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Next morning Joshua again waked up by his irritating alarm clock,'daily same routine!'

He thought sadly as get into his day,while cooking for breakfast he realise he is at lack of salt and pepper, yesterday night he noted that dish soap also finished..

He hit himself in head and looks tiredly around,the anger is either about forgetting things or living this useless life which just turning into nothingness.

He dropped his utensils and spend 18 minutes staring at wall,what is he doing now? Why is he even doing it? If it not for Jeongin would he even wanted to be here? To be alive?

'should I told seungcheol that jeongin is his child? But for what,not like he cared! And he now have actual husband of himself who is even pregnant!
Joshua stop getting into people's life,you are just going to ruin it.

Just because you are not having good you shouldn't destroy others' he shook his head,declining negative thoughts and again getting back on chores.

"Hyung!" A sleepy voice of Hansol and then knock on the door is what waked up Seungcheol that morning.

He opened the door nd witnessed Hansol who surely drag his body from bed with no willingness.

"Hmm?" Seungcheol can't even open his mouth cause No it's literally that he just woke up.

"Mom" hansol said passing phone to him,which he grabbed and put on his ear.

Mrs.Cheol who were supposed to come with Hansol yesterday and then decides to  booked her flight for week after suddenly decides that she is going to come today and seungcheol have to at airport within an hour cause he ain't risking his car and life of his mother over Hansol.

He passed back phone to hansol and get back into room,he grabbed the brush and saw Jeonghan just woke up.

"Morning" Jeonghan have that lazy smile ,which indicates that he atleast sleep normally for 2 hours..cause just few hours before he were bending over commod and emptying his guts.

"Morning,you feeling good?" seungcheol asked as he put some toothpaste on brush.

He listen a low 'hmm' as Jeonghan stirred in bed and sat up..

"Mother is coming today,I am going to pick her up.." said seungcheol as he put brush in mouth.

"Today!" Jeonghan's whole body jolted up,he stand in hurry and start to make bed,"why on this much short notice? isn't she were coming next week? Ohh my god! I didn't clean a thing,what am I supposed to do?" He started to pace around bedroom flipping and putting things.

Seungcheol just holds his shoulder,"dwant panicc haniee! Isst ok" he said with brush in his mouth.

Jeonghan take. Deep breath to calm himself and again looked around he have less time to clean and cook,he need to hurry up.

Joshua bid his goodbye to Jeongin at entrance of Day care and walked towards society's main gate when he get call from his brother..

'brother? Like after this many years? Is everything ok?' he stared at caller Id for while and finnally picked up phone.

"Hello?" His voice is quite unsure, "Joshua?Good Morning I guess, it's morning in korea right?" It's Jaden,the Business man Jaden who never let's softness touch his voice and today talking like he is deep in honey.

"Brother,Morning...." he let his voice trail,cause actually don't have anything to say,like what he even suppose to say?

"How are you and how is ..umm..that child what's her name again?" A failed attempt to sound nice is what Joshua conclude from this sentence.

"It's he,I have son not daughter and he is doing well,thank you for worrying" he said in dried tone,his throat choking over nothing.

"Ohh- ,I thought..leave it,I am glad.." Jaden got cut off as Joshua speak in stern voice..

"I am sorry but I am quite busy now,will call you later" and he cut the call, his brother surely not interested in his well being not after this many years, it's just impossible.

'The man who told him to abort the child is suddenly got interested in it?'he scoffed to himself as he looked at his phone screen.

He were got back to earth by someone honking horn,he startled and looked around,a car behind him,were he standing mid road this whole time,that to on gate?,How irresponsible of him.

He bowed down in apology and came to side,the car moved forward and he saw the face he despised the most, 'what great morning!' he thought to himself as Seungcheol take down the window.

"You ok?"he asked,"you were standing in middle of road,I honked thrice" a look of concern is what on his face but Joshua despised it.

Anything from this man,he hates it! "I am sorry for bothering." He said disinterested and start to walk..

"I can give you ride,if you wan...." Seungcheol didn't completed his sentence,the dark glare from Joshua shut his mouth and he just looked away slowly from those eyes.

Joshua were standing at there collage gate waiting for his boyfriend to take out his bike from parking lot,which he taking too much time,so to pass his time he decides to scroll his phone.

"Hey there handsome!" A bike stand infront of him,the man wearing helmet.

"Don't bother! I have boyfriend"I said disinterested.

"Aww! How about you ditch him?" The guy said teasingly..

"Nice idea actually, I am already tired of his lazy ass, I am considering this option, IT'S BREAK UP TODAY!" Joshua said cheerfully.

"Yahh! " Seungcheol take out helmet and looked at Joshua,a face fully offended and pouty.
"Don't you dare to break up with me!" He said sulking at most possible

"But you suggested it yourself" joshua has that teasing tone.

"No, never! Even if you try to break up with me,I gonna stick to you like chewing gum" seungcheol grabbed Joshua's hand in his intervening there fingers..

"Eww!gross,atleast have some good example"Joshua said making gross face, over this comment Seungcheol laughed out loudly .

Any suggestions or opinions?

Just wanted to add some readers opinions too✨

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