Part 24; Stacey

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Alex made his way to the platform, joining the other two boys who were already waiting. His eyes scanned the obstacle course ahead. Only a miracle could keep him from finishing last. The thought made his heart race. As he watched each competitor take their turn, his nerves only grew worse. When the last contestant fell and the rankings appeared, it was clear: four of the others were moving on to the second round, but Alex wasn't one of them.

Ember led him away from the platform, her usual energy dampened by the somber mood. She washed the sticky pink gel off him, the smell of it lingering in the air as he stood, silent and defeated. Alex couldnt even choose a bath bomb, he was watching as it turned the water a bright, glittery pink. It was almost mocking in its femininity. Alex finally broke the silence.

"I'm screwed," he muttered, his voice low and shaky.

Ember wanted to comfort him, to tell him that it wasn't as bad as it seemed, but the truth was written all over his face. He had lost. "I hope whatever punishment they give you isn't too awful," she said, though even she struggled to sound convincing.

Alex looked at her, his eyes pleading. "What's the least bad punishment you've seen for someone who comes in eighth?"

Ember hesitated, trying to think of something that wouldn't scare him even more. "Well, the permanent punishments are definitely the worst. But the least bad? Maybe when Jorn had to dress up and walk in heels for three days? Or the beauty salon, where they do your makeup and nails—though those nails don't come off easily."

She was speaking more to herself than to him, and Alex could feel his anxiety rising. The idea of being dressed up, paraded around, or forced to wear makeup made him feel uncomfortable. He stared down at the pink, glittery water, feeling more trapped than ever.

"I'll be right back," Ember said, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Alex tried to relax, but his mind was racing. He needed to know what his punishment would be. When Ember returned, they both looked at the screen. Steve had secured first place, and next to the other boys' names appeared their punishments—everything from makeup to dressing up. Alex's name was last. They held their breath as the screen switched to his punishment: "Café Girl."

"What does that mean?" Alex asked, his voice desperate

"I really don't know," Ember admitted. "Let me see if they left any instructions," she said, heading for the door. "Will you dry off and get changed in the meantime?" she added as she left.

Alex got out of the bath and dried himself, his hands trembling slightly. He looked at the underwear laid out for him. It wasn't just panties and a bra anymore—it was a delicate lace thong, a bra, and breast forms. His heart sank. "Great, now I've got boobs for a week. Thanks, Oliver," he muttered bitterly, as he put on the thong and bra. But he couldn't bring himself to put in the breast forms. It was too much. He waited for Ember to return.

When she finally came back, she found him standing there, holding the breast forms with a mix of anger and shame on his face. "I looked around and asked, but all I figured out is that I have to take you to the stylist tomorrow morning. After that, you'll have to work."

"Work?" Alex repeated, the word foreign and threatening.

"Yeah, at a café," Ember said, shrugging. She could tell he was struggling with all of this. "Don't worry, we'll get through it."

"Working at a café? Dressed up?" Alex's voice was hollow, like he was speaking his worst fear into existence. This couldn't be happening.

Ember noticed the breast forms he was still holding and gently took them from him, helping him put them in place. Alex felt a surge of humiliation as he looked in the mirror. He now had atleast B-cup breasts, and the thong barely covered anything. It was so tight, so revealing. He could hardly believe this was happening to him. The red lingerie felt like it was burning into his skin with shame. Ember, sensing his discomfort, politely looked away, but he knew she'd seen everything. She led him to his room, and he went straight to bed, completely drained and overwhelmed by the day's events.

The next morning, Ember woke him up early. "Let's have breakfast quickly," she said. They ate in near sulence. After breakfast, she led him to a young woman who Alex guessed was about Ember's age.

"Hello, sexy!" the woman said brightly, eyeing his feminine underwear with a mischievous grin. "My name's Stacey, and I'm going to get you ready for work!"

Stacey looked familiar, and then it hit him—she was one of the judges. His heart sank further.

She started by measuring his sizes and then left the room, only to return with something that made Alex's blood run cold. He instinctively moved towards the door. "I'm not wearing that!"

"But darling, it's your work uniform, and you didn't exactly try your best yesterday," Stacey said, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

"I don't care," Alex snapped, his hands fumbling with the door handle.

"Please, be a nice girl and come back here," Stacey said, her tone sharpening slightly.

"I am NOT a girl!" Alex shouted, his voice cracking as he resisted.

Stacey's expression hardened. "Fine. If you don't come back now, I'll ask Amy to style your hair today."

The mere mention of Amy's name froze Alex in place. He knew that if he resisted further, things could get even worse. Eventually, he returned to Stacey. "I knew you'd come back, darling," Stacey said with a satisfied smile. "Let's start with your knee-high tights."

The tights looked impossibly small, but they stretched over his legs, feeling tight and restrictive. The white tights reached up to his knees, where little black bows adorned them. Stacey then dressed him in a black-and-white cotton satin maid dress, making sure it was secured in every possible way. Alex looked at himself in the mirror. He had endured a lot this week, but this was the most humiliating punishment yet. He was fully dressed up as a Japanese maid, straight out of a maid café. Everything about the outfit screamed "cute," and he felt anything but.

"We're almost done, but I have to do something with your hair," Stacey said, pulling him from his thoughts. She placed a headband on his head, tied a pink ribbon around his neck, and handed him a pair of ballet flats. "You look so kawaii, as the Japanese would say," Stacey teased.

Alex felt his face flush with embarrassment. This wasn't just a punishment—it was a complete stripping of his dignity. He looked at himself in the mirror, hating what he saw.

"And now, I remember you wore makeup yesterday, didn't you?" Stacey said, a wicked grin spreading across her face. Alex didn't respond, hoping she'd drop it. "It looked so good on you! And let me see... eighth place is below fourth, so you get to be beautiful again today!"

Alex's stomach twisted. Not the makeup again. "Isn't this enough already?" he pleaded, his voice weak.

"Rules are rules," Stacey said with a singsong tone that grated on his nerves. She made him sit down, and once again, he was forced to make a duck face as she slowly applied liquid lipstick to his lips, he felt the sticky liquid following the shape of his lips. Stacey took her time, her eyes gleaming with enjoyment. Alex could feel the humiliation burning in his cheeks, but there was nothing he could do.

"Oh my god! And this is just the lipstick!!" Stacey let out a small cheer of proudness. She moved on to the eyeshadow, carefully selecting a brush and color. Alex closed his eyes, feeling the soft bristles against his lids as she worked.

"This is going to be so pretty. You look stunning!" Stacey said letting out another little cheer, her voice brimming with satisfaction as she examined her work. She turned him toward the mirror, and Alex stared at his reflection in shock. His lips were a bright shade of pink, and his eyes were adorned with matching pink glittery eyeshadow. He looked completely ridiculous, yet somehow the makeup made the humiliation even worse. This was truly an eighth-place punishment.

"Now it's time for you to work!" Stacey said, and Alex was driven to the café, his heart pounding the whole way. When they arrived, a woman behind the bar greeted him with a warm smile.

"You look gorgeous, and I'm so happy you're here to help me out today!" she said, her enthusiasm only adding to his embarrassment. "Your job is to ask the customers what they want to drink and eat, and then bring it to them. Easy as that. Just one thing—I don't want any upset customers today."

Alex swallowed hard as the first customers walked in, his face flushed with shame. The day ahead was going to be long, and the thought of facing people in this outfit, with this makeup, made him feel even worse.

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