Part 10; Can't hide them forever

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Slowly, Alex woke up to Ember shaking him. "It's time to wake up, Alex!" she said. Still half asleep, Alex mumbled for her to give him five more minutes. "More sleep? I already let you sleep longer. But fine, five more minutes is enough for me to bring your clothes back so you can use this wardrobe instead," Ember said. Immediately, Alex jumped out of bed. "No, no, no! Look, I'm up!" he quickly said. "Perfect! Now put them on and eat your breakfast. It's time for school again," Ember said, smiling. Alex put on the clothes, happy to wear boy's clothes again, and went to the table to eat breakfast. As he was eating the bread, he noticed his bright red fingernails. How am I going to hide these today? he wondered. I'll just keep them in my pockets all the time; that's easy enough, right? he thought.

Again, he was blindfolded and brought to school. They both stepped out, and his blindfold was taken off. He saw Ember to his right. She wore a red top that hugged her figure and a black skirt that flowed around her knees. Her hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and she had a confident, almost playful smile on her face, her red-painted nails matching her outfit perfectly.

"Well... shall we...?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yes, sorry," Alex replied, not really sure how to compliment her but feeling the need to say something. They walked into the school. Alex immediately hid his hands in his pockets as they walked to the first lesson. Because of being brought, he was earlier than usual. He normally made it either just in time or a little before or after.

Not long before the school bell rang, his friends walked in. As they got closer, he soon realized they normally greeted each other with a fist bump. His best friend, Max, put his fist out. Alex made a fist and quickly thought of hiding his thumb by putting it under his other fingers. They greeted each other, and Alex was relieved. This was about to be more of a challenge than he thought.

They chatted about video games until the school bell rang and the lesson started. It was math. Normally, Alex would take notes or draw in his notebook, but doing it now would reveal his nails. The lesson went on, and the teacher put a formula on the board. "Who would like to try to solve it? You all have learned how to do it." It remained silent, as always. "If nobody volunteers, I will choose." Still, the classroom remained quiet. "Fine, hmmmm... Alex." Really? Of all the people? Alex thought as he walked with his hands in his pockets to the teacher, still feeling ashamed as he walked with his hairless legs to the board. She held out the pen. Alex stood with his back to the class, receiving the pen, blocking everyone's view of his nails. He did the same while solving the formula. It seemed nobody noticed the nails because when he walked back, no one looked at him weirdly. "I didn't know you were good at math," Ember said. "Trust me, I'm not. I was lucky right there," he replied.

The bell rang, and some more lucky escapes favored Alex. It was lunch break, and as usual, Alex would join his friends. Ember, still new at the school, joined them. They chatted about school topics until Max noticed Alex didn't eat anything. "Did you forget lunch again?" Max asked. Alex knew his hands would be visible if he was eating, so he didn't. "Yeah, I did..." he lied. "This is, I think, the tenth time in one school year. Ember, can you believe it?" Ember laughed. Max then held out a sandwich to him. "No, it's fine. I'm not hungry, and you would be hungry if I took it," Alex quickly responded. But at that same moment, his belly rumbled. "Your belly says otherwise. Now take it." Alex didn't know what to say anymore and got his hand out of his pocket to take the sandwich. Max and Roy immediately started laughing as they saw his bright red polished nails. "Looking great, Alex! Red suits you," Roy said, stuttering with laughter, which made Max almost choke on his drink. "But truly, why are they red? Is it to match those legs?" Max said, laughing, which made Roy laugh even louder. Alex turned completely red and didn't know what to say until Ember stepped in: "Oh, Alex truly loves them, I'm sure. Otherwise, he would have lost a bet to a girl, didn't you?" Alex wasn't sure if Ember was making it worse or better, but he was somewhat happy she answered for him. "So this is your work, Ember?" Max asked. "Hell yeah, we match!" she said with a big smile, showing off her own red nails. The boys laughed even harder and joked a bit more until the next lesson started.

The day quickly ended after two more lessons, and Alex and Ember went to the car, where he got blindfolded and brought back to the complex. There, he was stripped of his boy's clothes once more. Standing there in his female underwear, with his shaved body and painted red nails.

Just as Ember was about to leave with the clothes, he asked, "Can these come off now?" "Uh, you're kind of stuck with them until you at least make fifth place in the next game," she replied. "You're kidding me, right?" Alex said. "Nope," Ember replied, walking off and closing the door behind her.

Hours passed until Ember returned. "I've got some new information for your next game. Ready?"

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