Status of Primordial Violet

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Name: (No name)
Race: Primordial Demon (Demon Lord)
Title: Primordial Demon Violet
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Affiliation: None (Former Tempest leader)
Goal: Seeks ultimate battle and combat challenge
Personality: Maniacal, loves battle and torture; retains some of Rimuru's strategic mind but is driven by Ultima's sadistic pleasure in domination.

EV (Existential Value)70,000,000

This number represents Rimuru's total existential power, combining his primordial demon status, his fusion with Ultima, and his immense potential as a being capable of manipulating space, time, and the void itself.

Ultimate Skills

[Manas: Ciel]

The autonomous Manas skill that evolved from Rimuru's Raphael skill. Controls all of Rimuru's sub-skills and acts as the ultimate strategist and battle manager. It has near-infinite computational power and can control both Rimuru's body and surrounding energies.Sub-skills:[Thought Acceleration]: Multiplies thought speed by millions of times.[Multi-Layer Barrier]: Automatically creates multiple defensive layers that protect Rimuru's body and mind.[All of Creation]: Grants knowledge of all phenomena in the world.[Skill Synthesis]: Combines two or more skills to create new, more powerful abilities.[Skill Modification]: Enhances or evolves existing skills into more potent forms.

[Void God Azathoth]

The ultimate void manipulation skill that grants control over existence and non-existence. It has the power to erase anything from reality and create entire dimensions.Sub-skills:[Void Manipulation]: Absolute control over the void, capable of erasing objects, people, and even concepts from reality.[Imaginary Space]: Creates a pocket dimension where time, space, and matter are malleable.[Soul Consumption]: Absorbs the souls of the dead, granting additional power and skills to Rimuru.[Endless Regeneration]: Uses the void energy to regenerate from any injury.

[Azura (Manas)]

A Manas skill that emerged from Velriza's [Genesis Draconic Deity: Alaya], now fully sentient. Azura augments Velriza's and Rimuru's abilities, granting them overwhelming power over creation and destruction.Sub-skills:[Genesis Flame]: Manipulates the flames of creation, capable of both creating and destroying anything in existence.[Cosmic Domination]: Full control over the fundamental forces of the universe—space, time, gravity, and more.[Aura of Subjugation]: Forces lesser beings into submission with a glance or crushes their wills entirely.

[Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony]

Rimuru's infamous devouring skill, allowing him to consume anything and make it part of himself. This includes physical objects, skills, and even souls.Sub-skills:[Predator]: Absorbs anything into Rimuru's body, analyzing and integrating its properties.[Stomach]: A separate dimension inside Rimuru where consumed objects, beings, and energy are stored.[Food Chain]: Grants his subordinates a portion of his powers via a shared connection through their souls.[Soul Corrupter]: Corrupts and absorbs the souls of enemies, adding their strength to Rimuru's own.Unique Skills

[Endless Battle Frenzy]

A passive ability that amplifies Rimuru's strength, speed, and combat instinct the longer the battle continues. As he fights, he grows stronger, and his desire for combat and chaos becomes more intense.

[Sadistic Torturer]

A skill inherited from Ultima's personality, allowing Rimuru to draw pleasure and strength from the suffering and torment of his enemies. The more pain his opponents experience, the stronger he becomes.

[Spatial Domination]

Complete mastery over spatial manipulation. Rimuru can create and destroy spaces, teleport himself or others instantly, and bend space to trap or destroy opponents.

[Battle Instinct]

Heightened reflexes and foresight in battle. Rimuru can predict enemy moves and counter them with flawless precision, based on a combination of instinct and his processing power from Ciel.Extra Skills

[Ultra-Speed Regeneration]

Allows near-instant regeneration from any wound, no matter how severe. Only special anti-regeneration attacks can slow down or stop this ability.

[Parallel Processing]

Allows Rimuru to divide his mind and process multiple complex tasks simultaneously without losing focus. Useful for strategy, combat, and skill management.

[Demon Lord's Haki]

The overwhelming aura of a true Demon Lord. Weak-willed opponents will instantly submit, be paralyzed with fear, or fall unconscious just by being in Rimuru's presence.

[Perfect Memory]

Grants Rimuru the ability to recall any memory with perfect accuracy, including the details of past battles, strategies, or important events.

[Black Flame Manipulation]

The power to create and control black flames that can consume everything, including physical matter, energy, and even souls.Intrinsic Skills

[Primordial Demon Physiology]

As a Primordial Demon, Rimuru's core is indestructible, making him nearly impossible to kill unless his demon core is destroyed. His new body, being a fusion with Ultima, possesses unparalleled power and endurance.

[Soul Devourer]

Allows Rimuru to consume the souls of others, integrating their power, memories, and skills. This ability was enhanced through the merging of his own abilities with Ultima's soul-based attacks.

[Violet Requiem]

A destructive violet energy wave that disintegrates anything it touches. This ability was inherited from Ultima and is one of Rimuru's most devastating ranged attacks.

[Flare of Annihilation]

A powerful burst of energy that can destroy entire cities in one strike. This is one of Ultima's signature abilities, enhanced further by Rimuru's void manipulation.

[Demonic Flame Mastery]

Complete control over demonic fire, capable of burning both physical and spiritual entities. Rimuru can adjust the intensity of these flames to burn through anything, including barriers and magical defenses.Resistance Skills

[Complete Magic Immunity]

Rimuru is immune to all forms of magical attacks, including both elemental and arcane magic. Magic is nullified when it touches his body or barriers.

[Pain Nullification]

Immune to pain of all forms, allowing Rimuru to continue fighting regardless of the injuries he suffers.

[Mental Attack Resistance]

Completely immune to mind control, mental manipulation, illusions, or any other form of psychological attack.

[Physical Damage Nullification]

Physical damage, whether from weapons, fists, or projectiles, is nullified before it can injure Rimuru's body.

[Time-Space Immunity]

Rimuru is unaffected by time-space manipulation, making him immune to attacks that rely on bending or warping reality.

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now