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It' s been a week...

Week since Hansol reveal everything

Week since Joshua cried in love by others

Week since Seungkwan locked himself

Week since Hansol left Seungkwan's house

Week since Seokmin decides to lives with Joshua

Week since Joshua accepted the Fact that Seungcheol ain't his and he should move on...

"Here" Mrs. Choi slides the bowl of rice towards Hansol who off mindedly just stared at.

"Mingyu meet in afternoon.." Jeonghan said staring at all.

"Any thing new?" Seungcheol asked.

All bothered to look at Jeonghan except Hansol.

"Seungkwan's Mother left to Jeju 4 days ago with Moonbin...

Today after whole week , Seungkwan decides to go his job..

Mingyu mentioned now days Haeun specifically after her grandmother left , cried to often.. she is so moody nowadays..

Poor child." He said as his voice go lower and lower after every sentence.

"It's all because of me." Hansol said looking down.

Seungcheol who were sitting besides him, saw his brother cry first time in decade.

There were 3 tears to be precise rolled down his face.

"Sol.." he warmly put his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself" Jeonghan said softly.

"Then who?

He begged me Hyung!

All the time!

To be with him, even before getting pregnant and even after getting pregnant..

He begged Hyung.... And What I did?


What I did?"
Hansol cried out most ugly sob possible.

Seungcheol stand up and hugged his brother, pressing the latter's face on his stomach.

"I am bad Hyung..

I gave him depression

I ruined his life..

I am worst.." hansol cried and cried till he can't anymore..
Till his breath is interrupted..

Till his eyes got sore..

Till he passed out..



"Here" Seokmin said as he put the delicious pot of hoom cooked Ramen on the dinning table.

"Carrots!" Jeongin who is half leaning on table to look inside pot as he get glimpse of his favourite vegetable..

"And broccoli too" Joshua's eyes sparkled too.

"I never saw anyone doing that.." he looked up at Seokmin.

"It's my special dish,only available in this house.." Seokmin said flipping is apron away.

" Wahhhh"Jeongin said poking his chopsticks in noodles..

" Slow down innie,let me serve you."Seokmin said grabbing bowl..

'innie.' the nickname he gave to Jeongin,cute little and beautiful.

Even Joshua got jealous over how he couldn't think of something like this.

That night the little family of three ate happily,talking and laughing..

Ohh ..How long it have been for Joshua to felt this full in the presence of only Three..


He finally turned this House into Home!

Sorry for dying on you guys...

I will be regular from now on🙇🏻

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