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6 days later..

Now, the two of them stood outside the therapist’s office. Seungkwan was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, looking thoroughly unimpressed. Hansol, on the other hand, kept glancing between him and the door nervously.

“I still think this is stupid,” Seungkwan grumbled, his voice low. “What is some stranger going to tell me that I don’t already know?”

Hansol sighed, trying to keep his voice soft. “It’s not about what they tell you, Seungkwan. It’s about figuring out what you need.”

Seungkwan shot him a glare. “What I need is to not be here.”

Hansol hesitated before cracking a small smile. “Well, if you walk out now, I’m just going to follow you around the rest of the day, humming annoying songs until you come back.”

Seungkwan snorted despite himself. “You’d do that anyway.”

Hansol grinned. “True. But imagine how much worse it’ll be if I do it on purpose.”

Seungkwan rolled his eyes but didn’t move from his spot. Hansol stepped a little closer, lowering his voice. “Hey… I know this isn’t easy. But I’m here, okay? I’ll stay right outside if you want. Or I’ll come in with you if that makes it better.”

For a moment, Seungkwan’s usual sharp retort didn’t come. He stared at the floor, his jaw tightening. “I’m not scared, you know.”

“I know,” Hansol said softly. “You’re the bravest person I know. But brave people need help too. Even heroes take breaks sometimes.”

Seungkwan huffed, the faintest crack of emotion in his voice. “Stop trying to make me cry before I even go in. That’s cheating.”

Hansol chuckled, reaching out to nudge Seungkwan’s shoulder lightly. “I’d never. But for real, Seungkwan, you’ve got this. And if it sucks, I’m treating you to your favorite bingsu after. Deal?”

Seungkwan finally glanced up at him, his expression still grumpy but a little less guarded. “You better get the good kind, with the real strawberries. None of that canned nonsense.”

“Deal,” Hansol said with a grin.

With a deep breath, Seungkwan straightened up and walked toward the door. Hansol walked beside him, matching his pace. Just before they reached the handle, Seungkwan paused and glanced sideways.

“You’re really annoying, you know that?”

Hansol smirked. “Annoying enough to stick around. You’ll thank me later.”

Seungkwan didn’t reply, but the tiniest smirk tugged at his lips. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, Hansol stopping at the threshold.

As the door closed, Hansol leaned back against the wall, hands in his pockets. He whispered to himself, “You’ll be okay, Seungkwan. You always are.”

Inside, Seungkwan sat on the plush chair, crossing his arms and giving the therapist a challenging look. But beneath the grumpiness, there was a flicker of vulnerability—a tiny step forward, but a step nonetheless.

And outside, Hansol waited, ready to be there no matter what.
This time he ain't going to message up!

Next Morning.

The morning was a lively mix of chaos, tears, and laughter as Seokmin, Joshua, and Jeongin prepared to leave for Oakland. Everyone had gathered in the shared stairwell to see them off, including their neighbors and extended family—because with this group, no goodbye was ever small.

Jihoon was pacing nervously, tissues in hand, while Chan sat dramatically on the bottom step with Jeongin perched on his lap. Haeun, Seungkwan’s two-year-old daughter, clung to her father’s leg, wide-eyed at all the commotion. Seungkwan, looking half-sentimental and half-grumpy, kept smoothing her hair absentmindedly.

Mingyu was busy fussing over the luggage, adjusting straps and zippers. “Are you sure you packed everything? Snacks? Spare clothes for Jeongin? Extra socks?”

Joshua raised an eyebrow. “Mingyu, we’re moving, not taking a day trip to the park.”

Seungcheol leaned against the railing with his arms crossed, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Mingyu’s just projecting. He forgets his wallet every time we leave the house.”

Mingyu shot him a glare. “Excuse me? I’m being helpful.”

Jihoon finally stopped pacing and walked up to Seokmin, his face already scrunched in tears. “Are you sure about this? Who’s going to nag chan about eating vegetables or help me deal with Soonyoung’s dance phases?”

Soonyoung grinned from where he stood beside Jeonghan. “Phases? Ji, I’m a lifestyle.”

Jeonghan patted his  arm with a teasing smile. “A very chaotic lifestyle.”

Seokmin laughed, pulling Jihoon into a hug. “Hyung, you’ll survive. You have Soonyoung Hyung , Chan, and even Jeonghan hyung. And we’ll call, okay?”

Chan sniffled dramatically, still holding Jeongin. “Jeongin, who’s going to team up with me against Jihoon hyung now? I’m all alone!”

Jeongin tilted his head, looking thoughtful before patting Chan’s cheek. “Don’t worry, Uncle Chan. I’ll come back and help.till then Yeji..”

Haeun suddenly toddled over to Jeongin, holding out a small pink flower she’d plucked from somewhere. “Here. For you.”

Everyone melted at the sight. Joshua crouched down, brushing her hair softly. “Thank you, Haeun. You’re the sweetest.”

Seungkwan sighed, picking her up. “Great. Now she’s going to ask for Jeongin every day. What am I supposed to tell her when she doesn’t see him downstairs anymore?”

Joshua smiled, looking softer than usual. “Tell her we’ll video call whenever she wants.”

Seungkwan gave a small nod but said nothing, focusing on fixing Haeun’s headband.

Yeji pulled Mingyu down by tugging at his hand whispered something,Mingyu clapped his hands, trying to lighten the mood. “Okay, everyone, group hug before they leave!”

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow. “You’re really doing this?”

“Yes, now get in!” Mingyu declared, pulling Seungcheol and Jihoon toward the others. Soon, the entire group was huddled awkwardly, with Haeun giggling from her perch in Seungkwan’s arms and Yeji happily leaning on Soonyoung.

Soonyoung grinned as he squeezed into the circle. “This feels like the ending of a cheesy family drama. Who’s going to cry first?”

Jihoon glared at him through tears. “I’m already crying!”

Soonyoung rolled his eyes fondly. “This is why I married you, Jihoon. For your emotional stability.”

After what felt like an eternity of hugs, jokes, and goodbyes, Seokmin finally ushered Joshua and Jeongin toward the car. Mingyu, ever the perfectionist, double-checked the trunk.

As they loaded the last bag, Seungcheol approached Joshua quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Take care of yourself, okay? You deserve a fresh start.”

Joshua nodded, appreciating the sincerity but keeping his response brief. “Thanks,  I will.”

Jihoon and Chan stood on the steps, waving like maniacs as the car pulled away.

“Don’t forget to call every day!” Jihoon yelled.

“And send me pictures of your lunches!” Chan added.

Haeun and Yeji in her tiny voice, shouted, “Bye, Jeongin! Bye!”

In the car, Jeongin waved back enthusiastically. “Bye, everyone! See you soon!”

As the apartment building disappeared behind them, Seokmin glanced over at Joshua, who was smiling softly at Jeongin.

“You okay?” Seokmin asked.

Joshua nodded. “Yeah. I think I’m ready for this.”

Seokmin smiled, gripping the wheel a little tighter. “Me too.”

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