"ok then bye!" And Jeonghan cut the call,"who was it?" Asked seungcheol as he take place on bed looking at Jeonghan who rested his head on headboard.
"Seungkwan" he replied "he just updated me about Joshua's families situation."
"Joshua's family?" Seungcheol asked,the unknown anxiety creepled in,Seungcheol remember clearly,Joshua never had probleme with his family or atleast he never mentioned so,but Jeonghan's tone of voice doesn't have any positive vibe.
"Oh,yes,you must've not known, actually.." and Jeonghan explained everything he witnessed and What seungkwan told him.
Seungcheol's brain didn't even process this much information,it take him solid 7 minutes to go through every sentence.
He didn't speak afterwards,just staring at wall for while and then suddenly stood up,"I just remembered,few friends from downstairs asked for me,we gonna have some chitchat,you can sleep early,I will bring key with me" and he walked towards bedroom door.
"Suddenly?" Jeonghan asked ,suspiciousness laced to his voice."actually I forgot to tell you,we decided this afternoon" Seungcheol gave the fakeass smile which Jeonghan blindly believed.
"But it's already 10:15" Jeonghan said glancing at clock on wall,"don't worry I will return as soon as possible,Good Night." And seungcheol left,not giving Jeonghan another minute to object.
He rang the bell of Joshua's house,Joshua opened the door and gave him questioning gaze "drunk again?" He tried to sniff air.
"No,totally sober."Seungcheol replied voice deep,which surely tingled something in Joshua's heart.
"Then why here to bother? Go away." And he hold the door to close but Seungcheol placed his hand on door and forcely pushed it back making Joshua also loose balance and step forward,Seungcheol smoothly placed hand on Joshua's waist holding him from falling.
"We need a talk." He said in same deep voice,"no need,Go-" but Joshua halted with his words when Seungcheol gently squeeze his waist,"A talk,now."
"Give me a minute Jeongin is about to sleep" Joshua said and practically ran inside,Seungcheol wanted to laugh here,'How cute! ' he thought, He found Joshua cute in the little baggy shirt and Pajama.The grey and and blue combination complimenting his lazy appearance.
Seungcheol take out his slipper and stepped in taking sit at sofa as he heard Joshua pursuing Jeongin to sleep.
Jeongin surely giving hard time to Joshua as even after 15 minutes attempt his is awake, Seungcheol decides to step inside bedroom and he did.
"Hey little cherry!" He said as he approached Jeongin who is sitting on bed,eyes evident of sleep but still he protesting. Joshua were sat beside him,holding his one arm by one hand and blanket by other.
"Cheollie uncle!" Jeongin stand up on bed launched himself on Seungcheol.Joshua froze in place,his eyes wide and face drained by colors, 'did Jeongin just called Seungcheol Cheollie?'
What a cruel world,he surely don't want his son to get this similarity from him, It's past already still without any acknowledgement how Jeongin called Seungcheol same name as he did?
Seungcheol picked up Jeongin in his embarance," should we humm same song like that day?" Jeongin nodded as he placed his head on Seungcheol's shoulder hand loosely encircled around nake.
Seungcheol handsign Joshua to dimm the light and he did it in haze eyes stilled on pair infront of him,when did they become close?
Joshua always remember he pulled Jeongin away from Seungcheol then how?
He sat on bed eyes following Seungcheol as he walked around in room,patting Jeongin's back and humming some melody which He didn't recognised.
It take little while and Jeongin had already slept peacefully in his embarance, Seungcheol carefully put him on bed and tucked under blanket.
He softly hold Joshua's hand ,making him follow him as he closed the light and door while stepping out.
Now they are standing in middle of living room,facing eachother,"so?" Joshua asked.
"Your mother visited today"Seungcheol started carefully,stepping each stone with little hesitation.
"If it's about that,then ain't interested ,you can leave." Joshua said turning his face away in disinterest.
"Do you need hug?" Seungcheol asked softly,Joshua widened his eyes second time in span of hour.
"What the heck?are you -" he got cut off,"I am genuine! You looked tired out,I know I already did so much wrong by not standing up when I needed,But now I am willing to" he said as he hold Joshua's right palm in his left one.
"Don't!" Joshua let out shaky exhale,"you shouldn't,If your mother had little bit of hint,she will destroy everything again."
"I am tired!" Seungcheol whispered yelled."I am tired of this responsibility of good son,I at this moment rather be orphan to be by your side." Seungcheol said as he let Joshua's hand slip from his and stepped back hazily.
"Seungcheol No!" Joshua stepped forward holding Seungcheol's hand in his,"Whatever happened but still she is your mother.."
"Doesn't same goes with you?" Seungcheol looked in Joshua's eyes, and Joshua avoided it,"tell me, Why can't I step away from mother if you can?"
"We aren't on same boat,My mother stayed silent when I needed her" joshua replied
"And mine forced her decision on me when I needed her to support my love,how are we different?" Seungcheol hold challenging gaze.
Don't know" joshua replied slowly and deliberately.Seungcheol pulled Joshua,hugging him as he pushed his head on Joshua's shoulder,"Life sucks Shua! And I hate it"
In return,Joshua hugged Back,he needed this hug today for going through this turmoil,
How can his mother take 6 years? If she loves him!
He also snuggled in Seungcheol's shoulder,"I hate you,hate this ,I hate everything and everyone." He said in sourness but in reaction Seungcheol just pulled him close and hugged him tighter, reassuring something which he himself doesn't know...
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Responsibility | Jihancheol FF | Seventeen FF
General FictionWhen you wife is pregnant but ex had a baby too.. Or Seungcheol and his messed up responsibilities.. 10.7.24-27.12.24