Chapter 11: The Integration of the Primordials

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It had been several days since Rimuru fell into a deep sleep after naming the primordial demons. His Demon Lord evolution, combined with the act of naming three of the most powerful entities in existence, had drained his magicules to their limit. Now, as the first rays of dawn pierced through the curtains of his chamber in Tempest, Rimuru stirred, awakening with renewed strength.

As Rimuru opened his eyes, the familiar sights of his room greeted him, but he immediately sensed the presence of those standing just outside the door. They weren't ordinary guards—he could feel the overwhelming auras of the primordial demons he had named: Ultima, Carrera, and Diablo.

Rimuru smiled to himself. "It's time to put them to work."

In the Tempest Palace's main hall, Rimuru stood at the center, flanked by his top subordinates. Benimaru, the dependable commander of the army, stood at attention. Beside him were Shion and Shuna, both showing their respect as they awaited Rimuru's orders. Hakuro, Geld, Ranga, and others were there as well, watching intently.

At the far end of the hall, the three primordial demons stood together, their newly given names now their identities. Ultima stood in the middle, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous excitement, while Carrera and Diablo stood on either side of her, their expressions confident but controlled.

Rimuru glanced at his subordinates, then at the three primordials, and cleared his throat. "Everyone, I want to introduce you to the newest additions to our ranks. These three are among the strongest demons in existence. They'll be playing important roles in Tempest moving forward."

He gestured toward Ultima first. "This is Ultima. Her specialty is... interrogation." His eyes met hers for a brief moment, and Rimuru couldn't help but feel the eerie connection he had with her, a reminder of the past he didn't fully understand. "From now on, she will be responsible for gathering information from prisoners, using any means necessary."

Ultima's lips curled into a sadistic smile. "You won't regret this, Rimuru. I promise to extract every bit of information, no matter how deep it's buried."

Shion, standing nearby, raised an eyebrow. "Interrogation, huh? You sure you don't want me doing that?" She cracked her knuckles, half-joking.

Rimuru laughed softly, shaking his head. "Trust me, Shion. Ultima's methods are... a bit more specialized than yours."

Next, Rimuru turned to Carrera. "Carrera will take command of one of our army divisions. Her role will be that of a field commander, second only to Benimaru."

Carrera, with her usual enthusiasm, gave a toothy grin. "Finally, a real chance to blow things up! I'll make sure our enemies won't know what hit them."

Benimaru, ever the professional, nodded respectfully. "I'll work with you closely to make sure everything runs smoothly, Carrera. I look forward to seeing your battle prowess in action."

Carrera chuckled. "Oh, don't worry. You'll see plenty."

Finally, Rimuru's gaze landed on Diablo, who was standing perfectly still, his black eyes gleaming with pure devotion.

"And Diablo," Rimuru began, with a soft chuckle, "will serve as my personal butler. He's going to be in charge of handling my affairs directly."

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now