When Joshua walked back home, he heard some cheerful noise coming from another side of door.
As the door swing opened after he rang the bell, there standing Seokmin with widest smile .. and behind him Jeongin laughing..
"Hyung... Hyung Hyung.." seokmin literally pulled Joshua in and and lift him up swinging him around in circular motion..
"hey hey... No .. stop seokminaaa.. I will be dizzy.. what happened... "Joshua said half shocked half confused.
When Seokmin put him down he felt his legs wobbled so he sit his ass on sofa immediately.
Seokmin crouched down infront of him, sparkly eyes and child like smile.
For moment Joshua forget everything, time actually stopped for him.
" Hyung you remember,,, I applied for University professor?
Guess WHAT? "
" Yous got selected?
Wait really? "Joshua put his hand on his mouth totally shocked!" Yes Hyung yes!
The Northeastern University of Oakland !
Can you believe it? "Jeongin dash towards them holding the post letter and Envelope and swaying infront of Joshua.Joshua take it from his hand , his own hand shaking he opened it and start to red..
" Minmin where is Oakland? "Jeongin asked in mean time..
" Far away from here..even Seas apart "
" Wahh, will our bus reach there? Does it has ocean bridge in between like Uncle Jihoon said..? "
"seokmin laughed.. "no buses, we are going there by Aeroplane, through the sky.." he said swaying his hand in motion of flying plane..
"Wahhh, we are going in clouds?"
"Yup, between the clouds, that you can see themmmm..."
"Where is it though?"
"Bring your map, I will show you.."
Joshua who were gulping the reality after reading the letter , looked up confused
"You brought map?""Which one ?" Jeongin asked running towards bedroom.
"The green one, which has country names.." Seokmin said little louder..
"Tell me?" Joshua asked again looking at Seokmin who still crouched down infront of him.
"Yeahh, week ago, we bought two, one political and one who has animal and location.. that's Jeongin's idea.." He laughed defending himself..
"Ofcourse ofcourse..
I am glad atleast he taking interest in Geography..
Like he is ready to depart there now!""What about you? "
" What about me? "
" Would you like to come with us to Oakland? "Seokmin said holding his right hand infront.
" Us? So you had already decided, like value to me? I raised that child for 5 years and he didn't even bothered to ask me! "Joshua said folding his hands infront of his chest.
" Well because his soon to be father got more classy vibes.. "Seokmin said blowing imaginary hairs.
" I-"
" Yes or no? "
" Ofcourse yes! "
" Glad to know.. cause.. "Seokmin's voice got bit low.
" Cause? What is it? "Joshua asked voice little concerned.
" We got only week. "
" We What? "He stand up in shocked.
" Only 1 week.. "Seokmin looked down," and I have no skills in packing, so Mr. Hong, be the responsible partner and please pack all for us .. "he stand up too sliding his hands around Joshua's waist.
" How mean! You literally asked me to come with you so you can make me do the packing ? "Joshua asked puffing his cheeks.
" Ofcourse not.. well that's one of the reason.."
Joshua glared at him.
" But main reason is"he moved closer to Joshua's ear," I will be glad to live in new nation with the person who lives in my heart.. "
A pause..
Pink flushed faces..
Hitched breaths ...
" I Found it! "It was Jeongin who screamed after finding the map and creating mess on the way.
"Jeongin!" Joshua said in anger and shock after watching the one of the toy rolling out of bedroom door.
" I will get him.. "Seokmin said , swiftly taking his hands out of Joshua's waist who is about to launch himself inside.
He pressed a kiss on Joshua cheek and ran away inside.
Joshua stand still..
Frozen ..
On the place.

Responsibility | Jihancheol FF | Seventeen FF
Aktuelle LiteraturWhen you wife is pregnant but ex had a baby too.. Or Seungcheol and his messed up responsibilities.. 10.7.24-27.12.24