Chapter 24: The Final Blow

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The battlefield lay in ruin, marked by the violent struggle between Rimuru, Ultima, and Feldway. The sky churned with dark clouds, a fitting backdrop to the apocalyptic energy that had filled the air just moments ago. The two of them stood ready, their power surging, having already dealt with the threat of Michael in the previous confrontation. Now, only Feldway remained, his dark, defiant form looming in front of them, the last obstacle in their path.

Feldway, his once calm and composed expression now twisted in fury, stood at the edge of desperation. His plan to revive Veldanava was crumbling before him, and the loss of Michael had only made him more reckless. He knew he was fighting a losing battle, but the idea of retreat was unbearable. His loyalty to Veldanava was absolute, and failure was not an option.

Feldway: "You think you've won? Even without Michael, I am more than enough to obliterate you both!"

His voice was strained, masking his waning strength. Ultima and Rimuru exchanged glances, both of them sensing the desperation in his voice. They knew they had the upper hand now. But Feldway was still a formidable foe, and he wouldn't go down easily.

Ultima, her body still radiating the combined might of her Manas Skills, Azura and Ciel, narrowed her eyes at Feldway. The memories of her previous life as Rimuru still lingered, fueling her resolve. Feldway was the one responsible for sending her to the end of time and space in her previous life, and this was the moment she had been waiting for — a chance for final retribution.

Ultima: "You took everything from me once, Feldway. But not this time. This time, I'll make sure you disappear for good."

Rimuru stood beside her, his expression steely as his Void God Azatoth pulsed with overwhelming power, ready to strike. He had already faced so much to protect Tempest, and this was the final hurdle in ensuring its safety.

Rimuru: "It's over, Feldway. Michael's gone, and now it's just you. There's no escape."

Feldway's hands clenched into fists, dark energy swirling around him. He refused to give up, summoning the last reserves of his power in a final bid to crush them. He raised his arms to the sky, gathering an immense amount of energy, which coalesced into a swirling mass of destructive force.

Feldway: "You underestimate me! I will bring you both down with me!"

With a deafening roar, Feldway unleashed the massive blast, a beam of pure destruction aimed directly at Rimuru and Ultima. The ground cracked and trembled as the attack tore through the earth, rushing toward them like an unstoppable force.

But Rimuru and Ultima were ready.

Rimuru: "Now, Ultima!"

At Rimuru's command, Ultima stepped forward, channeling both of her Manas Skills, Azura and Ciel, combining them into a devastating attack of her own. The sheer force of their combined power began to crackle in the air, forming a brilliant sphere of energy between her hands.

Ultima: "This is the end, Feldway!"

Simultaneously, Rimuru tapped into the immense power of his Ciel and Void God Azatoth, amplifying their combined strike to even greater heights. The two attacks merged, forming a single, devastating beam of energy that surged forward to meet Feldway's attack head-on.

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