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Wonwoo picked up Seungkwan's call as he was the one who called 50+ time, Mingyu deliberately switched off his phone and Wonwoo were disappointed over this act.

Soon Seungkwan entered the library with other 4 people which consist child too.

"Hey Mingyu!" Soonyoung ran fastest, holding Mingyu's collar and picking him up.

"Soonyoung  No" Jihoon ran behind him, and Seungkwan behind while holding his daughter.

Mrs. kim halted on door step looking at her son who is looking too much disheveled.

"He attempted Suicide.. don't stress him more." Wonwoo said holding on Soonyoung's hand which is on Mingyu's collar.

Everyone present there hold there breath, Soonyoung's grip loosened, he looked Mingyu in the eyes.

"You what-" Seungkwan can't believe his ears. He felt his legs going numb, he put Haeun on nearby table and sit on chair holding his head in his hand.

Jihoon stand there like statue, unmovable.

Soonyoung pulled Mingyu in hug, crying himself.

Mrs. Kim... Well.. you can see the guilty on her face.


"You look off today?" Seokmin said as he hand Joshua glass of water.

"Hmm, something wrong happened" Joshua replied half voice already gone.

"Is it too bad?" Seokmin stand infront of him eye to eye level.

Joshua looked back into his eyes shocked, this distance is quite questioning for them.

"Your face looks quite different than normal" seokmin said, "even eyes.. they are numb, did you cried?" He gently placed his thumb under Joshua's right eye.

When they became this close for Seokmin to Touch Joshua like this?

"I-" Joshua doesn't have anything to say, what he supposed to say?

'I was waiting for my ex to be my lover, who is actually someone's husband now, yoo hoo I decides to be HOME WRECKER! '

"Joshua Hyung?" Seokmin's voice take him out of his thoughts.

"Seokmin?" Joshua looked him in eyes again.


"Is it right to take back something which used to be yours but now is of someone else's?" There was depth in question, Seokmin can tell that, it is that random philosophy people acquire when they are drunk or emotional.

"Depends.." he kind of whispered.

"On?" Joshua asked his look is something like begging child, like Seokmin's answer gonna solve his problems.

"If you left it behind and then someone find it or if you willingly left it, then you have no right on it." Seokmin answered.

"If it's person?" Joshua asked.

"I knew that it's about person.." seokmin whispered to himself.
'is it Jeongin's father? Should I comment on it? ' seokmin thought to himself.

"Look Hyung, what's gone is gone, as you said if that person already have someone, you shouldn't.. you should never ." Seokmin even though just giving his own opinion but he felt that he were doing some crime, the change of look in Joshua eyes is bothersome.

Joshua stepped back moment later, face back to stoic. "Jeongin?" He called out totally ignoring Seokmin's presence.

"Go away child! Your dad came!" That was voice of Chan who totally sound tired, actually all this time there was voice of children giggling and laughing in background but till this moment, it doesn't bothered Joshua.

Coming out from inside were Jeongin who were dragging his school bag along with himself while laughing, behind him Yeji who is also laughing and behind them a Disheveled Chan who looked like victim of tsunami!

"Come let's go." Joshua said dragging Jeongin out with him, Seokmin just stand there looking at fading figure, in the background Yeji and Chan still bickering bit it doesn't bother him, what bothers is the behaviour of Joshua!


"I hope you are taking great care of Jeonghan!" Mr. Yoon said patting  Seungcheol on back.

"Ofcourse he does dad!" Jeonghan said from besides his mother.

"You won't believe but My Hyung is most ideal husband!" Hansol added.

"Indeed, and Jeonghan is also good boy, I am glad they are married, he is the one who tamed my rebellious son." Mrs. Choi said patting Jeonghan's head lovingly.

"No, I think Seungcheol is nice and elegant to change our grumpy son into kind soul. "Mrs Yoon said now smiling at Seungcheol, Jeonghan looked offended.

" I were never grumpy! "He fight back..
" Ohh really?"Mrs. Yoon said, and next moment she started spilling every big little moment of Jeonghan's which make everyone present there laugh.

Seungcheol looked at clock, he fucked up! He broke the promise again, he didn't visited Joshua, but he knew that this coffee invitation is not your casual thing , it's going to be something special..

Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan's happy face who were emerged in telling something with so much enthusiasm., his own mother, Mrs. Yoon, Mr. Yoon, Hansol.. everyone looked happy..

Is him choosing Joshua at this stage of life really right option?

He looked at belly of Jeonghan, there child, his child, does it worth to abondened his second unborn son for his first son, who may have actually believed that He doesn't have father.

If he repeat the same mistake, If he make Jeonghan suffer the same pain he make Joshua went through, does it worth it?

A Guilt!

Guilt is what Seungcheol feeling right now, just because he pushed Joshua from Cliff he can't pushed Jeonghan too, to take Joshua back.. He can't do injustice to someone.. who don't even know what wrong is going..


well I found few spelling mistakes in last chapter, which my Google board did, as he foolishly assumed words.

If you find any, just inform me then and there!

And silent readers please comment, I will be glad to know your opinion too 😌

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