Chapter 22: The Final Clash Begins

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The battlefield crackled with tension. Rimuru and Ultima stood side by side, their auras intertwining, radiating an overwhelming power. Across from them, Michael and Feldway glared back with equal intensity. The air was thick with raw energy, vibrating under the weight of what was about to unfold.

Rimuru: "It ends here, Michael. Feldway. You won't get another chance to carry out your plans."

Michael, his golden eyes gleaming with cold arrogance, stepped forward. He raised his hand, gathering energy from the heavens, his voice calm yet filled with purpose.

Michael: "You misunderstand, Rimuru. This is just the beginning. The resurrection of Veldanava will be reality, and there's nothing you or your demon can do to stop it."

Feldway's sneer deepened as he raised his sword, dark energy swirling around its blade. His gaze locked onto Ultima, his lips curling into a sinister grin.

Feldway: "You've always been a thorn in my side, Ultima. Or should I say... Rimuru, from that other reality? You have no place here. But don't worry, I'll send you back to that void you escaped from."

Ultima's eyes flared, her fiery determination blinding. Her memories of the past reality, where Feldway had trapped her in the endless abyss, fueled her wrath. She clenched her fists, her Manas Skills igniting around her like a blazing inferno.

Ultima: "I've waited for this moment, Feldway. You're not trapping me again. This time, you're the one who's going to disappear!"

Without another word, Rimuru and Ultima launched themselves forward, charging into the fray with a speed that made the ground beneath them tremble. At the same time, Michael and Feldway surged toward them, their power colliding in a cataclysmic burst of energy.

The battlefield erupted in chaos. Rimuru's sword clashed against Michael's divine spear, their blows sending shockwaves through the air. Sparks flew as their weapons collided, each strike carrying the weight of their respective powers.

Michael: "You cannot hope to defeat me, Rimuru. I am the embodiment of Veldanava's justice!"

Rimuru, unfazed, countered each strike with swift precision, his voice calm yet filled with resolve.

Rimuru: "Justice? You're just a puppet, Michael. You've lost your way."

Their movements blurred, each exchanging blows faster than the eye could follow. The ground cracked beneath their feet, unable to withstand the sheer force of their battle.

Meanwhile, not far from them, Ultima faced off against Feldway. Her fists, glowing with hellish fire, struck against his blade with furious power. The sky above them twisted and darkened as their energies collided, creating an ominous vortex that seemed to distort the very fabric of reality.

Feldway: "You were always too emotional, Ultima. That's why you'll lose."

Ultima, her anger bubbling to the surface, retaliated with a barrage of explosive strikes, each punch aimed at shattering his defenses.

Ultima: "I'm not the same as I was before. I've grown stronger, and this time, I'm not fighting alone!"

Her punches landed with devastating accuracy, forcing Feldway to retreat, his confident smirk wavering as he realized she was no longer the easy prey he had once thought.

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now