Part 1; Scored twice

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Alex kicked the ball with a powerful volley, and the goalie leaped towards it but failed to stop it. It was the winning goal! Overcome with excitement, Alex sprinted towards the supporters, his ecstatic yell drowned by their cheers. After a few more intense minutes, the referee blew the final whistle, signaling the end of the game.

Once refreshed and changed, Alex joined his teammates in the cafeteria. The air was filled with laughter and chatter as they recounted the highlights of the match.

"That was an amazing goal, Alex!" said Max, his face lit up with admiration.

"Thanks, Max. It was a team effort," Alex replied modestly, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, but you were the star today," added Jake. "We wouldn't have won without that shot."

They laughed and shared their favorite moments from the game. They had a lot fun but soon, Alex had to leave for dinner at home. His mom was waiting, and as he approached the cashier, he checked his bank app. Just 10 dollars left. It was enough, but barely. He paid for his meal and headed out.

As usual, Alex took the train since the station was close to his home. He sat down on a bench at the platform, waiting for the train that would arrive in 15 minutes. To pass the time, he watched some reels on his phone. A girl sat next to him, and Alex chuckled at a video of two guys playing a bizarre game where the loser got hit.

Just as he was about to scroll to the next video, the girl spoke up, "Aren't you Alex from FC Elter?"

Alex looked up, surprised. She was pale, had red hair, green eyes, and a cute smile. "Yes, that's me. You saw the match?" he asked.

"Yes, I did! You saved the team today!" she replied enthusiastically. They began chatting, and she introduced herself as Ember.

For Alex, this was uncharted territory. He had never talked this much to a girl before. Despite being a soccer player, he was always the quiet one on the team. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Ember asked, "Care for a drink in the city?"

Alex felt a rush of excitement and replied, perhaps a bit too eagerly, "Yes, I'd like that."

As they waited for the train together, Alex felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Meeting Ember had been an unexpected twist to his day, and he was looking forward to getting to know her better.

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