Part 8; Second round

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Alex walked closer to what seemed to be the next challenge. There were four giant blush compacts, each facing the other. As he was thinking about what the upcoming game could be, the voice boomed: "The next game is Blush Crush! Contenders, at the count of three, you can run and choose a blush. One... two... three!"

Alex ran to the closest one, but Tom was quicker. He had to dash to another compact. Eventually, he stood beside one of the four. Multiple women appeared, strapping each of them to the top part where the mirror usually is. Alex wanted to struggle but, seeing Ember's gesture to let it happen, he complied. Hanging there, he looked down. Beneath him was a pinkish-colored powder. Wondering what it was, he was given safety goggles and a mouth mask.

"Our contestants have chosen! Two of them will move on to the finale!" the voice declared. The crowd started to count down from ten. Alex's heart raced. Why was he stuck here with protective gear? At one, he heard a click and fell forward into the powder.

As quickly as he fell, he was lifted up. Looking at the other boys, he saw that two were perfectly fine, while the other was covered in pink powder. He assumed he looked the same. As he regained his bearings, a camera zoomed in to capture his powdered face. On the big screen, he saw himself, a spectacle of pink humiliation. The women returned, unstrapped them, and led him and the other boy to two doors. He noticed that Tom, who had taken the compact he initially wanted, made it to the finale.

While waiting, Ember rushed to him. "Are you alright?"

"It scared the hell out of me, but I'm okay," he replied.

"I assume I have to take a bath again?"

"No, you're going to battle Jorn in a game for third and fourth place," Ember said. "I was sent to let you choose a color." There were many colors, but Alex chose his favorite green. Still covered in the powder, he awaited the challenge.

As he waited, he looked at a screen showing the boy who fell into the bottle earlier. The boy was completely red, being secretly filmed trying to wash off the color to no avail. The crowd laughed, watching the same footage. The voice teased, "Dear people, I need some advice... how do I tell a friend that the paint I used won't come off for the next three days?" The crowd roared with laughter. "And how do I tell him that the glitter in his bath will stick to the paint, staying there for three days as well?" The laughter grew louder.

Alex felt a mix of anger and powerlessness. These people did this against their will, and no one could stop it... He couldnt stop it. Ping. The light above the door turned green, and the door opened. He walked in, crossing a small plank bridge to a platform. Jorn arrived shortly after.

"Our two beauties who just powdered their noses are here to battle it out for third place! Each is equipped with a giant eyeshadow brush and a palette of their chosen color! They will battle for two minutes, and the game will be decided when either one of them falls off the platform or when time is up, whoever has painted the other the most in their color." Alex picked up the big brush and looked at the green color he had chosen. He was nervous, not knowing much about Jorn. Jorn was taller but skinny, also in girls' underwear and covered in pink powder. "Let the battle begin!"

Alex stroked the brush over the palette to apply the eyeshadow while keeping an eye on Jorn, who  was doing the same. He had chosen blue. They started circling each other until Alex made the first move. He sprinted towards Jorn, sweeping the brush across his chest, leaving the bra covered in green eyeshadow. Jorn retaliated with a side sweep to Alex's legs. Quickly they run back to get some new color on their brushes.

They exchanged strokes, each trying to cover the other more. The brushes were heavy, and every hit was a struggle. Sweat mixed with powder, creating streaks of green and blue across their bodies. The crowd cheered with every hit.

Eventually, time was up. Alex stood there, defeated, as the voice announced Jorn as the winner. Jorn walked up to him, holding out a hand. "I'm sorry, but I assume you understand."

"I do. Well played," Alex replied. Both were taken away by their mentors.

In the bathroom, Ember said, "If you could've gotten to his back, you'd have painted a big part!"

"Good tip! If I ever have to do this again, I'll do that!" Alex said. Ember smiled.

"Since you're fourth place, you don't have to take a bath. You can take a shower instead," Ember said. Alex walked to the shower and turned around. He saw Ember laughing behind her hand. "What is it?"

"All those colors on you, you look ridiculous," she laughed.

"Would you like some colors too?" Alex asked, walking towards her with open arms.

"No, noooo, stay away!" she laughed, hiding herself. They both laughed. Alex went back for the shower, leaving Ember without any colors. As he showered, he realized this moment was the first time he completely forgot his worries.

Until he looked at the screen. The finals were over, and he saw his next punishment and that of the last place.

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