Chapter 9: The Resurgence of Violet

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Infernal Throne Room – The vast, dark chamber was filled with a sense of power and eternal dominance. Violet, the reigning queen of Hell, sat on her throne, her mind flickering with thoughts from another time, another world. A secret she carried, a truth known only to her—she was once Rimuru Tempest, the same slime that had ruled Tempest. After reuniting her soul with Ultima's and being reborn as the primordial Violet, she was no longer the same, but the memories of that past timeline still haunted her.

Jaune, her closest companion and the only other entity who shared her infernal throne, noticed her subtle shift in mood. "You've been quiet lately, Violet. What's on your mind?"

Violet's eyes glinted, the memories of her past life as Rimuru slipping through her consciousness. She suppressed them, wearing her usual smirk. "Something's stirring in the material world. Something... familiar. It's caught my attention."

Jaune tilted her head, intrigued. "Familiar? What do you mean?"

Violet's smile faded, her gaze turning sharp. "There's a presence from the material realm that's resonating with a force I knew all too well in my past life. Rimuru... is rising again, but this time, in a new form."

Jaune's brows furrowed. "Rimuru? You mean the slime named by Veldora? The one you've mentioned in passing before?"

Violet nodded slowly. "Yes. It seems history is repeating itself, but this time, I'm no longer that naive slime. I've grown, evolved, and taken on new purpose. But there's a strange sense of fate unfolding again. This new Rimuru has begun his ascent towards becoming a Demon Lord."

Material World, Tempest – Far away from the infernal domain, in the peaceful but now threatened nation of Tempest, the very events Violet had sensed were coming to fruition. Rimuru Tempest, the sovereign of the monster nation, had made the difficult choice to evolve into a Demon Lord to protect his people. After the Kingdom of Falmuth launched a brutal invasion, slaughtering many of his dear comrades, Rimuru was left with no choice but to seek a path of power and vengeance.

Standing amidst the bodies of his enemies, Rimuru had killed over 20,000 soldiers, each death feeding his evolution. "I'll bring them back," he muttered, his voice filled with resolve as the Harvest Festival—the event marking his transformation into a Demon Lord—began.

The energy of the festival surged through him, and Rimuru stood at the cusp of evolution. As his body underwent drastic change, he called out to the primordial demons of the infernal realm, invoking an ancient pact.

Rimuru, his voice powerful and echoing through the void, summoned, "Come forth, those who serve the darkness! Violet, Jaune, Noir—I call upon you."

Infernal Realm, The Summoning Grounds – In the infernal depths, Violet felt the pull of Rimuru's call. As she stood, the memories of her past life surged through her like wildfire. He doesn't know yet, she thought, he doesn't know that I am him from another timeline. But she couldn't let that secret be known—not yet. Her current form as Violet was her true self now, a powerful being with desires and ambitions of her own.

"It's time, Jaune," Violet said, her voice low but commanding. "We've been summoned."

Jaune nodded, sensing the power behind Rimuru's call. "By Rimuru? How interesting... I suppose this means our time ruling Hell may be coming to an end, for now."

Violet smirked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Perhaps. Or maybe it's just the beginning of something new."

Alongside her, Noir, the ever-calculating and dangerous primordial, appeared. "So, Rimuru has summoned us. I've heard of him, his rise. This could be an interesting turn of events."

Violet laughed, a hollow sound that echoed through the infernal plane. "You've no idea, Noir. Let's fulfill the call. But don't forget, I have my own plans. Rimuru may think he's summoning me to serve him, but I've been him. I know what he's thinking—better than he does himself."

Material World, Falmuth Battlefield – As the three primordial demons manifested in the material world, the battlefield was a scene of destruction. Rimuru's enemies lay dead, and his aura was heavy with the weight of his transformation. The Harvest Festival had reached its climax, and his power was now undeniable.

Rimuru turned to the three demons, his voice calm but filled with authority. "You're here to complete a task for me. There's a survivor—a mage named Razen. I want him captured alive."

Violet stepped forward, her gaze intense as she regarded her former self. He has no idea who I truly am, she mused. "It will be done, Rimuru. We'll bring you Razen. But know this—we're not just tools for your use. We have our own desires and interests."

Rimuru's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't question her further. "I don't care about your desires, as long as the job gets done. Capture Razen, and do it quickly. I have plans for him."

Jaune, standing beside Violet, added with a smirk, "It'll be over soon. We've been waiting for an excuse to stretch our power. Consider it done."

As they moved to complete their task, Violet glanced one last time at Rimuru, the weight of her secret pressing down on her. You have no idea, do you? she thought, I am you, Rimuru, from a time long forgotten. But now, I'll shape this world with my own hands. This time, it's different. This time, I lead.

The Hunt Begins – With Rimuru's command in mind, Violet, Jaune, and Noir began their search for the mage Razen, the lone survivor of Falmuth's army. As they tracked him down, Violet couldn't help but feel the pull of her old memories conflicting with her current self.

Noir, sensing her inner conflict, asked, "You seem distracted, Violet. Something on your mind?"

Violet shook her head, dismissing the thought. "Just reminiscing. Nothing important. Let's finish this quickly."

Jaune laughed. "You're always so mysterious, Violet. But we'll have time for answers later. For now, let's have fun with this task."

The three primordial demons descended upon the land like a storm, their power unmatched as they pursued Razen. For Violet, this was just the beginning—a new chapter in a world she had once ruled as Rimuru. Now, as Violet, she would forge a new path, one filled with battle, chaos, and the fulfillment of her own ambitions.

Rimuru the New Beginning As Primordial Demon VioletWhere stories live. Discover now