Chapter 18: The Battle for Tempest

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The skies above Tempest were dark with storm clouds, reflecting the chaos below. The once peaceful land was now in ruins, torn apart by the rampage of Veldora under Rudra's control. Flames flickered in the distance, and the ground trembled beneath the weight of the powerful magic being unleashed.

Rimuru and his group had just arrived, and they could see the devastation from afar. The air was thick with tension, and everyone could feel the power of their enemies waiting for them.

Rimuru narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the battlefield. His heart ached as he saw the destruction that Veldora, his friend, had caused—destruction he couldn't stop until now.

Rimuru: "Veldora... what have they done to you?"

Ultima stood beside him, her fiery eyes locked on the horizon where the Imperial Army and their commanders awaited. Her bloodlust was palpable, but she knew this was a battle that needed strategy, not just raw power.

Ultima: "Rimuru-sama, let me at them. I'll tear that Emperor apart myself."

Diablo, always composed but with a hint of excitement in his eyes, stood ready, his focus already on his target.

Diablo: "And I shall handle Kondou. That man's arrogance will be his downfall."

Benimaru, standing slightly behind Rimuru, clenched his fists, his anger barely contained as he watched the damage inflicted on their home.

Benimaru: "We can't let this go on any longer, Rimuru. We have to stop them."

Rimuru nodded, his decision already made.

Rimuru: "We will. I'll take on Velgrynd and free Veldora from their control. Ultima, you take care of Rudra—he's the one behind all of this. Diablo, Kondou is yours. He's a threat we can't underestimate. Benimaru, you coordinate the defense of Tempest with our forces. Protect the civilians at all costs."

Benimaru gave a sharp nod, his eyes burning with determination.

Benimaru: "Understood. I won't let anyone else get hurt."

With their assignments clear, the group prepared for battle. The wind picked up, swirling around them as Rimuru's aura flared, his strength returning after the long journey back to Tempest.

Rimuru: "Let's move out."

The group split off, each heading toward their respective targets. Rimuru leaped into the sky, his eyes locking onto the form of Velgrynd, who hovered near the controlled Veldora. Her fiery aura burned brightly, her dragon form shimmering with raw power. Below her, Veldora rampaged, his roars echoing across the land, destructive beams of energy firing from his mouth, tearing through anything in their path.

Velgrynd, noticing Rimuru's approach, let out a cold laugh.

Velgrynd: "Ah, Rimuru Tempest. Come to stop us? You're too late. Veldora is under our control now, and soon, you and your pitiful nation will be nothing but ashes."

Rimuru's eyes hardened as he stopped in mid-air, facing her.

Rimuru: "You think I'll let you keep him? Veldora is my friend, and I won't stand by while you use him like a puppet."

Velgrynd's smile widened, and she spread her wings, the flames around her intensifying.

Velgrynd: "You're welcome to try, but you're no match for me, Rimuru. This will be your end."

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