Chapter 14: The Return to the Underworld

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The Tempest Festival had ended with great success, and the town slowly returned to its usual pace. However, for Ultima, Carrera, and Diablo, a new mission had taken form in their minds. Their loyalty to Rimuru knew no bounds, and they realized that to further strengthen their master's forces, they needed to recruit powerful demons from the underworld.

One evening, after Rimuru had addressed his subordinates on their next moves, the three primordial demons gathered to discuss their plan.

Ultima: "The festival was fun and all, but we need to do more for Lord Rimuru. I want to see his power grow even more!"

Her eyes sparkled with ambition, her playful tone hinting at something more dangerous.

Carrera: "Agreed. There are plenty of demons in the underworld who would kill to serve someone like him. And we can bring them here, mold them into a proper force."

Diablo, who was always calm yet calculating, smiled darkly.

Diablo: "Indeed. Our master deserves only the best. The weak will crumble, but the strong will become invaluable assets to his kingdom. It's time we visit the underworld again."

The three demons made their way to Rimuru's chambers, confident in their decision. Upon arriving, they found Rimuru going over paperwork, a familiar sight that made Ultima roll her eyes.

Ultima: "Lord Rimuru, we've got something important to ask!"

Rimuru glanced up, a little tired but always happy to see his loyal subordinates.

Rimuru: "What's on your mind, Ultima?"

Carrera: "We want to return to the underworld. There are powerful demons there who could serve you, if we bring them back."

Rimuru raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the offer.

Rimuru: "More demons? You three are already a handful, but... you think you can find some worthy ones?"

Diablo: "Absolutely, my lord. There are nine archdemons who would be useful, and perhaps even one primordial demons. If we bring them here, they can help strengthen Tempest even more."

Rimuru leaned back in his chair, considering the idea. Having more powerful demons at his command was certainly tempting. He trusted Diablo, Ultima, and Carrera to make the right choices.

Rimuru: "Alright. I trust you three. Bring them back. But no unnecessary chaos."

Ultima laughed, her excitement almost palpable.

Ultima: "We'll be back before you know it!"

The three demons left Tempest and descended into the underworld. It was a dark, chaotic place—perfect for beings like them. The air was thick with malevolent energy, and lesser demons scattered at the sight of the three primordial demons.

Ultima, Carrera, and Diablo moved through the underworld, searching for the strongest demons they could find. In no time, they found a group of nine archdemons, each powerful in their own right, lurking in the depths. The archdemons could sense the overwhelming power of the three primordials and knew immediately who they were.

First Archdemon: "The Primordial Demons... What business do you have with us?"

Ultima stepped forward, her smile widening with predatory delight.

Ultima: "We're here with an offer. Serve Lord Rimuru Tempest, and you'll get a chance to unleash your full potential. He's a demon lord like no other, and trust me, you'll want to be on his side."

The archdemons looked at each other, hesitant. They were powerful, but the presence of the primordial demons made it clear they had no room to bargain. Still, curiosity got the better of them.

Second Archdemon: "And what if we refuse?"

Carrera cracked her knuckles, stepping up beside Ultima.

Carrera: "Then you'll find out what happens when you challenge a primordial. But trust me, it won't end well for you."

The archdemons weighed their options for only a moment longer before bowing their heads in submission.

Third Archdemon: "We'll follow Lord Rimuru."

Diablo's dark smile grew as he sensed their compliance.

Diablo: "Wise decision."

Just as they were about to leave, a powerful presence made itself known. A Primordial Demon, with stark white hair and an aura of sheer malice, appeared before them. It was Blanc, the only primordial demon left in the underworld.

Blanc: "So, you've come to recruit demons to your master's side. And now you stand before me, hoping to claim me as well?"

Ultima stepped forward, her gaze locked on Blanc.

Ultima: "You could say that. You're strong, Blanc. But we both know you could be even stronger under Lord Rimuru's command."

Blanc crossed her arms, unimpressed at first. But something about Ultima's confidence, and the fact that she stood alongside Carrera and Diablo, made her reconsider.

Blanc: "I'll join you... if only to see if your master is truly worthy of our power."

Ultima grinned, knowing full well that Blanc would be a valuable addition.

Ultima: "Then it's settled. Let's go."

With the nine archdemons and Blanc in tow, Ultima, Carrera, and Diablo returned to Tempest. When they arrived, Rimuru was waiting for them, curious to see who they had brought back.

The group knelt before Rimuru, the archdemons and Blanc bowing in submission.

Rimuru: "Looks like you brought quite a few back. Well done, all of you."

Diablo stepped forward, motioning to the primordial demon.

Diablo: "This one is Blanc, a primordial demon. She's chosen to serve under you, my lord."

Rimuru's gaze shifted to Blanc, his expression calm but intrigued.

Rimuru: "Blanc, huh? You've made a good choice coming here."

Blanc nodded, her face emotionless, but her eyes betrayed a hint of curiosity.

Blanc: "I hope you prove to be as strong as your subordinates claim."

Rimuru chuckled.

Rimuru: "You'll see soon enough."

He then raised his hand, offering Blanc a new name.

Rimuru: "From now on, your name will be Testarossa. Serve me well."

Blanc—now Testarossa—felt the surge of power within her as Rimuru named her. Her loyalty was sealed.

As the ceremony ended, Ultima, Carrera, and Diablo stood by Rimuru, pleased with their success.

Ultima: "We've brought you the best, Lord Rimuru."

Rimuru: "You did great. Now let's see how they handle things in Tempest."

The archdemons and Testarossa stood ready, eager to prove themselves. Rimuru had gained new, powerful allies, and with them, Tempest's strength continued to grow.

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now