Part 3; A mentor

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Alex walked through the dark hallway, his heart pounding. There were three doors: two on either side and one directly in front of him. He tried each one, but only the door at the end of the hallway opened. Inside, he found another pink room, this one with a table and a single chair. The room had a large window taking up almost an entire wall, but nothing could be seen behind it except for three chairs. The room was decorated as girlishly as the others.

"Hello? Is someone there? Can anyone please tell me what is going on here?" Alex called out, his voice trembling.

A voice responded, instructing him to sit. Reluctantly, Alex did as told. Two girls entered, bringing him food and water, and quickly left. He was suspicious but also very hungry, so he ate quickly. As he finished, the light behind the window came on, revealing three girls walking to the chairs. Each looked different, but one was unmistakably familiar—Ember. He quickly stood up and walked to her, banging on the window with tears in his eyes.

"What's going on? I want to leave!" he demanded.

The three girls sat still and said nothing. The voice from earlier spoke again. "Don't be angry and don't cry, or your mascara will be ruined, my dear. You chose red lipstick; it seems you have a match." As Alex looked at the girls, he noticed they all wore lipstick. Ember's lips were also painted red.

"Of course I'm angry! I'm being held here against my will! Let me out of here!" he shouted, his voice cracking.

The voice ignored him and continued. "Your match is your mentor. Listen carefully to what she says and do as she instructs."

"Why would I?" he screamed. At that moment, he felt immense pain starting around his neck. Grabbing at it, he felt a necklace that hurt his hands even more when touched. "Aaaaaah, okay, okay, I understand!" Alex yelled, writhing in agony.

Each of the girls left, and after some minutes of agonizing waiting, a door on the side opened. Ember stood in the doorway. Out of rage, Alex wanted to attack her but was quickly restrained by the pain from the necklace. Ember looked at him with a mixture of shock and regret.

"Please don't. It will only hurt you," she said softly.

"Then let me out of here," Alex replied, his voice desperate.

"I can't. I'm sorry," Ember said. "Follow me." Not wanting to experience the pain again, Alex reluctantly followed her.

They entered a bathroom. For once, it wasn't completely pink. The room had a bath filled with pink, glittery water. Bottles of various products lined the shelves—shampoos, conditioners, and others he couldn't identify. Still looking around, he snapped back to reality as he heard Ember say, "I have to wash you. Please take off your underwear."

Alex refused. Ember pleaded, "Please, I don't want to harm you." After some time, he gave in and stripped down naked. She first removed his makeup, then asked, "Please enter the bath." It was a little too hot, but he stepped in and lay down. Ember sat behind him, and he felt warm water running through his hair. Soon, her hands were massaging shampoo into his scalp, followed by conditioner. Ember told him to enjoy the bath for a while and left the room, taking his boxer shorts with her.

As he soaked in the glittery, pink water, Alex felt a mix of embarrassment and unexpected relaxation. He noticed the sweet, floral scent clinging to his skin, making him smell like a girl. The glitter stuck to his body, shimmering under the bathroom lights. For the first time since waking up here, he felt a tiny bit relaxed.

After about an hour, Ember returned and told him to get out, dry himself off, and get dressed. She handed him a pink towel, which no longer surprised him. Ember turned sideways, trying not to look but still watching in case he tried to attack again. Once he was done, he looked at the underwear prepared for him—it was girls' panties. He immediately said he would not wear them, but knowing he had no choice, he put them on.

Feeling humiliated, he followed Ember to a room he assumed was hers. She told Alex to sit on the bed. He did, and Ember began to speak.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I want you to know first of all that this isn't something I want to do either," she said.

Alex blushed, thinking she might be talking about sex. Ember, noticing his reaction, quickly clarified, "No, pervert, I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about this whole place." Alex, not knowing how to respond, kept quiet.

"Let me explain. You're in what they call the 'sissy games,' and I'm here to prepare you for it."

"The what?" Alex asked, bewildered.

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