Chapter 23: The Shift of Power

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The air crackled with intensity as the battle between Rimuru, Ultima, Michael, and Feldway continued to rage on. The once serene sky was now torn asunder, crackling with thunderous energy as the four combatants exchanged devastating blows. Rimuru's calm determination was met with Ultima's burning rage, and together they faced the overwhelming force of Michael and Feldway.

Michael, radiating with the divine power of Veldanava, grinned, his golden eyes gleaming with arrogance. He raised his hand, summoning holy light that surged toward Rimuru and Ultima in a massive wave.

Michael: "You cannot hope to win. My strength far surpasses yours. Veldanava's will cannot be denied!"

Rimuru deflected the blast with a swift motion, using his Void God Azatoth to consume the energy before it could hit them. The explosion still shook the ground beneath him, but he remained focused, his eyes locked onto Michael's glowing form.

Rimuru: "We've come too far to lose now, Michael. I don't care about your divine judgment or Veldanava's plans. This world is under my protection!"

Ultima, her fists blazing with demonic energy, stood beside Rimuru, glaring at Feldway. Her thoughts churned with memories of her past as Rimuru in a different reality. Feldway's presence stirred a deep hatred within her, a desire to erase him from existence once and for all.

Ultima: "You won't get away with this, Feldway. I'll make sure you pay for everything!"

Feldway, his dark energy swirling around him like a storm, laughed coldly.

Feldway: "You talk as if you have a chance. But you're still just a demon, Ultima. And Rimuru, you might have grown stronger, but you're no match for the power of Veldanava."

With a flick of his wrist, Feldway unleashed a torrent of destructive energy, which tore through the battlefield, ripping the earth apart as it surged toward them.

Rimuru quickly raised a barrier, but even as he did, he could feel the weight of the power behind Feldway's attack. They were being pushed back, little by little. The overwhelming strength of both Michael and Feldway was starting to take its toll.

Rimuru: "We can't keep this up forever. Their power is growing with every passing second."

Ultima, gritting her teeth, looked over at Rimuru. She knew he was right. Their enemies were gaining the upper hand, and if something didn't change soon, they'd be overwhelmed.

Ultima: "I have an idea, but it's risky."

Rimuru glanced at her, his eyes narrowing.

Rimuru: "What do you have in mind?"

Ultima's gaze shifted between Ciel and Azura, her two Manas Skills. Both radiated with immense power, but she had never tried combining them in a single attack before. The consequences could be catastrophic — or it could be exactly what they needed to turn the tide.

Ultima: "I'm going to combine both of my Manas SkillsCiel and Azura. If I can synchronize them, it'll create a power beyond anything they've seen. It might just be enough to shift the balance."

Rimuru's eyes widened in realization. Combining two Manas Skills was an extremely dangerous and unpredictable move. But if anyone could pull it off, it was Ultima.

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now