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"So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Kaden asked his brother as he sat on the couch eyeing him.

Lincoln hated asking his brother for a favor but this was for Abigail, his princess, and he had to no matter how much he despised needing his help.

"I need a favor."

Kaden leaned back and smiled at his brother, "Really?" Lincoln couldn't understand if he was mocking him or not but he shook the thoughts out of his head. He had to do this for Abi.

"Not for me. It's about Abi."

Kaden immediately straightened up. "You should have started with that. You know I'll do anything for her, Carter sees her and loves her as his own sister."

Lincoln kept himself from laughing at his brother's words. Sister, right. That was so ridiculous as he could see Carter had a huge crush on Abigail.

But he wouldn't tell his brother that.

"What do you need?"

"I need you to pay for Abi's education."

Kaden frowned. "What do you mean she has another year before college."

"No, I mean I want you to take her to the same school as Carter."

"Why?" Kaden suggested the same idea after he realized how attached his son was to her and how he started talking again because of her but Lincoln denied. So why now?

"Because her step-brother started taking the same school and I don't want her to accidentally meet him." Lincoln could still feel the anger when he saw that boy coming out of the school when he was picking up Abi. He was with a man, probably Abi's father and he was smiling. He wanted to break his face because of all the things Abi told him about Jake.

Kaden agreed immediately. Even though he wasn't a big fan of his brother, he loved the girl. Especially that she was a good influence on his son. Carter has never touched an alcoholic drink just because of her hatred of them.

"Thank you." Lincoln said and didn't wait for a response as he walked upstairs to call the kids as he prepared dinner beforehand and just wanted to talk to his brother alone.


"You're late." My friend, Poly said as I sat down in front of her. We were supposed to hang out in this cafe but I was half an hour late because of Carter. I couldn't come here until he left.

"My best friend came back." I explained.

"Carter right?" Ginny asked. I nodded.

"Well you said he's super rich, can you bring him here so I can become his friend or something, what does he like?" Poly smirked as she said this and I furrowed my brows. "I won't let you take advantage of him."

"Just saying." She shrugged and chuckled. I hope she was just joking when she said that.

"Forgot about that. Does he have a girlfriend?" Ginny asked out of nowhere. Why does she care?

"No." I replied and started looking over the menu even though I already knew what I wanted to order.

"Are you sure, I mean he's rich." She added and I clenched my jaw.

"Yeah and he won't pass on the ability to cuddle someone to sleep." Poly added. Then she smiled, "I know I wouldn't."

"Just stop okay, you guys know nothing about him." They don't know my Carter. If he's cuddling someone to sleep, then it's definitely one of his stuffed animals nothing else. Why do I feel frustrated by this conversation?

"Okay, chill." They both share a glance and I start questioning why they're my friends but it doesn't matter we mostly hung out at school and now that my dad told me I'm changing them and will start taking the same school as Carter, I couldn't be more excited. He was too. He literally couldn't stop talking about how he'd get to spend all his time with me now.

I was nervous meeting his friends though. I've never met them before.

"Do you have his number?" Poly asked as she stared at me with a pout. "Yes but I'm not giving you." I tell her in a matter-of-fact voice and call the waitress so I don't have to deal with them. Are they my friends just because they know I'm best friends with Carter?

"Why not? You said you don't like him right?" Ginny added. They wouldn't let go of this topic would they?

"Yeah, Abigail. If you don't want him then at least give us a chance." Poly said as she reached for my phone but I immediately snatched it away. "No!" I told them again and they shared another glance both of them nodding at this time.

"What's going on guys?" I asked tired already.

They smiled at me. "It's settled now. You like him and this just proved it."

I shook my head.

"Stop denying it Abigail so someone might snatch him away."

"If someone can do that, then he wasn't mine to begin with." I tell her seriously just as my phone buzzed. I took it out of my pocket and saw that Carter texted me. I smiled. Ginny clapped her hands.

"It's him isn't it?" Poly asked raising an eyebrow.

I sighed. "Fine. Yes. I like him okay?" I knew it for a while but was lying to myself because I hated that Carter didn't ask me out. That just means that he doesn't like me and I'm going to end up heartbroken.

Ginny and Poly both nodded their heads. "Our work here is done Miss. Now ask him out."

My eyes widened, are they crazy? "Absolutely no!" I exclaimed and a couple from the other table stared at us. I smiled apologetically.

"Why not?" Poly asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He doesn't like me."

Ginny snorted. "From everything you told us I think he does."

"Me too." Poly nodded her head in agreement.

Just when I was about to reply Ginny squealed looking over me. I turned around and saw her boyfriend, Adam making his way to us.

I smiled when they hugged each other but some people shook their heads disapprovingly. Seriously? Like don't they have something better to do than minding other people's business?

Ginny and Adam met each other while they both were on summer vacation 2 years ago and they instantly clicked. They were in a long distance relationship as Adam lived in another state but every summer he'd visit now.

"I missed you." She hugged him again then pulled away smiled at him and hugged him again. I chuckled. Poly also had a small smile on her face.

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