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Just to distract his awkward mind Seungcheol were standing in balcony,his mother went inside while ago,he decides to get fresh air and thus standing here alone.

Night breeze Is  quite nice to be honest and seungcheol is liking every inch of it.He were looking in the in society where many people taking night walk,some were talking other were in phones,children playing with ball,a group of girls gossiping, it's calm and nice.

Seungcheol's eyes darted towards 2 figures which just emerge from A wing, it's none other than Joshua and Jeongin,they were walking side by side,Jeongin is not hyper active like other children of his age,he is too much on calm side, it's honestly looks to cute for his liking,the way they were walking side by side while Discussing over something,A corner of Seungcheol's heart wanted to be there,on the other side of Jeongin just completing there family picture,
'ohh how nice they will be looking together..'

He physically shake his head from that thought,he is late ,to late to be precise.

His eyes follow them until they get inside C wing and after they were away from his sight,he just singhed, singhed in defeat that some dreams just going to be dreams..

"Cheol?" He turned around over the voice,Jeonghan standing at door frame,his belly big enough to be seen from loose t-shirt.

Seungcheol have  responsibilities  here,he can't dwell on past and most of all he can't do injustice with Jeonghan.

"Yes?" He said," Dinner  is ready, let's go?" Jeonghan said now turning on his feet and Seungcheol followed behind.

Next Evening,everyone gathered at Soonyoung and Jihoon's house, wearing nice clothes and bringing gifts in there hands,Joshua brought a colouring book of Jeongin's choice,with crayons.

He took a sit on of the chair besides Seungkwan and Mingyu who are emerged in his talk about some western singer with another person which Joshua only know that belong to same place as him.

Taking his eyes from them he decides to look around finding other people which he knows when his eyes landed on Jeongin who were quite enthusiastic while playing with Yeji and haeun and other kids.

"Hello Joshua" he looked beside him standing there Choi Yejin,his worst nightmare.

He stand up and bowed politely,"hello". "Ohh Hii there" it was Jeonghan this time he has happy smile on his face totally different from his mother in law who is looking in tone of mocking.

"So how's life going?" She asked, why should he replied to her? Most of all why is she even talking to him?

"Good,as usual" he replied,no it isn't, it's total depressive and unworthy but did he going to tell it to someone?

Jeonghan walked away to meet someone after a while and Joshua saw smirk on Yejin's face growing, "so.." she started and Joshua realised ,this conversation going to be worst possible.

"Are you that faithful of dog?" She asked voice containing total despair,

"what?" he mumbled, what this lady even
Talking about,what should he focus on,being called faithful or dog?

"Mom,meet him this is Soonyoung,father of birthday girl!" Seungcheol came there suddenly while holding Soonyoung his side,he glanced at Joshua and again back to mother.

He work effectively to emerge his mother in conversation,Joshua take it as chance and walked away from there,his step stepping backward until he disappeared into crowd.

He felt that his back hit on someone thus he look back,standing there Seokmin holding tray of cups of cold drink..

He laughed a little "Mr.Hong what kind of magnet it is that pulling you towards me always?, it's second time"

Joshua's face turned lighter shade of pink ,he doesn't know if it is embarrassment or shyness,it did have effect on him though.

A mumbled a small sorry and seokmin move his head in disapproval "no need to apologise but make sure to look around while walking" and he walked away from Joshua,making Joshua look at him more than needed after there departure.

Soon,everyone gathered around the table where 2 tier cake were placed,with Yeji's name on top of it,the said child were standing on chair her both parents standing on each side of her.

Everyone happily sang her the birthday song as she cut the cake with help of her parents,Soonyoung sneakly wipe little bit of creame on her face and when Jihoon protested about it,He and Yeji both wiped Jihoon's both cheek with it.

A loud echo of laugh where spread among all,Seokmin hurriedly clicked few pictures but as he were engrossed in clicking his brother and niece his mischievous Brother in law wiped cream on his face too, now it's Jihoon's turn to laugh and he took that chance..
Another laugh echoed among crowd

soon Jihoon disappeared in kitchen with  soonyoung to cut the cake and distribute it among all with snacks..

One by one everyone gathered around Yeji to wish her birthday and gave her gift,Jeongin went towards Joshua and sign him to move forward..

Yeji took gift from everyone and say polite "thank you" as same as Jihoon taught her,seokmin was there to collect the gifts and pile them.

Soon snacks were distributed as everyone were sitting around in little groups eating,Joshua sat  with mingyu and Seungkwan,haeun and jeongin were running around and coming to them when bite in ther mouth is finished..

"And it's time for best dessert,personally made by me!" Soonyoung said in quite loud voice as he came outside kitchen with big plate..

"A exclusive dessert made by KWON SOONYOUNG on special occasion on my princess's birthday" he said as he put plate on table and took knife..

"What it is?" Jeonghan asked eyeing food on plate.

"It's choco peanut pie!" he said with enthusiasm.

"He is allergic to peanut" Joshua,
"she is allergic to peanut" Seungkwan,
"I am allergic to peanut" seungcheol and Hansol ,all said at same time..

Half of the people laughed at this,how coincidentally they said the same thing but few other...

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