Part 7; No escape

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The whistle came from the boys, his own friends even. They laughed as they noticed his shaved legs. His face flushed with embarrassment, and he walked ahead with Ember, trying to ignore the jeers. The smoothness of his legs felt alien and humiliating.

They attended multiple classes. During the last class, Alex seized his opportunity to ask for help. His friends made fun of him as he told them what he has been through, laughing off his claims as just some kind of funny story. Ember noticed his attempt and glared at him angrily. After class, she immediately confronted him. "Are you out of your mind? What did I tell you? Don't do anything stupid!"

Alex responded defiantly, "I am going to get out of this mess, trust me."

"You're only going to make it worse. There is no escape except winning," Ember warned. She took him to a car outside, where he was blindfolded and brought back to the complex.

In his room, he was stripped of his clothing and left in bed, given some puzzles to survive the boredom. The simple distractions did little to alleviate his anxiety. Later, Ember came in. "Good news for you: they let you off with a warning. Don't try that again. You're not the only one who gets in trouble when you do this," she said.

Alex remained quiet, feeling bad for her but more determined to escape than worried about her concerns. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Yeah, you should be. Anyway, the next game is up," Ember said. "As your mentor, I'm here to help, and I've got some information, just like the others get to help their boys. The information is that you have to be quick on the fingernail jumps. The fingers will bend down if you stay too long on them."

Alex nodded. "Well, go win!" she said.

They moved to the same doors as last time. There, he saw the others, each displaying their punishments. Some had makeup, others wore female clothing, the boy with the pink hair and the boy which has the permanent makeup. Alex couldn't help but think of the embarrassment the boy must have felt going to school today. He already felt humiliated by the fact he had to wear his lavender lace panties with a small satin bow in the front, a matching lavender bra, and a shaved body. Ember interrupted his thoughts. "You're no longer pardoned for the last place, so try your best!"

The doors opened.

Again, they all went through the doors, and the same voice as last time echoed through the arena: "Welcome to the 138th Sissy Games! Today we have another exciting game for you all! Who is going to lose his masculinity today? Let's see who has to start." The crowd cheered loudly again. Just like last time, a wheel started spinning. It stopped on a boy called Eric. He walked forward and slid down the slide.

The course was different this time. After the slide were three swinging giant nail polish brushes, each moving above a big bottle. Then, there was a giant hand where they had to go from finger to finger. The last obstacle was the same three big beauty blenders from before.

Eric made it to the first brush but jumped too early and didn't make it to the second. The wheel spun again, and two others tried. One of them made it to the fingernails but fell at the first finger as it bent, just as Ember had mentioned. Then it was Alex's turn. He slid down the slide, his heart pounding in his chest.

He reached the first swinging brush. He jumped, barely catching the handle, and swung to the second brush. The crowd's roar was deafening. As he swung to the third brush. He managed to hold on and reached the giant hand. He remembered Ember's tip and sprinted across the fingers, each one wobbling under his weight. The giant nails were painted in garish colors, and the surface was slick.

He reached the last obstacle. The giant beauty blenders loomed before him, their soft surfaces promising a treacherous bounce. He took a deep breath and jumped. He landed on the first blender, and as expected, it bounced him high into the air. He flailed his arms, trying to steady himself, but the momentum threw him off. He landed in the pink shower gel bath below with a loud splash.

When he got up, the pink gel clung to his skin and hair, its sweet scent overwhelming. He made his way to the platform with the others. Some had made it to the finish, but one boy lost his grip and fell straight into the nail polish bottle. The voice said excitedly, "And there we have the first one in weeks to fall into the bottle! I hope he likes his new color!" The crowd's laughter echoed. The boy emerged from the bottle completely painted red.

"Was it real paint?" was the only thing Alex could think of. After the last boy went, the screen showed the four boys who would continue in the game. Alex was third and walked through the door. Ember awaited him and took him to a shower, where she handed him a sponge while she sprayed him off.

"You did great. Now onto the next round," Ember said.

"Any more tips on what's to come?" Alex asked.

"Sadly, I don't have any information. It could be anything," Ember replied.

The door opened, and Alex walked through. He looked at the next challenge with wide eyes. The voice boomed, as ever excited: "Our four contestants are smelling nicely again and are about to start the next game!"

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