying to stay polite despite his rising fear.

"How dare you disobey a guest!" she snapped, clearly offended.

Alex stood firm. "I'm really sorry, but I just can't let you do that."

"I'll be speaking to your manager about this," she huffed, storming off towards the bar.

Alex sighed in relief but knew there would be consequences. Sure enough, Selena called him over a few minutes later.

"What did I tell you? I didn't want any upset customers today!" she said, her voice low but filled with anger.

"I'm embarrassed enough already. I can't let them take a picture of me," Alex replied, his frustration bubbling over.

"You work for me, and I decide when enough is enough," Selena said, her tone icy. "You have a choice: either let them take the picture, or I'll make this punishment even worse for you."

Alex's mind raced. What could be worse than this? He was already dressed like a maid, made to act like a girl. But the idea of the punishment getting worse terrified him. After a long pause, he made his decision.

"I'm not letting them take a picture," he said, trying to sound confident.

"Fine. I'm calling someone. Get back to work in the meantime," she ordered, her lips curling into an evil grin.

For the next hour, nothing happened. Alex started to think Selena was bluffing. Maybe she was just trying to scare him. But as he was cleaning tables, he suddenly heard familiar voices. He looked up, and his heart dropped. His entire soccer team had just walked into the café.

Of all the things she could have done, this was the worst. If any of them recognized him, he'd never live it down. Selena's voice cut through his panic.

"Alex, my maid, could you please take the orders of our new guests?" she said, her grin even wider now.

Alex walked up to them, praying none of them would see through the makeup and dress. He asked for their orders in a higher voice, trying to keep his head down.

At first, it worked. But then Selena joined him, and with a sly smile, she said, "You all are from FC Elter, aren't you?"

Jake, one of Alex's teammates, nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"My maid here plays there too. He's a good player!" she said, barely containing her laughter.

Jake looked at Alex, squinting at him. Then it hit him. "Alex? Is that you?" he burst out laughing, and the rest of the team quickly joined in.

Alex's face turned beet red as the whole team pointed, laughed, and made jokes at his expense.

"Nice dress, Alex! Planning on wearing that for the next game?" one of them joked.

"The make up looks good on you, the pink will definitly frighten the opponent!"

"Hey, at least now we know who'll bring us drinks at the next party!" another chimed in.

Alex felt like he could sink through the floor. This was, without a doubt, the most humiliating moment of his life. The rest of his shift was a nightmare. The boys kept whistling at him, smacking his backside, and making endless jokes. As soon as they left, his shift was finally over.

He walked out to the car, his face still burning with shame. He could only hope this day had been some terrible nightmare, but he knew it was all too real.

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