Chapter - 39

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Ishaan MV: Who is she?? Why does she have so much vengeance for Nithya??

Ishaan closed his eyes thinking about all the happenings from the past few days. His thoughts also traced back to his friendship and talks with Rudra during childhood.

Flashback start,

Rudra and Ishaan were 12 years old. They were in school. One of the boy came and asked Rudra.

Boy: Hey Rudra!! What does your dad do? You always come with Ishaan and his dad?

Rudra didn't answer the boy and kept quiet. But the boy kept nudging Rudra about his father. Rudra got angry and shouted,

Rudra: My father is dead. Ok!

He said and ran out of the class room. Ishaan who is beside Rudra chased him. Rudra went to an empty classs room and started hitting his fist to the bench. Ishaan rushed to him and stopped him.

Ishaan: Rudra!! What are you doing? You will get hurt. Stop it.

Rudra stopped and sat on the bench. Ishaan sat beside him and consoled him,

Ishaan: Why do you get so much angry Rudra?

Rudra: What should I do? Everyone asks about that man. He left us to die. If he is not so important in our lives. Then why is everyone so interested in him.

Ishaan: See Rudra! I don't know what happened. But you should control your anger in this matter.

Listening to him Rudra shouted,

Rudra: How do you think I can control? Do you even know what happened to us.

Saying so he narrated everything to Ishaan. That was when Ishaan understood the weight of the situation. His respect for Meera increased many times for the way she stood strong for herself and Rudra. Once Rudra completed, he broke down and started crying. Ishaan hugged him tightly and said,

Ishaan: Don't cry Rudra. We are there for you right!! I promise you that I will always be there for you no matter what.

Flashback end

He suddenly jerked and opened his eyes as if realising something.

Ishaan MV: Is she the same woman? Is so, why will she do this against Nithya. If she is the same woman, should I let Rudra know about her? Will it let the old wounds trigger again for him. He forgot everything and is moving on.

He sighed and decided to think about it later.

The next day,

The court proceedings has started. Rudra, Mithra, Meera, Vijay and Shivani came to the court. Nithya's eyes are still searching for Ishaan. Her thoughts were broken when the lawyer started,

Lawyer: My lord!! My client Nithya is accused of a crime that she didn't have any intension to do. She only did that as part of self defence. There is also a eye witness for this. With your permission we would like to present her,

Once the judge approved, paati was called and was asked to explain what happened. She narrated everything how the man attacked her and Nithya hit him only in her defence. The judge noted all the necessary points from her.

Lawyer: As she said, this is what has happened. Also the man in the hospital is doing fine now. He is out of coma and is also brought her under the supervision of doctors. With your permission, we would like to ask him to confess.

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