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When Seungkwan get down after dinner to take walk with Moonbin and Haeun the last he expect is to witnessed Jaden and Seokmin walking walking side by side.

Moonbin really criticized Seungkwan's dramatic pause.

"Unnie is there, I wanna go" Haeun shuffle in Seungkwan's arm and he let her down subconsciously, who ran towards Yeji who were playing with Jeongin and Soonyoung.

"So what is the tea?" Moonbin asked leaning close to Seungkwan.

"Let me spill!" Hansol said making himself space between these two.

"Stop pushing around!" Seungkwan said in anger but Hansol didn't gave 2 centes.

Soon after he were emerged in telling gossips to Moonbin, forgetting the fact that what his resentment for Moonbin is!

"Such a gossip girl behaviour!" Seungkwan scoffed at other two and walked away , scrolling his phone.

"There are chances of you tripping here!" Joshua said as he witnessed Seungkwan walking with no precautions.

"Ohh god, I am glad I find you!" Seungkwan approached him.
"Tell me!"

"Tell you what?"

"Whatever cooking between you and Seokmin!

I know At first I started it to save your ass but now it seems like Seokmin is really interested in your ass!"

And a hard slap on arm is what Seungkwan get.

"Shut your mouth!" Joshua said flustrated.

"By the way I noticed too." Mingyu said calmly and Joshua jumped in place.

"When you arrived?" He asked shocked.

"When you were scrolling reels while ago.." same non interested tone.

"What happened to him?" Joshua whispered to Seungkwan.

"Effects of that librarian!" Seungkwan mocked loudly and huge disapproval lay on Mingyu's face.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Seokmin asked Walking side by side with Joshua.

Seungkwan and Mingyu went to the kids a while ago.

"Don't say No , I know you are, Your brother told me you left the job." And Joshua closed the mouth he opened to say No.

"What your plan?" He asked eyeing the other.

"Not gonna lie or gonna make it hard.

I wanna take you on date!"

"A what?"


"Are you -
What the heck?"

"Why not? I know our relationship infront of your family is not what we actually are but I wanna is to be that.. I said it before I am gonna say again Now.

I have feelings for you.. take your time, but Don't say no one baseless reasons, maybe give it try.

You can't hold past all the time..."


"Why Hansol is even at That man's house?" Mr. Choi said he arrived in evening and witnessed only one son.

"Well because he loves that man and wanna pursue him.." Mrs. Choi said voice quite disappointed.

"Isn't he is the one Hansol spend money every month?"

"Yes, but Seungkwan didn't used that, don't assume him wrong." Said Jeonghan.

"But why him and why after this many years...?"

"Well... Sometimes it takes too much time to realise your mistakes, but atleast he can work on them again?

Let him Dad Please.. "Seungcheol said leaning forward on Sofa.

" Is this is reference to that old lover of yours? "Mrs. Choi retorted and All looked at Seungcheol and the Jeonghan.. me.Choi have that expression of fear.

"I know, Mother told me, don't worry." Jeonghan said calmly.

"Yes, it' s about him, but I am willing to move on, what past is past and I can't let my future to get crushed over it.. so I let it be.." Seungcheol said voice more silent than usual but he have sincerity in his voice.


Your author is officially back and this book gonna end soon too.

So be happy or sad whichever you like 🙂✨

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