3. Gone

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Tw: death

When Harper looked inside her home, she could never have prepared or expected what happened next. There was no slow, old puppy to greet her, and her brother was sitting on the couch in tears. Her father immediately spoke up when he saw her face.

"Harper.." Charlie started.

Harper shook her head, her anxiety immediately causing her worst thoughts.

"Daisy died. She's gone.." Charlie finished. Knowing it was better to rip off the bandaid than make her wait.

Harper felt as if everything had stopped. Then, the next moment she dropped to the floor in tears. She had known Daisy since she was a baby, and now she was gone. It was so unexpected..

"It's okay.. It's okay." Nick, (who got home from work early) soothed his daughter.

"It's not okay! I leave for six hours and my dog is dead!" Harper shouted, her voice clogged with tears and snot.

"How'd it happen?" Oscar spoke up, his voice shaky. He never showed much emotion, but he loved Daisy with all his heart.

"I.. I called her for- for a treat and she didn't come. I went to find her and she was laying in her dog bed." Charlie said, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

"I hope it was peaceful enough.." Nick said mostly to himself.

Harper stood up and walked outside to sit on a chair.

"Give her a minute, Char." Nick sniffled as he sat with Ossy, putting an arm around him.

"I wish I was there. Just to say goodbye." Oscar mumbled. He truly didn't want to seem like a pussy, but he was just so devastated.

"I know, mate. We all did.." Nick said.

"It's not fair!" Oscar then huffed, now moving into the angrier stage of grief.

"Just- five more hours! That's all!" He continued. "I knew it was bound to happen, but- God, I hate this fucking day." Oscar swore as he stormed up to his room.

Charlie walked into his husband's arms, crying softly as he was embraced by Nick.

"I.. I just wondered if I could've saved her." Charlie mumbled.

Nick sniffled, subtly inhaling Charlie's scent.

"There was nothing you could've done, babe. It was just her time." Nick said softly.

After many more tears and hugs, Nick had driven to the pet hospital to find somewhere to possibly bury the pup.

Harper was now in her room, trying to sleep. Charlie was stroking her hair as he sat on the bed. Harper loved dogs. She got that trait from Nick.

"You asleep?" Charlie whispered.

"No." Harper muttered, taking a deep sniff to clear her nostrils.

"Need a tissue?" Charlie asked.

"No." Harper repeated, though she wiped tears and snot from her nose.

"I.. I don't wanna feel like this." Harper sobbed.

"Harp.. This is your first time experiencing losing someone like this. I know how much you loved Daisy. It's okay.."

The next few days were rough. Harper refused to go to school, and Nick and Charlie understood and let her stay home. Oscar, however, went to school like normal. It seemed he was trying to push away the thoughts of Daisy's death. Harper expected this from her brother.
After a week of staying home, Harper knew she had to go to school again.

"I really don't wanna go.. " Harper said as she fixed her blazer of her uniform while Charlie stood in front of her.

"I know. I know, but you really should. I know Daisy's death was hard for you and it's okay to be sad, but you can't let the grief take over you." Charlie spoke softly. Charlie had always been such a gentle father, wanting his kids to have a better childhood than he had.

"Yeah.. Okay. I'll see you after." Harper said, now walking out the door with Ossy.

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