Chapter 21: The Hunt for Feldway and Michael

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The tension in the grand hall of Tempest was palpable. Rimuru sat at the head of the table, his gaze serious as he surveyed the room filled with his most trusted allies and commanders. Everyone had gathered for an urgent meeting, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.

Rimuru: "Thank you all for coming on such short notice."

To his right sat Ultima, her usual mischievous demeanor replaced by an intensity that only hinted at her brewing fury. She, too, had personal stakes in the battle against Feldway and Michael, the two enemies who had evaded them after the previous conflict.

Rimuru: "We've faced many threats, but this one is different. Feldway and Michael are not only after power; they're after the very essence of this world. They're planning something big, and we can't allow them to succeed."

A murmur spread across the table as the other leaders exchanged glances. Benimaru, seated further down, leaned forward with a frown.

Benimaru: "Do we know what their exact goal is?"

Rimuru sighed and leaned back in his chair, his expression growing darker.

Rimuru: "They're after the True Dragon Factors. Specifically, they want to control the True Dragons—Veldora, Velgrynd, and Velzard. We saw them control Veldora once already using the Regalia Dominion, and it's clear that their ultimate aim is to revive Veldanava."

The room fell silent, the weight of Rimuru's words sinking in. Even those who hadn't been present during the recent battles understood the gravity of the situation.

Shion was the first to speak up, her fists clenched.

Shion: "They dare target Veldora-sama? We won't let them succeed!"

Diablo, standing in the shadows, smirked.

Diablo: "Of course not. Anyone who dares oppose Rimuru-sama will face a swift end."

Rimuru raised a hand to silence the growing fervor in the room.

Rimuru: "Our priority is protecting Veldora. But Ultima and I have another task. We'll be hunting down Feldway and Michael directly. The rest of you need to ensure that if they come for Veldora, they don't succeed."

Benimaru nodded, his resolve clear.

Benimaru: "Leave Veldora's defense to us. We'll be ready if they come."

Ranga, sitting near Rimuru's side, growled softly in agreement.

Ranga: "They will not get past us."

Ultima's eyes flickered with determination as she turned to Rimuru.

Ultima: "They won't be able to hide for long. We have the means to track them down, Rimuru-sama. And when we do, they won't escape this time."

Souei, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up.

Souei: "Do we know where they might be hiding?"

Rimuru shook his head, his expression grim.

Rimuru: "Not yet. But between Ultima and I, we have the skills necessary to find them. Our Manas Skills will allow us to track their energy signatures, no matter how far they try to run."

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now