Chapter 16: The Eastern Empire's Invasion

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Setting: Tempest's Border – Dawn of War

The sky above the lands of Tempest darkened as the massive forces of the Eastern Empire began their invasion. Over two million soldiers, armed with the latest magic and technology, marched toward the heart of Tempest. Their goal: to annihilate the monster nation and claim its lands. They believed that their sheer numbers and war machines would easily overpower the monsters and demons under Rimuru's command.

But they hadn't accounted for the might of Rimuru's most loyal and fearsome subordinates—Ultima, Carrera, Testarossa, and Diablo—nor for the deadly force known as the Black Numbers, an army of powerful demons under their command. As the Empire's army neared the borders of Tempest, they would soon learn that their arrogance was a fatal mistake.

At the edge of Tempest, high atop a cliff overlooking the vast battlefield, Ultima, Carrera, Testarossa, and Diablo stood side by side. Their eyes gleamed with anticipation as they watched the Empire's forces advancing toward them like an endless tide.

Ultima cracked her knuckles, her violet eyes glowing with malicious excitement.

Ultima: "Look at them... so many humans, marching to their deaths. I wonder how many screams I can pull from their throats before they break."

Carrera, standing next to her with a cruel smile on her face, flipped her long, golden hair behind her shoulder.

Carrera: "Why stop at their throats? I plan to obliterate their very souls. Let them beg for mercy as I crush their existence into nothingness."

Testarossa, ever composed and elegant in her demeanor, gave a chilling laugh. Her white hair swayed in the wind, her blood-red eyes gleaming with bloodlust.

Testarossa: "Oh, don't be so hasty, you two. We must give them the proper welcome before we send them to the abyss. I'm sure their commanders will appreciate a little diplomacy before their inevitable end."

Diablo, standing with his hands in his pockets, his eyes cold and calculating, smirked at the enthusiasm of his fellow demons.

Diablo: "Let's make this quick. The master has more important things to attend to. Wiping out an army of weaklings like this is beneath him. Shall we?"

Below them, the Black Numbers—an elite force of archdemons and greater demons—stood at attention, ready to unleash hell on the invading forces. With a simple nod from their commanders, they would descend upon the Empire's soldiers like a plague.

Ultima: "Alright, enough talk. Let's show these fools what happens when you challenge the might of Tempest."

With a gleeful cackle, Ultima leapt from the cliff, her body twisting in the air as she dove toward the battlefield. In an instant, the rest followed, their dark, ethereal forms blurring as they shot toward the approaching army.

Setting: The Battlefield – The Empire's Front Lines

The soldiers of the Eastern Empire marched in perfect formation, their banners fluttering in the wind. They were confident, prepared for a standard battle against monsters and their ruler. But as the commanders rode at the front, something strange began to happen.

A low rumble shook the ground beneath their feet, and the sky above them seemed to darken even further, as if the very heavens themselves were recoiling from the evil that approached. Panic began to ripple through the ranks as they saw shapes materializing in the air above them—dark figures descending like birds of prey.

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