Part 28; A make up with make up

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He woke up late in the morning. It was a rare day off, and he felt no rush to get out of bed. As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell on the makeup table, where a small note had been left for him. It read, "When you're awake and need something, knock on the door and ask for me, Ember."

He walked toward the door, his hand raised to knock, but he stopped himself. She's still upset with me, he thought. If she wasn't, she would've woken me up. The guilt started to weigh on him as he wondered what he could do to make things right with Ember.

As he paced the room, thinking, a memory struck him—Ember loved shopping, going to the movies, and traveling. She had mentioned it while shopping, and he also remembered how much she enjoyed watching her favorite series. An idea started to form in his mind. I need to surprise her.

He looked around the room for something to write on. He found a small notebook and a pink pen with a fluffy ball attached. Why am I not surprised? he thought with a smirk. He scribbled a note: "Dear Ember, I'm sorry for what I did—or didn't do. I want to make it right with you. I have a surprise for you. X, Alex." He hesitated over the "X," unsure if it was too much, but decided to leave it.

With the note in hand, he walked to the door and knocked softly.

"Hello, anyone there?" he called out.

A voice from the other side responded, "Want me to get Ember?"

"No, just give this to her," he said, sliding the note under the door. There was a brief silence before the voice replied.

"I'll do it." He heard footsteps retreating.

Alex sat down, waiting anxiously. After what felt like hours, the door opened, and Ember walked in. Her expression was a mix of playfulness and something else he couldn't quite place.

"You better have a fun surprise in mind," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I was enjoying my series."

He smiled sheepishly. "You told me you like going to the movies, so I thought maybe I could take you today? And afterward, we could have dinner together?"

Ember's face softened, and she couldn't help but blush slightly. It was sweet that he remembered those details about her. But then it hit her—was this a date? Her blush deepened as the thought made her heart race.

"Uh... you surprised me. I'll come along, but..." She stepped closer, her eyes narrowing slightly. Alex felt his stomach twist with nerves. What is she going to do? he wondered. She leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You deserve a punishment," she teased before suddenly attacking him with a flurry of tickles.

Caught completely off guard, Alex burst into laughter, thrashing around as he tried to escape her tickling. But as he laughed, he noticed the smile on Ember's face, and that made everything feel a little bit better.

Finally, when they were both out of breath, they collapsed onto the bed, still giggling.

"That wasn't the punishment, though," Ember said with a mischievous wink. "But how did you know we were free today?"

"I saw the free icon," Alex replied, still catching his breath.

"Smart move! I'll get you breakfast and change clothes. I'll bring yours too," she said, getting up and leaving the room.

As Ember rushed to the kitchen, she quickly prepared a breakfast tray, then hurried to her room. "What do I wear?" she muttered to herself, scanning her wardrobe. Her eyes landed on some shopping bags from their recent trip. After a bit of struggling, she made her choice.

When she finally returned. Ember was dressed in the white dress Alex had once complimented, saying it looked beautiful on her. She had also applied a bold red lipstick that made her lips stand out. Alex couldn't help but blush at how stunning she looked.

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