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Last chapter has plenty of typo.I fixed all,but if you still found any please comment and inform
My Google is quite high on things ..


"Joshua please" Seungcheol's voice sounded like he were pleading,this man really gulped down all his anger within span of few seconds?

Joshua felt dryness of his throat reached at his tongue,"Seungcheol" oh,how much in him take for him to spill out one word.

"He is? Isn't he?" Seungcheol leaned forward his other hand subconsciously grabbing Joshua's shoulder.

Joshua nodded,he just accept his fate and let Seungcheol get the truth of his son.

He felt the both hand of Seungcheol's were shaking,his grip on Joshua loosen. He were looking directly into Joshua's eyes,"why?" He asked as silent as possible..

"What why?" Joshua felt tears welling up,"what you expect from me? Your mother literally thrown me out of your house! You still want me to come back to you?" He don't know if it's anger or agony but his voice just getting rigid.

A flow of memories hit Seungcheol,the flashback of his deeds,his mother's deeds,how could he expect Joshua to stay when he was the one who didn't hold him.

He cupped Joshua's face with his both hands,a lone tear slipped down his eyes,"Josh..I.." he didn't complete whatever he wanted to,he just not in position to say something..

Josh suddenly jerked himself back when he felt like someone is approaching them, Seungcheol stand up horrified by action but get signal seconds after.

"Seungcheol hyung,umm...your mother..she is..will you please come" Seokmin said in awkward,he just don't want to be disrespective but Seungcheol's mother is actually creating ruckus at his niece's party.

Seungcheol walked towards living room,Joshua and Seokmin trailing behind.

There stand Seungkwan in corner,Hansol infront of him like he is shielding him,Mingyu were holding Ha-eun and Jeongin who both looks terrified.

Jeonghan were trying to hold back his mother in law, who were just saying some angry incoherent words.

Jihoon take a sharp breath,he is about to launch himself when he felt Yeji's grip on his leg tighten,he stuck in place and looked down,that little child looks scared.

He picked her up and looked at Soonyoung, signalling him to sort it out.

Seungcheol exhaled a long breath before launching himself towards his mother,he carefully pulled Jeonghan aside from his mother who has no hold on her emotions and body, and gripped his mother's shoulder.

"Stop it!" He said voice firm. "Seungcheol, it's nice you come,I found that money whore who trying get Hansol's money" she said now holding back on seungcheol pointing aggressively at Seungkwan.

"Money whore?" Seungkwan can't believe his ears,did he just got called mo..Ney ..whore?

Seungkwan spend his half day working part time,he earns himself,all the money Hansol gave him is still in that bank account, Seungkwan didn't touched a penny ,he only used that once when he had to pay the hospital bills,but after that he never.

Hansol who were standing infront of him heard it all,he is not only offended over his mother using wrong language,but that to for someone who Hansol Never thought will ever place wrong foot.

"Enough!" He half scream. He hold his mother from Seungcheol's hand and pulled her towards main door,soon Seungcheol and Jeonghan also exited behind them,there is look of awkwardness and guilt in Jeonghan's eyes, he stopped in main door and looked back at all,he gave a deep bow and apologized and exit the door.

Joshua looked at Seungkwan who will either cry out loud or just passed out,he ran to him holding him by shoulder.

Seungkwan looked back at Joshua like he isn't supposed to be here,no one supposed to be here,he looked around at every person there,all are looking at him,all those eyes were on him.

He rushed forward picked up Haeun and exit the door as fast as possible,"wait!" "Seungkwan!" He heard behind him but did not bothered.

Mingyu looked at Joshua and then at door,Joshua nodded 'no' and Mingyu stopped in his steps.

Jeongin slowly Walked towards his father and tugged at his sleeve,Joshua glanced down and next moment he picked him up,Jeongin buried his face in Joshua's neck and in response Joshua just pat his back for long as possible.

The party after that didn't worked out much,Yeji became sad and grumpy, ofcourse it's her birthday party.

Everyone left the place as soon as possible,the atmosphere is only awkward.


"Were you even listening to yourself?" Hansol screamed as soon as Jeonghan closed the main door behind him of there house..

"What you even angry about? He were just getting money from you,I just told him off that, he looks fit and fine he should earn by his own instead of stealing from you!"Yejin said .

Hansol hold his forehead in his hand,he can't take it,can someone really thinks like that?,"mother this is last time" he exhaled sharp breath.

"Mother,stop disrespecting people!" it was seungcheol who were trying to sound calm but failed.

"You too?" She had sound of betrayal,"seungcheol that guy is just trying get Hansol's money,our money,poor people like them-"she got interrupted

"SHUT UP!" Seungcheol's voice contains venom right now,Jeonghan never saw his husband this angry,he knows that Yejin already crossed the line but still Seungcheol's anger is to scary..

"I am telling you last time" Yejin leaves a sharp breath"get away from my son,you want money? Property?land? Whatever you asked for..but get away from him."
Joshua scoffed to loud for everyone to listen it,he already has tears in his eyes and now this!

"Mom,stop it!" seungcheol pleaded as he looked between his mother and Joshua, "do you think he is here for money?" He stand straight looking at her.
"He loves me mom,he genuinely do,please accept him" he himself has tears in his eyes,he looked down trying to wipe them away.

Still in the end nothing worked,Yejin humiliated Joshua as much as she liked,he stepped out of Seungcheol's house with heavy heart and teary eyes.

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