Chapter 17: The Emperor's Deception

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Setting: The Imperial Palace of Rudra

The imposing palace of Emperor Rudra stood as a symbol of the Eastern Empire's power. Its golden spires gleamed in the sunlight, casting long shadows over the landscape. Inside, the grand halls were filled with ornate decorations, tapestries depicting ancient battles, and guards standing at attention, their armor shining brightly.

Rimuru and his trusted subordinates—Ultima, Diablo, and Benimaru—had been invited to a peace summit. After the Empire's devastating losses on the battlefield, Emperor Rudra had reached out, proposing a ceasefire and a potential alliance. Though Rimuru had his doubts, he had decided to meet Rudra in person, hoping to avoid further bloodshed.

They now walked down the opulent halls of the palace, their eyes scanning the grandeur around them, but their senses were keenly aware of any potential danger.

Rimuru glanced at Benimaru, who was walking beside him, his expression calm but ready for anything.

Rimuru: "This place is too peaceful. Keep your guard up. Something doesn't feel right."

Benimaru, always alert, nodded.

Benimaru: "Agreed. Rudra has been our enemy for too long. Offering peace now feels... suspicious."

Ultima, bouncing along beside them with a carefree smile, glanced around at the palace guards with curiosity.

Ultima: "Do you think he'll try something fun, like a surprise attack? I'm always up for a little chaos."

Diablo, walking with his hands behind his back, his eyes narrowed, spoke with a soft, menacing tone.

Diablo: "If the Emperor tries anything against Rimuru-sama, I will personally make him regret ever being born."

Rimuru smiled at Diablo's fierce loyalty but kept his eyes forward as they approached the grand doors to the Emperor's throne room.

The large double doors swung open with a deep creak, revealing the lavish throne room of the Eastern Empire. At the far end of the room sat Emperor Rudra, dressed in his imperial regalia, exuding an air of authority and power. Standing by his side was Velgrynd, the fiery True Dragon and Rudra's most trusted ally. Her piercing gaze met Rimuru's as they entered the room.

Rudra rose from his throne, spreading his arms wide in greeting.

Rudra: "Rimuru Tempest, it is an honor to finally meet the great ruler of the Monster Federation. Welcome to my humble palace."

Rimuru stepped forward, his expression unreadable.

Rimuru: "I'm here because you proposed a ceasefire and a peace agreement. Let's not waste time with pleasantries. What exactly are you offering?"

Rudra chuckled and gestured to the ornate table set up for their meeting.

Rudra: "Ah, straight to business. Very well, let's discuss the future. But first, please, sit. We should talk as equals."

Rimuru, Ultima, Diablo, and Benimaru remained standing, their eyes never leaving Rudra and Velgrynd.

Rimuru: "I prefer to stand. Get to the point, Rudra."

The Emperor's smile faltered for a moment before he nodded and continued.

Rudra: "As you wish. Rimuru, you've proven to be a formidable force, but the Eastern Empire has resources and power far beyond what you've faced so far. However, I believe in cooperation over needless conflict. Together, we could create a new world order."

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