Chapter 6: The Rise of Demon Lords

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In the cold, dimly lit chamber of the summoning ritual, the air crackled with a palpable tension. The magic circles etched into the stone floor shimmered with a bright violet hue as the ritualists chanted in unison. The king of the kingdom, seated on a high throne at the far end of the chamber, watched the spectacle with bated breath. His advisors stood nervously beside him, unsure if this desperate gamble would yield the power their monarch had promised.

Then, the chamber exploded with a burst of energy.

A swirling vortex of purple and gold light appeared at the center of the summoning circle, and from the depths of that light stepped two figures—the demon queens, Violet and Jaune. The room immediately fell silent as their overwhelming presence filled the space. Violet, with her eyes gleaming in sadistic amusement, stretched her arms as if waking from a long nap. Jaune, ever the strategist, calmly surveyed the room with her piercing golden gaze, her expression unreadable but her aura exuding power.

The king, his voice shaky but firm, stood from his throne and took a few hesitant steps forward. "I... I welcome you to my kingdom, great demons. I am King Balder of Galia."

Violet smirked, her gaze locking onto the king. "King, huh? You think a title like that matters to us?" she mused, walking towards him slowly, each step echoing ominously in the chamber. "Speak quickly. Why have you summoned us?"

Jaune stood at Violet's side, crossing her arms. "You'd better make it good. We're not exactly the patient type."

King Balder swallowed hard, beads of sweat forming on his brow. "I summoned you because... because I need your power. There's a rival kingdom, the nation of Lucara. They've been expanding their borders, threatening my lands. I need you to destroy them—completely. In exchange, I will offer you anything you desire."

Violet raised an eyebrow, her smile widening. "Anything we desire?"

Jaune's eyes flickered with interest. "What exactly can you offer us, mortal? You'd better hope it's something worthwhile."

The king fumbled with his words for a moment before answering, clearly nervous under their predatory gazes. "W-wealth... resources... lands. I can offer you dominion over vast territories, untold riches, anything you want."

Violet chuckled darkly. "Riches? Lands? How dull. You mortals think we care about your little trinkets?" She leaned in close to the king, her voice a whisper. "We don't want your riches, Balder. What we want is destruction. We want chaos. Bloodshed. You summoned us, and now you will watch as we give you exactly that."

Jaune, ever the pragmatist, added coldly, "But we'll still destroy your enemies. Consider it a courtesy."

The king breathed a sigh of relief, though he couldn't hide the fear in his eyes. "Thank you, great ones. I—"

Violet cut him off with a wave of her hand. "Save it. We'll deal with Lucara. But when we return, you'd better have something far more interesting to offer us than gold or land. Or else..." She let the threat linger, the promise of violence clear in her tone.

Without waiting for a response, Violet and Jaune turned and strode out of the chamber. Their mission was clear. The kingdom of Lucara was about to face a wrath it had never known.

Days later, they stood at the edge of Lucara's capital, gazing out over the sprawling city. The streets were bustling with life—merchants hawking their wares, children playing, soldiers patrolling. None of them had any idea that their lives were about to be extinguished.

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