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《All right, all right! Let's go find a hotel》says, stepping into the lane on the right as you exit at the first exit.
《All right, do you want some help? 》
《In looking for the place? No, take it easy and get some rest, I'll wake you up when we get there》《All right, I'll try it》
I look out the window, the dark night landscape, you can't make out anything, given the little night light that the moon transmits.
I try to close my eyes for a second and find myself asleep in the blink of an eye.
The swaying of the car is slowly becoming softer and softer and has something of a lulling agent about it.
I can't hear the radio any more, has Jakob turned it off? Or maybe it's my ears that are also sleeping.
I only wake up when I hear something above me.
I slightly open my eyes and notice a room in a slight semi-darkness, am I in a room that looks like a hotel? What has Jakob brought me here? And where are they now?
《Oh, you're awake!》I hear the voice entering the room, Heidi, in a night gown, holding a glass of water in her hand.
《Take a rest, it's still nighttime!》she tucks me up to below my neck and places the glass on the nightstand next to me.
《Are we in a hotel? 》《Yes, Jakob woke me up about an hour ago, to help him find a place, and now we're here. But that's a discussion that's better done the next day》she turns on the bedside lamp, and turns off the main light in the room《Now it's time to rest, tomorrow will be a whole day of travelling, and maybe we'll be able to not find too much traffic towards Milan, so we might make it to Switzerland, and the next day we'll arrive in Germany, happy?》》
Before turning off even the light of the lamp《Good night, if there's any problem, I'm here next to you》she says to me and then it was dark, but where's Jakob? Is he in another room?
Boh, we'll talk about it tomorrow at breakfast.
For now it's better to sleep.
And as before in the car, needless to say I'm sleepy, I collapse into the arms of Morpheus in a matter of seconds from the moment I touch the pillow with my head.
Let's just say though that in context I preferred a less agitated dream....
....《Linda, time to wake up》I hear Heidi's voice calling me, already? And why
《Jakob, she's already waiting for us in the car》but aren't we having breakfast? And why is she so agitated? What happened? The hotel is empty, why?
《Heidi, where is everyone? 》 I ask her, meanwhile she helps me put on my coat and takes my arm, and starts running out of the room.
《Now be quiet..., and be careful every little noise will be the end of us...》
《Ah...okay?》and having said that, Heidi walks down the hotel corridor.
《Beeilt euch! Blöde Idioten!(Hurry up! Stupid idiots!)》I hear men shouting in German...
《Now be quiet, and don't make any noise, I'm here...》he says whispering to me, and taking me by the wrist, starting to walk briskly towards a door...
She opens it to look inside for a moment but immediately closes it again to start running in the opposite direction...with me still in her grasp...
《Heidi, what...》I can't finish the sentence as the door opens wide and a dozen men in black uniforms come out and start chasing after us...
《Heidi but they're Nazis, Alex and Jakob are Nazis! Why are we running? 》《It's a long story, now run...》she then says pushing me to the side, to get out of the men's way... but there are stairs at that point and in no time I find myself sliding down, I even scraped my knee, it hurts so much... so much... I wake up from my thoughts when I hear a gunshot that interrupts the painful and eerie silence in the hotel.
《Heidi...》my voice is trembling...while I try to call her.
《Einer ist tot, jetzt müssen wir die anderen und die Göre finden(One less, now we have to find the others and the brat)》《Ja, es war schon vorher da, aber es wird nicht mehr so weit weg sein(Yeah, she was there before, but she won't be that far away)》there I hear laughing and joking from Heidi... She... How am I going to tell Alex and Jakob...? 》Where is she?
I try to get up, but my knee hurts too much.... Jakob... come and get me... please... I burst into tears without even realising it.
I try to get up with almost no results.


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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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