Chapter 15: Ultima's Revelation

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Tempest was abuzz with activity. With the looming threat of the Eastern Empire, preparations for a potential war were in full swing. The streets of the capital bustled with soldiers training, leaders holding strategy meetings, and craftsmen building weapons and fortifications. In the heart of it all, Rimuru Tempest sat in his office, reviewing battle plans and reports from his generals.

But not everyone in Tempest was concerned solely with the upcoming war. Ultima, one of Rimuru's most powerful and dangerous subordinates, had been restless. She was not just a primordial demon serving her lord — she was something far more complicated, and the weight of her secret was starting to overwhelm her.

Inside her mind, two powerful entities constantly whispered: her Manas Skills, Ciel and Azura, both of whom knew the truth about her. Ultima was not simply a primordial demon reborn into this reality — she was Rimuru from another timeline. The fusion of her soul with Ultima had made her both a deadly fighter and a walking paradox, a demon consumed by memories from another life, with a new purpose and loyalty.

Azura: "You cannot keep this a secret forever, you know. He deserves to know the truth."

Ultima sat in the shadows of the training grounds, watching her fellow demons and other monsters preparing for the war. Her thoughts, however, were far from the battlefield.

Ultima: "I know... But if I tell him... What if it changes everything? What if he doesn't trust me anymore? What if he sees me as a threat?"

Ciel was quieter but more direct than Azura.

Ciel: "He's Rimuru Tempest. Do you think something like this would break his trust? He's evolved beyond such trivial concerns."

Ultima sighed, her hands clenched tightly as she sat cross-legged on the edge of the training ground. She'd been avoiding this conversation with her lord for so long. Every time she saw Rimuru, it reminded her of the life she used to live — a life that no longer existed. Yet here she was, in another timeline, serving the same person she had once been.

Ultima: "He's different now, you know? Stronger, more calculating. The Rimuru I once was... He's evolved into something greater. What if he sees me as an anomaly? What if he can't handle the truth?"

Later that day, after pacing the outskirts of Tempest, Ultima finally decided to approach Rimuru. She could no longer bear the burden of hiding her true nature. Rimuru was seated behind his desk, looking over documents that detailed the Empire's forces, their military strength, and potential strategies for the coming war. As usual, he seemed calm, though a slight tension betrayed his concern.

Rimuru: "Ultima. What brings you here? Everything alright?"

Ultima hesitated. She stood in the doorway, her eyes flickering between her lord and the papers spread out across his desk. Her mind raced. Was this the right time? Should she wait until after the conflict with the Eastern Empire was resolved? But Ciel and Azura both urged her forward.

Ultima: "Rimuru, there's something important I need to tell you... something I've been hiding for a long time."

Rimuru raised an eyebrow, sensing the seriousness in her voice.

Rimuru: "Go on. You know you can tell me anything."

Ultima stepped forward, closing the door behind her. She glanced at the windows, ensuring no one was around to overhear their conversation. Her heart pounded as she prepared herself for the revelation. Azura's voice whispered in her mind, encouraging her to speak.

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