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Doorbell rang and Joshua gave confused look to Seungkwan standing up from his place,"Ohh,lemme me get it" said seungkwan now approaching door.

"You invited someone?" Asked Joshua following suit, "kind off" .

Seungkwan opened the door and a wide smile Seokmin were standing there.

"Minmin Uncle!" Bothe children who paused playing when door bell ranged rushed towards the new arrival.

Seokmin hurriedly passed the bag in his hand to Seungkwan and crouch down to hug both children.

"Hey my little flowers!" He side happily.

Joshua stopped in place, 'seokmin?why here?'

"Ohh you must be confused" said seungkwan now turning back inside,"We just bet something and I win,so here is my reward." He showed the bag in his hand.

"I hope you ain't offensive over his visit?" Asked Seungkwan after placing the said bag in Joshua's hand.

"No,no it ok" said Joshua as he opened it look inside,A big tub of icecream!

His eyes widened a little bit, it's really huge.

"Actually,he messaged me while ago asking for What I want ,so I decides to have little Icecream party at your house" Seungkwan smiled and sign Joshua for spoon.

Joshua moved in dazed mind,first glancing at Seungkwan and then Seokmin who now has sat on Sofa with little ones,there eyes met and Seokmin gave him reassuring smile.

Like he promised whatever happened between them,no third person gonna know!

Joshua felt grateful inside,he smiled back a little and went inside kitchen to grab bowls and spoons.

He came back and put everything on table as he glanced up ,there was offensive look on Seungkwan,Seokmin and Ha-eun's face.

"What?" He asked confused.
"In this little world of ours,we don't use bowl" said Seungkwan as he only grabbed spoons and tub of Icecream.

He went and sit in middle of room and all other gathered around,making circle around frozen food.

"Come fast,it will melt" seokmin singed waving his hand, Joshua went and sit on ground,a little smile spread across his lips.

_ Back in  the days it's used to be only him and Jeongin,they also ate together in there old house,sitting on ground,but Today as few new people added,it felt more nice..
To nice that his heart jiggle.

The door bell rang again and this time again Seungkwan approached it,on the other side of door,there standing a sulky face Mingyu.

As soon as he stepped inside ,he launched at Seokmin,Seokmin tripped to stand up but as soon as he succeeded he ran away,they both were literally running in circle around living room.

"Yahh! Stop" said Seungkwan,the children were clapping and laughing happily.
Seokmin came and hide behind Seungkwan,"what did you do?" Asked Seungkwan as Mingyu tried grab Seokmin from behind him.

Joshua also stand up, approaching them,seokmin ran away again and chasing again continued for few seconds until Seokmin hide behind Joshua and Seungkwan pulled Mingyu away.

"Yahh! Stop man! I just try to tease" Seokmin said trying to breath through words as he put his hand on Joshua's shoulder to get support.

"Tease? You cunning ass" mingyu pointed his index finger dramatically.

Soon it revealed that,Seokmin and Mingyu were actually coming together,but Seokmin lied to Mingyu and put him behind with irritating uncle who just lecture on nonsense things  and walked away with Icecream alone.

Mingyu grabbed his spoon and take place on ground ,giving side eyes to Seokmin, Seungkwan say down and started to speak,"You guys should grow up now and don't bother that old man ,his Wikipedia is never ending"

Even Haeun nodded on this statement as it make Joshua amazed, "which old man?" Asked Jeongin.

"Lemme tell you.." started Mingyu and for half hour Seungkwan Seokmin also added there experiences with Mingyu's story about every funny situation they went through in there surrounding.

Few stories were that funny that they were laughing while laying,That time Joshua realised that Seokmin have habit of hitting people when laughing cause he start to feel numbness in his right shoulder and seokmin still laughing his ass out,even Jeongin is laughing holding his stomach.

This people can really entertain little children.

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