Chapter 5: The Stirring of Ambition

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Ten thousand years had passed since Violet and Jaune claimed the throne of the Infernal Plane. Their rule had been one of unchallenged dominance, their cruelty legendary, their power unmatched. Lesser demons trembled in their presence, and even greater demons had learned to stay out of their way unless they wanted to suffer unimaginable torment.

On this particular day, Violet was lounging on her throne, her violet eyes gleaming with a sense of boredom. Ruling the Inferno was entertaining for the first few millennia, but after ten thousand years, even the thrill of torture had lost some of its edge.

A lowly demon, one of her scouts, crawled into the grand throne room, trembling in fear. Violet raised an eyebrow at the demon's obvious fear, leaning forward slightly.

"What is it?" Violet asked, her voice low and dangerous. "This had better be important, or you'll be my next source of entertainment."

The demon quivered under her gaze, gulping audibly before speaking. "M-my Queen... I have come with urgent news. Rouge... the Primordial Red... he has been summoned into the material world."

Violet's interest piqued immediately. She sat up straighter, a smile spreading across her face. "Rouge? Summoned? How delightful. But why do I care?"

The demon continued, its voice shaky. "After being summoned, he... he destroyed two entire kingdoms in the material world. Not only that, but through these actions, he evolved into a Demon Lord."

Violet's eyes narrowed as she processed this information. "Evolved, you say? Rouge has become a Demon Lord?" she muttered, amusement flickering in her tone. "And what else has that fiery fool been up to?"

The demon swallowed hard again. "He... he summoned Bleu and Vert as his subordinates. They now serve him. He renamed Bleu as Rain and Vert as Misery."

For a moment, silence reigned in the throne room. Violet leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest. Rouge—no, Guy—had actually summoned Bleu and Vert? He had turned them into his loyal subordinates and named them "Rain" and "Misery"? The thought of Rouge, who had once been their rival, not only rising to power but also taking control of two of their former playthings, was... unexpected.

But what really caught Violet's attention wasn't Guy's ascent. It was the thought of him being in the material world, free to wreak havoc as he pleased.

A wide, sadistic grin spread across her face. "Well, well, well," she purred, her eyes gleaming. "It seems Rouge has found himself a new playground. How interesting."

The demon dared to look up at her, still shaking but emboldened by her response. "Do... do you have any orders, my Queen?"

Violet didn't respond immediately. Instead, she stood from her throne and began to pace, her mind whirling with new possibilities. She had ruled the Inferno for so long that it had become dull. But the material world? That sounded far more entertaining. She hadn't been there in eons, and now that Rouge—Guy—was wreaking havoc and building his empire, how could she resist?

Turning on her heel, she motioned dismissively to the demon. "Leave. Your news has served its purpose."

The demon scurried out of the room, relieved to still be in one piece.

As soon as the doors closed, Violet wasted no time in finding Jaune. She stormed into Jaune's chamber, where the golden-eyed demoness was sharpening her blades, looking as bored as Violet had been moments before.

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