Chapter 4: The Final Battle for the Infernal Throne

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In the depths of the Infernal Plane, where time stretched and twisted into oblivion, Noir stood in front of his crystal ball, his expression as cold and calculating as ever. He had watched the battles between Violet, Jaune, and the other Primordials unfold, each one falling to the vicious pair. Bleu and Vert had been nothing but playthings for Violet and Jaune, and Blanc—Blanc had fallen too, after a grueling battle with Jaune.

Noir clenched his fist. His black aura swirled around him, a manifestation of his frustration. He knew it wouldn't be long before Violet and Jaune came for him. He was one of the last remaining Primordial Demons, and he had no doubt they sought to claim dominance over the entire Inferno.

But Noir wasn't one to go down without a fight. He needed an ally. Someone strong. Someone... like Rouge.

Rouge, the Primordial Red, was perhaps the only other being in the Infernal Plane who could match his power. For eons, they had fought for control of the Inferno, neither gaining the upper hand. But now, facing the imminent threat of Violet and Jaune, Noir realized that their only chance for survival was to set aside their rivalry.

With a decision made, Noir reached out, summoning the fiery presence of Rouge.

Rouge appeared before him in a blaze of red light, his scarlet hair flowing like molten lava. His piercing red eyes locked onto Noir with suspicion.

"Noir," he said, his voice laced with wariness. "What do you want? We've never been allies. Why call me now?"

Noir stepped forward, his gaze steady and intense. "Things have changed, Rouge. Violet and Jaune are sweeping through the Inferno, taking out the other Primordials one by one. Bleu, Vert, and Blanc are already gone. We're the only ones left."

Rouge narrowed his eyes. "And what makes you think I care about that? I've always fought for myself."

Noir's lips curled into a thin smile. "Because you know as well as I do that if they defeat us, the Inferno is theirs. They'll rule everything. Are you willing to let that happen? To let them strip away your power and control?"

Rouge crossed his arms, considering his words. "You propose an alliance, don't you?"

Noir nodded. "Exactly. We put aside our rivalry and fight together. With our combined strength, we can stop them."

There was a long pause. Rouge's eyes flickered with uncertainty, but he was no fool. He had seen what Violet and Jaune were capable of. They were relentless, brutal, and cunning. Alone, he stood little chance. But with Noir by his side...

"Fine," Rouge said, his voice firm. "We'll join forces. But this is temporary. Once they're dealt with, we go back to fighting for the Inferno."

Noir's smile widened. "Agreed."

Meanwhile, Violet and Jaune had been making their way across the infernal wastelands, their hunt for Noir and Rouge nearing its end. The pair had grown stronger over the centuries, their bond as comrades and queens of battle sharpening their skills.

Violet's eyes gleamed with sadistic excitement as they approached the lair of their final opponents. "I can't wait to get my hands on Noir and Rouge. They've been hiding for far too long."

Jaune smirked, her golden eyes glowing with anticipation. "We've come this far. This final battle will be the one that decides it all. The Inferno will be ours, Violet."

As they reached the edge of Noir's territory, the ground trembled beneath them. Flames erupted in the distance, and a dark, swirling energy filled the air. Noir and Rouge stood together, their auras intertwining in a terrifying display of power.

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